Game Updates/2021/July 15th
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2021 July 15th Gambier Bay Mk. II / Summer 2021 Update
- Rainy Season CG has come to an end
- Gambier Bay Mk. II
- Gambier Bay can now be remodeled into Mk.II
- Blueprint and Prototype Flight Deck Catapult are required for her remodel
- Gambier Bay will come with the ability to function as an anti-installation unit, an ASW unit, an Anti-ship carrier, and has limited night battle combat capabilities.
- She also comes with new voice lines with her remodel.
- Gambier Bay can now be remodeled into Mk.II
- New Quests
- Several New Quest have been implemented within this update:
- Gambier Bay's Quests
- Summer Quests
- "Shore's Mermaid" Operation
- "Shore's Siren" European Operation
- Land Base Expansion Quests
- Seaplane Related Quest
- F101 [Frontline utilization of elite three-seated seaplane recon aircraft] - 精鋭三座水上偵察機隊の前線投入
- Several New Quest have been implemented within this update:
- Swimsuit / Summer Clothes/ Shaved Ice mode CG
- The following ships have gotten CGs along with old ones:
- Sleep Mode CG
- Kako has been given Sleep Mode CG
- Land Base Overhaul Update
- It is now possible to switch planes in a Landbase between different aviation squadrons in the same operation map without the cost of bauxite and waiting to change planes between each squadron.
- Land Base Maintenance Levels
- Start as of today, you can now improve the maintenance level of your LBAS for event maps
- You can improve your land base up to 3 levels which will have the following effects depending on the level:
- Level 1: Reduced plane swapping cooldown timer & faster morale recovery when set to "Rest"
- Level 2: Plane swapping cooldown timer reduced even further & faster morale recovery when set to anything except "Sortie"
- Level 3: Plane swapping cooldown timer almost halved in total & faster morale recovery regardless of selected squad state (but "Rest" still ca. 50% more effective)
- Currently there are only 3 levels that you can improve your land base at this time.
- All Level improvements are done with your Event LBAS will carry over into future events.
- Furniture Update
- The following new furniture has been added:
- Night Sky Wall Paper
- Custom Made Horizontal Wooden Slit Window
- Other various furniture have been updated for the Summer
- None existing Window
- The following new furniture has been added:
- Furniture Coin Expansion Update
- You can now hold up from 200,000 to 350,000 Furniture Coins
- Akashi Improvement Arsenal Update
- The following Equipment can now be improved through Akashi's Arsenal:
- Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B can be improved
- Fairey Seafox Kai can be improved
- SBD-5 can be upgraded now into the SB2C-3
- Dive Bomber Anti Installation Update
- The following dive bombers have been updated to have anti-installation bombing capabilities
- Equipment Bonus updates
- FM-2, FR-1 Fireball has been given additional bonuses when used on various American and British Carriers, and most notably on the "Casablanca-class" CVEs
- I-203 can improve her ship speed if equipped with the appropriate Engine, but it will reduce her combat capabilities.
- New Equipment
- FR-1 Fireball has been implemented and can be obtained through Gambier Bay's Quest
- Jukebox update
- Various summer songs have been implemented on normal maps and in the jukebox
- Stat Updates
- The following stats have been updated to the following ships:
- Ark Royal: FP 50 -> 51, slot 24/30/12/12 -> 24/32/12/12
- Graf Zeppelin: FP 50 -> 52, armor 80 -> 81, luck 47 -> 48, LOS+
- Aquila: FP 28 -> 31, max luck 48 -> 49, evasion+
- Suzuya and Kumano (CVL form): slots 15/12/12/8 -> 17/12/12/9
- The following stats have been updated to the following ships: