Prinz Eugen
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Event | Japanese/English |
Intro Play |
Good morning! I'm the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. Nice to meet you! |
Guten Morgen! 私は、重巡プリンツ・オイゲン。よろしくね! | |
Library Play |
Oh! You surprised me! I, German-born heavy cruiser, Prinz Eugen! Admiral Hipper class, third ship. With big sister Bismarck, I took part in Operation Rheinübung. Lucky fleet ... really? I will keep fighting in this sea too! [1] |
わ!びっくりした!私、ドイツ生まれの重巡、プリンツ・オイゲン。アドミラル・ヒッパー級3番艦です。ビスマルク姉様とライン演習作戦に参加しました。幸運艦…そう?この海でも戦い抜きます! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
I wish you a nice day. |
Einen schönen Tag! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Oh! You surprised me! ..Ah, yes! Setting off! |
おあ!びっくりしたあ!…ぁはい!出ます! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Oh!... Alright! Prinz Eugen, Sortieing! |
おあ!…ぁ了解です!プリンツ・オイゲン、出撃ー! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Admiraal! Is it the Rhine Exercise? ...Ah.. So I was mistaken.. It's okay! I'll still work hard! Leave it to me![2] |
提督ぅ!ライン演習ですかあ!…あぁなんだ違うのかあ…ううん!でも頑張る!任せて! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Bismarck Nee-sama... I wonder if she's okay...? I'm kind of curious... Maybe I should go see what she's doing? |
ビスマルク姉さま・・・大丈夫かなぁ・・・?ちょっと気になる・・・。様子見てこよう・・・かなぁ。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Fuwaa, Admiral-san, if you're tired, you need to take a break. Definitely! Got it!? |
ふぁぁ、Admiralさん、疲れたら少し休まないとダメだよぉ。きっと!だからねっ! | |
Wedding Play |
Admiral-san, you said you needed something? Wah, t-this is for me? Uh, umm~, Bismarck Nee-sama is... a-ah... u-um, ...Thank you! I'll treasure it!! |
Admiralさん、ご用事ってなんですか? わ、こ、これをわたしに? え、え~と、ビスマルク姉様がぁ…あ、あぅ… あ、あの…Danke! 大切にします!! | |
Player's Score Play |
Information about the fleet, right~? Wait a minute~ Ho~, ho~oho~ I seee~ |
艦隊の情報ね、ん、ちょっと待ってー、ほぉ、ほぉほぉ、なるほどねぇー | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen, setting off! |
重巡プリンツ・オイゲン、出撃します! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Fine. Thank you. |
Danke gut! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Thank you, Thank you! |
Danke, Danke! | |
Equipment 3 [3] Play |
Good luck! |
Viel Glück. | |
Supply |
Tha~nk you, I appreciate it! |
Danke、感謝ね! | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Haa... I got hit. I'll get fixed soon |
はぁ…やられちゃった。すぐ直すから | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Good Night |
Gute Nacht. | |
Construction Play |
It looks like new ships have been commissioned. Looking forward to it! |
新艦艇が就役したみたい。楽しみね! | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
Operation complete! Thank you for the hard work~ |
作戦完了! お疲れさまでしたー。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Bismarck Nee-sama, let's head out together! |
ビスマルク姉さま、ご一緒に出撃しましょう! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Aim... Fire! |
よく狙って……Feuer! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Shelling, commence!... Fire! |
砲撃、開始! Feuer! | |
Attack Play |
Fire! Fire! |
Feuer! Feuer! | |
Night Battle Play |
Prinz Eugen, commencing pursuit battle! |
プリンツ・オイゲン、追撃戦に移ります! | |
Attack (Night Battle) Play |
Main guns... carefully aim... firing, commence! |
主砲…よく狙って…砲撃、開始! | |
MVP Play |
Ehh, I'm a lucky girl? Nothing of that sort! I don't like shallows, for one...[4] |
ふぇっ、私がラッキーガールですって?全然そんなことないよー!浅瀬とか、苦手だし… | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Uwaa I got hit! But, I'm not done yet..! |
うわぁっやられた!でも、まだ…! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
I can't sink from this..! Counter attack! |
私がこんなので沈むわけない…!反撃よ! | |
Major Damage Play |
I'll get laughed at by Bismarck Nee-sama like this..! |
こんなの、ビスマルク姉さまに笑われちゃう…! | |
Sunk Play |
This time I'll go on ahead... Sakawa... Nagato... See you...[5] |
私…今度は先に沈むのね…、酒匂…長門…また…ね |
- ↑ Operation Rheinübung
- ↑ That is,Operation Rheinübung
- ↑ Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Perhaps due to Operation Crossroads.
