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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
Submarine Touch
- Can perform a Special Attack with submarine
- Due to the need for a consumable and the very limited case where it's usefull not much is know about it.
- The flasgship must be a submarine tender
with a level 30+ - The fleet can be a single fleet or a Striking Force Fleet
- The 2nd and 3rd ship must be submarines
- If the 4th ship is a submarines she will participate to the attack
- The AS must not be more than moderately damaged (中破).
- At least two submarines amough the 4 must not be more than lightly damaged (小破)
- Echelon or Line Abreast needs to be selected
- You must possess a Submarine Supply Material that will be consumed
Equipment Compatibility
- Can equip Medium Guns.
Fit Bonuses
- None (lol)
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
My name is Jingei, and I am the 1st of the Jingei-class submarine tenders. Admiral, I'm glad to be able to meet you. Let's do our best together. |
私、迅鯨型潜水母艦一番艦、迅鯨と申します。提督、あなたに会えて、よかった。一緒に頑張って行きましょう。 | |
Introduction Play |
1st of the Jingei-class submarine tenders, Jingei, reporting. Admiral, I'm truly glad to be able to meet you. Let's continue to do our best together. |
迅鯨型潜水母艦一番艦、迅鯨、参ります。提督、私、あなたに会えて、本当によかった。今日も一緒に頑張って行きましょう。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the 1st of the Jingei-class submarine tenders, Jingei. I was born as the Eight-Eight Fleet Plan progressed[1]. I served as flagship of submarine squadrons of course, but I also served as a training ship and performed transport missions. I was the first purpose-built Japanese submarine tender. My little sister Chougei and I are in your care. |
迅鯨型潜水母艦一番艦、迅鯨です。八八艦隊計画の流れの中で、生まれました。潜水戦隊の旗艦としてはもちろん、練習艦や輸送任務でも活躍しました。日本初の本格的な設計の潜水母艦。妹の長鯨ともども、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Good morning, Admiral. |
提督、おはようございます。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Please let me tend to the submarines. I am the sub squads' tender, after all. |
潜水艦たちのお世話は、お任せください。私、潜水隊の、母艦ですから。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Ah, Admiral! What a coincidence... ah, no, I was just mistaken. Let's go. Ehehe... Was it really just a coincidence...? |
あ、提督!偶然に…あぁ、いえ、こちらこそ誤解して。一緒に行きましょう、えへへ…本当に、偶然? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Admiral, to be honest, I've always wondered... no, it's nothing. Just forget I said that! |
提督、本当はね、私、ずっと前から…いえ、何でもありません。忘れちゃいました! | |
Idle Play |
Admiral? Eh? You need to go see other ships? Okay. Oh, no no, it's your duty. You don't have a choice. Yeah... even though you said you loved me... |
提督?え?他の艦のところに?うん。ううん、いえ、任務ですもの。仕方がないわ。ん…私のこと、好きって言ったのに… | |
Secretary Married Play |
Is this feeling... jealousy? No, it can't be. I'm not really...! I'm a submarine tender. That's all! |
この気持ちは…焼きもち? ううん、そんなことない。別に私は…!私は、潜水母艦だから。それだけ! | |
Wedding Play |
Admiral, I've loved you, for the longest time. I'm truly glad to have been able to meet you. I love you. |
提督、私、ずっと前から、好きだったの。私、あなたに会えて、本当によかった。好き、です。 | |
Looking At Scores Play |
Information is valuable. I will get it for you. |
情報は大切です。私が、お持ちしますね。 | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
Submarine tender, Jingei, setting sail. It's a pleasure working with you all. |
潜水母艦、迅鯨、抜錨します。皆さん、よろしくお願いします。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Thank you very much, Admiral. |
ありがとうございます、提督。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Thanks, Admiral. Ufufun. |
ありがとう、提督。うふふん。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
I'm glad. I'm glad I met you. |
嬉しい。あなたに会えて、よかった。 | |
Equipment 3[2] Play |
Isn't this great? |
よかったですね。 | |
