Difference between revisions of "Seasonal/Summer 2017"

(26 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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Umikaze Full Summer 2017.png
Umikaze Full Summer 2017 Damaged.png
Naganami Full Summer 2017.png
Naganami Full Summer 2017 Damaged.png
Mogami Full Summer 2017.png
Mogami Full Summer 2017 Damaged.png
Mikuma Full Summer 2017.png
Mikuma Full Summer 2017 Damaged.png
Fusou Full Summer 2017.png
Fusou Full Summer 2017 Damaged.png
Yamashiro Full Summer 2017.png
Yamashiro Full Summer 2017 Damaged.png
Line 94: Line 102:
|Ah, jeez, it's summer now. I hate this season. But when it's over I always feel so sad. Why is that?
|Ah, jeez, it's summer now. I hate this season. But when it's over I always feel so sad. Why is that?
|You're nervous aneki? I'm here so you don't need to worry. I won't go anywhere. Everything will be alright.
Line 106: Line 114:
|Everyone's having so much fun in swimsuits. Mutsuki wants to wear one too, but it's okay. I'll do my best at watermelon splitting. Right Kisaragi-chan?
|Everyone's having so much fun in swimsuits. Mutsuki wants to wear one too, but it's okay. I'll do my best at watermelon splitting. Right Kisaragi-chan?
|????  It's nice to see everyone down at the beach trying to split the watermelon. It really makes you feel like summer is here doesn't it Commander?  
|Highland summer resorts are good too. It's nice everyone splitting watermelons on the beach. It really makes you feel like summer. Right, Commander?
|Ah, jeez, Everyone's floating around wearing swimsuits. Honestly, what's up with this fleet. Whatever, ain't that just great, che.
|Ah, jeez, everyone is playing around in swimsuits. Honestly, what's up with this fleet. I mean... that's so nice. tch.
|Alright, I'm glad you're in good spirits.  Summer sure is tough. Leave it all to me ok?
|Alright, I'm feeling great now. Ah, I'm great during the height of summer. Leave it all to me ok?
|おお、いいねえ、そのポズ、そのかこと動かないで。ああ、そこもいいね、ちょっとまって、しろいろに写真を。 うひゅひゅ。。。ありだね、夏!
|Ooh, that's great, that pose, don't move. Ah, that one too, hold on a sec, lemme take a picture. Uhyuhyu, that's summer for you.
|Oh, a summer festival? I'll definitely go. Got to put on a yukata. Hmmm, let's see here... Hmmm... Ummm... Like this... A-Asashi, I-I definitely need your help! Is it fine now?
Line 154: Line 162:
|{{Audio|file=Kisaragi Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kisaragi Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Hey, why don't we go to the beach?  Ah, we can take off our clothes and equipment, right?   
|Hey, why don't we go to the beach?  Ah, we can take off our clothes and equipment, right?  Hey, how do I look in my swimsuit?
Hey, how do I look in my swimsuit?
Line 162: Line 168:
|{{Audio|file=Fubuki Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Fubuki Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|特型駆逐艦集合! 夏の演習を始めます! 二隻一組になって! あ……あ、そうだ! 私と組もう? ね?}}
|{{lang|ja|特型駆逐艦集合! 夏の演習を始めます! 二隻一組になって! あ……あ、そうだ! 私と組もう? ね?}}
|Special-type destroyers, assemble!  Summer practice, start!  Two ships per group!  Ah... ah,  
|Special-type destroyers, assemble!  Summer practice, start!  Two ships per group!  Ah... ah, that's right!  Would you like to pair up?
that's right!  Would you like to pair up?
Line 170: Line 174:
|{{Audio|file=Ayanami Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Ayanami Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Summer... really is hot, isn't it.  Commander, why don't we split the watermelon that  
|Summer... really is hot, isn't it.  Commander, why don't we split the watermelon that Shikinami brought?
Shikinami brought?
Line 178: Line 180:
|{{Audio|file=Shikinami Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shikinami Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|夏だよ、司令官。スイカ食べる? あ、綾波にも持って行ってやろう。なんか……いいよね}}
|{{lang|ja|夏だよ、司令官。スイカ食べる? あ、綾波にも持って行ってやろう。なんか……いいよね}}
|It's summer, commander.  How about some watermelon?  Ah, I'll give some to Ayanami, too.  
|It's summer, commander.  How about some watermelon?  Ah, I'll give some to Ayanami, too. Don't you enjoy this kind of atmosphere?
Don't you enjoy this kind of atmosphere?
Line 194: Line 194:
|{{Audio|file=Akebono Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Akebono Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|夏本番か! 潮、アンタ少しダイエットした方がいいわ。あたし? あたしは別に……}}
|{{lang|ja|夏本番か! 潮、アンタ少しダイエットした方がいいわ。あたし? あたしは別に……}}
|It's the height of summer!  Ushio... have you thought about going on a diet at all?  Me?  I'm  
|It's the height of summer!  Ushio... have you thought about going on a diet at all?  Me?  I'm fine, really.
fine, really.
Line 208: Line 206:
|{{Audio|file=Ushio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Ushio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Ah, I guess I might have put on some weight after all... Akebono-chan, I'll do my best to  
|Ah, I guess I might have put on some weight after all... Akebono-chan, I'll do my best to lose some weight.
lose some weight.
|Response to Akebono's line.
|Response to Akebono's line.
Line 216: Line 212:
|{{Audio|file=Shiratsuyu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shiratsuyu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Hooray, it's summer!!!  Why don't we get changed and go down to the beach, the beach!  I'm  
|Hooray, it's summer!!!  Why don't we get changed and go down to the beach, the beach!  I'm number one at getting into the mood!
number one at getting into the mood!
|And carving into my summer furniture wall.
|And carving into my summer furniture wall.
Line 224: Line 218:
|{{Audio|file=Shigure Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shigure Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Summer really is hot, after all.  Admiral, are you good with the heat?  I see, you're really  
|Summer really is hot, after all.  Admiral, are you good with the heat?  I see, you're really something.  I'll follow your example!
something.  I'll follow your example!
|{{Audio|file=Shigure Mid Summer2015 (2).ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shigure Mid Summer2015 (2).ogg}}
Line 245: Line 237:
|{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!<br/>気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい <br/>これはこれで動き易いっぽい。ぽーい
|{{lang|ja|ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!<br/>気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい <br/>これはこれで動き易いっぽい。ぽーい♪}}
|It's a bit too hot-poi~  At times like this, you've gotta ditch equipment and uniform and go swimming-poi! <br/>I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi! <br/>This makes it easier to move-poi!
|It's a bit too hot-poi~  At times like this, you've gotta ditch equipment and uniform and go  
swimming-poi! <br/>I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi! <br/>This makes it  
easier to move-poi!
Line 267: Line 253:
|{{Audio|file=Samidare Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Samidare Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Summer's here, summer!  Why don't we go down to the sea?  Ah, I guess we do do that every  
|Summer's here, summer!  Why don't we go down to the sea?  Ah, I guess we do do that every day.
Line 276: Line 260:
|{{Audio|file=Suzukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Suzukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Finally, finally, summer's the best!  In the end, I really love summer the most!  Feels  
|Finally, finally, summer's the best!  In the end, I really love summer the most!  Feels great!
Line 284: Line 266:
|{{Audio|file=Kagerou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kagerou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|ほーらっ、十八駆、海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た? 不知火、あんたもよ}}
|{{lang|ja|ほーらっ、十八駆、海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た? 不知火、あんたもよ}}
|Come on, 18th, to the beach!  'Everyone have your swimsuits on under your clothes?  Shiranui,  
