Revision as of 14:50, 16 March 2019 by Totaku (talk | contribs) (→Hourlies: Using Mikado's traslation based on feedback)
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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
H-hello, I'm the light cruiser, Abukuma. |
こ、こんにちは、軽巡、阿武隈です。 | |
Introduction Play |
It's my turn? Alright then, Abukuma, sortieing! |
あたしの出番? そうこなくっちゃ、阿武隈、出撃です! | |
Library Play |
I'm the Nagara-class light cruiser, Abukuma.
Yes... To tell you the truth, I'm not really good with Kitakami-san. I mean she... But I got my bow all fixed up and worked hard![1] Thank you too... Ushio-chan.[2] |
はい…正直いって、北上さんは苦手です。なに、あの人…でも、艦首もきれいに直して頑張りました! 潮ちゃんも…ありがとね…。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Did you remember my name? |
阿武隈の名前、覚えてくれました? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Can you write my name in kanji? |
あたしの名前、漢字で書けます? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Do you remember the kanji for my name? Let me see you write it... Hmm! That's wrong! |
阿武隈の漢字、覚えてくれました?書いてみて …ん!違います! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Whoa! Please don't touch me so much! It's because my bangs are delicate. You're acting a bit like Kitakami-san, Admiral. |
わあぁ!あんまり触らないでくださいよぉ! あたしの前髪崩れやすいんだから。 提督、ちょっと北上さんみたいです。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Jeeez, you're touching my bangs too much again, Admiral. Urgh, stop that! |
もぉぉぅ、提督まで私の前髪さわり過ぎなんですけど。ううう、やめてぇ! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Jeez! I feel like I've been forgotten! |
もう!忘れられちゃったかと思ったじゃない! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Please don't push yourself too hard alright, Admiral? |
提督、あんまり無理はしないでくださいね? | |
Wedding Play |
Thanks for waiting, Admiral~! I want to say few of words of thanks to you... I was able to gain some confidence because you looked after me so well. Thank you, Admiral. |
提督ー、お待ちしてました!一言お礼を言いたくて…大事に育ててくれたおかげで、あたし、少し自信もてるようになったんです。提督、ありがとう。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Admiral! Here's a report! How are the results? |
提督!報告書よ。成績はどう? | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Eh, why me!? I-I can go though. |
えっ、やだ、私!?い、行けるけど。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
1st Torpedo Squadron, Abukuma. Sortieing as the flagship! |
第一水雷戦隊、阿武隈。旗艦、先頭、出撃します! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Am I looking forward to it? I am! |
あたしに期待してるの?そうなのね! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Well, personally I liked it but my main guns have been replaced, yes![3] |
まあ、あたし的には気に入っていたんですけど、主砲を換装しました、はい! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
I understand! My power will be needed right? |
わかったわ!あたしの力が必要なのね | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
Personally I'm OK! |
あたし的にはOKです! | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
Personally I'm totally OK! |
あたし的には、とっってもOKです! | |
Supply Play |
I'll fight perfectly with this. |
これでばっちり戦えます。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I love baths~! Fufun~♪ |
お風呂は大好きー!ふふ~ん♪ | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Looks like I need to take quite a long bath... That's fine right? |
ちょっと長いお風呂になりそう…いいよね? | |
Construction Play |
Construction is complete. |
建造が終了しました。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned to the base! |
艦隊が母港に帰還しました! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm waiting for this! B-but it's not like I'm looking forward to it that much. |
待ってました! って、そんなに心待ちにしてたわけじゃないんだから | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Being able to infiltrate without being noticed by enemies is my personal forte. Leave it all to me! |
敵に気づかれないで侵入するの、あたし的には十八番なんです。任せて任せて! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
I'll meet your expectations!! |
阿武隈、ご期待に応えます! | |
Attack Play |
When it's time to act, I will! |
やる時はやるんだから! | |
Attack Play |
Please follow my orders, everyone. Ngh, please! |
皆さん、あたしの指示に従ってください。んぅぅ、従ってくださぁいぃ! | |
Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
You're defenseless! |
がら空きなんですけど! | |
Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
See, didn't I say they'd be over there? |
ほ~らねっ、そこにいたでしょ? | |
Night Battle Play |
Well then, it's a night battle huh, I won't lose to some night battle idiot though! |
さぁて夜戦ね、どこかの夜戦バカには負けないんだから | |
MVP Play |
Even someone like me can do it if I try! Hey, thank you so much, Admiral. |
こんな私でもやれば出来る! ねっ、提督、本当にありがとう。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kyaah! Is this really happening!? |
きゃっ!嘘でしょ!? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Stop it! I just got my bow fixed! |
やめてよぉ~!艦首直したばかりなのにぃ~! | |
Major Damage Play |
Looks like I just can't do it...? But, I don't want to lose like this! |
やっぱあたしじゃムリ…? でもこのまま負けるなんてイヤ! | |
Sunk Play |
They got me... Hey, Ushio, are you there...? Can I leave the rest to you... |
やられた・・・ねぇ、潮ちゃん、傍にいる・・・? 後の事、頼んでいいかな・・・ |
- ↑ She collided with Kitakami and ended up losing her bow.