Supply Play |
Those girls will be pleased as well. |
あの子たちも、喜びます。 | |
Docking Minor Play |
I'll be bathing first. |
お風呂、先にいただきます。 | |
Docking Major Play |
I'm a little under the weather... sorry. |
少し体調が優れなくて…ごめんなさい。 | |
Construction Play |
It's a new ship. Welcome to the fleet. |
新造艦ですね。ようこそ、艦隊に。 | |
Returning From Sortie Play |
Good work, everyone. |
皆さん、お疲れさまでした。 | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Yes, Admiral, I can go. Submarine tender, Jingei, leaving port. |
はい、提督、私、行けます。潜水母艦、迅鯨、出港です。 | |
Battle Start Play |
That must be the enemy! Be careful, everyone. Please prepare for combat. |
あれは、敵!皆さん、気を付けて。戦闘用意、お願いします。 | |
Attack Play |
Stop it! |
やめなさい! | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
I won't let you. |
許せない。 | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
I hate you! |
大嫌い! | |
Night Battle Play |
Night, might be dangerous. Be careful, everyone. |
夜は、危ないかも。皆さん、気を付けて。 | |
MVP Play |
I'm glad I was of service. Let me know if anything else comes up. |
お役に立てて、よかったです。また、何かあったら、言ってください。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Hyaa! |
ひゃぁ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Stop. Stop it! |
やめて。やめなさい! | |
Major Damage Play |
What are you doing? I can't believe this, jeez! |
何するんですか?信じられない、もう! | |
Sunk Play |
So I'm sinking here too. Farewell, Admiral. |
私も、ここで沈むんですね。さよなら、提督。 |
- ↑ While the core of the Eight-Eight Fleet Plan was eight battleships and eight armored cruisers, the plan also involved smaller classes including submarines, which would be needed to attrit the USN in the event of war.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Today I will be serving as your secretary. A new day has just begun. It's a pleasure to work with you. |
今日は私が、提督の秘書艦を担当しますね。今、日付が変わったところです。よろしくお願いします。 | |
01:00 Play |
It's 0100 hours. It's quiet, isn't it? Would you like some some tea? |
マルヒトマルマルです。静か、ですね。お茶入れましょうか? | |
02:00 Play |
It's 0200 hours. I'll leave the tea here. I also cut some red bean jelly. It'll be easier to think once you have some sugar. |
マルフタマルマルです。お茶、ここに置きますね。羊羹も切りました。糖分取ると、頭が回りますよね。 | |
03:00 Play |
It's 0300 hours. It's also quiet around here at this hour. |
マルサンマルマルです。この時間は、ここもとても静かですね。 | |
04:00 Play |
It's 0400 hours. Nnnnnnnngh. It's almost morning. I'll make some more tea, Admiral. Is Japanese tea alright? |
マルヨンマルマルです。ふ~ん。もうすぐ朝。提督、お茶を入れ直しますね。日本茶でいいですか? | |
05:00 Play |
It's 0500 hours. The sun is rising. Good morning, Admiral. |
マルゴーマルマルです。夜が明けますね。提督、おはようございます。 | |
06:00 Play |
0600 hours. I'll go wake the fleet. It's morning, everyone. Please wake up. All hands, assemble! Good morning. |
マルロクマルマル。艦隊に総員起こし、かけますね。皆さん、朝です。起きてください。総員起こし。おはようございます。 | |
07:00 Play |
It's 0700 hours. Admiral, I've finished preparing breakfast. Barley rice, fresh eggs, miso soup with fried tofu, and pickled daikon. Please help yourself! Also, I managed to get my hands on some dried horse mackerel today. Please let me know if you'd like seconds. |
マルナナマルマルです。提督、朝食の準備、できました。麦飯に、新鮮の卵、油揚げのお味噌汁と、大根のお漬物。あと、今日はアジの開きも手に入ったんです。どうぞ召し上がれ!お代わりも遠慮しないで、おっしゃってくださいね。 | |
08:00 Play |
It's 0800 hours. Admiral, would you like some tea after your meal? Alright, I'll bring you some. Please enjoy. |
マルハチマルマルです。提督、食後のお茶はいかがですか?はい、お持ちしますね。どうぞ。 | |
09:00 Play |
It's 0900 hours. Oh my, Yura! Good morning. You look well too, Yura. |
マルキュマルマルです。あら、由良さん!おはようございます。由良さんも元気そうですね。 | |
10:00 Play |
It's 1000 hours. Yura, you'll be going with the torpedo squadrons now? I see. That's how it is for light cruisers, I understand. I wish you all success.[1] |
ヒトマルマルマルです。由良さん、今は水雷戦隊を?そうですか。やはり軽巡はそうですよね、分かります。皆さんのご活躍を、お祈りしています。 | |
11:00 Play |
