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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Katori また……夏がやってきましたね。駆逐艦たちがはしゃいでる。提督も一泳ぎされます? Summer... has come once again. The destroyers look like they're having a lot of fun. Admiral, do you want to swim together?
Akashi 夏ですねえ……。私もおしゃれな水着欲しいなあ。……提督、買ってくれてもいいのよ? キラキラ(ひひ) Looks like it's summer...I want a new swimsuit... Admiral, you know you can buy one for me you know? *Sparkling eyes* hehe キラキラ is an onomatopoeia for sparkling
Zuikaku 翔鶴姉、見てみて! 今年のおニューの水着だよ♪ 買っちゃった! だってもうすぐ夏だよ、夏! 翔鶴姉も買いに行こうよ、ね? Shoukaku-nee, look look! This is the year's new swimsuit♪ I bought it! I mean it's summer, SUMMER! Shoukaku-nee, let's get you a new swimsuit too, okay?
Hyuuga この季節は嫌いではないな……。伊勢……伊勢? なんだ、寝てるのか? I don't dislike this season...Ise...Ise? Oh, still sleeping?
Nagato よし、夏だなッ! 艦隊、水着で浜辺に集合だッ! 演習……“びーちばれー”というのをやるぞッ! チーム分けはこの長門が考えておいたッ! Yes, It's summer! Fleet, let us meet at the beach with our swimsuits! For our exercise...let's do a thing called "Beach Volleyball!" Let I, Nagato, divide the teams up!
Mutsu なぁに長門ったら……ビーチバレー? いいけど、貴女ルール知ってるの? ……(苦笑)あらあら、仕方ないわね……任せて Oh Nagato...Beach Volleyball? It's fine, but do you understand the rules? ...(smiles bitterly) Ara ara, I guess I'll have to...teach you
Littorio もうすぐ夏ですね……提督。新しい水着を試してみたいですね。ふふふ、楽しみです♪ Looks like it's almost summer...Admiral. I want to try out new swimsuits. Fufufu, I can't wait♪
Roma 大分暑くなってきたけれど、もうすぐ夏か。……姉さん、水着新調したんだ……ふぅん It sure has gotten hot, it's almost summer...Nee-san, you put on your new swimsuit...hmm
Suzuya ……ん~、ちょっち暑くなってきた、かな~? ん~、何か蒸し蒸しするぅ~。……熊野は平気? ...Hm~, feels like it's gotten hot around he~re? Mm~, its soo humid~...Kumano are you alright?
Kumano 夏の足音を感じますわ。鈴谷、わたくし、最新の水着を買いに行きたいですわ! ...I hear the summer footsteps. Suzuya, I would like to go buy this year's new swimsuit!
Nachi 夏だな。……暑いがまあ、気になる程でもないな。さあ、暑気払いで一杯やるか! It's summer...It's hot, but not that big of a deal. Now, let us forget about this heat with a drink! "Drink" meaning alcohol.
Ashigara 今年も夏が近づいてきたわね。……何だか、みなぎってきたわ! イケる! 今年はイケるわ! Looks like summer has arrived...I feel great! I can do it! This year for sure! Implies that she has a chance of (finding) a boyfriend this year. :p
Furutaka 今年も夏がやってきますね……。新しい水着、加古と買いに行こうかな? Summer is coming soon once again...A new swimsuit, is it time to go buy some with Kako?
