Spring 2014 Event

The Spring 2014 event started on April 23th and will last until May 6th (TBC).

Official Twitter

Information from the official Twitter:

  1. Event Name "Recon planes, launching!"
    • High LOS will be the key to increase the chances of reaching the boss nodes.
    • To achieve a high value, use of seaplanes, recon aircraft and ships with high LOS is strongly recommended
    • A special animation plays showing your planes attempting to find the node when approaching. If there is a positive reaction from your fleet's leader, you will then proceed to fight the boss.
  2. Event lasts 2 weeks from April 23rd.
    • Boss health in this event does not regenerate so stay calm and don't rush. Take it easy.
  3. Requires at least 75% sortie win ratio to participate.
    • At least 5 free ship slots for new girls to join your fleet before sortie.
    • At least 20 free equipment slots before sortie.
  4. 4 new ships added: DD Amatsukaze, DD Tanikaze, repair ship Akashi, and CL Sakawa.
    • Amatsukaze is an E-3 Reward (Port Darwin Area).
    • Tanikaze can be obtained from drops (E2, E3, E4 boss nodes are confirmed to drop her).
    • Akashi is an E-2 Reward (Battle of Sunda Strait), she can repair ships mid sortie (down to moderate damage). A new item, Ship Repair Facility, allows her to repair 2 ships at the same time. The times where she is allowed to repair are limited, however, she will get more functionality in the future.
    • Sakawa is an E-5 reward.
  5. Tone, Chikuma and Bismarck received a second remodel, with Tone-class being reclassified as CAVs. This can be unlocked by using a special Blueprint item, obtainable by trading Extra Operation and Event maps badges.
  6. New BGM added.
  7. New Recon Plane functionality:
    • Increased effectiveness in the aerial combat phase from successful scouting with carrier-based scouts and seaplane scouts
      • Effect depends on whether air superiority or air supremacy is obtained
    • Special bonus in shelling phase from seaplane scouts
    • Achieving Air Superiority / Air Supremacy allows ships with Recon Planes to do Double Attacks and Cut-Ins during Day Battle
  8. Reward for clearing event maps:

Map details

E-1 - Southwest of Samewani Sea - Battle of Samewani Sea

E-1 Map
  • 100 exp
  • Node B contains 1 flagship and 1 elite Ka-class submarines
  • Rewards Furniture Fairy, Emergency Repair, Reppu Kai, and a Medal upon clear
  • Killing the boss 6 times will empty its HP gauge. Not being able to kill it by the end of boss battle will still do some damage to the gauge.
  • Boss is CA Ri-Class flagship Kai

Branching rules

  • A to B :Fleet with at least two standard carrier (Taihou included. Light carrier won't count). Fleet not meeting any rules goes random.
  • A to C, and E to G :Fleet with at least two heavy cruiser (not aviation) and two ships carrying total of 4 drums (E.g. first ship bring 3 drums, another ship bring 1 drum).
  • CLT-CLT-CAV-BB-CV-CV seems to be the best fleet composition so far.
  • Recon aircraft are required to get to the boss node. Bomber seaplanes such as the Zuiun and Seiran are not considered recon planes.


  • Use expedition 117 if you think you need more damage during sortie.
  • Easy grinding setup : 2CA, 1CAV, 1DD, 2CLT (or 1CLT+1BB/CVL). Must bring total 4 drums on 2 ships (e.g. 3 on DD, 1 on CAV) and a seaplane with AA to gain air superiority. There will be no LOS requirement for A C E G H route and only two battle on your way to boss - best of all, you won't encounter any enemy carrier at all and gain some steel in node G for your repairs.


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Destroyer Light Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Submarine Battleship
A Samidare, Michishio, Yuudachi, Ooshio, Akebono Naka Haguro, Nachi Ryuujou
B Yuudachi, Arashio Haguro, Nachi, Ashigara
C Nothing
D Uzuki, Yukikaze Naka Haguro, Myoukou, Ashigara
F Nothing
G Steel
H Hatsukaze, Yukikaze

AbukumaKinu, Yuubari

Atago, ToneChikuma, Maya, Myoukou, Nachi, Haguro, FurutakaMikuma  Chiyoda, Chitose

Zuihou, Jun'you, Hiryuu, HiyouRyuujouHoushou

I-168, Maruyu Fusou, Ise, Yamashiro, Kongou, Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima

E-2 - Southwest of Zunda Strait - Across The Zunda Strait

E-2 Map

Branching rules

  • 2 BB, 1 CLT, 1 CAV, 2 CV with BB and CAV equiped with Type 0 is really likely to reach boss node
  • 2 BB, 2 CV, 2 BBv with 300+ LOS and Type 0 will 85% getting to boss node (so far).


  • Expedition 117 can be use for extra damage during sortie.
  • If pre-boss night battle is too hard, bring in a submarine with Emergency Repair + Turbine/Boiler, you must reach night battle before your SS sustains heavy damage (red hp). Do not set SS as flagship. Or you could use a searchlight.
  • Using line abreast in the night battle node may help to lower damage from enemy attacks. (even though formation in night battle does not show up on screen / affect it technically)