It's 110- ah, Mamiya! Good morning. Thank you for the dried horse mackerel. It was delicious. Eh? It's thanks for back then[2]? It's fine, really. No really, thank you. The Admiral enjoyed it too. |
ヒトヒトマルマ、あっ、間宮さん!おはようございます。アジの開き、ありがとうございました。美味しかったです。えぅ?あの時のお礼?いいんです、そんなの。いえ、本当にありがとう。提督も喜んでいました。 | |
12:00 Play |
It's 1200 hours. Shall we have lunch, Admiral? I've prepared some rice balls. These are salt, these are dried plums, and here is some salmon as an indulgence. Please, eat up! I also have pickled radish. |
ヒトフタマルマルです。提督、お昼にしましょう?こちらにおむすびをご用意しました。これがお塩、これは梅干し、こちらは豪華に鮭です。さぁ、召し上がってください!沢庵もありますよ。 | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1300 hours. Was lunch satisfying, Admiral? That's good then. I'll prepare the post-meal tea. Let's work hard for the rest of the day! |
ヒトサンマルマルです。提督、お昼は十分でした?そうですか、よかった。食後のお茶、こちらにご用意しますね。午後も頑張りましょう! | |
14:00 Play |
It's 1400 hours. Right, I'm not a very new ship, so the latest equipment would be... sorry, Admiral. |
ヒトヨンマルマルです。そうですね、そんなに新しい船ではないので、最新の装備はあまり…すみません、提督。 | |
15:00 Play |
It's 1500 hours. You'll be able to meet Chougei too, I'm sure of it. She's surprisingly tough, that girl. |
ヒトゴーマルマルです。長鯨にも、会えると思います、きっと。あの子、意外と頑丈だし。 | |
16:00 Play |
It's 1600 hours. That's true. I also served as a training ship in the home islands. |
ヒトロクマルマルです。そうですね。内地で練習艦を務めたこともありました。 | |
17:00 Play |
It's 1700 hours. Admiral, please look at that sunset. It's beautiful. Sunsets have a way of stealing your heart, no matter where you're watching them from... ah, oh no, I need to prepare dinner! |
ヒトナナマルマルです。提督、見てください、夕日。奇麗。夕日はどこで見ても、心を奪われますね、本当に…あっ、いけない、夕食の準備をしないと! | |
18:00 Play |
It's 1800 hours. Admiral, I'm in the middle of making dinner. Would you mind waiting a little longer? Would you like anything to drink? Beer today? Understood. I'll go fetch it. |
ヒトハチマルマルです。提督、夕食のご用意、進めています。少しお待ちいただけますか?お酒はどうされますか?今日はビール?分かりました。お持ちしますね。 | |
19:00 Play |
It's 1900 hours. Alright, I've finished preparing dinner. For today's course, I managed to get my hands on goldeneye snapper, so I tried simmering it in soy sauce. We have fresh barley rice, miso soup with tofu and spinach, and pickled turnips. Please enjoy. |
ヒトキュウマルマルです。さぁ、夕食のご用意ができました。今日の献立は、金目が手に入ったので、煮つけにしてみました。炊き立ての麦飯、豆腐とほうれん草のお味噌汁、蕪のお漬物も、どうぞ。 | |
20:00 Play |
It's 2000 hours. Would you like seconds, Admiral? Yes, roger that. A little less this time, right? |
フタマルマルマルです。提督、お代わりはどうですか?はい、了解です。少し少な目、ですね。 | |
21:00 Play |
It's 2100 hours. I'll pour you some more tea, Admiral. Would you also like some oranges? These are from Sasebo[3]. |
フタヒトマルマルです。提督、お茶を入れますね。みかんもどうですか?こちら、佐世保のみかんなんです。 | |
22:00 Play |
It's 2200 hours. Thanks for your hard work again today, Admiral. Please go ahead and rest first. I'll handle the remaining documents for you. |
フタフタマルマルです。提督、今日もお疲れさまでした。少し先に、お休みになってください。残った書類の片づけは、私がやっておきますね。 | |
23:00 Play |
It's 230- ah, Admiral? You prepared this tea for me? Thanks, I'll enjoy it! |
フタサンマルマ、あっ、提督?このお茶、提督が入れてくださったんですか?ありがとう!いただきます。 |
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Autumn 2020 Play |
Yura, that yukata looks lovely on you... Eh, I should wear one too? I wonder if I should. Eh, Admiral, y-you think so too? Alright then, just give me a minute... Hmm, how do I look? Really? | Secretary 1 |
由良さん、この浴衣、素敵ですね。…えぇ、私も?いいのかしら。えぇ、提督、そ、そうですか?じゃあ、待っていてください……ん、どうでしょう?本当? | ||
Autumn 2020 Play |
Admiral, we've gotten through summer and reached autumn. Would you like to come with me to the Naval Base Autumn Fes-... Whoa! Eh, submarines? Eh, you want me to? No, I'm going with the Ad-... Admiral! Admiiiiiraaaal! | Secretary 2 |
提督、夏を乗り越えて、秋です。鎮守府秋祭り、一緒に行き…うわぁ!えぇ、潜水艦のみんなさん?えぇ、私?いえ、私は提督と…提督!提督〜! | ||
Late Autumn 2020 Play |