Choukai 夏、ですね。……え? 水着ですか? ……あぁ、い、いえ、私はそのような……。あ……はい、では今度 It's summer...eh? A swimsuit? ...Ah, n-no, I don't ne...Ah...okay, next time
Ooi もうすぐ夏ねぇ♪ 北上さんとお揃いの水着、買わなくちゃ♪ ふふ、ふふふ♪ Looks like it's summer♪ I need to go buy the same kind of swimsuit that Kitakami-san has♪ Fufu, fufufu♪
Sendai 夏だぁ!! やったぁ!! 夜戦の季節だぁ!! 提督、夜戦だよ夜戦!! はやく!! や・せ・ん!! It's summer!! Yeah!! The season of night battling!! Admiral, time to night battle NIGHT BATTLE!! CMON!! YA-SE-N!! Yasen = night battle
Naka 夏だよ、夏! 那珂ちゃんサマーライブの夏だよぉ! よーし歌うよ~! 衣装衣装♪ It's summer, SUMMER! Time for Naka-chans summer live! I'm going to be singing a lot~! Costumes Costumes♪
Tatsuta 今年も暑くなるわねぇ~。執務室にクーラーですって? 何をふざけているのかしら? その服を……涼しくしてあげましょうね Looks like it'll be hot this year too~. An AC for the office? Is that supposed to be a joke? Those clothes of yours...I'll make it cooler for you
Kinu ……あっついなあ。もう夏かあ……初夏(しょっかぁ)……みーんみんみーん……あ、ダメ? ...So hot. Already summer...first day of summer...Mi~n Mi~n Mi~n...oh, you want me to stop? みーん = Mi~n = the noise that cicadas make
Abukuma 日の入りがずいぶんと長くなりましたねぇ。もうすぐ夏ですねぇ。……ふぅ。そうなるとどこかの三水戦のがうるさくなるなぁ…… Feels like the days last longer now. It's almost summer...Fuu. That means that one of the members from the "Third torpedo squadron" is going to get loud. Referring to Sendai.
Yuubari ふあ~、少し暑くなってきたわねえ。今年も夏が来るのかぁ、はっやいな~ Fuaa~, It sure has gotten hot. I guess summer is coming, so fa~st
Shirayuki ん……この季節、飛び交う虫は苦手です。ぐるぐる型のお香を焚きましょう。白雪にお任せください、一網打尽です! Hmm...This season, I don't like when bugs are everywhere. We should get one of those mosquito coils. Leave it to Shirayuki, the bugs will be gone in a instant!
Kagerou 不知火ぃ~。あんたも今年は、新しい水着買いなさい、よっ。……え? んぁ~、もうっ! 私が選んだげるっ! Shiranui~. Will you just buy a new swimsuit this year...eh? For the love of god! Fine, I'll choose for you!
Shiranui いや、不知火はそんな買い物には行か……いや、仕方ない。……あ、これはいいかも No, Shiranui will not go shoppi...no, never mind...Ah, this looks nice
Maikaze もうすぐ夏ですねぇ提督。夏は、どんなステップで踊る? ん~、どうしようか? ねえ、提督? Looks like it's almost summer, admiral. For summer, what do you want to dance? Hmm~, what to do? Are you listening, Admiral?
Hatsukaze ……はぁ、もうすぐ夏ね。え? 水着? 買ってないわ。なぁに、プレゼントしてくれるの? ...Haa, It's almost summer. Eh? Swimsuit? I didn't buy one. What, are you going to buy me one?
Tokitsukaze しれぇ~、そろそろ夏だねぇ~。今年の夏はぁ~、雪風たちと泳ぎに行こ~よぉ~♪ ねぇ~ねぇ~ Commander~, It's almost summer~. For this summer~, let's go swimming with Yukikaze and the others~♪ Hey~hey~
Takanami 暑くなってきましたね。もうすぐ、夏かも。……司令官は暑くないかもですか? It sure has gotten hot. It's almost, summer...It seems that the commander is not bothered by this heat?
Kisaragi もうすぐ夏ねぇ~。新しい水着、買っちゃおう……かな? ……ねぇ、どれがいいと思う? Looks like it's almost summer~. I should go buy a new swimsuit...I guess? ...Hey, which looks better on me?
Fumizuki そろそろ夏ぅ~。気の早いセミが、もう鳴いてるぅ~ It's about time for summer~. The cicadas, they're already crying~