- ↑ A reference to Operation Crossroads, where Nagato, Sakawa, & herself were among the targets for nuclear tests.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Uwaa!? It's exactly 0 o'clock! Today, it's this Prinz Eugen's duty to tell you the time. Alright, I got it! Leave it to me! |
ぅわあっ!?ちょうど0時!今日は、このプリンツ・オイゲンが時刻を知らせる役目ね。よしっ、分かった!任せといて! | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1am! Is something like this good? Ah, I see! Thank goodness! |
午前1時になりましたー!こんな感じで良い、かな?ぁあ、そう!よかったぁ! | |
02:00 Play |
It's 2am. In this country, you say... Ushi, Mitsu, Doki? Aah, they are funny sounding words. |
午前2時です。この国ではウシ、ミツ、ドキ…って言うの?あぁ、なんだか面白い響きの言葉ね。 | |
03:00 Play |
Waa, you startled me! Ah, do you like... this hairstyle? Aah! It's 3am! |
わぁっ、びっくりしたぁ。あ、この髪形…気になる?っああ!午前3時になりました! | |
04:00 Play |
Nnn~... It's 4am~... nn... As expected, I'm a bit tired... But, I'm fine. |
んんぅ~…っ、午前4時で~す…んん…流石にちょっと眠いかもぉ…っけど、平気。 | |
05:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock! Guten Morgen, it's a nice morning! Let's do our best! |
5時になりましたー!Guten Morgen、気持ちが良い朝!がんばっていきましょー! | |
06:00 Play |
6 o'clock. Breakfast, huh... eh? Me!? Got it, leave it to me! Umm... hmm, what should I make? I wonder if I should make Bismarck Nee-sama's portion too? Right? |
6時です。朝食かぁ…っへ?私!?分かった、任せといてっ!えーっと…んー、何作ろうかなぁ。ビスマルク姉さまの分も必要かなぁ?ねっ | |
07:00 Play |
Ok, today's breakfast is bread, cheese, and sausage. Also salad... and of course, have some hot coffee! It's pretty average, but still good, right? Ah, it's exactly 7 o'clock now.[1] |
はいっ、今朝の朝食はパンとチーズとソーセージ。あとサラダと…もちろん、熱いコーヒーもどうぞ!普通だけど美味しいでしょ?あぁ、今7時ちょうどです。 | |
08:00 Play |
It's now 8 o'clock. Now, Admiral-san, let's do today's missions! Will you start with exercises? Or maybe, expeditions? |
8時になりました。さぁ、Admiralさん、今日の作戦をこなしていきましょう!演習から行く?それとも、遠征? | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9am. Hm? Ah, it's Nagato! Ooy, Na-gato! Where have we met? That is, of course! ...uh... huh? Umm... where was it...?[2] |
午前9時です。んっ?あ、長門だぁ!おーい、なーがとー!…ん?どこで会ったかって?それはもちろん!…っと…あれ?えっと…どこだっけ…? | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. Battleship? 'Course! If I'm with Bismarck Nee-sama, we'll sink them in no time! Leave it to me![3] |
10時です。戦艦?もち!ビスマルク姉さまと一緒なら、ぜんっぜん余裕で撃沈しちゃう!まっかせてー! | |
11:00 Play |
It's now 11am~. It's almost noon, huh~. It might be nice to eat outside today. |
午前11時になりましたー。そろそろお昼ですねー。今日は、外でお昼もいいですね。 | |
12:00 Play |
Ah, it's already noon! It's midday! For lunch, is cheese and bread outside ok? Since it's nice, shall we have a beer too? Aha, no good, huh... |
っあぁ、もうお昼!正午です!お昼は、外でチーズとパンでいいかな?気持ちいいからビールもいっちゃう?あはっ、ダメかぁ… | |
13:00 Play |
It's now 13 o'clock. Time to start the afternoon missions. Let's do our best! |
13時になりました。午後の作戦開始ですね、頑張っていきましょう! | |
14:00 Play |
14 o'clock. Eh? What, Sakawa? Ah, I know her, she's that cute light cruiser.[4] |
14時です。え?なになに、酒匂?あぁ知ってます、あの可愛い軽巡ね。 | |
15:00 Play |
15 o'clock. Aah, this? It's my fittings from Operation Cerberus. How is it, does it suit me~?[5] |
15時です。あぁ、これですか?はい、ツェルベルス作戦時の艤装です。どうでしょう、似合います~? | |
16:00 Play |
It's now 16 o'clock. Waa, you startled me, Bismarck Nee-sama! Shall we sortie together? Yes, by all means.[6] |
16時になりました。わぁ、びっくりした、ビスマルク姉さま!ご一緒に出撃致しましょう!はい、是非! | |
17:00 Play |
17 o'clock. It's evening now. It's about time for the day to be getting darker. Haa, such a beautiful sky... Ah, of course Bismarck Nee-sama is the most beautiful! |
17時。夕方となりました。そろそろ、本日も日が暮れますね。…はぁ、綺麗な空…。あぁ、もちろんビスマルク姉さまが一番綺麗です。 | |
18:00 Play |
It's 18 o'clock. I'll start preparing dinner. Is kaltes Essen ok for today? Eh, it's not? Something warm would be better?[7] |
18時です。夕食の準備をしますね。今日は、kaltes Essenで良いですか?え、嫌だ?温かいのがいいの? | |
19:00 Play |
It's 19 o'clock. Well then, dinner is Eisbein pot-au-feu. It's fine if the flavor soaks into the soup, right? And finally, if you add in rice to make it a porridge, it's delicious![8] |
