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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
10th ship of the Kagerou-class destroyers, Tokitsukaze... has arrived! |
陽炎型駆逐艦十番艦、時津風……出るよ。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the 10th ship of the Kagerou-class destroyers, Tokitsukaze.
Together with Yukikaze, Hatsukaze and Amatsukaze in the 16th Destroyer Division, we happily did various things together and worked hard. I was also in DesRon2 too you know, it's really true. But, seas which we have no control over... are unpleasant.[1] |
雪風、初風、天津風とで第十六駆逐隊を編成、仲良く色々と頑張ったんだよ。 二水戦にもいたんだよ、ほんとほんと。でも、制海権の無い海は…ちょっと嫌かなーって。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
How is this wind? |
この風、どうかなぁ? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Hmm? What is it? What do you want to do? |
んー?なになに?何したいの? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
What is it Yukikaze, stop that. Huh... Wha, what are you doing Commander? I'll smack you. |
何に雪風、やめてよぅ。うん…あれ、司令、何してんのさ。叩くよ。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Commander, Commander~! Hey Commander~! Hey~! Oi, can you hear me~? Oooi~! |
司令ー、司令ぇー!、司令ぇーってばー!ねー!、おーい、きこえてないのー?ぅおーい! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Have you seen Yukikaze Commander? Oh... is that so. You're fine too then. Ei~, eeei~. |
司令、雪風見なかった。オウ…そう、じゃあ司令で良いや、へイ、へへイ。 | |
Wedding Play |
What's wrong Commander? Are you looking for Hatsukaze? No. Not Amatsukaze either. Then who? Eh? Ah, me? Wh-what for? Uhmmm, uhmmm, thanks. |
司令、どうしたの。初風探してるの?違う。天津風、それも違う。じゃ誰。えっ?あ、あたし?な、なんで?ええと、ええと、ありがとう。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Are you looking at the scores Commander? I want to see too. |
司令、成績見るの?時津風も見る見る。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Ready? I'm going on ahead Yukikaze. |
いい?雪風、先に行くよ。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Yes, I appreciate it. |
はい、ありがたいな。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Fufun, I'm so happy! |
ふふん、嬉しい嬉しい! | |
Equipment 3[2] Play |
Ho hoh, good good! |
ほうほう、ふむふむ! | |
Supply Play |
I'm so happy, thanks. |
嬉しい嬉しい、ありがとう。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
*Sigh*... I need to go clean up a bit. |
はぁ。ちょっと汚れを落としたいな。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I need to go soak in the bath. Sorry. |
お風呂に浸かるよー。ごめーん。 | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been completed Commander. |
司令、新しい船が出来たって。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
*Sigh*... so tired. The fleet has returned. |
ハー、疲れた疲れた。艦隊戻ります。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
It's finally time for the 16th Destroyer Division to shine. |
いよいよ第十六駆逐隊の出番かな。 | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Now, shall we get started? |
さあ、始めちゃいますか。 | |
Attack Play |
Open fire. |
撃ち方、始め。 | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Come on, hit. |
さぁ、叩くよ。 | |
Night Battle Play |
16th Destroyer Division, charge! |
第十六駆逐隊、突撃します! | |
MVP Play |
Hoho, so I'm number one. It kind of feels, pretty good! |
ほうほう、時津風が一番かぁ。いいかもね、いいかも! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
No way, ah, jeez... |
やだ、あぁ、もう… | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
