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==See Also==
==See Also==
* [http://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=6 WWIIDB article on the Battle Of Midway,]] Discussing the idea of south Pacific advances into the Indian Ocean.
* [http://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=6 WWIIDB article on the Battle Of Midway,] Discussing the idea of south Pacific advances into the Indian Ocean.
*Black, Jeremy (2009). [https://www.usnwc.edu/getattachment/53ad07b4-26d4-4e55-99ce-01617bc34648/Midway-and-the-Indian-Ocean---Jeremy-Black "Midway and the Indian Ocean"]. Naval War College Review 62 (4), discussing how the idea of a Japanese advance into the Indian Ocean would affect overall pressure upon Great Britain (Along with other potential Axis and Allied movements).
*Black, Jeremy (2009). [https://www.usnwc.edu/getattachment/53ad07b4-26d4-4e55-99ce-01617bc34648/Midway-and-the-Indian-Ocean---Jeremy-Black "Midway and the Indian Ocean"]. Naval War College Review 62 (4), discussing how the idea of a Japanese advance into the Indian Ocean would affect overall pressure upon Great Britain (Along with other potential Axis and Allied movements).
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Revision as of 04:11, 4 August 2015

Announcement! Operation 11


The (currently ongoing) Spring 2015 Event Order! Operation 11 [発令!第十一号作戦] started on April 28th, 2015 and will end on May 18th. The event will be based upon the planned Japanese Operation 11.

Like the Winter 2015 Event, it has selectable difficulties: Operation A (Hard), Operation B (Medium), and Operation C (Easy). This difficulty will be 'locked in' after you complete a map, and your choice of ships is frozen for several maps. This is a long (6 map) event, and though the maps were foretold to be relatively difficult as compared to previous events, the overall response has been that they are rather easy.

<countdown finishmessage="The event has ended." time="04/28/2015 09:20 PM UTC+900"> <D> days, <H> hours, <M> minutes and seconds remaining until the Spring 2015 Event begins. </countdown>

Please consider filling out an event report. You can see all of our collected data so far here.

Patch Notes

  1. New Ships
    • Two Italian BB sisters from the "main force" will be some of the drops for the event, from the Littorio class.
      • Littorio, who remodels into Italia, can be found from clearing E-4.
      • Roma is an E-6 random drop.
    • The new CV Katsuragi is a reward for clearing E-2.
    • Akitsushima can be found as a reward for clearing E-6.
    • Takanami drops randomly from E2, E3 and E4.
  2. New Enemy Vessels
  3. New Equipment

Update notes (From the official twitter)

