Combat Portal
AircraftAerial Combat Day Battle Night Battle PowerNight Battle
Jet Assault  · AACI
Battle Opening  · Artillery Spotting  · Anti-Submarine Warfare Cut-In
Support Expedition  · Special Attacks  · Anti-Installation  · Friendly Fleet  · Drop
Map Mechanics and Nodes  · Evacuation  · Damage Calculations  · Accuracy, Evasion and Criticals  · Shooting Order and Targeting

Combat is a major component of the game in Kantai Collection. Combat is accessed through the Sortie menu by selecting a map to send a fleet. Multiple mechanics weave together to create an intricate combat dynamic. For more detailed explanations on the various combat mechanics, please see the individual pages below. Exercises also consist of one surface combat.

Combat Phases

On each node, combat will consist of several "Combat Phases". The number of combat phases depends on the node type, with each node type using a different set of combat phases and order.

  • See Nodes for more details.
  • Using a Combined Fleet will also affect the phases, especially during the shelling.

The combat phases are made out of:

Day Battle   Night Battle
  Aerial Combat   Surface Combat
  1. LBAS's Jet Assault
  2. Fleet's Jet Assault
  3. Land-Based Aerial Support
  4. Stage 1 - Battle for Air Superiority
  5. Stage 2 - Fleet Anti-Air Defense
  6. Stage 3 - Airstrike
  1. Engagement
  2. Support Expedition
  3. Battle Openings
  4. 1st Shelling Phase
  5. 2nd Shelling Phase
  6. Closing Torpedo Salvo
  1. Friendly Fleet (event only)
  2. Support Expedition*
  3. Night Contact and Spotting
  4. Night Shelling Phase

Formation Selection

If the fleet currently deployed has 4 or more ships, the player will be prompted to pick a fleet formation before every battle. Fleets with 3 or less ships will not have a fleet formation prompt and will default to Line Ahead.

  • Sunk ships and ships evacuated with a Command Facility 
    are not counted.
  • Diamond Formation requires 5 or more ships present in the fleet to be selected.
  • Enemy fleets do not have these restrictions. Enemy fleets in Diamond formation with fewer than 4 ships lack formation graphics on the battle screen.

Combined Fleets have special formations that differ from the standard single fleet ones.

Formation Shelling Torpedo Anti-Submarine Night Battle AA Flagship Protection Notes
Damage Accuracy Evasion Damage Accuracy Evasion Damage Accuracy Evasion Damage Accuracy[1] Evasion
Line Ahead
単縦陣 (Tanjuu-jin?)
  100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 45%
Double Line
複縦陣 (Fukujuu-jin?)
  80% 120%[2] 100% 80% 80% 100% 80% 120% 100% 100% 90% 100% 120% 60%
輪形陣 (Rinkei-jin?)
  70% 100% 110% 70% 40% 110% 120% 100% 100% 100% 70% 100% 160% 75%
梯形陣 (Teikei-jin?)
  75% 120% 140%[3] 60% 75%[4][5] 130% 110% 120% 140%[6] 100% 90%[7] 130%[7] 100% 60% Single vs Single fleet battles
60% 120% 60% 100% 80% 110% Single vs Combined fleet battles (either way)[8]
Line Abreast
単横陣 (Tan'ou-jin?)
  60% 120% 130% 60% 30% 140% 130% 120% 110% 100% 80% 120% 100% 60%
警戒陣 (Keikai-jin?)
  50% 80%[10] See
100% 70%[11] See
100% ?? See
50% ?? See
110% Medium Upper half of the fleet
100% 120% 100% 90% 60% ?? 100% ?? 110% High Bottom half of the fleet
Accuracy Exceptions
Formation Day Shelling &
Carrier Attacks
Torpedo Attacks ASW Night Battles
Vanguard (Both) vs DD[12] additional 110% additional 120% ? ?
Double Line vs Line Abreast 100% N/A 100% N/A
Echelon vs Line Ahead
Line Abreast vs Echelon
  • Exact values were datamined from KanColle Kai for the Vita. Testing on the browser version has corroborated these results.
    • Values for Vanguard and the new Echelon are vague as they weren't introduced for KanColle Kai.

Flagship Protection

Flagship Protection is when a non-flagship protects the flagship from being targeted by receiving the attack instead. When activated, a "curved shield" animation plays in front of the flagship's banner.

Vanguard Formation

Vanguard is only available during Events, and is usable on any map during this time.

  • The modifiers on Vanguard Formation refer respectively to the "upper half" and "bottom half" of the fleet.
    • For a fleet with 6 or 7 ships, the top row applies to ships 1 to 3, and the bottom row applies to the remaining ships.
    • For a fleet with 4 or 5 ships, the top row applies to ships 1 and 2 and the bottom row applies to the remaining ships.
  • Damage and accuracy of Support Fleets are affected by the top row multipliers, meaning the 50% damage modifier is applied.

Vanguard gives an accuracy penalty to the opposite fleet. See here for more details.

