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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to peform OASW at 100 ASW.
- Average firepower, torpedo, ASW, HP and armour.
Fit Bonuses
Visible Fit Bonuses Template:GunfitHeader Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit |}
Priority: Low
- At first remodel, she has low firepower and a decent torpedo stat, making her hitting harder in night battle than at day, but not great at either.
- While not impressive in combat, do keep in mind than many maps require you to bring at least a few destroyers for routing.
- Furthermore, destroyers are cheap to deploy and can equip Drum Canister, making them suited for expeditions.
- No further remodels have been implemented for her yet (as of January 2020).
Important Information
- Required for A48 and B37.
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Nice to meet you, I'm Nenohi! My name isn't hard to read right? Right?[1] |
初めまして、子日、だよぉ!艦名、読みづらくなんか、ないよね?ね? | |
Introduction Play |
Yes~, I'm Nenohi. You remembered my name right? Right? Hey~! |
は~い、子日だよ。艦名もう覚えたよね?ねえ?ねえ~!」 | |
Library Play |
Built under the Circle One Program, I'm the 2nd ship of the Hatsuharu-class destroyers, Nenohi.
I worked hard doing lots of things together with my sister Hatsuharu in the 21st Destroyer Division. What's that? Submarines...? I hate them![2] |
初春などの姉妹艦で第21駆逐隊を編成して色々と頑張ったんだよ。 なに?潜水艦…?嫌いキライ! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
What day is it today? ...It's New Year's Day![3] |
今日は何の日?…子日だよー! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Yup, I really like you too Commander! |
うん。提督も、大好きだよ! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'm Nenohi~♪ Ne~ no~ hi~ Nee~ noo~ hii~♪ |
ねーのひっだよ♪ねーのーひー、ねぇのぉひぃ♪ | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Don't you want to be more in sync with me Admiral? Ufufu~♪ |
提督~、もうちょっとリズムが欲しいのー? うふふっ♪ | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Urrrrgh, I'm feeling kind of bored~. I really am bored. Let's go do something Admiral~☆ Just something~♪ |
うがぁ~、なんか子日、たいくつ。ぶっちゃけ子日退屈。提督、なんかしよっ☆なんかっ♪ | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Hey, I'm worried about you too you know? Admiral, you need to rest once in a while alright? I'll rest too~♪ |
ねぇ、子日も心配してんのよ?提督、時々は休もうよね?子日も休む~♪ | |
Wedding Play |
Do you know what day it is today? ...Oh you, it's New Year's Day! No wait, it's the day I confess. To who? Admiral you meanie~! |
今日はね、何の日か知ってる? …やだなぁ、子日! じゃなくて、子日が告白する日。誰にか、って? 提督のイジワルぅ! | |
Player's Score Play |
Admiral, looks like a telegram has arrived you know? |
提督、電文、届いてるみたいよ? | |
Player's Score Play |
I want to see the intelligence too Admiral. I see I see, hmmmm... |
提督、子日も情報見るよ。ふむふむ、ふぅむ~。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
I've been waiting for this! |
待ってましたぁ! | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Alright! I've been waiting for this! Nenohi, setting sail! |
よし!待ってましたぁ!子日、抜錨! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
I feel like I got stronger! |
子日、強くなった気がする![4] | |
Equipment 2 Play |
╰('ω')╯ Yahoo~★ My body is light~![5] |
╰('ω')╯にゃっほいっ★ 身体が軽いなー! | |
Equipment 3[6] Play |
I wonder what day it is today. |
今日はどんな日かなぁ。[7] | |
Supply Play |
A resupply~ I'm deeply moved~! |
補給ぅ~子日、感激ぃ! | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Whooo~, that hits the spot. |
ふー、癒されるなあ~。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I'll go rest for a while alright! |
子日、ちょっとお休みするね! | |
Construction Play |
A new member has arrived! |
新メンバー、到来! | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned! Thanks for your hard work~! |
艦隊が戻ってきたよっ!お疲れさま~! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
It's the day for me to sortie~! |
子日、出撃の日ー! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Let's charge all out into combat! |
砲雷撃戦、張り切って行きましょう! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
I'll shoot with all my might! Fire~! |
子日、張り切って撃ちまぁす!てぇぃ! | |
Attack Play |
Uryah~! |
うりゃあ~っ! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Nenohi Attack~![8] |
子日アターック! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
My attack... Nenohi Attack! |
子日の攻撃…、子日アターック! | |
Night Battle Play |
Useless, useless, useless~![9] |
無駄無駄無駄ぁ~! | |
MVP Play |
Humph~♪ How was that, did you see? I'm more than just cute you know? |
ふっふーん♪ どうだぁ、まいった? 子日は、かわいいだけじゃないんだよぉ? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Yow! |
ゃんっ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Ugh... How annoying. |
うぅ~……、悔しいよぉ。 | |
Major Damage Play |
You're terrible for shooting at me! |
狙い撃ちするなんて、ひどぉい! | |
Sunk Play |
Sorry Admiral...I'll be passing on first. |
ごめんね、提督…先に、逝くね。 |
- ↑ Her name means 'New Year's Day' and sounds like someone asking "Hey, what day is it?".
