
Feel free to add to this list.
This isn't a list of stuff that has to be done by me, I won't/can't do ALL of these.
Also please feel free to message me on discord about any of these, to discuss or pick up a page.

Currently doing


Pages that need work
Page Link Work needed
Events Page
  • Import wikia's event table for better information & data.
Template:Event Banner Fade
Event Banners
  • For Event Banner Image Fading, without requiring adding a new class to CSS every time.
    • Relying & waiting on Event Banner File Naming
Files that need work
Files Work needed File Links
Event Banner File Naming
  • Standardize naming to File:[EventName] Banner.[jpg/png]
    • Events with a second banner: File:[EventName] EO Banner.[jpg/png]
    • EventName is [Season] [Year] Event
  • Rename waiting for File Move Privileges
  1. File:2013SpringEventBanner.jpg
  2. File:2013SpringEventBannerAlt.jpg
  3. File:2015SummerEventBanner.png
  4. File:2015SummerEventBannerAlt.png
  5. File:Fall2020EventBannerEO.png
  6. File:Fall2020EventBannerEOAlt.png

Ships/Equipment by stats, Equipment Icons

Pages that need work
Page Link Work needed
List of [ShipType] by stats
  • Merge with wikia's (/New)
    • Use module table.
    • Redo notes column, standardize & update. (Takes time)
    • Rewrite bottom notes section. (Takes a lot of time)
      • Ideally Template:Equipment/Icon happens first
  • Rename/Move page to respective Ship Type Category
    • Declutters the wiki
List of [EquipmentType] by stats
  • Merge with wikia's
  • Rename/Move page to respective Equipment Type Category
    • Declutters the wiki
    • Ideally Equipment Type Category Naming happens first
  • Need to deal with non-api type categories
Equipment Type Category Naming
Equipment category icon templates.
Template:Interceptor Fighter2
  • Make into a single Template? Template:Equipment/Type Template:Equipment/Icon?
  • Standardize naming
    • Use equipment category names. eg. Large Caliber Main Gun Command Facility
      • Relying & waiting on Equipment Category Icon Files Naming.
  • Have built-in text overlay functionality (User:Chocolatecravinghobo/Sandbox/10/Icon)
    • Have in-built position & size value data for different equipment types


Files that need work
Files Work needed File Links
Equipment Category Icon Files Naming
  • Standardize naming
  • Delete duplicates


  1. File:RedGunLight.png
  2. File:RedGunHeavy.png
  3. File:YellowGun.png
  4. File:BluePlane.png
  5. File:RedPlane.png
  6. File:GreenAmmo.png
  7. File:Interceptor Fighter Icon.png
  8. File:InterceptorFighter.png
  9. File:InterceptorFighter2.png
  10. File:Agat_c.png

Other Pages

General Pages

Pages that need work
Page Link Work needed
Main Page
Kancolle Wiki
  • Needs a maintanace timer
  • Needs an easily editable section that shows all ongoing limited time drops, maybe grouped by update added.
    • Everything in maps like 7-3 & 7-4 will be grouped.
  • Make the page more editable/edit accessible.
  • Needs complete overhaul.
    • Add new things, remove outdated.
      • Best to start from scratch to not miss anything.
    • Must be foolproof.
      • Having people skip reading/getting confused. The better the tutorial the less repeated questions we get in discord.
  • Have a link to a video tutorial.
  • Take good things from wikia's. Copy finished tutorial to wikia also.
    • Plenty of newbies will find wikia first.
    • Change all the links on wikia's to link to enwiki.


  • Airs ~November, unknown day:

  • Two weeks advance:

Template:Mechanics Separated menu pages
Combat Pages
  • Link all combat pages together
  • Make page naming consistent
  • Get up to par with wikia's.
Development/Common Recipes
Development/Equipment Rates
  • Needs better writeup/fusing with wikia's.
  • Common recipes need reviewing. Need to remove less useful recipes and add any that are missing.
  • Equipment_Rates note column need filling.
Construction/Common Recipes
  • Needs better writeup/fusing with wikia's.
  • Common Recipe tables need updating & embedding to main page.
  • LSC tables need a complete overhaul & number of recipes should be cut. It has huge problems.
Template:Anti-PT Imp Setups
  • Needs updated information from newer sources.
  • (needs moving to a page)
Gun Fit Bonuses
  • Replace with wikia's version.
  • Needs updated information from newer sources, if there are even any.
World/Map Pages
Phase 1 World/Map Pages (Lower priority)
  • Fix world images
  • Fix broken formatting from templates & formatting updating for current worlds.
    • Apply newer templates/formats?
  • Replace with wikias?
Pages that use modules
Equipment List (Image)
Ship List (Image)
  • Some pages look at every single ship/equipment module for information, when they no longer need to.
Category:Planes with Anti-Air Resistance
  • Move AAR table from Aerial_Combat#Anti-Air_Resistance
  • Embed collapsed onto all equipment pages with AAR.
  • {{:Category:Planes with Anti-Air Resistance|equipment=true|air=0.6|ship=0.5|fleet=0.7}}
    • equipment=true (boolean) is needed when placed on equipment pages.
Category:Anti-Installation Dive Bombers
Category:Late Model Submarine Torpedoes
Category:High Altitude Interceptors
Category:Midget Submarine
  • Move to category page.
Template:Equipment/ASW Synergy
Template:Landing Craft/Amphibious Tank Capable Ships
Template:Anti-PT Imp Setups
  • Move to page.


Pages that need work
Page Link Work needed
Seasonal/Chocolate 2014
Seasonal/Valentine's 2014

(relevant link: Game_Updates/2015/December_24)

Seasonal/Present Box 2014
Xmas Select Gift Box
  • Make page, or redirect to Present Box and add Xmas box section.
  • Fill out more
Strait Medal
Shou-Gou Medal
  • Make page, or redirect to Medal and add special medal section.
  • Fill out
Provisional Resupply
  • Make page, or redirect to Supply (Menu) and/or Expeditions and add Provisional Resupply section.
  • Copy from wikia Fill out more, add an image

Other Files

Files that need work
Files Work needed File Links
All World Map images.
  • Standardize naming
  • Standardize style
    • We have a few different styles atm.
    • There should be gauges on the map where applicable.
    • The red - for maelstrom nodes aren't very visually clear due to the background.
  • Need better 7-4 map image
  • Need 7-4 LABS range map image
  1. File:1 01.png
  2. File:1 06.png
  3. File:07 01.png
  4. File:07 02.png
  5. File:07 03.png
  6. File:6-5Map.png
  7. File:Map6-4.png
  8. File:3-1 Map.png
  9. File:World 1 1-1 Map.png
Phase 1 World Map images.
  • Most were overwritten during Phase2 transition
    • Because of this, legacy map pages such as Phase_1/World_1 have phase2 map images.
  • Import all wikia phase1 map images
    • Including ones that weren't overwritten, for file name & style consistency.
    • Eg: Wikia 1-2
  • Images uploaded, templates updated to further break phase 1 pages so they don't show phase 2 maps. See Phase 1 World/Map Pages for updating the pages
  1. Phase_1/World_1
  2. Phase_1/World_2
  3. Phase_1/World_3
  4. Phase_1/World_4
  5. Phase_1/World_5
  6. Phase_1/World_6

Image Examples:

  1. File:Phase 1 World 1 1-1 Map.png