Revision as of 23:02, 21 April 2015 by Remi Scarlet (talk | contribs)
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
夕雲型駆逐艦、巻雲といいます。夕雲姉さんを見習って、頑張ります | Yuugumo-class destroyer, I am Makigumo. Following Yuugumo-neesan's example, I'll do my best! | ||
Library Intro Play |
夕雲型駆逐艦二番艦、巻雲です。ホーネットの後始末、事情許さば拿捕曳航されたし…って云われても、結構無理ゲーだし…って、秋雲がこっち指差して笑ってるし。本当にもうなんなの? | I'm Makigumo, second ship of the Yuugumo-class Destroyers. While cleaning up after the Hornet, 'situation permitting, tow and capture it'... they said, but that was pretty much impossible... and now Akigumo's pointing and laughing at me. Seriously, what the heck? | A 2500-ton destroyer towing a damaged 20,000 ton Aircraft carrier wasn't going to happen. | |
Secretary(1) Play |
司令官さま~。巻雲、お役に立ちますよ~? | Commander-sama~ Makigumo, is she useful~? | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
司令官さま~。巻雲はいつでも万全の態勢で・・・あれ~?服のサイズがおっきいよ~ | Commander-sama~. Makigumo always has perfect posture. Hey~? My clothes are too big~ | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
はわわわわ、夕雲姉さんしか触っちゃ駄目なんですよぉ! | Hawawawawa, nobody but Yuugumo-neesan is allowed to touch me~! | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
じぃー…私は画面から、いつも司令官様を見ています。じぃー… | ……I'm always looking at Commander-sama from the screen. | じぃー is sn onomatopoeia that expresses the state someone stares something eagerly. | |
Secretary(Married) Play |
司令官様、がんばって!巻雲もがんばります! | Commander-sama, do your be~st! Makigumo will too! | ||
Wedding Play |
司令官様、今日はとってもゆっくりさせてもらえて、ありがとうございました。巻雲も、もうそろそろ夕雲姉さんから卒業しなくちゃいけないのかな。良いの? | Commander-sama, thank you very much for letting me take my time today. Makigumo too, has to graduate from Yuugumo-neesan some time. Is that okay? | ||
Show player's score Play |
司令官さまにご報告です! | Report for Commander-sama! | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
巻雲の出番ですね、頑張ります! | It's Makigumo's turn, I'll do my best! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
ふふーん! わたしの新武装、どうでしょう? | Hmmhmmm! My new armament, how is it? | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
巻雲、強くなりたいです! | Makigumo, wants to get stronger! | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
お役立ちです! | How useful! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
もう食べられないかも~ | I can't eat anymore~ | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
うわーん、直してくださーい | *cries* Please fix me~ | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
巻雲、派手にやられてしまいました…もっとがんばらなきゃ… | Makigumo, you can really see her damage... I'll have to work harder! | ||
Ship construction Play |
新しい仲間が誕生しましたよ! | A new friend has been born! | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊が戻ってきたよ!? | The fleet's back!? | ||
Start a sortie Play |
夕雲姉さん、見ていてください! | Yuugumo-neesan, please watch me! | ||
Battle start Play |
秋雲よりはちゃんとやりますって! | I'll do more than Akigumo! | ||
Attack Play |
へやぁ~!どまんなか、命中させます! | Heyaaa~ Right in the middle, I'll hit it! | ||
Night battle Play |
処分雷撃より、敵艦を撃つことがほんとです! | More than scuttling, I want to shoot at the enemy! | (Makigumo, along with Akigumo, scuttled the abandoned Hornet. She didn't sink anything else...) | |
Night attack Play |
夕雲姉さん、見てて!巻雲、突撃します! | Yuugumo-neesan, watch this! Makigumo, attacking! | ||
MVP Play |