I couldn't dodge, that hurts... |
避けれなかった痛ったった… | |
Major Damage Play |
I hate impossible operations, I really do... |
無理な作戦は嫌だ、すごく嫌… | |
Sunk Play |
I'm going first again huh... That's fine... Yukikaze, Hatsukaze, Amatsukaze, see you... again... |
また、一番最初かー いいけどっ 雪風、初風、天津風また…ね |
- ↑ Referring to the Battle of the Bismarck Sea where she was in a convoy that failed to run a gauntlet of Allied air attacks because the planned air cover was reduced.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
It's 12am Commander. Umm, what are you doing Commander? |
司令、午前零時ですよ。あの、司令、何してんの。 | |
01:00 Play |
0100. What are you doing in the middle of the night commander? Let me see. |
マルヒトマルマル。司令、真夜中に何してんの?私にも見せてよ。 | |
02:00 Play |
0200. I don't like secrets Commander. I really don't. |
マルフタマルマル。司令、私に隠し事とかよくない。よくないな。 | |
03:00 Play |
0300. Fighting with you is tiring. Keeping it hidden till the end... |
マルサンマルマル。司令と格闘戦すると疲れる。最後まで隠し通すなんて… | |
04:00 Play |
0400. Oh well. I'll find out later with Yukikaze and the others when you're asleep Commander. |
マルヨンマルマル。まいいや。後で、雪風たちと一緒に司令が寝たら探ろと。 | |
05:00 Play |
0500. It's morning Commander. It's totally morning. |
マルゴーマルマル。司令、朝です。すっかりすっかり朝。 | |
06:00 Play |
0600. Make breakfast Commander... Eh, you can't? No way, that can't be. |
マルロクマルマル。司令、朝ご飯作って…ええ、できない?嘘、そんなバカな。 | |
07:00 Play |
0700. Well, that can't be helped. Let's go to Mamiya's Commander. |
マルナナマルマル。じゃ、仕方ないです。間宮さんとこ行きましょ、司令。 | |
08:00 Play |
0800. Breakfast at Mamiya's was delicious huh. Me? I really can't. |
マルハチマルマル。間宮は朝食、おいしいよね。私?無理無理。余裕で。 | |
09:00 Play |
0900. Now, it's almost time to call Yukikaze and the others to go sortie. Let's sortie~. |
マルキューマルマル。さ、そろそろ雪風たちを呼んで出撃しますか。出撃、出撃。 | |
10:00 Play |
1000. Amatsukaze's windsock is interesting right? Eh, not really? I see... |
ヒトマルマルマル。天津風の吹き流し、気になるよね。えっ、ならない、そう。 | |
11:00 Play |
1100. What do you want for lunch Commander? Where shall we go? Curry sounds fine too. |
ヒトヒトマルマル。司令、お昼は何にする?どこに行く?カレーもいいかな。 | |
12:00 Play |
1200. Fufu... having curry for lunch with you Commander... Is great♪ ...I really like this♪♪ |
ヒトフタマルマル。フフ…司令とお昼のカレー…いいねいいね♪…満足満足♪♪。 | |
13:00 Play |
1300. When your tummy is full, don't you just feel like lazing about? You do right~. |
ヒトサンマルマル。お腹一杯になるとさ、ぼっとしたくならない?なるよね。 | |
14:00 Play |
1400. Have you seen Yukikaze Commander? She disappeared really fast. |
ヒトヨンマルマル。司令、雪風見なかった?すぐいなくなるんだよな。 | |
15:00 Play |
1500. It's snacktime Commander. Sn~acks~♪ ...What do you want? I want.. |
ヒトゴーマルマル。司令、おやつの時間だよ。お…やつ♪…何食べる?私はね。 | |
16:00 Play |
1600. Hatsukaze and Amatsukaze have changed right? I'm still the same right? |
ヒトロクマルマル。初風と天津風ってさ、変わってるよね、ね?私は普通じゃん? | |
17:00 Play |
1700. It's sunset Commander. This time is nice right? I'm fond of it. |
ヒトナナマルマル。司令、夕焼け夕焼け。いいよねこの時間、割と好き。 | |
18:00 Play |
1800. Yes, it's dinnertime. Where should we go to eat Commander? |
ヒトハチマルマル。はい、夕食の時間だ。司令、何食べに行くね。 | |
19:00 Play |
1900. Eh, you'll make something Commander... Will you be alright, shall I help? |
ヒトキューマルマル。ええ、司令が作るって…大丈夫かな、手伝おうか。 | |
20:00 Play |
2000. Ah, the dinner you made was delicious Commander. Make it tomorrow too. |
フタマルマルマル。あ、司令が作った夕食、美味しいじゃん。明日も作って。 | |