The bottom half ships have an increased chance to be targeted.

  • The targeting is determined as follows:
    • 1. Target a ship from the fleet.
    • 2. If the selected ship is an upper half ship, target a ship from the fleet again.[1]
  • Target rate based on the above procedure (without other factor):
  • Bug: When the Vanguard is selected with a Combined Fleet (on night nodes only) the "number of ships" column is determined by using the in the main fleet number of ships[2].
    • E.g. With 4 ship main fleet and a 6 ship escort, the "4 ships" column is to be counted.
Target Rate
Fleet position Number of ships
4 5 6 7
1 12,50% 8,00% 8,33% 6,13%
2 12,50% 8,00% 8,33% 6,13%
3 37,50% 28,00% 8,33% 6,13%
4 37,50% 28,00% 25,00% 20,40%
5 28,00% 25,00% 20,40%
6 25,00% 20,40%
7 20,40%

Choosing a Formation

Formation Selection Screen

When selecting a formation, its modifiers will be applied to the entirety of the next battle node whenever applicable. Picking another formation will discard any previous formation bonuses and penalties and use the new modifiers instead. Each formation has a general use-case archetype based on its modifiers.

  • Line Ahead: All-out surface combat formation.
  • Double Line: All-around, high accuracy formation.
  • Diamond: Anti-Air formation.
  • Echelon: Mixed surface-ASW combat formation.
  • Line Abreast: ASW formation.
  • Vanguard: Defensive/evasive & anti DD/PT Imp formation (event only).
  • Combined Fleet has other formations.

Other mechanics available on this menu:

Victory Conditions

Once the battle ended, a damage gauge is displayed on the post-combat screen for each allied and enemy fleet, using the following calculation:

Gamage Gauge Formula
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{%} = \frac{\text{Fleet}_\text{HP lost} }{\text{Fleet}_\text{HP} } }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Fleet}_\text{HP lost} }[/math] the total amount of HP lost by ships in the fleet,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Fleet}_\text{HP} }[/math] the total amount of HP of the fleet at the start of the battle.
    • It may be lower than the maximum HP possible,

The following conditions must be met to attain each rank:

Victory State Rank Common name Conditions
Victory Total Victory: S
Perfect S
  • Sink all enemy ships, while taking no damage in return.
  • In Short Battle Nodes, take 0 damage.
Victory: S
S rank
Victory: A
A rank
Tactical Victory: B
B rank
  • Sink the enemy flagship and have fewer ships sunk than the enemy.
  • If the enemy flagship survives and the Damage % gauge is at least 2.5x less than the enemy's.
  • In Short Battle Nodes, take between 10% and 20% damage.
  • If any of the ships sink, this is the maximum rank obtainable.
Defeat Tactical Defeat: C
C Rank
  • The enemy flagship survives and the Damage % gauge is between 0.5x and 2.5x less than the enemy's.
    • Also applies when sinking any ship during the battle.
  • If the enemy flagship is sunk but the enemy has fewer sunken ships, as well as having the Damage % gauge between 0.5x and 2.5x less than the enemy's.
  • In Short Battle Nodes, take between 50% and 20% damage.
Defeat: D
D rank
  • If the enemy flagship survives and the Damage % gauge is less than 0.5x of the enemy's.
  • If the Damage % dealt is 0.05% (essentially 0).
  • If both fleets deal no damage to each other.
    • This applies to submarine vs submarine battles and air battle nodes.
  • Ships are sunk but not enough to meet the conditions for E.
  • In Short Battle Nodes, take heavy damage.
Defeat: E
E rank
  • The enemy flagship survives and the number of sunk ships in the fleet meets the minimum kill requirements.
    • Not meeting the requirements for a D Rank.
  • B-ranks are the minimum victory requirements for:
    • Obtaining drops.
    • Clearing a map without a boss gauge.
  • Drops (both rate and pool) scale based on rank obtained. Some drops might be exclusive to higher ranks.
  • Perfect S (Total Victory) ranks count as a regular S-Rank.
    • Perfect S is fulfilled if all ships' final HPs on battle ended is greater than or equal to initial HPs on battle started.
    • So it is possible to obtain a perfect S if the only damaged ship has used a Repair Goddess in battle, and her final HP is still greater than or equal to her initial.


At the end of combat, one girl is picked as the MVP. She gains exp and morale bonuses. For more details, please see Experience and Rank and Morale and Fatigue.

The way MVP is determined is:

  • The girl who deals the highest total damage (sum of all attacks during the combat) is awarded MVP. This damage is not weighted.
  • If multiple girls are tied for damage, the MVP goes to the topmost girl in the fleet order.
  • If the ship achieving the most damage would be sunk in the battle, MVP is rewarded to the next highest damage dealer instead.
    • As such, if no damage is dealt to the enemy, the flagship automatically receives MVP.
  • Battles ending in an E-Rank have no MVP.
  • In a Combined Fleet, each fleet has its own independent MVP.

See Also