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Destroyer Light Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Submarine Battleship
A Fubuki, Fumizuki, Hatsuyuki, Shiratsuyu, Murakumo, Shirayuki, Yuudachi, Shikinami, Samidare, Nagatsuki Naka, Sendai, Natori MogamiAshigara I-58I-168
B Murakumo, Hatsuyuki Naka
D Shiratsuyu, Shirayuki, Murakumo, Fubuki, Hatsuyuki Mogami, Ashigara
E Bauxite
F Maelstrom
G Nothing 
H Fubuki, Shirayuki, Fumizuki NatoriAbukuma Akagi
I Nothing
J FubukiShirayuki, Hatsukaze, Maikaze, Tanikaze, Hamakaze, Shikinami, Nagatsuki Kitakami, Naka, AganoOoi MikumaKako, Aoba, Tone, Maya, Atago, Mogami Chiyoda Kaga, Hiryuu, Souryuu, Zuihou, Hiyou, Ryuujou I-168 Haruna, Kirishima, Mutsu, Nagato

E-3 - Port Wine Area - Assault! Destroy Port Wine Operation

E-3 Map

Branching rules

  • Using 4 BB + 2 CV with 352+ LOS seems to give a 100% chance to reach the Boss node
  • Using all fast ships only will sometimes result in route C-F-I. There are no air battles here, but I node is a night battle. Surviving night battle routes you to Boss node.


  • Using Sanshiki gives you a damage bonus against the Boss.
  • Use expedition 118 if you think you need more damage in the boss node.


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Destroyer Light Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Submarine Battleship
A Fumizuki, Arare, ShigureKasumiShikinami, Akebono, Michishio Natori
E ShiratsuyuShigureYuudachi, Arare, Arashio, Nagatsuki, Ooshio, Fumizuki Jintsuu, NatoriAbukuma Myoukou, Tone, Chikuma
H Hamakaze, Murasame, Shiratsuyu, Yuudachi, Kasumi, Samidare, Shigure, Hatsuyuki Abukuma Haguro, Ashigara, Tone, Nachi Akagi, KagaRyuujou, Hiryuu
L Naganami, Maikaze, Tanikaze, Hamakaze, Hatsuyuki, Makigumo Agano, IsuzuOoi, KitakamiYuubari, Abukuma KinugasaSuzuyaTone, Chikuma, TakaoMogami Zuikaku, ShoukakuZuihouSouryuu, HiryuuAkagiKagaJunyou, Hiyou I-58, Maruyu, I-168 Kongou, Haruna, Hyuuga, IseNagato, Mutsu, Fusou, YamashiroHiei

E-4 - Central Pacific Sea - Sweep Against Subs in the Frontline

E-4 Map

Branching rules

  • From C to D: Fleet with 5 DD or 4DD + 1CL
  • From C to E: Any other composition
  • E to D or G is random


  • Use double line formation for pre-boss node, and line abreast for the rest.
  • If you're feeling lazy, equip your DDs with damage control.
  • Recommended compositions:
    • 4 DD, 1 CL and 1 CV. Equip your CV with anti-air fighters and the rest of your fleet with ASW.  The CV's role is to prevent enemy air superiority, and thus reduce damage taken in the shelling phase.
    • DD BB DD DD DD CL.  Equip BB with three main guns and a good surface radar.  The BB's role is to damage enemy ships to reduce damage taken from them.  Using a BBV for anti-sub is not necessary on top of the second shelling phase for the DDs/CL.


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Destroyer Light Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Submarine Battleship
A Shikinami, Akatsuki Kitakami, Kuma, YuubariSendaiTenryuu Myoukou, Nachi, MogamiKako, Atago I-168, I-58, I-8 Hyuuga, Ise
C Nothing
D Mutsuki Atago
E TatsutaNatori Atago I-168 , I-19
G Kuroshio
H Makigumo, Naganami, Tanikaze, Shimakaze Ooi, Noshiro Mogami, Mikuma, KumanoSuzuyaTakao, Atago Zuihou I-8, I-58, I-19, I-168, Maruyu Ise, Kongou, Haruna, Kirishima

E-5 - North Pacific Sea - Capture Peacock Island Operation

E-5 Map

Branching rules

  • Starting point to A : Fleet contain 3 or more submarines.
  • B → C : Fleet with fast ship only.
  • B → D : Fleet with slow ship(s).
  • From F or G to J (boss node) : With a certain LOS, otherwise, send you to dead end (H or I)
  • From F to H or G to I : Low Fleet LoS or fleet contains submarine. 


  • Use at least one slow BB to avoid the fuel maelstrom at node C.
  • 4 BB and 2 CV. Fill your Carriers with Reppu (or better), put your best fighter in your carrier's largest slot, with this you can win air superiority in the boss node.
    • This composition will always send you to the southern preboss node.
  • 3 BB and 3 CV. Equip at least 6 Reppu and 1 Reppu Kai.
    • In contrast to the previous composition, you have room to equip bombers that allow your carriers to attack.  
    • This composition gets an arguably easier preboss node (north) as well.
    • 5 Reppu, 1 Reppu Kai, and a Type 62 Zero Fighter-bomber is also sufficient for air superiority at the boss (assuming the Reppu Kai is in Kaga's large slot), and provides slightly more firepower.
  • Equipment for battleships : Two 46cm, recon plane, Type 3 Shell (you will need type 3 to deal with the boss). Alternatively, you can add type 91 ammo or Type 32 radar instead of recon planes if you're not going for air superiority.
  • Choose line ahead in boss node to deliver highest firepower.
  • Both support expeditions are recommended to increase damage output at all nodes.
    • 2 DD 2 CVL is a cost-efficient fleet.
    • 2 DD 2 CV/CVL 2 BB gives maximum firepower.
  • Some (real life) luck is required to sink the boss Isolated Island Demon, since her node also contains a Battleship Princess that is hard to sink.


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Destroyer Light Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Submarine Battleship
B MutsukiKisaragi, Yayoi Nagara Kinugasa
D Nothing
E Kisaragi Yuubari
J Tanikaze Yuubari Hiryuu I-58

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