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Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm the 2nd ship of the Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers, the younger sister, Zuikaku. A lucky carrier? Not quite, I just did my best... I won't lose as long as I have planes.[1] |
翔鶴型航空母艦2番艦、妹の瑞鶴です。幸運の空母ですって?そうじゃないの、一生懸命やってるだけ…よ。 艦載機がある限り、負けないわ! | |
Introduction Play |
Don't think that I'm just your ordinary standard carrier after my flight equipment has been fully modernised. |
航空艤装を全面てきに近代化改修したこの瑞鶴、ふつうの正規空母だとは思わないでね。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the 2nd ship of the Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers, Zuikaku.
I formed the core of the 1st Task Force with Shoukaku-nee after Midway and fought hard until my last breath.[2] I literally fought on until the day that the Task Force was crushed.[3] |
翔鶴姉と共に、ミッドウェーの後の第一機動部隊の中核として、矢尽き刀折れるまで奮戦しました。 文字通り、最後の機動部隊が壊滅する、その日まで…。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the 2nd ship of the Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers, Zuikaku.
I formed the core of the 1st Task Force with Shoukaku-nee after Midway and fought hard until my last breath. I literally fought on until the day that the Task Force was crushed. But this time will be different. I'll really show you the true power of a remodelled standard carrier! Let's do this, Shoukaku-nee! |
翔鶴姉と共にミッドウェーの後の第一機動部隊の中核として、矢尽き刀折れるまで奮戦しました。文字通り、最後の機動部隊が壊滅する、その日まで。 でも、今度は違うの。改装された本格正規空母の力、存分にみせるわ!翔鶴姉、やろう! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
What is it, Admiral? An operation? |
提督さん、何?作戦? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
What is it, Shoukaku-nee...? Wha, it's you, Admiral! What do you think you're doing!? Do you want to be bombed!? |
翔鶴姉なに…?って、提督さんじゃん!何やってんの!?爆撃されたいの!? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
All bombers take off as soon as you're ready! The target is the Admiral's office! Get him! |
全機爆装、準備出来次第発艦!目標、母港執務室の提督!やっちゃって! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Admiral~! I'm kind of bored... I'll sulk! |
提督ー!なんか瑞鶴、ちょっと退屈なんだけど…不貞腐れるぞ! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Admiral... don't push yourself alright...? |
提督さん…あんま無理しちゃ駄目だよ…? | |
Wedding Play |
What's with that serious expression, Admiral? Is there something on my face? Ah, you're close, too close! Your expression is! Ah... Ah... Ah... |
提督さん、どうしたの、そんな真顔で?瑞鶴の顔になんか付いてる? えっ?あっ、近い、近いですよ!顔がっ!?あっ…あぁっ…あぁ… | |
Player's Score Play |
How is it, Admiral? What's the situation like? |
提督さん、どう?どんな感じどんな感じ? | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
CarDiv5, Zuikaku, sortieing! |
五航戦、瑞鶴出撃よ! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Yup, looks good! Thanks! |
うんっ、いいみたい!ありがとね! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
A new plane? That's great! Thank you~! |
新しい艦載機?いいじゃあない!さーんきゅっ! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
You shouldn't have... This is great too... Thank you! |
やだ…これもいいわね…さーんきゅっ! | |
Equipment 2 (Kai Ni A) Play |
A new model plane... Hmm... That does sound good. I can handle any equipment! |
新型艦載機っ…。ん…。たしかに良さそう。うちの装備と艤装なら、運用できるわ! | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
This feels great! |
いい感じじゃない! | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
Alright, this feels great! |
よし、いい感じじゃあない! | |
Supply Play |
Fuel, ammunition... replace my planes too alright. |
燃料、弾薬…艦載機も補充しておくね。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I'll be in the bath for a while. |
少し、お風呂に入ってくるね。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Well, even I get injured sometimes. |
まぁ、私だってたまにはケガするし。 | |
Construction Play |
Looks like a new ship is here, Admiral. |
提督さん、新しい船できたみたい。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned safely to port. Whew... thank goodness! |