  • 1. Launch of KanColle's 2015 Spring Event: Limited-time-only map areas:
    • The limited-time-only maps of the KanColle 2015 Spring Event "Operation No. 11, Launch!" will be implemented through the ongoing update. Since this marks the 2nd anniversary of the game, this year's spring event will last for approximately 20 days.
  • 2. 2015 Spring Event: Main operations (first half of the event):
    • "Main Operations (first half of the event)" will consist of the following four map areas:
      • 1st map: Preparation for Operation No.11
      • 2nd map: Second Curry Ocean Operation
      • 3rd map: Bagel Bay Transport Destruction Battle
      • 4th map: Final Battle! Ri Lanka Island Invasion
  • 3. 2015 Spring Event: New Kanmusus:
    • There will be a grand total of 3 new Kanmusus appearing in the Main operations. You can obtain the Unryuu-class standard carrier "Katsuragi" by beating E2, and you can obtain the Western Kanmusu "Littorio" through beating E4.
  • 4. 2015 Spring Event: New Kanmusus, cont'd:
    • Along with the 2 Kanmusus introduced above, in the first half of the event, there is a chance you can obtain Yuugumo-class destroyer Takanami in all event maps.
      • NB! You can obtain her through (presumably) beating boss nodes of the latter half of the main operations.
      • NB! Depending on the location within the event map, your odds of obtaining her drastically changes (again, presumably higher on boss nodes)
  • 5. About the newly implemented system of "Active Branching":
    • Up to this point, route determination in KanColle was done by compass routing, which could be affected by various conditions such as fleet composition; however, through today's update, some maps will have "Active Branching", a routing system that allows the admiral to determine his/her fleet's route by his/her own decision.
  • 6. About the "Combined Fleet":
    • E2 and E4 of the main operations use combined fleet mechanics. You can form a combined fleet by going to the fleet composition menu, then dragging the icon of the 2nd fleet to your 1st fleet (Main fleet).
  • 7. About "Support fleets":
    • You can provide support to your fleets or combined fleets fighting in front line by using "support fleets". You can use shelling support or aerial support fleets and send them out to either of the two "support expeditions" to the event map area (pre-boss node support, boss node support) to support your fleet fighting in front line.
  • 8. Extra Operations (second half of the event):
    • Upon clearing all maps in the "Main Operation (first half of the event)", you can participate in the Extra Operations of the event. The deadlier of Abyssals are focused in the Extra Operations, which consists of two maps. (NB: E-5 and E-6)
  • 9. New Kanmusus (cont'd):
    • In E-6 of the Extra Operations, separate from the earlier 3 Kanmusus introduced, Roma will be obtainable by beating nodes.
      • NB! Depending on the location within the event map your odds of obtaining her drastically changes (again, probably hinting that she is more likely found by boss or pre-boss nodes).
  • 10. 2015 Spring Event: New Kanmusus (tot. 5)
    • Also, for admirals whose fleets complete all the Spring Event maps, seaplane tender "Akitsushima" will join the fleet. Although her combat ability isn't top quality, let's welcome her to the fleet! In summary, there will be a total of 5 new Kanmusus appearing in this year's Spring event.
  • 11. About "Difficulty Selection":
    • In the spring event maps of "Launch! Operation No. 11", each maps will feature three tiers of difficulty that can be selected by the admiral.
      • NB! All admirals can participate in "Operation C" (Easy).
      • NB! Higher level veteran admirals can participate in "Operation B" (Medium) or "Operation A" (Hard).
  • 12. (For admirals doing A- or B-tier difficulties) About difficulty locking:
    • Some maps will give sortie stamps on Kanmusus who sortied out to the map. The Kanmusus with these stamps are unable to participate in any other event maps that will give sortie stamps. Please keep this in mind.
      • NB! This includes E3, E4, and E5.
  • 13. New BGM implemented:
    • The main theme of the first half of the event operations "Fight of the Mutsuki-Class Destroyers" and the boss node theme "Combined fleet, to the West" have been implemented. Also, the extra operations have a BGM with the Abyssal threat as its motive. Please look forward to it!
  • 14. New equipment implemented:
  • 15. The Type 2 Flying Boat is a item you can earn if you take time to train Akitsushima to kai.
    • .


Participation requirements

  • Must have a 75% sortie win ratio.
  • Must have 5 empty ship slots for new ships.
  • Must have 20 free equipment slots.

Special Mechanics

  1. The difficulty system from the Winter 2015 Event is present, with three levels: Operation A (Hard), Operation B (Medium) or Operation C (Easy).
    • However, you must have cleared at least Operation A or Operation B on the previous map to access Operation A (Hard) difficulty for the following map for E-3 and later maps.
    • The difficulty you select will affect most rewards (including experience gain and ship drops). The only exceptions are ships rewarded as map clear bonus.
    • Once you clear a map on a difficulty (besides easy), you will be locked on that difficulty.
  2. The ship-locking mechanic will have full sway in this event:
    • Ships used in E3 cannot be used in E4 on medium or hard.
    • Ships used in E3 or E4 cannot be used in E5 on medium or hard
  3. E2, E4, and E6 use the Combined Fleet mechanic.

Event Maps


Quick Info Table

Map Name Combined? Locking? Difficulty Restrictions
E-1 Preparation for Operation No.11 No Combined Fleet No Ship Locking No restrictions. All difficulties OK
E-2 Second Curry Ocean Operation Combined Fleet In order to play these maps on hard, you must complete the previous map on either normal or hard.
(e.g., to do E4 on hard, you must complete E3 on normal or hard.)
E-3 Bagel Bay Transport Destruction Battle No Combined Fleet Tagging:
Ships deployed to these maps are tagged (even on Easy) if they don't previously have one:
Deploying Restriction:
Normal or Hard: Must have either the same-colored tag or no tag.
Easy: No restrictions.
E-4 Final Battle! Ri Lanka Island Invasion Combined Fleet
E-5 Attack on Apricot Atoll Anchorage No Combined Fleet
E-6 Relentless Operation! Across the Stevia Sea Combined Fleet No ship locking