Taigei, congratulations. A new era for whales has begun, hasn't it? I'll support you too. Do your best. | Secretary 3 |
大鯨さん、おめでとうございます。鯨の、新しい時代が始まるのですね?私も応援してます。頑張ってください。 | ||
Late Autumn 2020 Play |
It's... it's getting a bit cold to be dressed like this at night... Admiral? Ah... Umm, thank you very much. I'll head out with care. | Night Battle |
夜は…夜は、この格好ではもう少し寒いかしら……提督?あぁ…あの、ありがとうございます。気をつけて、迅鯨、参ります。 | ||
Christmas 2020 Play |
Admiral, I tried baking a Christmas cake. I learned by watching the others but how is it? ...It's good? That's great. I'll try making another one next year alright? | |
提督、私もクリスマスケーキ焼いてみたんです。見よう見まねの部分もあるんですか、いかがでしょうか?…美味しい?良かった。来年もまた、挑戦しますね? | ||
End of Year 2020 Play |
It's the submarine fleet's year-end spring clean. Now, spring cleaning needs to be finished before the year ends. Can I leave the scrubbing to all you submarines? Once you're done we can have some tea. | |
潜水艦隊、年末大掃除です。さあ、今年の大掃除は、今年のうちに。潜水艦のみんなさん、拭き掃除をお願いしてもいいですか?終わったら、お茶にしましょう。 | ||
Setsubun 2021 Play |
Admiral, thanks for waiting. Now, let's go. | Secretary 1 |
提督、おまたせしました。さあ、行きましょう。 | ||
Setsubun 2021 Play |
Setsubun and Valentine's day are around this time of year, aren't they? Admiral, do you like sweet things? | Secretary 2 |
この季節は、節分、そしてバレンタインですね?提督、甘いものは好きですか? | ||
Setsubun 2021 Play |
Ah, Admiral. Huh? "Watch your back"...? Oh you. No, I don't see anyone. Huh? The coastal defense boat girls? They wouldn't. Admiral, are you seeing things? Come on, let's go. | Secretary 3 |
あぁ、提督。えぇ?後ろに気をつけてって…?まさか。いえ、誰もいませんよ。えぇ?海防艦の子達が?まさか。提督、なにかの見間違いでは?さあ、行きましょう。 | ||
Valentine's Day 2021 Play |
I'm all ready... The submarines and coastal defense ships aren't around either. Grrreat~. Admiral, thanks for waiting. Well, let's get going. | Secretary 1 |
準備、良し。…潜水艦や、海防艦たちもいない。よーし〜。提督、おまたせしました。さあ、行きましょう。 | ||
Valentine's Day 2021 Play |
Admiral, Setsubun is over and it's Valentine's now. Admiral... do you like sweet things? ...I see. | Secretary 2 |
提督、節分も終わって、季節はバレンタインです。提督は甘いものは…好きですか?…そうですか。 | ||
Valentine's Day 2021 Play |
I'm pretty good at cooking if I do say so myself. I should try making this new recipe I thought up for the Admiral... Phew, it's done. I wonder if the Admiral will eat it? ...I wonder if he'll be happy? | Secretary 3 |
私、こう見えて、お料理は得意なんです。提督のために考えた、新しいレシピー、試してみよう。……ふうぅ、出来た。提督、食べてくれるかな?…喜んでくれるかな? | ||
White Day2021 Play |
Huh? My chocolates were delicious? ...Ad-admiral, so you did savour them. Thank you, Admiral. I'll savour this return gift, too. I'm glad. | |
えぇ?私のチョコレート美味しかった?…て、提督、ちゃんと食べてくれたんだ。ありがとう、提督。このお返しも、大事にいただきます。良かった。 | ||
Coming of Spring 2021 Play |
Spring feels really nice. I know, why don't we have a cherry blossom viewing with the submarine fleet after we're done with this job? Admiral, what do you think? Aha, great. I'll make a feast, alright? | |
春、気持ちいいですね。そうだ、このお仕事終わったら、潜水艦隊でお花見しましょう。提督、いかがですか?あはぁ、良かった。私ご馳走作りますね。 | ||
8th Anniversary Play |
Admiral, congratulations. It appears that the fleet is celebrating its 8th Anniversary. It's my 2nd year here. I'll go make a feast to celebrate, alright? Please wait. | |
提督、おめでとうございます。艦隊は、八周年を迎えたそうです。私も、二年目となりました。私、お祝いでご馳走を作りますね?待っていて。 | ||
Summer 2021 Play |
I don't really like summer. So a swimsuit is... Huh? I shouldn't worry about it at all? If you say so... It just makes me feel vulnerable and uneasy. Whoa. | |
夏は、少し苦手です。だから、水着は……えぇ?全然問題ない?そうですか…なにか不用心な感じがして、ソワソワします。うわぁ。 |
Misc Lines
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Summer 2020 Event Play |
The Jingei Squadron has arrived on the battlefield. We will now support the friendly fleet. Everyone, let's go! | Friend Fleet 1 |
迅鯨隊、戦場海域に到達しました。これより、友軍を援護します。みんなさん、行きましょう! |
Regular |
Seasonal |