艦隊が無事帰投しました。はぁ…よかったぁ! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Carrier Zuikaku, setting sail! |
空母瑞鶴、抜錨します! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Task Force flagship, Zuikaku, setting sail! Follow me! |
機動部隊、旗艦瑞鶴、抜錨するわ!続いて! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
1st Attack Squadron, begin take off! |
第一次攻撃隊、発艦始め! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Let's do this, Shoukaku-nee! Face into the wind, Attack Squadron, take off![6] |
翔鶴姉、やるよ!艦首風上、攻撃隊、発艦始め! | |
Attack Play |
We'll decide this out of their range![7] |
アウトレンジで、決めたいわね! | |
Attack (Kai Ni A) Play |
Now, let's get started! We really do outrange them! All Attack Squadrons, take off! |
さぁ、始めるわ!ほんとにアウトレンジしてあげるんだから!攻撃隊、全機発艦! | |
Air Battle Play |
2nd Attack Squadron, ready, all planes take off! |
第二次攻撃隊、稼働機、全機発艦! | |
Night Battle Play |
"A turkey"...? That's not funny![8] |
七面鳥ですって…?冗談じゃないわ! | |
MVP Play |
Alright! Did you see that! This is the true power of CarDiv5! It's because I have Lady Luck by my side! |
やったぁ!見たか!これが五航戦の本当の力よ!瑞鶴には幸運の女神がついていてくれるんだから! | |
MVP Play |
Alrigh! Did you see that! This is the true power of the new CarDiv5. It's because I have Lady Luck by my side! |
よーし!見たか!これが新しい五航戦の本当の力よ。瑞鶴には幸運の女神がついていてくれるんだから! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Tch... It's just a scratch. |
っ…かすり傷なんだから。 | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
N-not bad...! |
や、やるじゃないの…! | |
Major Damage Play |
Jeez, and I made it this far without being hit! Prevent detonation! Is the flight deck alright? |
もうっ、私がここまで被弾するなんて!誘爆を防いで!飛行甲板は大丈夫? | |
Major Damage (Kai Ni A) Play |
Jeez, I've been hit! Prevent detonation! Is the deck alright? I can still keep fighting! |
もうっ、私が被弾するなんて!誘爆を防いで!甲板は大丈夫ね?まだまだ戦いるわ! | |
Sunk Play |
Urgh... So my time has come too...? All hands to the flight decks, Shoukaku-nee are you waiting for me... |
うっ…私も逝くの…? 総員飛行甲板、翔鶴姉、待っていてくれるかな… |
- ↑ She was called lucky because she survived many engagements.
- ↑ After the disaster at Midway, Shoukaku and Zuikaku were assigned to CarDiv1.
- ↑ Referring to the Battle of Leyte Gulf where the IJN was handed it's biggest defeat.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Carriers would sail against the wind to make it easier for planes to take off.
- ↑ IJN planes had better range than the USN ones. They would count on that to try attack USN carriers without being retaliated against.
- ↑ Referring to the Battle of the Philippine Sea that was known as the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot because the inexperienced IJN pilots were shot down en masse by USN AA.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Admiral, the date has chaged you know? |
提督さん、日付が変わっちゃったよ? | |
01:00 Play |
The time is now 0100. I'm sleepy... |
時刻はマルヒトマルマル。ねむーい… | |
02:00 Play |
It's 0200. Aren't you sleepy? |
マルフタマルマルよ。眠くないの? | |
03:00 Play |
It's now 0300, Admiral... |
提督さんー、マルサンマルマルになったよ… | |
04:00 Play |
0400. I-I'm still awake! |
マルヨンマルマル。ま、まだおきてます! | |
05:00 Play |
It's morning... 0500, it's dawn... |
朝じゃん…マルゴーマルマル、夜明けだねぇ… | |
06:00 Play |
The time is now 0600. I don't think we're getting up early, it's more like we're staying up late... |
現在時刻マルロクマルマル。早起きと言うか、夜更かしと言うか… | |
07:00 Play |
It's 0700. What's for breakfast? I can't wait~ |
マルナナマルマルよ。朝ごはんなになに?楽しみ~ | |
08:00 Play |
It's now 0800. Now, let's do our best to out range them today! |
現在、マルハチマルマル。さぁ、今日も頑張ってアウトレンジしよ! | |
09:00 Play |
The time is 0900. Shall we start with recon for now? |
時刻はマルキュウマルマル。とりあえず索敵しとく? | |
10:00 Play |
It's now 1000... Is Shoukaku-nee feeling fine? |
ヒトマルマルマルになったわ…翔鶴姉元気かなぁ? | |
11:00 Play |
It's 1100. What are we having for lunch? Hey, what's for lunch? |
ヒトヒトマルマルよ。お昼何食べる?ねえ何食べる? | |
12:00 Play |
Admiral! 12... Hey, It's lunchtime now! I want to eat! |
提督!ヒトフタ…ってお昼ですお昼!ランチしたーい! | |
13:00 Play |