- ↑ Ushio rescued her survivors after she was sunk.
- ↑ Several times over her career, her main guns were removed to make way for more anti-air guns.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Isn't it 12am! Admiral you idiot! |
深夜0時じゃない!提督のばかぁ! | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock? My skin is getting chapped... I'll go sleep first~ |
1時よぉ?お肌が荒れちゃう・・・先に寝ま~す | |
02:00 Play |
2 o'clock...? Hmmm? Admiral~? |
2時ぃ・・・?ん?提督ー? | |
03:00 Play |
I don't need a midnight snack at 3 o'clock. |
深夜の3時のおやつは要らないわ。 | |
04:00 Play |
4 in the morning!? Jeez, you've got to be kidding me~ |
朝の4時ぃ~!? もう、冗談でしょー | |
05:00 Play |
Admiral~, it's 5 o'clock. Don't you think it's time to stop? |
提督ぅ~、5じですー。そろそろまずくない~? | |
06:00 Play |
It's already 6 o'clock. I'll go do my hair. |
もう6時かぁ。髪作ってくるね。 | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7am. Hey, hey, how are my bangs? |
朝7時かぁ。ねえねえ、あたしの前髪どうかなぁ? | |
08:00 Play |
8 o'clock... Can I be with you today too, Admiral? |
8時…今日も提督と一緒にいていいかな? | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. What should we do today? |
9時です。今日はどうします? | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. Time for real life? |
10時です。そろそろリアルする? | |
11:00 Play |
It's 11 o'clock. Let's have lunch after working hard a bit longer! |
11時です。もうちょっとがんばったらランチしよ! | |
12:00 Play |
It's now 12 o'clock. Hey, I want to eat delicious food. |
12時になったよ。ねえ、美味しいもの食べたいなぁ。 | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1pm. Let's charge straight into afternoon work. |
午後1時です。午後の部突入~! | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2pm. Aren't you sleepy? Ah? Just me? |
午後2時ってらんかれむくらい(なんか眠くない)?…ふぁ?私だけ? | |
15:00 Play |
It's 3 o'clock. Want to take an afternoon nap? What about a snack? |
3時よ。お昼寝する?おやつにする? | |
16:00 Play |
It is now 4 o'clock. The fatigue is slowly settling in. |
4時になりましたね。そろそろ疲れてきたなぁ。 | |
17:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock! I'll go fix my hair~ |
5時です!髪なおしてきますー | |
18:00 Play |
It's 6 o'clock! I'm hungry! |
6時です!おなかすきました! | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock! Study, work! And then Kancolle! |
7時です!勉強、仕事!そして艦これ! | |
20:00 Play |
This is the 8pm announcement! How are you, Admiral? |
夜の8時をお知らせします!提督ぅー、調子はどーおー? | |
21:00 Play |
It is now 9pm, it's almost time for night battles. |
夜の9時になりました、そろそろ夜戦のお時間です。 | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock! Let's take a short break. |
10時です!ちょっと一息入れましょうよ。. | |
23:00 Play |
It is now 11 o'clock. Time to do or die! |
11時になりました。いよいよ正念場ね! |
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
2nd Anniversary Play |
It’s the 2nd anniversary! It’s here! I’m totally ready for this! Admiral! Congratulations! | |
二周年です!二周年!あたし的に超オッケーです!提督!おめでとうございます! | ||
Rainy Season 2015 Play |
We’re getting lots of rainy days, so it’s the rainy season now… Somehow, the Shiratsuyu-class are having fun… Destroyers are annoying… Oh no, I’m starting to speak like a certain someone! | She means Kitakami. |
雨の日が多い、梅雨の季節かあ…心なしか、白露型がはしゃいでる。…駆逐艦、うざい。…やだ、誰かさんの口癖が移っちゃった! | ||
Early Summer 2015 Play |
The days have gotten quite long. It’s almost summer then. … *Sigh* Someone in DesRon3 will get a lot nosier now… | Referring to Sendai. |
日の入りがずいぶんと長くなりましたねぇ。もうすぐ夏ですねぇ。……ふぅ。そうなるとどこかの三水戦のがうるさくなるなぁ…… | ||
Midsummer 2015 Play |
This blistering sun… must mean it’s summer. This’ll ruin my skin. …Umm, are you listening, Admiral? | |
この焼けつくような太陽…夏ですね~。お肌が荒れて、ちょっと困ります。…あのー、提督、聞いてます? | ||
Early Autumn 2015 Play |