|Come on, 18th, to the beach!  'Everyone have your swimsuits on under your clothes?  Shiranui, you too!
you too!
Line 292: Line 272:
|{{Audio|file=Shiranui Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shiranui Mid Summer.ogg}}
|No, see here, we're always on the sea anyway... just because it's summer doesn't mean we need  
|No, see here, we're always on the sea anyway... just because it's summer doesn't mean we need to wear swimsuits.
to wear swimsuits.
|Response to Kagerou's line.
|Response to Kagerou's line.
Line 306: Line 284:
|{{Audio|file=Hatsukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Hatsukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|It's finally midsummer, huh.  What?  Go swimming?  Sure.  Ah, why don't we invite Shiranui,  
|It's finally midsummer, huh.  What?  Go swimming?  Sure.  Ah, why don't we invite Shiranui, too?  Oh, is that... so.
too?  Oh, is that... so.
Line 314: Line 290:
|{{Audio|file=Tokitsukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Tokitsukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|しれー、夏だよー、海に行こー?出撃じゃなくってさー ほーら、はやくはやくはーやーくー!}}
|{{lang|ja|しれー、夏だよー、海に行こー?出撃じゃなくってさー ほーら、はやくはやくはーやーくー!}}
|Commander, it's summer~ Won't you come down to the sea~  No, not for a sortie~~  Come on,  
|Commander, it's summer~ Won't you come down to the sea~  No, not for a sortie~~  Come on, already~  Hurry up~ hurry up~ hurry up!
already~  Hurry up~ hurry up~ hurry up!
Line 334: Line 308:
|{{Audio|file=Shimakaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shimakaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|夏ー! 連装砲ちゃんと泳ぎにいこう。泳ぎ比べも負けませんよ! だって早いもん!}}
|{{lang|ja|夏ー! 連装砲ちゃんと泳ぎにいこう。泳ぎ比べも負けませんよ! だって早いもん!}}
|Summertime!  I'm going to take the Rensouhou-chans swimming.  I won't lose at swimming  
|Summertime!  I'm going to take the Rensouhou-chans swimming.  I won't lose at swimming competitions either.  Cause I'm fast!
competitions either.  Cause I'm fast!
Line 342: Line 314:
|司令官、皆とスイカ割り楽しいね! え、ボクに挑戦するの? ふふ、可愛いね♪
|司令官、皆とスイカ割り楽しいね! え、ボクに挑戦するの? ふふ、可愛いね♪
|Commander, splitting watermelons with everyone is so fun! Eh, you want to challenge me? Fufu,  
|Commander, splitting watermelons with everyone is so fun! Eh, you want to challenge me? Fufu, that's cute♪
that's cute♪
|ふぇー、スイカ割りー? するするー、したーい♪ 私、得意なのー。いーい? えいっ♪ わぁっ!?
|ふぇー、スイカ割りー? するするー、したーい♪ 私、得意なのー。いーい? えいっ♪ わぁっ!?
|Fue~, watermelon splitting? Let's get to it~♪ It's my speciality. Hrm~? Eii~♪ Waah!?
|Fue~, watermelon splitting? Let's get to it~♪ It's my speciality. Hrm~? Eii~♪ Waah!?
Line 356: Line 326:
|よし! かなり元気が出てきたぞ。ああ、夏真っ盛りは得意だ、任せておいてくれ。
|よし! かなり元気が出てきたぞ。ああ、夏真っ盛りは得意だ、任せておいてくれ。
|Right! I feel great right now. Ah, I love summer in full swing, leave everything to me.
|Right! I feel great right now. Ah, I love summer in full swing, leave everything to me.
Line 362: Line 332:
|Fuu, feels like I'll be able to get through summer this year too. Commander, I'm grateful.  
|Fuu, feels like I'll be able to get through summer this year too. Commander, I'm grateful. Yes!  
|Ah, watermelons huh. That sounds good. I won't lose to anyone... in watermelon splitting  
|Ah, watermelons huh. That sounds good. I won't lose to anyone... in watermelon splitting swordsmanship.
|Uuugh~ it's so hot. I can't, I really can't. No ramune, no ice lollies... I can't!
|Uuugh~ it's so hot. I can't, I really can't. No ramune, no ice lollies... I can't!
Line 384: Line 350:
|もー、砂浜のお城作りは遊びじゃないわ! 立派な諸島防衛の築城演習なのよ。
|もー、砂浜のお城作りは遊びじゃないわ! 立派な諸島防衛の築城演習なのよ。
|Humph~, building sandcastles on the beach isn't fun and games! It's fortification practice  
|Humph~, building sandcastles on the beach isn't fun and games! It's fortification practice for the coastal defense of islands.
for the coastal defense of islands.
|Akatsuki, the breakwater isn't high enough. Ah... just remake it. I'll help.
|Akatsuki, the breakwater isn't high enough. Ah... just remake it. I'll help.
Line 398: Line 362:
|暁、そんな壁じゃ波にすぐやられちゃうわよ? そんなんじゃダメよ! あ、ほら。
|暁、そんな壁じゃ波にすぐやられちゃうわよ? そんなんじゃダメよ! あ、ほら。
|Akatsuki, those walls will be brought down by the waves in no time you know? That won't work  
|Akatsuki, those walls will be brought down by the waves in no time you know? That won't work at all! Ah, hey.
at all! Ah, hey.
|Ikazuchi-chan, don't mess with Akatsuki-chan and her sandcastles. Ah, no fighting-nanodesu~!
|Ikazuchi-chan, don't mess with Akatsuki-chan and her sandcastles. Ah, no fighting-nanodesu~!
Line 412: Line 374:
|夏本番だー! くぅ~、あっついねー!! いやいや、これは水着じゃないとやってらんないでしょ? お、提督も脱いでいいよ。
|夏本番だー! くぅ~、あっついねー!! いやいや、これは水着じゃないとやってらんないでしょ? お、提督も脱いでいいよ。
|Summer is here~! Hngh~ it's hot~!! Tsk tsk, it would be a waste to not wear a swimsuit now ya  
|Summer is here~! Hngh~ it's hot~!! Tsk tsk, it would be a waste to not wear a swimsuit now ya know? Oh, you strip too Admiral.  
know? Oh, you strip too Admiral.  
|Admiral, it's summer. The sun is really shining hard down on us. Ah, I'm fine. At least once  
|Admiral, it's summer. The sun is really shining hard down on us. Ah, I'm fine. At least once I've applied sunscreen. Tehehe♪
I've applied sunscreen. Tehehe♪
|司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!!
|司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!!
|Commander, it's summer! Would you like a chilled ramune from the canteen? Just give me the  
|Commander, it's summer! Would you like a chilled ramune from the canteen? Just give me the order!!
|司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!?
|司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!?
|Commander, the lively summer is here! Have some shaved ice from the 8th Destroyer Squadron,  
|Commander, the lively summer is here! Have some shaved ice from the 8th Destroyer Squadron, it'll pump you up! Cheers~!
it'll pump you up! Cheers~!
|Jeez, it’s really summer now.  So hot…Shimakaze, you always look like you’re so cool…must be  
|Jeez, it’s really summer now.  So hot…Shimakaze, you always look like you’re so cool…must be nice.
|萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ?
|萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ?
|Hagi..What is it, what is it? Eh, to the beach in swimsuits? Sounds good, count me in…
|Hagi..What is it, what is it? Eh, to the beach in swimsuits? Sounds good, count me in…commander, wanna come too?
commander, wanna come too?
|嵐、浜辺に行かない、司令と。夏だし、水着でどう…かな? ぇえ、興味なし~!?
|Arashi, doesn't want to go to the beach with Commander. It's summer so... what do you think about swimsuits? Eh, you're not interested!?
|嵐、浜辺に行かない、司令と。夏だし、水着でどう…かな? ぇえ、興味なし~!?
|Arashi, doesn't want to go to the beach with Commander. It's summer so... what do you think
about swimsuits? Eh, you're not interested!?
|おお、いいねえ、そのポズ、そのかこと動かないで。ああ、そこもいいね、ちょっとまって、しろいろに写真を。 うひゅひゅ。。。ありだね、夏!
|Ooh, that's great, that pose, don't move.  Ah, that one too, hold on a sec, lemme take a picture. Uhyuhyu, that's summer for you.
|Nooo~ Akigumo-san. Please stop, hrumph... please stop staring. I'm begging you ok?
|Nooo~ Akigumo-san. Please stop, hrumph... please stop staring. I'm begging you ok?
Line 474: Line 428:
|秋雲ー、なんでビーチにそんなもの持ち込んでるの? も~、こんなところでラフ起こすのやめてよ~! も~…あ、夕雲姉さんはだめ!
|秋雲ー、なんでビーチにそんなもの持ち込んでるの? も~、こんなところでラフ起こすのやめてよ~! も~…あ、夕雲姉さんはだめ!
|Akigumo, why did you bring something like that to the beach? Really, don't draw your sketches  
|Akigumo, why did you bring something like that to the beach? Really, don't draw your sketches here~! Really... ah, don't draw Yuugumo nee-san!
here~! Really... ah, don't draw Yuugumo nee-san!
|少し暑くなってきましたね、司令官。え、水着ですか? あ、そういうのは…沖波は…え、そんな…そ、そうですか?
|It's getting a little bit hotter now right Commander. Eh, a swimsuit? Ah, that is... I'm...
eh, that... re... really?
|司令官があまりにも強く仰るので、あの…買ってみたんです、水着。どうでしょう? あの…あ、あまり見ないで下さい…
|Since you insisted commander, ummm... I went and bought a swimsuit. How is it? Uh... ah,
please don't stare so much...
|夏だー、やったー! 照月、スイカ割りしたい! スイカ割り! 目隠ししてー、ていっ! お、この手応え…って、え? 提督?!
|夏だー、やったー! 照月、スイカ割りしたい! スイカ割り! 目隠ししてー、ていっ! お、この手応え…って、え? 提督?!
|It’s summer, all right!  Teruzuki wants to go split some watermelons!  Watermelon Splitting!   