13... Ngh, this is a pain. It's 1 o'clock. |
ヒトサン…ん~めんどくさーい。1時よ1時。 | |
14:00 Play |
Yes, yes, I get it. The time is now 1400. Better? |
はいはい分かったわよ。現在時刻はヒトヨンマルマル。これでいい? | |
15:00 Play |
It's now 1500. Are Ozawa and the others doing well?[1] |
時刻はヒトゴーマルマル。小沢っちは元気かなぁ? | |
16:00 Play |
It's 1600. It's amost evening huh? |
ヒトロクマルマルよ。そろそろ夕方よね~? | |
17:00 Play |
The sun has set. It's 1700. |
だんだん日が暮れて来たぁ。ヒトナナマルマルです。 | |
18:00 Play |
1800. Now, it's night time. |
ヒトハチマルマル。さぁ、夜の時間ね。 | |
19:00 Play |
19.... Ngh, it's become a pain again. It's 7 o'lock. It's dinnertime now. |
ヒトキュウ・・・ん~まためんどうになって来た。7時よ。夜御飯なんだろうね。 | |
20:00 Play |
It's 2000, 8 o'clock! I don't mind but... Kawau... Ngh... Sendai, shut up![2] |
フタマルマルマル, 8時です!どうでもいいけど…かわう…ん…川内うるさい! | |
21:00 Play |
The time is now 2100. It's 9 o'clock. |
現在時刻フタヒトマルマル。9時よ。 | |
22:00 Play |
2200. It's totally night... Shouldn't you go to bed soon, Admiral? |
フタフタマルマル。すっかり夜…提督さん、そろそろ休まなくていいの? | |
23:00 Play |
It's late now. 2300. Yeah, let's go to sleep. |
深夜になって来ました。フタサンマルマル。うーん、そろそろ寝ようよぉ。 |
- ↑ Referring to Vice-Admiral Ozawa Jisaburou who commanded the Northern Force at Leyte Gulf.
- ↑ Kawauchi is another way of reading Sendai's name.
Drop Locations
Voiced by: Iori Nomizu
Illustrated by: Konishi (コニシ)
Zuikaku wears a shortened miko uniform with arm bracers and thigh boots with propellers protruding from them. Like most archer carriers, she wields a bow and wears muneate but hers has a kana inscribed on it ("ス").
Zuikaku has long grey (or green or black) hair in twintails. Her flight deck is attached to her left arm.
Unlike Shoukaku, her clothes changes color after remodeling. Her skirt becomes brown; her top is now a bluish grey; her muneate, flight deck, arm bracers and quiver on her back gain a geometric camouflage pattern.
Brash, proud and overly confident at times.
Behind the Design
Konishi has noted in the artist interview in the Mel Febri Magazine released back in December 2013 that during when he was working on the designs of Shoukaku and Zuikaku, both girls were design with an identical design as if they were almost twins based upon thier appearance. However, he was not satisfied with how they appeared and chose to redesign both of the ship girls before they were released for the Spring 2013 Event. In the end Konishi was able to finish and finalize the design of the Shoukaku and Zuikaku that players know today on May 16th, 2013, one day before the Spring 2013 Event was released.
- High luck value is due to the fact that she did not take much damage until her final battle at Leyte Gulf, while her sister Shoukaku always took heavy damage. Her High luck is also due in part to her name, that makes use of the kanji for "luck" as well as "crane".
- The camouflage pattern of her upgraded model clothes refers to the actual flight deck camouflage pattern used during the Leyte Gulf battle. The same pattern was also used on Zuihou, Chitose and Chiyoda.
- She was sunk by air attack in the Battle of Leyte Gulf on the 25th of October in 1944.
- She is required for quests A23 and B15.
- On October 30th, 2015, following the release of her second remodel, there was a discrepancy with Zuikaku's image that the artist, Konishi, took notice of once he saw her new art in-game. Konishi would later tweet that her aspect ratios got squashed down a little bit. There was a noticeable difference in the image used in-game versus his original concept. Later that same day the developers took notice and announced they would be patching in the correct image the following day. The image has since been replaced with the correct version. It was revealed that Konishi had simply sent the wrong file to the devlopers as there were many revisions to Zuikaku's new design. The tweets in which Konishi noted the mistake and those containing the comparison images were later removed. [1]