- ↑ She was torpedoed and sunk by the USS Triton.
- ↑ Specifically New Year's Day of the Japanese calendar.
- ↑ Shared with Supply before Kai.
- ↑ Meaning she feels it's easier to move around.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Shared with Secretary Married before Kai.
- ↑ Used as a name for a special move.
- ↑ A reference to the catchphrase of Dio, a character from Jojo's Bizzare Adventures.
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Christmas 2014 Play |
Yahoo! It’s Christmas now you know! I really love Christmas! …So, what day does Christmas fall on again? | |
ひゃあ! クリスマスだよ、クリスマス! ねのひ、クリスマス大好き!…で、クリスマスって、何の日? だっけかー? | ||
New Year 2015 Play |
It’s the New Year! Happy New Year! Best wishes! That’s right! Please take care of me this year too! Alright? | |
新年!あけおめ!ことよろ!なのっ!本年も、子日をどうぞよろしくだよ?ねっ? | ||
Setsubun 2015 Play |
The first thing that comes to mind in February is New Ye… No, I meant Setsubun. I’m throwing the beans, there~![1] | |
二月といえば子日…じゃなくって節分だよー節分。豆投げるよー、とおー! | ||
2nd Anniversary Play |
What day is it today? Right, Neno… No it’s not, it’s a special day, hooray~ | |
今日は何の日?そ、子日…じゃないけど、特別の日、やったね~ | ||
Valentine’s Day 2018 Play |
Nenohi Valentine’s Attack! Take this! Uryaah! Urgh, that’s not it. Here, it’s my chocolates. | |
子日バレンタインアタック!くらえ!うりゃァ!うぅ、じゃなくて。はい、子日チョコ。 | ||
White Day 2018 Play |
I was waiting for my return gift! I wonder what it is. I can’t wait! | |
子日チョコのお返し待ってました!どんなかなぁ。子日楽しみ! | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
What day is it today? That’s right, it’s Nenohi! No wait. It’s a special day; it’s the 5th Anniversary! Amazing! Hooray! | |
今日はなんの日?そう、子日!じゃないけど。特別な日、五周年だよ!すごい!やったね! | ||
Rainy Season 2018 Play |
The rain keeps pouring down. But, I kinda like the rain. You know how it’s got a bit of a rhythm? I like that! | |
雨、雨、降るね。でも、子日、雨は割と好き。なんかリズムがあるでしょう?これが好き! | ||
Saury 2018 Play |
What day is it today? It's saury day... Eh, no wait... It's the saury season. I'll work hard at supporting the saury fishing too. | |
今日はなんの日?秋刀魚の日…えぇ、じゃなかった…秋刀魚の季節だよ。秋刀魚漁支援、子日も頑張る。 | ||
6th Anniversary Play |
What day is it today? Right, it's Nenohi! No it's not, it's a special day... It's the 6th Anniversary! It's so great! | |
今日はなんの日?そう、子日!じゃないけど、特別な日…六周年だよ!本当、やった! |
- ↑ Her name can also refer to the first day of the Lunar New Year that typically falls in late January to early February.
Regular |
Seasonal |
Drop Locations
- She was sunk in action, July 5, 1942 southeast of Attu Island, Alaska at (52°15′N 173°51′E).
- Her name can mean either "New Year's Day" or "Child's Day".
- She is required for quest A48.