|It’s summer, all right!  Teruzuki wants to go split some watermelons!  Watermelon Splitting!  Blindfold set, here I go!  Oh, that voice…that was..eh?  Admiral?!
Blindfold set, here I go!  Oh, that voice…that was..eh?  Admiral?!
|This season, I can’t say that I dislike it.  Some of the ships seem like they have an armor deficiency issue though.  I’m worried about them.
|This season, I can’t say that I dislike it. Some of the ships seem like they have an armor
deficiency issue though. I’m worried about them.
|So this is Japan's summer. It's definitely hot. But I like this ramune♪ I like shaved ice too♪ Ah, I want the strawberry flavour! Strawberry!
Line 527: Line 466:
|Kirarin! It's Summer! Summer!  Noshiro, Yahagi, hurry up let's go to the beach. Naturally, we're taking swimsuits. Come on, we already decided you're coming too Admiral, hurry up, hurry up!
|Kirarin~! It's Summer! Summer!  Noshiro, Yahagi, hurry up let's go to the beach. In swimsuits of course. You two hurry up too, Sakawa, Admiral!
|Summer is a nice season isn't it. Eh? Why don't we go to the ocean? But we go to the ocean every day.
|Summer is a great season for training right. Eh? Why don't we go to the ocean? But we go to the ocean every day.
|Ahh, jeez Akashi......I'm sorry, I'll get changed right away. As I thought this is impossible.
|Ah, jeez I got influenced by Akashi. I'm sorry, I'll get changed right away. I can't do this after all!
Line 558: Line 497:
|{{Audio|file=Tenryuu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Tenryuu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|よっしゃーーー!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だ! ボールを使った特訓をするぜ!ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ!}}
|{{lang|jp|よっしゃーーー!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だ! ボールを使った特訓をするぜ!ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ!}}
|Alriiiight, it's summer!  Everyone to the beach in your swimsuits!  Let's get a ball and do  
|Alriiiight, it's summer!  Everyone to the beach in your swimsuits!  Let's get a ball and do some special training!  Set up the height of the net to the destroyers!!
some special training!  Set up the height of the net to the destroyers!!
Line 566: Line 503:
|{{Audio|file=Kuma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kuma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Summer's here~!  Let's go swimming-kuma.  I'll show you my river-swimmming technique-kuma!  I  
|Summer's here~!  Let's go swimming-kuma.  I'll show you my river-swimmming technique-kuma!  I can even catch salmon-kuma.  Ah.  That last one was a joke.
can even catch salmon-kuma.  Ah.  That last one was a joke.
Line 574: Line 509:
|{{Audio|file=Tama Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Tama Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Summer-nya... it's kind of hot, nya.  When it's this hot I just want to roll over and sleep,  
|Summer-nya... it's kind of hot, nya.  When it's this hot I just want to roll over and sleep, nyaaaaaa...
Line 588: Line 521:
|{{Audio|file=Yura Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Yura Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|提督さん、夏ですね、ねっ。 ……あ、夕立ちゃん。水着かわいい……由良も来年こそ}}
|{{lang|ja|提督さん、夏ですね、ねっ。 ……あ、夕立ちゃん。水着かわいい……由良も来年こそ}}
|Admiral, summer's come, hasn't it?  Ah, Yuudachi-chan, your swimsuit's really cute... Yura,  
|Admiral, summer's come, hasn't it?  Ah, Yuudachi-chan, your swimsuit's really cute... Yura, next year, will also...
next year, will also...
Line 596: Line 527:
|{{Audio|file=Kinu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kinu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Festivals are definitely the best during the summer. Let's have a naval base summer festival!  
|Festivals are definitely the best during the summer. Let's have a naval base summer festival! Let's hurry up and finish work and get to it!
Let's hurry up and finish work and get to it!
Line 604: Line 533:
|{{Audio|file=Abukuma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Abukuma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|This blistering heat... it's a sure sign of summer. This really isn't good for my skin. Um,  
|This blistering heat... it's a sure sign of summer. This really isn't good for my skin. Um, Admiral, are you listening?  
Admiral, are you listening?  
Line 612: Line 539:
|{{Audio|file=Yuubari Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Yuubari Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|う~、夏は、暑いですね…。提督! 折角ですから、ここは夏っぽい兵装で行きたいかな?}}
|{{lang|jp|う~、夏は、暑いですね…。提督! 折角ですから、ここは夏っぽい兵装で行きたいかな?}}
|Ugh, it's hot during the summer... Admiral! Since it's summer, I kind of want to go with  
|Ugh, it's hot during the summer... Admiral! Since it's summer, I kind of want to go with summer like equipment.
summer like equipment.
Line 620: Line 545:
|{{Audio|file=Jintsuu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Jintsuu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|My yukata, Admiral? Oh, well I do have a set. Would you like to see some fireworks...? Oh,  
|My yukata, Admiral? Oh, well I do have a set. Would you like to see some fireworks...? Oh, it'd be my pleasure!
it'd be my pleasure!
Line 640: Line 563:
|I bought a swimsuit. Hey, do you think it's a bit flashy Pola? Wha, Pola! What are you doing!?
|Chilled white wine in summer is delicious. Ah, hey, you drink up too, Admiral. Ehehe~ this is fun. But my clothes are in the way. I'll just lose them~!
Line 671: Line 594:
|{{Audio|file=Myoukou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Myoukou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|随分と暑くなりましたね。夏、ですものね。あぁ高雄。いつも元気ね。え?水着ですか? }}
|{{lang|jp|随分と暑くなりましたね。夏、ですものね。あぁ高雄。いつも元気ね。え?水着ですか? }}
|It's gotten quite hot in the recent days. Well, I suppose it is summer. Ah, Takao. You're  
|It's gotten quite hot in the recent days. Well, I suppose it is summer. Ah, Takao. You're always full of energy. Hm? A swimsuit?  
always full of energy. Hm? A swimsuit?  
Line 679: Line 600:
|{{Audio|file=Haguro Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Haguro Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|夏ですね。…え? 泳がないのか、って? だって、水着とかないし…あ、あの…え、えええっ!?}}
|{{lang|jp|夏ですね。…え? 泳がないのか、って? だって、水着とかないし…あ、あの…え、えええっ!?}}
|Summer's already upon us. Huh? Am I going to swim? Well, I don't have a swimsuit and... Oh,  
|Summer's already upon us. Huh? Am I going to swim? Well, I don't have a swimsuit and... Oh, um... Uh...
um... Uh...
Line 687: Line 606:
|{{Audio|file=Maya Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Maya Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|よーし、夏だ!夏ぅ! 気持ちがいいなぁ! な、提督。服なんざ脱いで、泳ぎに行こうぜ!}}
|{{lang|jp|よーし、夏だ!夏ぅ! 気持ちがいいなぁ! な、提督。服なんざ脱いで、泳ぎに行こうぜ!}}
|Alright, summer! Summer!! Damn, it feels good. Yo, Admiral. Just take take off your clothes  
|Alright, summer! Summer!! Damn, it feels good. Yo, Admiral. Just take take off your clothes and come swim with me!  
and come swim with me!  
Line 695: Line 612:
|{{Audio|file=Suzuya Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Suzuya Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|夏じゃん!夏!! 熊野、おニューの水着で泳ぎに行こうよ~! ん? フフッ… 提督も、イく?}}
|{{lang|jp|夏じゃん!夏!! 熊野、おニューの水着で泳ぎに行こうよ~! ん? フフッ… 提督も、イく?}}
|Summer time! Summer!! Kumano, why don't we take a swim with our new swimsuits? Hm? Fufu...  
|Summer time! Summer!! Kumano, why don't we take a swim with our new swimsuits? Hm? Fufu... Admiral, would you care to join us?
Admiral, would you care to join us?
Line 703: Line 618:
|{{Audio|file=Kumano Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kumano Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}}
|{{lang|jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}}
|It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is  
|It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort?
that a resort?
|Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.
|Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.
Line 711: Line 624:
|Ooh~! The height of summer! All the ship girls are out in swimsuits~! It's great~ it's  