19時です。では、夕食はEisbeinのポトフにしてみました。スープにも味が染みだしていていいでしょ?最後は、ご飯を入れて雑炊風にしても美味しいんです! | |
20:00 Play |
It's now 20 o'clock. Japanese cruisers are pretty well-rounded, huh? Mmhmm. Aah, I see... Mmhmm. |
20時になりました。日本の重巡も、充実しているんですねぇ。ふむふむ、う~んなるほど…ふむ、ふむ… | |
21:00 Play |
21 o'clock. Eh, a... signature move? Let's see, I spent a lot of time shelling hordes of advancing enemy tanks! I'm pretty good at that! Yes![9] |
21時。え、得意技…ですか?そーですねぇ、艦砲で押し寄せる戦車の群れを、結構叩きました。これも割と得意です!はいっ! | |
22:00 Play |
22 o'clock, it's completely nighttime now. Admiral-san, good work on today's operations too. |
すっかり夜ですねぇ、22時です。Admiralさん、今日も一日、作戦お疲れ様でした! | |
23:00 Play |
It's 23 o'clock. Hm~ it's about time I took a break too... Gute Nacht... Eh, I can't~? |
23時です。ん~そろそろ私も休ませて貰いますね…Guten Morgen…っえ、だめぇ…? |
- ↑ A typical German breakfast.
- ↑ Probably from Operation Crossroads
- ↑ During Operation Rheinübung, they worked together to sink battlecruiser HMS Hood.
- ↑ Sakawa was part of Operation Crossroads
- ↑ Operation Cerberus
- ↑ Operation Rheinübung
- ↑ Literally a "cold meal".
- ↑ Eisbein is a pickled ham dish.
- ↑ She provided support fire in the Baltics against the advancing Soviet Army.
Seasonal Quotes
Event | Japanese/English |
Christmas 2014 |
わぁ、クリスマスはやっぱり、シュトレンやレイプクヘンが楽しみ!美味しいよねぇ~ | |
New Year 2015 |
This is a Japanese new year. There are "2 Priests"...! Kadoma-2, too, is unique and wonderful...![1][2] |
これがニホンの新年、『オショウ・ガ・ツー』なのか…! カドマ・ツーも、独特で素敵かも…! | |
Setsubun 2015 |
So this is Japan's culture, Setsubun! I throw this bean at Nagato, right? Hyah! Oh?![3] |
これが日本の文化、セッツ・ブーン!この豆を、長門に投げればいいの?……えいっ!ああっ!? |
Drop Locations
In-Game Trivia
- Humikane Shimada's commentary from Twitter on November 13th, 2014 reveal the follow design details:
- She looks like Bismarck because the British mistook her for Bismarck. Hence, the turrets, bridge, & so forth are all more or less modeled after Bismarck.
- Her basic form's patterns are a reference to the DKM standard Baltic camouflage.
- Her remodel's patterns are a reference to the camouflage after the Channel Dash, or Operation Cerberus.
- There's a Prinz Eugen patch beneath her shoulder pad's iron cross.
- When displayed in the PvP team roster, only 'Prinz' will show up. This may be due to the space between the two words ('Prinz' & 'Eugen') being recognized as a name split.
- Was rewarded to Admrials who cleared E-3's Fall 2014 Event.
- Started to appear as a drop in E-4 of 2015 Fall Event and onward.
- Prinz Eugen is considered the unique in terms of Kanmusu drops within in the game. As she only drops for player who does not have her in possession. If a player own Prinz Eugun, she will not drop again, unless you have sunk or scrap her.
- Her name translates to 'Prince Eugene'.
- It's for Prince Eugene of Savoy, one of the most important Field Marshals in the history of the Austrian military. He served the Habsburg Monarchy during the late 17th & early 18th century.
- Eugene is derived from the Greek word ευγενης (eugenēs), or 'noble'. Literally, it means "well-born".
- Sortied with Bismarck during Bismarck's first & only operation, Operation Rheinübung.
- One of the Kriegsmarine ships whom survived World War II
- She was acquired for service in the US Navy for a short time & listed as an unclassified miscellaneous vessel (USS Prince Eugen) with the hull number IX-300 to prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring her.
- One of the many participants in Operation Crossroads.
- After both nuclear tests, she was towed to Kwajalein Atoll on July 25, 1946 & eventually partially capsized in shallow waters due to an unrepaired leak on December 22nd, 1946.
- Part of her wreck is still visible above water.