Preparation for Operation No.11


2015Q1E 1 banner.png
Spring 2015 E1 Map.png

Branching rules

  • Node B is a non-combat Active Branching node; .
  • Node D is a submarine node.
  • F and C have LoS checks to reach the boss node; this is relatively low (Reports indicate that 38 or above will clear this), so equipping radars on all of your DD and a recon plane on your CL will suffice.
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
BCActive Branching
DActive Branching
CEChance of E with 4 or more CL?
Failure on LoS check to H
HLoS check
Failure sends to E
FG5 or more CL,
or 2-5 Fall LoS Formula≤13.6
(on Hard; unknown on other difficulties)
HLoS check for H.
(For Hard, 2-5 Fall LoS Formula≥14.5)
Failure sends to G


  • Use a light fleet. Compositions that work:
    • CLx2 DDx4 provides for four high-evasion DDs which have a likelier chance of dodging incoming attacks.
    • CLx3, DDx3 could provide more firing power, however.
  • Between the north and south routes, south is preferred (Yes, you get to choose).
    • The north route only has one battle before the boss but the node has considerably stronger ships, such as elite and flagship CLTs.
    • The south route has four subs in one node that come in at either echelon or line abreast, so they are relatively harmless (the flagship sub has moderate accuracy in echelon, however). The second node has very weak and easy-to-clear ships such as I-class (the DDs you clobber in 1-1 for sparkling).
      • The sub node does not cost you ammo; only fuel.
  • Your composition for the final kill should remain the same.
  • Refer to this example fleet for composition and equipment suggestion.

Enemy Encounters on Hard

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1150 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class
Pattern 2140 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Active Branching
Pattern 1 No Combat
Pattern 1170 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class KaiTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2160 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class KaiTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1170 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
No Combat
Pattern 1 "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1190 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2180 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1 "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1150 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class KaiLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2150 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class KaiLight Cruiser Demon Final FormDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model



Second Curry Ocean Operation


2015Q1E 2 banner.png
Spring 2015 E2 Map.png

Branching rules

  • Using a Carrier Task Force will send you to node C at the start, while a Surface Task Force will send you to node A.
    • Carrier Task Force seems to be slightly easier due to enemy CV-heavy nodes.
    • Node D (on hard) has 3 BBs (including a Kai Flagship), and Node E is rather heavy on enemy CV, so if you are using Surface Task Force, you will have to pick your poison here.
  • Node B and F are Active Branching nodes.
  • LoS check from G to K.
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTASurface Task Force
CCarrier Task Force
BDActive Branching
EActive Branching
FEActive Branching
HActive Branching
GIFailure on LoS check for K
KLoS Check.
Failure results in I


  • This map is full of enemy carriers, including some Wo-Class Kai; you should bring 3 CV to minimize bauxite loss and defend your fleet.
  • Equipping AP shells will make killing the Armored Carrier Princess much easier.
  • Fleet comps that follow standard Combined Fleet mechanics should suffice.
  • Refer to this Example Fleet for composition and equipment suggestion.

Enemy Encounters on Hard

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1120 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2110 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Active Branching
Pattern 1 (No combat)
No Combat
Pattern 1 "No enemy sighted" (battle avoided)
戦艦戦隊 B部隊
Pattern 1110 Battleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1120 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2110 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Active Branching
Pattern 1 (No combat)
戦艦戦隊 A部隊
Pattern 1120 Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2110 Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1 Maelstrom Fuel
No Combat
Pattern 1 "No enemy sighted" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1120 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2110 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 1120 Armored Carrier PrincessLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model
Pattern 2110 Armored Carrier PrincessStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model



Bagel Bay Transport Destruction Battle
【 ベーグル湾通商破壊戦】


Spring 2015 E3 Banner.png
Spring 2015 E3 Map.png

Branching rules

  • E to J and I to J are both LoS checks. Standard LoS equipment should be enough to clear the requirement. Keep a radar on DDs.
  • Node F is an Active Branching node.
    • You want to pick node D if you have decently leveled ships that can survive the Light Cruiser Demon at node D.
    • If your ships are lower level, you may want to try going south toward node I though you will suffer from lower ammo and the subsequent penalties
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
Otherwise random?
EGFailure on LoS check for J
JLoS Check
(2-5 Fall LoS Formula≥30)
FDActive Branching
HActive Branching
IGFailure on LoS check for J
JLoS Check


  • Be aware of the Light Cruiser Demon in one of node D's formations.
  • Node C is a submarine node; however, unlike other event submarine nodes, you do use up ammo at this node.
  • Boss node has a Ta-class battleship
  • Possible formations:
    • CA, CAV, DDx3, CLT - Provides enough firepower to comfortably take out boss node and the DDs should have high enough evasion to mostly dodge any incoming attacks. Enemy ships mostly consist of light ships like DDs, CLs and CLTs. This formation lets you conserve your CVLs if you don't have many. Keep mind you'll likely need up to 6 CV(L)s for E4 and E5. You can use mostly lower-tier ships in this map and save your best DDs and the like (one player cleared with 3 of DesDiv6 as their DDs).
  • Refer to this Example Fleet for composition and equipment suggestion.