|Ooh~! The height of summer! All the ship girls are out in swimsuits~! It's great~ it's brilliant! Eh, Gasa? What? Ah, me too? No, I'm fineee~
brilliant! Eh, Gasa? What? Ah, me too? No, I'm fineee~
|愛宕、何その格好?! 夏だからってちゃんとしないと。ほら、提督だってちゃんと司令官らしく…らしく……あー、あの、提督?
|愛宕、何その格好?! 夏だからってちゃんとしないと。ほら、提督だってちゃんと司令官らしく…らしく……あー、あの、提督?
|Atago, what's with those clothes?! Even though it's summer you still have to be proper. See,  
|Atago, what's with those clothes?! Even though it's summer you still have to be proper. See, even the Admiral is being properly commanding... properly... Ah, umm... Admiral?
even the Admiral is being properly commanding... properly... Ah, umm... Admiral?
|やっぱり夏は暑いわね~。これだけ暑いと、執務中は薄着でも良いわよね? う、うぁ~ん! 楽ぅ~♪
|やっぱり夏は暑いわね~。これだけ暑いと、執務中は薄着でも良いわよね? う、うぁ~ん! 楽ぅ~♪
|Summer is definitely hot huh~. Since it's so hot, it should be fine to wear lighter clothes  
|Summer is definitely hot huh~. Since it's so hot, it should be fine to wear lighter clothes at work right? Uuu, woah~! Feels good~♪
at work right? Uuu, woah~! Feels good~♪
|三隈はどうしたんだよ? なんで機嫌悪いのさ? あ、そうだ!ラムネ飲みに行かない? おごるよ。
|三隈はどうしたんだよ? なんで機嫌悪いのさ? あ、そうだ!ラムネ飲みに行かない? おごるよ。
|What's wrong Mikuma? Why are you feeling down? Ah, that's it! Want to get some raumne? My  
|What's wrong Mikuma? Why are you feeling down? Ah, that's it! Want to get some raumne? My treat.
|結局、お揃の水着、買えなかった…え、提督、ビーチバレーですか? くまりんこは…私は、いいです……
|結局、お揃の水着、買えなかった…え、提督、ビーチバレーですか? くまりんこは…私は、いいです……
|In the end, we couldn't buy matching swimsuits... Eh, Admiral, beach vollebayll? I... I'm  
|In the end, we couldn't buy matching swimsuits... Eh, Admiral, beach vollebayll? I... I'm fine...
Line 762: Line 665:
|Admiral, would you please not look at me like that.  I wonder if red and white cheered you up a bit.  Is that so, I'm glad.  Admiral, come with me.
|Summer is Japan is rather difficult. It would be nice if I could dress lighter without any concern. It truly would.
|Summer in Japan is rather intense. I really want to dress lighter in this heat. I really do.
Line 796: Line 693:
|{{Audio|file=Littorio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Littorio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|提督、夏ですね ご一緒に、海に行きましょ? あっ、そうじゃなくて、泳ぎに…です 新しい 水着も 用意、したのです フフッ…}}
|{{lang|jp|提督、夏ですね ご一緒に、海に行きましょ? あっ、そうじゃなくて、泳ぎに…です 新しい 水着も 用意、したのです フフッ…}}
|Admiral, it's already summer, isn't it. Shall we take a visit to the beach? Oh, I mean...  
|Admiral, it's already summer, isn't it. Shall we take a visit to the beach? Oh, I mean... Would you like to swim? I even bought a new swimsuit.... Fufu.
Would you like to swim? I even bought a new swimsuit.... Fufu.
Line 804: Line 699:
|{{Audio|file=Roma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Roma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|姉さん、提督と泳ぎに行くの? …仕方ない、自分も付き合うか 一応…水着も買ってあるし…}}
|{{lang|jp|姉さん、提督と泳ぎに行くの? …仕方ない、自分も付き合うか 一応…水着も買ってあるし…}}
|Nee-san, you're going swimming with the admiral? Ah, whatever. I'll come along, too. I did  
|Nee-san, you're going swimming with the admiral? Ah, whatever. I'll come along, too. I did buy a swimsuit, after all.
buy a swimsuit, after all.
Line 812: Line 705:
|提督、そんなに見ないで下さい。赤と白で少し派手だったかしら…そ、そうですか? なら、良かったです。提督、ご一緒に♪
|Admiral, please don't stare. I feel the red and white is a bit flashy... Is, is that so?
|Please don't stare at me like that, Admiral. I wonder if red and white is too flashy. I see, that's good then. Let's go together, Admiral.
That's good then. Admiral, come with me♪
|ん、夏の海? 良いぞ、いくらでも出撃に付き合うぞ。あぁ? なに、水着だ? なぜだ??
|Hmm, the sea of summer? It's great, we'll sortie together. Ah? What, a swimsuit? Why??
Line 830: Line 715:
===Light Carriers===
===Light Carriers===
'''New Lines'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Ad-mi-ral, umm, would you like to see my swimsuit?  How does it look?  Uwa...umm, please don't stare that much....uwa....
'''Previous Lines'''
'''Previous Lines'''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;"
Line 859: Line 728:
|{{Audio|file=Ryuujou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Ryuujou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|Ain't no denying it's summer... Ick, this is irritating. I swear you'd be able to make a  
|Ain't no denying it's summer... Ick, this is irritating. I swear you'd be able to make a sunny-side up on my flight deck with this heat....
sunny-side up on my flight deck with this heat....
|Which flight deck might you be talking about? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
!colspan="5"|2016 Lines
!colspan="5"|2016 Lines
|That's right, for the sake of ship girls and the admiral at the beach, let's open a beach tea house. Mamiya-san, Irako-san.
|That's right, for the sake of ship girls and the admiral at the beach, let's open a beach tea
house. Mamiya-san, Irako-san.
|Ad-mi-ral. Umm, I've put on a swimsuit. How does it look? Uwah...umm, please don't stare so much. Uwah....
|夏ですね。提督、一緒にかき氷はどーお? 私…いちごミルク! 提督は? 何味がお好き?
|夏ですね。提督、一緒にかき氷はどーお? 私…いちごミルク! 提督は? 何味がお好き?
|It's summer. Admiral, want to have some shaved ice together? I'll have... strawberry milk!  
|It's summer. Admiral, want to have some shaved ice together? I'll have... strawberry milk! Admiral? What flavour do you like?
Admiral? What flavour do you like?
Line 887: Line 756:
===Standard Carriers===
===Standard Carriers===
'''New Lines'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
'''Previous Lines'''
'''Previous Lines'''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;"
Line 914: Line 767:
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|Summer in this country, huh… Um, I'm curious about the martial art known as 'Watermelon  
|Summer in this country, huh… Um, I'm curious about the martial art known as 'Watermelon Splitting'. I'd like to try it one day.
Splitting'. I'd like to try it one day.
Line 926: Line 777:
'''New Lines'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
'''Previous Lines'''
'''Previous Lines'''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="text-align:center; width: 100%;"
Line 961: Line 796:
|夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|It’s summer now.  Acht, Act! It’s already the 8th month and still we haven’t gone for a swim.  
|It’s summer now.  Acht, Act! It’s already the 8th month and still we haven’t gone for a swim. Oh right, Hacchan gets to go swimming every day.  Admiral would you like to go swimming too this summer?
  Oh right, Hacchan gets to go swimming every day.  Admiral would you like to go swimming too  
this summer?
|海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?!
|海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?!
|Greetings from under the sea It's summer-dechi!!  Is it time for Goya and her pals’ Summer  
|Greetings from under the sea It's summer-dechi!!  Is it time for Goya and her pals’ Summer Break dechi?  Admiral!  Where did he go?!
Break dechi?  Admiral!  Where did he go?!
Line 983: Line 812:
'''New Lines'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
'''Previous Lines'''
'''Previous Lines'''
Line 1,024: Line 832:
!colspan="5"|2016 Lines
!colspan="5"|2016 Lines
|It's summer huh. I want a fashionable swimsuit too. It's fine for you to buy me one you know, Admiral? *sparkle*. Ehe~
|Summer is here again this year. Every year my stomach aches a little when this season comes. Uhihi... I wonder why...?
|She got hit by 3 torpedoes in amidships on 1944/08/19.
|猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。
|猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。
|A really hot day has started. Admiral, how are you holding up? Is that so. You sure are  
|A really hot day has started. Admiral, how are you holding up? Is that so. You sure are energetic…aren’t you?
energetic…aren’t you?
|Ad-mi-ral. Umm, I've put on a swimsuit. How does it look? Uwah...umm, please don't stare so much. Uwah....
|Summer is here again this year. Every year my stomach aches a little when this season comes.
Uhihi... I wonder why...?
|She got hit by 3 torpedoes in amidships on 1944/08/19.