司令官さま!夕雲姉さん!私やりました! | Commander-sama! Yuugumo-neesan! I did it! | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ひゃわぁ!?船尾に被弾! | Fuyaaa, a hit on the stern! | (Makigumo sunk from a mine strike at the stern) | |
Minor damaged(2) Play |
うわーん、今日はいけると思ってたのにぃ | Fuwaaaaan, even though I thought I could do it today~! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
はわわわわ…こんな時に探照灯つけるなんて!秋雲のばかぁ! | Fuwaaaaan, turning on the searchlight at a time like this! Akigumo, you idiot! | Akigumo turned her searchlight on to confirm the sinking of USS Hornet while scuttling her with Makigumo. | |
Sunk Play |
夕雲姉さん、私はもう動けないから、置いていって。巻雲の最後のわがまま、雷撃処分、夕雲姉さんになら… | Yuugumo-neesan, I can't move anymore, please leave me. My final selfish request...the one to scuttle me, should be you... | ...and she did. |
Hourly Notifications
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
0時。深夜0時ですよぉ! | 0 o'clock. 0 at night~! | |
01:00 |
はわわわわ、なんともう、深夜1時ですよぉ! | Hawawawa, how is it 1 in the morning~! | |
02:00 |
深夜2時…巻雲限界だよぉ… | 2 in the morning.... This is Makigumo's limit... | |
03:00 |
午前3時。司令官さまぁ、艦これは逃げないからさぁ、寝ようよぉー… | 3 A.M. Commander-sama, KanColle isn't going anywhere, so let's just sleep~... | |
04:00 |
よ…4時…。…ぷはっ…ぅう~ん… | F...four o'clock.... Zzz.... | |
05:00 |
ご~…じ~……んぅ~…む… | 5.... o'clo... zzz... | |
06:00 |
ろ…ろ…ろ…ぉ…わ!ごめんなさい、寝てません~ | S...s...Si....wa! Sorry, I wasn't sleeping~ | (She's trying to say Six) |
07:00 |
7時~…むにゃ…夕雲姉さ~ん… | 7 o'clock~ munya~ Yuugumo-neesa~n... | |
08:00 |
8…時~?…うわぁ!?寝落ちしちゃったぁ | 8... o'clock~? Uwa! I fell asleep! | |
09:00 |
9時です。本日も一日よろしくです。ビシッ! | It's 9 o'clock. Look after me today, too! *salute* | |
10:00 |
10時になりました~。今日の演習相手はどんな人かな? | It's now 10 o'clock~. I wonder what kind of person will be your practice buddy today? | |
11:00 |
11時です。司令官さまの今日のお昼はなあに? | It's 11 o'clock. What will Commander-sama's lunch be today? | |
12:00 |
12時。天気のいい日は、甲板でお昼もいいですよね~ | 12 o'clock. On such a fine day, having lunch on deck is nice too~ | |
13:00 |
午後1時。こうして司令官さまとぼーっとしてると、なんか落ち着くなぁー… | 1 P.M. To just daydream with Commander-sama like this, it's somehow relaxing~... | |
14:00 |
午後2時。司令官様~、特訓しよう特訓! | 2 P.M. Commander-sama~ Let's do special training; special training! | |
15:00 |
午後3時。 はっ、忘れてた! 金剛さん主催のティーパーティーに誘われてるんだったぁ~! | 3 P.M. Ah, I forgot! I was invited to Kongou's tea party~! | |
16:00 |
午後4時。まあ、司令官さまと一緒だからいいかな・・・ティーパーティーに行かなくても | 4 P.M. Ah, being with Commander-sama is nice... even if I don't go to the tea party... | |
17:00 |
夕方5時で~す。日が落ちますね~ | It's 5 in the eve~ning. The sun has dissapeared~ | |
18:00 |
午後6時になりました~ | It's 6 P.M. now~ | |
19:00 |
夜7時。司令官さま、ごはんを所望します! | 7 at night. Commander-sama, I desire dinner! | |
20:00 |
夜8時です。司令官さま、あの~あの~お風呂とか入ってもいい? | It's 8 at night. Hey~ Hey~ Commander-sama, is it okay to take a bath? | |
21:00 |
9時です~。お風呂お先にいただきました。あれ~?めがねめがねぇ~ | It's 9 o'clock~. I'll head into the bath first. Oh~? Glasses, glasses~ | |
22:00 |
夜10時です。司令官さま、調子はいかがですか? | It's 10 at night. Commander-sama, how are you doing? | |
23:00 |
11時です~。司令官さま~、巻雲、眠くなってきましたよ~… | 11 o'clock~. Commander-sama~, Makigumo, is all sleepy~... |
Drop Locations
- Scuttled, 1 February 1943
- Her 25mm double is similar to the captured emplacement in Guam 1944 (With its missing muzzle and gun sight) (photographed by the US military)
- Her name means "Cirrus cloud"
- Easiest way to stock up type 3 sonars as she is fairly common among the silver background DDs.