Enemy Encounters on Hard

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
APattern 1 No Combat
Pattern 1170 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model

Pattern 1160 Submarine Yo-Class flagshipSubmarine So-ClassSubmarine So-ClassLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2150 Submarine Yo-Class flagshipSubmarine So-ClassLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1190 Light Cruiser DemonHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2180 Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
東洋輸送船団 II群
Pattern 1170 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2170 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
FPattern 1 No Combat
GPattern 1 "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1190 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2 Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
東洋輸送船団 I群
Pattern 1170 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1260 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2
Final Form
270 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model



Final Battle! Ri Lanka Island Invasion


Spring 2015 E4 Banner.png
Spring 2015 E4 Map.png

Branching rules

  • Node F is an Active Branching node.
    • Node E is the advised choice, as the other branch takes you first through an air battle node (I) followed by a node (K) with similar enemy makeup as node E.
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTASurface Task Force
BCarrier Task Force
ACLoS Check. Failure goes to D
DFailure on LoS check for C,
or any SS in 2nd Fleet
EGFailure on LoS check for M,
or any SS in 2nd Fleet
MLoS check. Failure goes to M
FEActive Branching
IActive Branching
HJActive Branching
MActive Branching
JLoS check. Failure goes to L.
LFailure on LoS check for J


  • Possible compositions:
    • BBx2 CVx4, CA DDx4 CLT
    • BBx2 CVx4, CA DDx3 CL CLT
    • BBx2 CVx4, CAV CL DDx2 CLTx2
  • Keep two Reppuus or similar on each CV to clear all aerial superiority requirements.
  • Boss is an installation type enemy.
    • Equip BB's in first fleet with Sanshiki or other anti-installation type weapons; light cruisers and destroyers can greatly profit from using WG42's.
    • Equip second fleet with anti-installation type weapons as well.
  • Refer to this Example Fleet for composition and equipment suggestion.

Enemy Encounters on Hard

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
東洋艦隊 前衛部隊
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
機動部隊 前衛
Pattern 1220 Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2200 Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser To-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
東洋艦隊 A部隊
Pattern 1 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
DPattern 1 No Combat
東洋艦隊 B部隊
Pattern 1300 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class eliteLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model

FPattern 1 No Combat
リランカ島 港湾部
Pattern 1290 Harbor PrincessEscort FortressEscort FortressLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class elite
Pattern 2 Harbor PrincessEscort FortressEscort FortressLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class elite
HPattern 1 No Combat
Aerial Combat Only
Pattern 1240 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ta-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2230 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
JPattern 1 Fuel +70
機動部隊 後方
Pattern 1270 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class flagship
Pattern 2250 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class flagship
LPattern 1 No Combat
Pattern 1300 Harbor Water DemonEscort FortressEscort FortressBattleship Ru-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2
Final Form
330 Harbor Water DemonEscort FortressEscort FortressBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model



Attack on Apricot Atoll Anchorage


Spring 2015 E5 Banner.png
Spring 2015 E5 Map.png

Branching rules

  • Node B is a maelstrom. It has a maximum of 50 fuel penalty (subject to normal reduction via equipped Radar).
  • Node F is an aerial combat node; two rounds of bombing occur, then you get the normal choice of ending the battle or enter night-time (which proceeds as a normal night battle).
  • Node G is a fuel supply node.
  • Node H is an Active Branching node.
  • Node I is a night battle, as compensation for choosing the shorter route.
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTAWeighted random towards A if Fast BB≥1 and Slow BB≥1
Random with B otherwise
BWeighted random towards B if SS≥1 and 0 BBV
Random with A otherwise
ACAll else
DCV(L)≥3?, OR
Fleet includes Mogami and Mikuma OR
Suzuya and Kumano OR
Choukai and Ryuujou OR
Sendai and Fubuki
DFAll else
GFleet contains Mogami and Mikuma OR
Suzuya and Kumano OR
2 from Yura, Choukai or Ryuujou OR
Sendai and Fubuki
FELoS check failed for H/I
HLoS check passed; Random with I
ILoS check passed; Random with H
HIActive Branching
KActive Branching
IEFailure on LoS check for N or if BB≥5 or BBV≥3
NLoS check
LJ(F)BB(V) + CV(L)≥5
MFailure on LoS check and fleet composition doesn't fit route to J
NLoS check.