Latest revision as of 06:02, 6 April 2021


New CG

Returning CG

Returning CG
2015 CG
2016 CG



New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Asakaze Play ああ、もう、夏になちゃったし。私の嫌いな季節。夏の終わるになると、とても寂しい気持になる。どうして? Ah, jeez, it's summer now. I hate this season. But when it's over I always feel so sad. Why is that?
Matsukaze Play 姉貴ナーバスだな?気にするな、僕はここにいる。どこに行かない。大丈夫、大丈夫さ。 You're nervous aneki? I'm here so you don't need to worry. I won't go anywhere. Everything will be alright.
Mutsuki Play 皆水着で楽しいそう。睦月も水着着たいにゃしい。でも、いいよ。すいかわり頑張ろう。ねえ、如月ちゃん? Everyone's having so much fun in swimsuits. Mutsuki wants to wear one too, but it's okay. I'll do my best at watermelon splitting. Right Kisaragi-chan?
Kisaragi Play 高原の避暑地もよかったけど。こうやってみんなで砂浜ですいかわりもいいわね。夏来て感じてするわ。ねえ、司令官。 Highland summer resorts are good too. It's nice everyone splitting watermelons on the beach. It really makes you feel like summer. Right, Commander?
Minazuki Play ああ、もう、皆水着着て浮かれちゃって着て。たく、艦隊をなんだっと。てか。。。いいな、いいな、ちぇ。 Ah, jeez, everyone is playing around in swimsuits. Honestly, what's up with this fleet. I mean... that's so nice. tch.
Nagatsuki Play よし、かんなり元気が出来たぞう。ああ、夏真盛りは得意だ。任せくりおいてくれ。 Alright, I'm feeling great now. Ah, I'm great during the height of summer. Leave it all to me ok?
Fujinami Play お、夏祭りか?もち行きたい。浴衣、だそうきよう。ん、いよよいしょ・・・ん・・・えっと・・・こんな漢字で・・・あ、あさし、もち、き、きつけ手伝ってよう!これで、いいかな? Oh, a summer festival? I'll definitely go. Got to put on a yukata. Hmmm, let's see here... Hmmm... Ummm... Like this... A-Asashi, I-I definitely need your help! Is it fine now?