21:00 Play |
2100. I'm going over to Yukikaze's place for a while. No, I don't really have anything to do. |
フタヒトマルマル。ちょっと雪風とこ行ってくる。いや、別に用事ないけど。 | |
22:00 Play |
It's 2200 Commander. It's almost night. Nearly bedtime... |
司令、フタフタマルマルよ。もうすっかり夜だね。もう寝ちゃおっか… | |
23:00 Play |
2300... It's fine because I'm in the middle of announcing the time. I won't sleep, probably. |
フタサンマルマル…大丈夫、時報任務中だからね。寝ません、多分ね。 |
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
2nd Anniversary Play |
It’s the 2nd anniversary, Commander! It sure came fast! I was surprised too! Isn’t it great~ | |
しれぇ~二周年だって!早いね!私もびっくりだよ!よかったね~ | ||
Rainy Season 2015 Play |
I don’t like that the rainy season came so quickly. …I’ll just climb on your head in times like these, Commander! Grawr~♪ | |
雨の季節はやだね~、なんか嫌~。…そんな時はぁ、司令の頭にでも登るかぁ~っ!がーるる~っ♪ | ||
Early Summer 2015 Play |
It’s almost summer, Commander~. Let’s go swimming with Yukikaze and the others this summer~♪ Ok~ ok~ | |
司令ぇ~、そろそろ夏だねぇ~。今年の夏はぁ~、雪風たちと泳ぎに行こ~よぉ~♪ ねぇ~ねぇ~ | ||
Midsummer 2015 Play |
It’s summer; are we going to the sea, Commander? Not for a sortie. Come on, hurry up, hurry up! | |
しれー、夏だよー、海に行こー?出撃じゃなくってさー。ほーら、はやくはやくはーやーくー! | ||
Christmas 2015 Play |
Commander! It’s Christmas! This cake is delicious! Want some, Commander? Here, say “Aah”! | |
司令!クリスマス!このケーキうまい!司令も食べる?ほら、あ~ん! | ||
End of Year 2015 Play |
It’s already the end of the year! Time sure flew! Seriously! Eh? Spring cleaning? Me too? Why? | |
もう年末だよ!一年て早いよね!本当!えぇ?大掃除?私も?なんで? | ||
New Year 2016 Play |
Comander~! Happy New Year~ Treat me well this year. Ah, want to draw a fortune?[1] | |
司令ぇ〜!あけました、おめでとう〜。今年もよろしくね〜。あぁ、おみくじ引く? | ||
Valentine’s Day 2016 Play |
Here’s some chocolates for you, Commander. Eh, you don’t want any? Don’t be silly… eat up! Eiiii! | |
しれーチョコあげるー。えぇ、いらないってー?んな馬鹿な…食ーべるのー!えーい! | ||
White Day 2016 Play |
Where’s my return gift for the chocolates? Commander? Eh, there isn’t any? No way… Ah, there it is! | |
チョコのお返しわー?司令ぃ?えぇ、無いって?んなばかな…あぁ、ほらあるじゃーん! | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
Isn’t today a special anniversary, Commander! Congratulations, Commander! Commander! Cooommmannnndeeeer! | |
司令ぃ、今日は特別な記念日じゃん?おめでとう司令!司令ぃ!司令ぃー! | ||
Coming of Spring 2018 Play |
DesDiv16 says they’re going cherry blossom viewing, Commander. You’re coming too right? Commander~, whoo, I just can’t wait! | |
司令ぃ、十六駆でお花見だって。司令も行くでしょう?司令ぃ、ふーん、楽しみ、楽しみ! | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
It’s the 5th Anniversary, Commander. Time flies. I’m surprised too. I’m really happy! | |
司令、五周年だって。早いね。あたしもびっくり。嬉しい、嬉しい! | ||
Saury 2018 Play |
Commander~, Commander, Commander! I've equipped the searchlights! What should I equip next? Can I equip depth charges? Can I~? | |
司令ー、司令、司令!探照灯満載した!あとは何を積めばいいの??爆雷でいいの?ねぇー? | ||
6th Anniversary Play |
Commander, Commander; hey, it's already the 6th Anniversary. That was fast. I'm surprised but I'm really happy! | Secretary 2 |
司令ぃ、司令ぃ、ねぇ、もう六周年なんだって。早いね。びっくりだけど、嬉しい、嬉しい! |
- ↑ ”Omikuji” are fortune lottery slips drawn at shrines.
Regular |
Drop Locations
- Member of the 16th Destroyer Division along with Yukikaze, Amatsukaze and Hatsukaze.
- Her name means "Tailwind with good timing".