  • Possible compositions:
    • 2 BB, 1 CV, 1 SS, and [Mogami and Mikuma] or [Suzuya and Kumano] or [Choukai and Ryuujou] will allow for A/B→D→G→H→I→N. There is no battle on B (Fuel Maelstrom), G (Fuel Resource gain), and H (Active Branching).
    • (F)BB x4, CV, SS - The SS will protect your fleet in the dangerous I night-battle node and even divert Anchorage Water Demon's daytime firing; suggested equipment is a torpedo and a damecon; two damecons can also be used. Double damecons will work as you might expect - damecons can activate on two separate nodes.
    • (F)BB x2, CV, SS, Route-fixing Mogami-class pair - This setup will allow route-fixing for full damage on boss node.
  • Equip Sanshiki on your BBs and CA(V)s to help damage the boss. Boss is an installation-type.
  • Being sent to the maelstrom node really hurts as likely by the time you make it to the boss, your fleet's fuel will be completely depleted if you hit node F as well. Consider turning back if sent to Maelstrom depending on your resources, especially if you want to conserve.
    • Consider sacrificing a BB/CA(V)'s daytime artillery spotting in exchange for a Radar. A radar on CV may also be useful.
  • Refer to this Example Fleet for composition and equipment suggestion.
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
APattern 1 No Combat
Pattern 1 Maelstrom: Fuel -40%
Pattern 1 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model

Pattern 2 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelSubmarine So-Class
Pattern 1180 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2170 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class
EPattern 1 No Combat
Aerial Phase Only東洋艦隊
Pattern 1230 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2220 Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
GPattern 1 Fuel +50~+150
HPattern 1 No Combat
Night Battle Node
秘匿泊地 補給艦隊
Pattern 1260 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class elite
Pattern 2250 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class elite
JPattern 1 Fuel
Pattern 1 Maelstrom -Fuel
Pattern 1 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelSubmarine So-Class elite
Pattern 2300 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelSubmarine So-Class elite
MPattern 1 No Combat
Pattern 1350 Anchorage Water DemonEscort FortressEscort FortressBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class elite
Pattern 2350 Anchorage Water DemonEscort FortressEscort FortressBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model



Relentless Operation! Across the Stevia Sea


Map placeholder.png
Spring 2015 E6 Map.png

Branching rules

  • Nodes E and F are Active Branching nodes.
  • Nodes I an J are night battles.
  • M to O is a LoS check.
  • The route you take will determine what branching rules apply to node L; bringing a sub through the north route is not recommended.
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTBFast Speed Surface Task Force
DCarrier Task Force
FMixed Speed Surface Task Force
EHActive Branching
JActive Branching
FGActive Branching
HActive Branching
GILoS check
LCLT=3 or failed LoS check for I
MLFailure on LoS check or SS in escort fleet
Random if SS≥1 and previous node was not K?
O1 SS in main fleet and previous node was K
Random if SS≥1 and previous node was not K?
LoS check otherwise