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2015 Lines
Mutsuki Play およ? 提督、一泳ぎに行くのかにゃ? 睦月もお付き合いするの、水着水着―! Oyo? Admiral, are you going for a swim? I'll come along too! Ah, swimsuit, swimsuit~!
Kisaragi Play ほら、海に行きましょう。ああ、艤装や服や脱いで、ね?如月の水着、どう? Hey, why don't we go to the beach? Ah, we can take off our clothes and equipment, right? Hey, how do I look in my swimsuit?
Fubuki Play 特型駆逐艦集合! 夏の演習を始めます! 二隻一組になって! あ……あ、そうだ! 私と組もう? ね? Special-type destroyers, assemble! Summer practice, start! Two ships per group! Ah... ah, that's right! Would you like to pair up?
Ayanami Play 夏は……やっぱり暑いですね……。司令官、敷波が持ってきてくれたスイカ、切りましょうか! Summer... really is hot, isn't it. Commander, why don't we split the watermelon that Shikinami brought?
Shikinami Play 夏だよ、司令官。スイカ食べる? あ、綾波にも持って行ってやろう。なんか……いいよね It's summer, commander. How about some watermelon? Ah, I'll give some to Ayanami, too. Don't you enjoy this kind of atmosphere?
Oboro Play 提督? 夏真っ盛りですね! 朧、この季節大好きなんです! カニさんも嬉しそう! ほら! Admiral? The height of summer's come! Oboro, really loves this season! And the crabs are

living it up too - look!

Akebono Play 夏本番か! 潮、アンタ少しダイエットした方がいいわ。あたし? あたしは別に…… It's the height of summer! Ushio... have you thought about going on a diet at all? Me? I'm fine, really.
Sazanami Play 夏本番キタコレ!水着だヽノわっしょい! …でぇ!? ご主人様も早く水着に着替えるべし! Midsummer's heeeere! Swimsuits, yaaaay! Huh? Master, you change into your swimsuit too!
Ushio Play あ……やっぱり、潮少し太ったかも……。曙ちゃん、わたし少し痩せるように頑張るね。 Ah, I guess I might have put on some weight after all... Akebono-chan, I'll do my best to lose some weight. Response to Akebono's line.
Shiratsuyu Play やった、夏だ!水着に着替えて海に行こ?海に。あたし一番乗り~ Hooray, it's summer!!! Why don't we get changed and go down to the beach, the beach! I'm number one at getting into the mood! And carving into my summer furniture wall.
Shigure Play やっぱり夏は暑いね…提督、大丈夫かい?…そう、提督は立派だね。見習うよ! Summer really is hot, after all. Admiral, are you good with the heat? I see, you're really something. I'll follow your example!
Play どうだろう? やっぱり装甲が薄いのかな? How is it? I wonder if my armor is thin.
Play うん、ちょっぴりぼくも恥ずかしい……かな Yeah, I'm a little embarassed too..
Murasame Play はいはい~夏です夏!提督、一緒に海にいきましょう、出撃とかじゃなくて! Hai hai~ it's summer, summer! Admiral, let's go down to the sea - no, not for a sortie!
Yuudachi Play ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!
It's a bit too hot-poi~ At times like this, you've gotta ditch equipment and uniform and go swimming-poi!
I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi!
This makes it easier to move-poi!
Play 気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi!
Play これはこれで動き易いっぽい。ぽーい♪ This makes it easier to move-poi!
Samidare Play 夏ですね夏!提督、一緒に海に行きましょう。て、あぁ、毎日行ってますね。 Summer's here, summer! Why don't we go down to the sea? Ah, I guess we do do that every day.
Suzukaze Play キタキタこの季節最高だぜ!やっぱあたいは夏が好きだな~いい感じだぜ! Finally, finally, summer's the best! In the end, I really love summer the most! Feels great!
Kagerou Play ほーらっ、十八駆、海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た? 不知火、あんたもよ Come on, 18th, to the beach! 'Everyone have your swimsuits on under your clothes? Shiranui, you too!
Shiranui Play いや、海にはいつも行っています……夏だからといって、水着で行く必要なぞ…… No, see here, we're always on the sea anyway... just because it's summer doesn't mean we need to wear swimsuits. Response to Kagerou's line.
Kuroshio Play 司令は~ん。一緒に、海行かへん? いんや、遠征とかやなくって、砂浜や Commander, won'cha come down to the sea with me? No, not another expedition, to the beach!
Hatsukaze Play いよいよ夏本番ね。なに?泳ぎに行く?いいわよ。あ、不知火とかも誘う?ああ...そう It's finally midsummer, huh. What? Go swimming? Sure. Ah, why don't we invite Shiranui, too? Oh, is that... so.
Tokitsukaze Play しれー、夏だよー、海に行こー?出撃じゃなくってさー ほーら、はやくはやくはーやーくー! Commander, it's summer~ Won't you come down to the sea~ No, not for a sortie~~ Come on, already~ Hurry up~ hurry up~ hurry up!
Maikaze Play 夏が来ました~! それ ワン~ツ~! あっ、香取~! また一緒に踊る~? Summer's heeeeere!! One, two! Ah, Katori! 'Wanna dance some more~?
Takanami Play 夏ですね、司令官。氷小豆食べたいかもですね。間宮さん…あ、私出します! It's summer, Commander! Doesn't it make you want shaved ice? Mamiya-san... ah, my treat! Specifically, shaved ice with red beans. The classic.
Shimakaze Play 夏ー! 連装砲ちゃんと泳ぎにいこう。泳ぎ比べも負けませんよ! だって早いもん! Summertime! I'm going to take the Rensouhou-chans swimming. I won't lose at swimming competitions either. Cause I'm fast!
2016 Lines
Satsuki Play 司令官、皆とスイカ割り楽しいね! え、ボクに挑戦するの? ふふ、可愛いね♪ Commander, splitting watermelons with everyone is so fun! Eh, you want to challenge me? Fufu, that's cute♪
Fumizuki Play ふぇー、スイカ割りー? するするー、したーい♪ 私、得意なのー。いーい? えいっ♪ わぁっ!? Fue~, watermelon splitting? Let's get to it~♪ It's my speciality. Hrm~? Eii~♪ Waah!?
Nagatsuki Play よし! かなり元気が出てきたぞ。ああ、夏真っ盛りは得意だ、任せておいてくれ。 Right! I feel great right now. Ah, I love summer in full swing, leave everything to me.
Mikazuki Play ふぅ、今年も夏をどうにか乗り越えられそう。司令官、感謝です。はい! Fuu, feels like I'll be able to get through summer this year too. Commander, I'm grateful. Yes!
Kikuzuki Play ああ、スイカか。いいな。スイカ割りの太刀筋なら…この菊月、負けんぞ。 Ah, watermelons huh. That sounds good. I won't lose to anyone... in watermelon splitting swordsmanship.
Mochizuki Play うぅ~、マジ暑し。もうダメだ、もうダメ。ラムネないし、アイスないし…もうダメだ! Uuugh~ it's so hot. I can't, I really can't. No ramune, no ice lollies... I can't!
Akatsuki Play もー、砂浜のお城作りは遊びじゃないわ! 立派な諸島防衛の築城演習なのよ。 Humph~, building sandcastles on the beach isn't fun and games! It's fortification practice for the coastal defense of islands.
Hibiki Play 暁、防波堤をもっと高く作らないと。あ…また作ればいいさ。手伝おう。 Akatsuki, the breakwater isn't high enough. Ah... just remake it. I'll help.
Ikazuchi Play 暁、そんな壁じゃ波にすぐやられちゃうわよ? そんなんじゃダメよ! あ、ほら。 Akatsuki, those walls will be brought down by the waves in no time you know? That won't work at all! Ah, hey.
Inazuma Play 雷ちゃん、暁ちゃんの砂のお城邪魔しちゃダメなのです。あ、喧嘩はダメなのですー! Ikazuchi-chan, don't mess with Akatsuki-chan and her sandcastles. Ah, no fighting-nanodesu~!
Kawakaze Play 夏本番だー! くぅ~、あっついねー!! いやいや、これは水着じゃないとやってらんないでしょ? お、提督も脱いでいいよ。 Summer is here~! Hngh~ it's hot~!! Tsk tsk, it would be a waste to not wear a swimsuit now ya know? Oh, you strip too Admiral.
Umikaze Play 提督、夏ですね。日差しが本当に強いですね。あ、大丈夫です。一応肌にはオイル塗っています。てへへ♪ Admiral, it's summer. The sun is really shining hard down on us. Ah, I'm fine. At least once I've applied sunscreen. Tehehe♪
Asashio Play 司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!! Commander, it's summer! Would you like a chilled ramune from the canteen? Just give me the order!!
Ooshio Play 司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!? Commander, the lively summer is here! Have some shaved ice from the 8th Destroyer Squadron, it'll pump you up! Cheers~!
Amatsukaze Play もうすっかり夏ね。暑い…島風、あんたは何時も涼しそうね…いいけど。 Jeez, it’s really summer now. So hot…Shimakaze, you always look like you’re so cool…must be nice.
Arashi Play 萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ? Hagi..What is it, what is it? Eh, to the beach in swimsuits? Sounds good, count me in…commander, wanna come too?
Hagikaze Play 嵐、浜辺に行かない、司令と。夏だし、水着でどう…かな? ぇえ、興味なし~!? Arashi, doesn't want to go to the beach with Commander. It's summer so... what do you think about swimsuits? Eh, you're not interested!?
Akigumo Play おお、いいねえ、そのポズ、そのかこと動かないで。ああ、そこもいいね、ちょっとまって、しろいろに写真を。 うひゅひゅ。。。ありだね、夏! Ooh, that's great, that pose, don't move. Ah, that one too, hold on a sec, lemme take a picture. Uhyuhyu, that's summer for you.
Yuugumo Play いやーね、秋雲さん。止めなさい、もう…あまりジロジロ見ないでね。頼みますよ? Nooo~ Akigumo-san. Please stop, hrumph... please stop staring. I'm begging you ok?
Makigumo Play 秋雲ー、なんでビーチにそんなもの持ち込んでるの? も~、こんなところでラフ起こすのやめてよ~! も~…あ、夕雲姉さんはだめ! Akigumo, why did you bring something like that to the beach? Really, don't draw your sketches here~! Really... ah, don't draw Yuugumo nee-san!
Teruzuki Play 夏だー、やったー! 照月、スイカ割りしたい! スイカ割り! 目隠ししてー、ていっ! お、この手応え…って、え? 提督?! It’s summer, all right! Teruzuki wants to go split some watermelons! Watermelon Splitting! Blindfold set, here I go! Oh, that voice…that was..eh? Admiral?!
Hatsuzuki Play この季節、ボクは嫌いじゃないな。一部の艦は、少し物資が足りないのか、装甲に問題があるようだ。心配だな。 This season, I can’t say that I dislike it. Some of the ships seem like they have an armor deficiency issue though. I’m worried about them.
Libeccio Play これが日本の夏ねー。暑いねやっぱり。でも、このラムネって好き♪カキゴーリも好き♪あ、Libe、氷いちごね!いちご! So this is Japan's summer. It's definitely hot. But I like this ramune♪ I like shaved ice too♪ Ah, I want the strawberry flavour! Strawberry!