Autumn; this season makes me remember the night of that battle. Beautiful flames. Scary flames. Even though they are one and the same. Ufufu, isn’t it strange, Admiral?[1] | |
秋、この季節は、あの夜の戦いを思い出します。綺麗な火。怖い火。一緒のモノなのに。うふふ、不思議ですね、提督。 | ||
Christmas 2015 Play |
Merry Christmas! I got an invitation to a party with Ashigara and the others tonight… What should I do, Admiral? W-well if it were up to me… | |
メリークリスマスです!今晩はパーティーするって足柄さんたちから招待状が…提督、どうしましょう?あ、あたしてきには… | ||
End of Year 2015 Play |
Aaah, I’m so busy! Hey, give me a hand, Admiral! With the Naval Base cleaning! Ah, dust spotted to starboard! | |
あぁー、忙しい!ほら、提督も手伝ってください!鎮守府のすす払い!あぁ、右舷にすす発見です! | ||
New Year 2016 Play |
Happy New Year! Please take good care of us in DesRon1 this year too! | |
新年、あけましておめでとうございます!今年も阿武隈と一水戦の皆をどぞよろしくお願いたします! | ||
Setsubun 2016 Play |
I heard that you need to eat as many beans as your age during Setsubun but… Eh, I shouldn’t dwell on it! Eh! Personally I’m OK! | |
節分って、歳の数だけお豆を頂くって聞きましたけど…ふぇ、深く考えるのはやめましょう! えぇ! あたし的にはオーケーです! | ||
Valentine’s Day 2016 Play |
I tried making these by hand this year, Admiral. What do you think? Personally, I think they’re ok though. | |
提督、今年は手作りで作ってみました。どうでしょうか?私てきにはオーケーなんですけど。 | ||
White Day 2016 Play |
Is this for me, Admiral? You made them yourself? Ehehehe, the misshapen look is cute. I’ll happily dig in! | |
提督、があたしに?提督の手作り?えへへへ、不格好なところがかわいいですね~。あたし的には、大事に頂きます! | ||
Spring 2016 Play |
The cherry blossoms in the Naval Base are blooming beautifully again this year. Come cherry blossom viewing with me, Admiral. I can’t wait. | |
鎮守府の桜も今年も綺麗に咲きましたね。提督も一緒にお花見しましょうぅ。楽しみぃ。 | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
It’s the 3rd Anniversary now. The 3rd Anniversary! Personally, I’m totally OK! Congratulations, Admiral! | |
三周年、三周年ですよ。三周年!私的に、とってもオーケーです!提督、おめでとうございます! | ||
Setsubun 2018 Play |
Ouch! What was that? Eh, m-me? No, stop that! Don’t throw beans at me! Stop… stop please! Ouch! | Secretary 2 |
いてぇ!嫌だなに?えぇ、あ、あたし?嫌だもう!お豆を投げるの!やめて…やめてくださいぃ!いてぇ! | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
It’s finally the 5th Anniversary! Personally I’m super OK! Admiral, everyone; congratulations! | |
ついに五周年、五周年です!あたし的にはスーパオーケーです!提督、みんなさん、おめでとうございます! | ||
Rainy Season 2018 Play |
Admiral, uh-umm, you can have this umbrella if you like… Pe-personally I’m OK with that! | Secretary 2 |
提督、あ、あの、良かったらこの傘を…あ、あたし的にはOKです! |
- ↑ She was torpedoed at the Battle of Surigao Strait.
Misc Lines
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Eve of the Final Battle 2017 Play |
Alriiiight! It’s time for the final battle. My pride and experience as the flagship of DesRon1 isn’t just for show! Flagship starting battle! Follow me, everyone! | |
よーしぃ!決戦の時です。一水戦旗艦の経験と自負は伊達じゃないです!旗艦戦闘!みんな、ついてきて! | ||
Homecoming 2018 Play |
Thank you… so much, everyone! Admiral… Admiral… I… I… did my best right!? | |
みんなさん、ありがとう…ございました!提督…提督…あたし…あたし…頑張ったよね!? |
Regular |
Seasonal |
Drop Locations
- She is named after the Abukuma River.
- On October 1930, Abukuma collided with light cruiser Kitakami. Abukuma lost her bow while Kitakami sustained only light damage above the waterline. She was later fitted from the old spoon-shaped bow to a new double-curved one.
- She was escorted by Ushio en route to repairs when she sunk. Ushio then rescued more than half of her crew.
- Her name exist in Abukuma-class Destroyers Escort in JSMDF naming from the World War II along the ship names from Ooyodo,Sendai-class and Tone-class cruisers.
- Sunk 26 October 1944: bombed by USAAF B-24 Liberator bombers off Negros Island, Mindanao Sea 09°20′N 122°32′E.