  • The Carrier Task Force mitigates damage and sends you to Node D; branching to H is recommended as the southern route contains a night battle against a torpedo squadron led by CA Ri-Class Flagship followed by a day battle against Battleship Princess, both of which can be devastating.
  • A mixed-speed Surface Task Force sends you to node F, giving you a choice between the middle route containing Anchorage Water Demon but with an extra Roma-dropping node (K, hard difficulty only), or the northern route containing a night battle node against a Battleship Princess and a day battle against a torpedo squadron.
  • A fast-speed Surface Task Force fleet is first sent to A (Fuel maelstrom) then (if not sent to C) given the same choice as the Carrier Task Force. Without question, this is NOT recommended as the fuel loss will result in you evading less attacks at pre-boss and boss nodes, reducing your combat capability.
  • For final run attempts:
    • With equipment designed for night battle activating, the northern route is not very threatening; Battleship Princess typically will only inflict scratch damage on your ships, and no other enemy ship in that node is equipped with DA/CI setup. Thus, a mixed-speed Surface Task Force fleet going northern route usually only has to worry about pre-boss node and the boss node; it also conserves your escort fleet's strength, with the trade off being more damage to the first fleet.
    • A Carrier Task Force fleet going through the middle route can also work. You can put 3 CLTs in the fleet in this case, so your first fleet should more likely be able to focus on the boss because your escort fleet should (ideally) clean up the other mobs.
    • Boss node has AS on final run attempts (Aircraft Carrier Princess on Hard and Normal, Wo-Class Flagship on Easy).
  • Node M (Pre-boss) contains an Aircraft Carrier Princess (so Hard and Normal final runs see her in back-to-back nodes).
  • Example compositions:
    • (F)BBx3 CVLx2 CAV, CLTx2 CL CA DDx2 (Surface) [Note that you need to be mixed-speed]
    • (F)BB(V)x4 CA(V) CV, CL CLTx2 BB/CA DDx2 (Surface) [alt. composition]
    • BBx2 CVx4, DDx2 CL CLTx3 (or DDx2 CL CA CLTx2) (Carrier)
  • Consider using a shelling support expedition to assist with the boss kill.
    • Boss does not have AS prior to last kill, so a carrier support expedition may also be useful.
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1 Fuel
BPattern 1 "No enemy sighted" (battle avoided)
CPattern 1 "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
DPattern 1 "No enemy sighted" (battle avoided)
Active Branching
Pattern 1 (no combat)
Active Branching
Pattern 1 (no combat)
Pattern 1250 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2240 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 1320 Anchorage Water DemonLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-ClassTransport Ship Wa-Class
Pattern 2300 Anchorage Water DemonDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-ClassTransport Ship Wa-Class
Night Battle Only
Pattern 1320 Battleship PrincessLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model

Night Battle Only
Pattern 1270 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 1300 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class elite

LPattern 1 "No enemy sighted" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1360 Aircraft Carrier PrincessStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Pattern 2350 Aircraft Carrier PrincessLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Pattern 1320 Battleship PrincessLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 1400 Battleship Water DemonBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Pattern 2
Final Form
400 Battleship Water DemonAircraft Carrier PrincessBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model

See Also


  • WWIIDB article on the Battle Of Midway, Discussing the idea of south Pacific advances into the Indian Ocean.
  • Black, Jeremy (2009). "Midway and the Indian Ocean". Naval War College Review 62 (4), discussing how the idea of a Japanese advance into the Indian Ocean would affect overall pressure upon Great Britain (Along with other potential Axis and Allied movements).



Player Live Streams

We encourage you to be social and share your gaming experience, by broadcasting your own stream and watching other player's streams! It might even help you.


  • Gensui Hime's Twitch Stream - Will (attempt) to get event data before event begins, so tune in to watch me do it. or not


  • Totaku's Livestream Will stream around 12:30 AM - 2-3 AM Central Time on weekdays and 12:30 AM - 4-5 AM Central Time on Weekends
  • Remi's Twitch, aka "The Amatsukaze Guy" - lv100 and going for all hard clear; will be broadcasting mostly for the latter half of the event due to finals (and likely snuggling with Amatsukaze and Taihou). I'm making bad decisions and streaming primarily from 5pm EST onwards into the night. May not stream some nights due to exams. E1-5 hard cleared. E6 coming up.
  • Zak提督's Stream: Twitch, playing every day of the event from April 28th during 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
  • Yamato_JagdYamato (エリート大和)'s stream Twitch ((HDD and driver malfunctioned, unable to stream at this event))
  • Shiro's Twitch stream; probably 11 AM JST - Dinner/Work time
  • Lucas's Twitch stream
  • Tom's Twitch Stream; 4am EST to 6am EST daily.
  • Lance's Twitch stream; 1pm PDT to 12am PDT, hard mode all the way!!
  • Miguel's Twitch stream; Likely mostly at the end of the event, but also possibly some sporadic streaming in the early days.
  • Hoang's Twitch stream; full marathon speedrun, hard difficulty with the final map on normal.
  • Tsundereworks's Twitch stream; likely taking it slow through the event to avoid being a kuso teitoku.
  • Christopher's Twitch stream; Likley will be steaming more in the latter half of the event.
  • Yu-Ting's Twitch stream; Likely steaming at 1:30 AM Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the event (GMT +8, an hour earlier than JST); he is likely to wait a bit for others to clear the maps and get info on them, and then try to go all hard (but may switch to easy or normal depending on how well his resources hold up).
  • Toru's Twitch stream, going to stream Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6PM PST to 12AM PST, and Saturday and Sunday 3PM to 10PM, until he beats the event.
  • Crescentia's Hitbox stream and Twitch backup.

Source Info

Original translations sourced to Himeuta Forums. Tweets are collapsed to save space.