Light Cruisers

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Agano Play キ〜ラリン〜!夏です!夏!能代、矢作、早く砂浜に行こうはよう。もち、水着で。ほら、酒匂も提督さんも、早く早く! Kirarin~! It's Summer! Summer! Noshiro, Yahagi, hurry up let's go to the beach. In swimsuits of course. You two hurry up too, Sakawa, Admiral!
Yahagi Play 夏は鍛錬にいい季節ね。え?海には行けないかって?海に毎日行けるけど。 Summer is a great season for training right. Eh? Why don't we go to the ocean? But we go to the ocean every day.
Ooyodo Play あ、もう明石に影響されてやってしまったけれど。ごめんなさい、私着替えて来ますね。やっぱり、無理です! Ah, jeez I got influenced by Akashi. I'm sorry, I'll get changed right away. I can't do this after all!

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2015 Lines
Tenryuu Play よっしゃーーー!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だ! ボールを使った特訓をするぜ!ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ! Alriiiight, it's summer! Everyone to the beach in your swimsuits! Let's get a ball and do some special training! Set up the height of the net to the destroyers!!
Kuma Play 夏だー!!泳ぎに行くクマー。球磨の河泳ぎのテクニックを見るクマ!シャケも捕るクマ。…あ、冗談だクマよ? Summer's here~! Let's go swimming-kuma. I'll show you my river-swimmming technique-kuma! I can even catch salmon-kuma. Ah. That last one was a joke.
Tama Play 夏にゃぁ~…ちょっと暑いにゃ…暑くてひっくり返って寝たくなるにゃ……にゃぁぁ… Summer-nya... it's kind of hot, nya. When it's this hot I just want to roll over and sleep, nyaaaaaa...
Kiso Play 夏か。この季節、悪くはない。お前も海に行くか? なぁ? Summer, huh. This season isn't bad either. You coming to the shore, too?
Yura Play 提督さん、夏ですね、ねっ。 ……あ、夕立ちゃん。水着かわいい……由良も来年こそ Admiral, summer's come, hasn't it? Ah, Yuudachi-chan, your swimsuit's really cute... Yura, next year, will also...
Kinu Play 夏はやっぱりお祭りだよねー、鎮守府夏祭り!早く仕事終わらせて、準備しよ! Festivals are definitely the best during the summer. Let's have a naval base summer festival! Let's hurry up and finish work and get to it!
Abukuma Play この焼けつくような太陽…夏ですね~。お肌が荒れて、ちょっと困ります。…あのー、提督、聞いてます? This blistering heat... it's a sure sign of summer. This really isn't good for my skin. Um, Admiral, are you listening?
Yuubari Play う~、夏は、暑いですね…。提督! 折角ですから、ここは夏っぽい兵装で行きたいかな? Ugh, it's hot during the summer... Admiral! Since it's summer, I kind of want to go with summer like equipment.
Jintsuu Play 提督、浴衣…ですか?あ…はい、持ってはいますが。一緒に、花火に…?あっ……喜んで My yukata, Admiral? Oh, well I do have a set. Would you like to see some fireworks...? Oh, it'd be my pleasure!

Heavy Cruisers

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Zara Play 買っちゃった、水着。ね、Pola、ちょっと派手だったかな?うあ、Pola!何やってんの!? I bought a swimsuit. Hey, do you think it's a bit flashy Pola? Wha, Pola! What are you doing!?
Pola Play 夏は冷やした白ワインが美味しいの。あ、ほら、提督も飲んで飲んで〜。えへへ〜、楽しい。でも服が邪魔よね。ぬいじゃいましょう〜! Chilled white wine in summer is delicious. Ah, hey, you drink up too, Admiral. Ehehe~ this is fun. But my clothes are in the way. I'll just lose them~!

