Repairs to ship girls can be done either through the Docking menu or by using Akashi or Akitsushima. It is important to keep ship girls healthy as damage can have detrimental effects on their combat performance. Also important to note is that only heavily damaged ship girls can be sunk and permanently lost in sorties.
- Repairs cost fuel , steel and time.
- The cost is the same for both methods.
- Repairs can be completed immediately using Instant Repairs (Buckets).
- Repairs will reset a ship girl's morale to 40 if she is below 39 morale.
- Ship girls being repaired can be:
- Ship girls being repaired cannot:
- Have their equipment adjusted through the Remodel menu.
- Swapping equipment with another ship girl still works.
- Equipment in a Reinforcement Expansion can still be adjusted.
- Be sent on Sorties, Expeditions, or Exercises.
- Have their equipment adjusted through the Remodel menu.
- There are actions which will restore girls to full HP besides repairs.
- Returning to the docking menu with less than 1 minute remaining on the timer will automatically complete the repair.
- This also works for skipping the instant repair animation.
Repair time
The length of time (in seconds) it takes to repair a ship girl can be calculated by:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Repair Time} = \text{HP}_\text{loss} \times \text{Repair Time}_\text{base} \times \text{Mod}_\text{ship} + 30 }[/math]
- [math]\displaystyle{ \text{HP}_\text{loss} }[/math] is the amount of HP that needs recovering.
- [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Repair Time}_\text{base} = \begin{align*} \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \text {Level} \times 10 & \text {if Level } \le \text {11} \\ \text {Level} \times 5 + \lfloor (\sqrt {Level - 11})\rfloor \times 10 + 50 & \text {if Level } \ge \text {12} \end{array} \right\} \end{align*} }[/math]
- [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{ship} }[/math] is the ship type modifier given by the table below:
Ship Type | Multiplier |
BB, BBV, CV, CVB, AR | 2 |
CA, CAV, FBB, CVL, AS | 1.5 |
CL, CLT, CT, DD, SSV, AV, LHA | 1 |
SS, DE | 0.5 |
Repair cost
The fuel and steel costs for repairs are calculated by:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text {Fuel} = \lfloor(\text {Base Fuel} \times \text{HP}_\text{loss} \times 0.032)\rfloor }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ \text {Steel} = \lfloor(\text {Base Fuel} \times \text{HP}_\text{loss} \times 0.06)\rfloor }[/math]
- [math]\displaystyle{ \text {Base Fuel} }[/math] is the fuel cost for that ship girl. Please refer to the individual ship girl pages for their fuel costs. Remember that this can vary based on remodel.
- [math]\displaystyle{ \text{HP}_\text{loss} }[/math] is the amount of HP that needs recovering.
Repair Personnels
"Emergency Repair Personnel
" are consumable items:
- As "consumables", they do not take any equipment slot and appear in the Inventory and are equippable in RE.
Ships entering a battle whilst Heavily Damaged (大破) have a chance to be Sunk (撃沈) .
- In the case of the flagship, being Heavily Damaged (大破) will force a retreat after that node.
Equipping at least one Emergency Repair Personnel can prevent the equipped ship from sinking, by reviving it after being sunk.
- If this is equipped on a flagship, the player can use this before heading to another node.
- Emergency Repair Personnel can only repair the ship they are equipped on.
- Once repaired, a ship becomes unsinkable for the rest of the battle, including night battle.
- The item is consumed upon activation.
The restored ships will be as followed:
Emergency Repair Personnel | HP recovered when sunk | HP recovered on flagship | Fuel/Ammo restored |
Emergency Repair Personnel | 20% | 50% | 0% |
Emergency Repair Goddess | 100% | 100% | 100% |
- Planes are not resupplied.
Anchorage Repairs
has the ability to repair ships that are lightly damaged (小破) or better.
- She must be the flagship.
- She can be in any of the four fleets.
- Akashi or the ships being repaired must not be more than lightly damaged (小破).
- Akashi or the ships being repaired must not be in the docks.
The ability works as follows:
- Once 20 min have elapsed, returning to the home screen after that time will reset the timer and repair all eligible ships.
- Changing out or shifting around any ship will reset the 20 min timer without repairing any ship.
- If the amount of HP recovery would be less than 1 after 20 minutes, it will be rounded up. This means ships that take more than 20 minutes to recover 1HP can be repaired faster by Akashi when checking in every 20 minutes.
- Amount of HP recovered is calculated individually for each ship.
- By default, Akashi can only repair herself and the ship in the 2nd slot. Every Ship Repair Facility equipped will increase the amount of repairable ships by 1.
- Using 4 with then repair all 6 ships in the fleet.
- Please see Docking for more details about repair time and cost.
- Unlike the listed repair time formula, Akashi's repair just has the seconds rounded up instead of having 30 seconds added.
- The repair cost is automatically deducted based on how much HP has been repaired on update.
- If not having sufficient resources, the repair will not work.
Emergency Anchorage Repairs
Akashi Kai or Akitsushima Kai have the ability to repair moderately damaged ships mid-sortie if they are equipped with Ship Repair Facility and the player has one or more Emergency Repair Material in their item inventory (this item cannot be equipped). The repairs are triggered when the fleet reaches an Emergency Repair Node, an Event only occurence so far.
Depending on the slot the Ship Repair Facility is equipped in, the range of ships that can be repaired will be different:
- Multiple Ship Repair Facility can be equipped to cover larger areas of the fleet.
- Upon reaching an anchorage node, if the following requirements are met the game will prompt if "you would like to perform repairs".
- No ship within the repair-capable fleet positions is heavily damaged (大破).
- Akitsushima Kai or Akashi Kai is in the fleet and placed anywhere other than the flagship position of the first fleet.
- Akitsushima Kai or Akashi Kai is no more than lightly damaged (小破).
- One Emergency Repair Material will be consumed per mass repair.
- Any ships that are in range of the Ship Repair Facilities that are not at max HP will be repaired.
- The amount of HP repaired will be rounded up.
- Steel required for the amount of HP repaired will also be deducted as necessary.
- Repaired ships will also additionally gain 15-20 morale.
Currently, this mechanic is rarely worth using due to the very limited nature of the "Emergency Repair Material".
- On maps involving this mechanic, it is possible to take advantage of the routing meant to deploy Emergency Anchorage Repair without using it.
- In such case, Oilers Kai can often be used as a routing substitute.