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2015 Lines
Kako Play ぃやったああ! 夏が来たあああ! よぉし、たっぷり昼寝だああ!! えっ、ダメ? Yahoo! Summer's finally here! Alright, it's time for a nap! What, is that not allowed?
Myoukou Play 随分と暑くなりましたね。夏、ですものね。あぁ高雄。いつも元気ね。え?水着ですか? It's gotten quite hot in the recent days. Well, I suppose it is summer. Ah, Takao. You're always full of energy. Hm? A swimsuit?
Haguro Play 夏ですね。…え? 泳がないのか、って? だって、水着とかないし…あ、あの…え、えええっ!? Summer's already upon us. Huh? Am I going to swim? Well, I don't have a swimsuit and... Oh, um... Uh...
Maya Play よーし、夏だ!夏ぅ! 気持ちがいいなぁ! な、提督。服なんざ脱いで、泳ぎに行こうぜ! Alright, summer! Summer!! Damn, it feels good. Yo, Admiral. Just take take off your clothes and come swim with me!
Suzuya Play 夏じゃん!夏!! 熊野、おニューの水着で泳ぎに行こうよ~! ん? フフッ… 提督も、イく? Summer time! Summer!! Kumano, why don't we take a swim with our new swimsuits? Hm? Fufu... Admiral, would you care to join us?
Kumano Play 夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの? It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort? Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.
2016 Lines
Aoba Play おぉー!夏真っ盛り!艦娘の水着モードも満っ開ですねぇー!いいですねぇー華やかです!え、ガサ?何?あ、青葉も?いや、いいよぉ~。 Ooh~! The height of summer! All the ship girls are out in swimsuits~! It's great~ it's brilliant! Eh, Gasa? What? Ah, me too? No, I'm fineee~
Takao Play 愛宕、何その格好?! 夏だからってちゃんとしないと。ほら、提督だってちゃんと司令官らしく…らしく……あー、あの、提督? Atago, what's with those clothes?! Even though it's summer you still have to be proper. See, even the Admiral is being properly commanding... properly... Ah, umm... Admiral?
Atago Play やっぱり夏は暑いわね~。これだけ暑いと、執務中は薄着でも良いわよね? う、うぁ~ん! 楽ぅ~♪ Summer is definitely hot huh~. Since it's so hot, it should be fine to wear lighter clothes at work right? Uuu, woah~! Feels good~♪
Mogami Play 三隈はどうしたんだよ? なんで機嫌悪いのさ? あ、そうだ!ラムネ飲みに行かない? おごるよ。 What's wrong Mikuma? Why are you feeling down? Ah, that's it! Want to get some raumne? My treat.
Mikuma Play 結局、お揃の水着、買えなかった…え、提督、ビーチバレーですか? くまりんこは…私は、いいです…… In the end, we couldn't buy matching swimsuits... Eh, Admiral, beach vollebayll? I... I'm fine...


New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Warspite Play Japanの夏はなかなか厳しいわね。こう暑いと、軽装になりたくなるわ。たしかに。 Summer in Japan is rather intense. I really want to dress lighter in this heat. I really do.

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2015 Lines
Kongou Play Summer Season到来デース! 比叡? 私のSwimming Wearは? え、Nothing? The summer season's finally here! Hiei? Where's my swimsuit? What? Nothing?
Littorio Play 提督、夏ですね ご一緒に、海に行きましょ? あっ、そうじゃなくて、泳ぎに…です 新しい 水着も 用意、したのです フフッ… Admiral, it's already summer, isn't it. Shall we take a visit to the beach? Oh, I mean... Would you like to swim? I even bought a new swimsuit.... Fufu.
Roma Play 姉さん、提督と泳ぎに行くの? …仕方ない、自分も付き合うか 一応…水着も買ってあるし… Nee-san, you're going swimming with the admiral? Ah, whatever. I'll come along, too. I did buy a swimsuit, after all.
2016 Lines
Yamato Play 提督、そんなに見ないでください。赤と白で少し派手だったかしら。そうですか、なら、よかったですか。提督、ご一緒に。 Please don't stare at me like that, Admiral. I wonder if red and white is too flashy. I see, that's good then. Let's go together, Admiral.

Light Carriers

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2015 Lines
Ryuujou Play めっちゃ夏や…じりじりしとる…。ウチの甲板で目玉焼きが焼けそうやでぇ… Ain't no denying it's summer... Ick, this is irritating. I swear you'd be able to make a sunny-side up on my flight deck with this heat....
2016 Lines
Houshou Play そうですねー、浜辺の艦娘と提督のために、浜茶屋を開きましょうか。間宮さん、伊良湖さん。 That's right, for the sake of ship girls and the admiral at the beach, let's open a beach tea house. Mamiya-san, Irako-san.
Ryuuhou Play て・い・と・く。あの、私、水着着てみました。どうでしょか?うわ・・・あのあまり見つめないでください。うわ~ Ad-mi-ral. Umm, I've put on a swimsuit. How does it look? Uwah...umm, please don't stare so much. Uwah....
Zuihou Play 夏ですね。提督、一緒にかき氷はどーお? 私…いちごミルク! 提督は? 何味がお好き? It's summer. Admiral, want to have some shaved ice together? I'll have... strawberry milk! Admiral? What flavour do you like?

Standard Carriers

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2016 Lines
Graf Zeppelin Play この国の夏か…あの「スーイカワリー」という武道には私も興味がある。いつか経験したい。 Summer in this country, huh… Um, I'm curious about the martial art known as 'Watermelon Splitting'. I'd like to try it one day.


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2015 Lines
RO-500 Play 夏が来たって~、泳ぐって~、どぼ~ん!どぼ~ん!しおいが言ってたって! Summer's here! I'm gonna' go swim! Splash! Splash!! Shioi was saying something like that!
2016 Lines
I-8 Play 夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます? It’s summer now. Acht, Act! It’s already the 8th month and still we haven’t gone for a swim. Oh right, Hacchan gets to go swimming every day. Admiral would you like to go swimming too this summer?
I-58 Play 海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?! Greetings from under the sea It's summer-dechi!! Is it time for Goya and her pals’ Summer Break dechi? Admiral! Where did he go?!


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2015 Lines
Akitsushima Play ぅわーーい! 夏が来たかも~! 提督!ほらほら!早く水着に着替えて、泳ぎに行きましょ~! 特別に、大艇ちゃんに捕まってもいいよ~! Wow! I think summer might be here! Admiral! Hey, hey! Hurry up and get changed! Let's go

swimming! Here, I'll even let you hold onto Taitei-chan!

2016 Lines
Akashi Play 夏ですね。私もお洒落の水着ほしいな。提督、買ってくれてもいいのよ?キラ☆キラ。えへ〜 It's summer huh. I want a fashionable swimsuit too. It's fine for you to buy me one you know, Admiral? *sparkle*. Ehe~
Hayasui Play 今年も夏が来てしまいました。毎年この季節になると、少しお腹が痛くなるんです。うひひ…なんででしょうね……? Summer is here again this year. Every year my stomach aches a little when this season comes. Uhihi... I wonder why...? She got hit by 3 torpedoes in amidships on 1944/08/19.
Mizuho Play 猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。 A really hot day has started. Admiral, how are you holding up? Is that so. You sure are energetic…aren’t you?
Taigei Play て・い・と・く。あの、私、水着着てみました。どうでしょか?うわ・・・あのあまり見つめないでください。うわ~ Ad-mi-ral. Umm, I've put on a swimsuit. How does it look? Uwah...umm, please don't stare so much. Uwah....