

Just a non-exhaustive list of features we are expecting in the game because the devs teased them, or the game gives very strong hints about them. Some are outdated and will probably never come.

  • Some stolen from there [1]

General Content

  • In-game player-to-player interaction
    • Anything ranging from real PVP, coop mode, or just social interactions
    • Players' Friendly Fleets
  • Comeback of the Arctic Gear & Deck Personnel 
  • Shinzan 
    's "high altitude" mechanic
  • Yuubari Kai Ni abilities update
  • Souya being "VERY useful"
  • Yamato Touch helper update
  • Smoke update
  • Zuiun (night?) update
  • Ribbon functions update
  • Nelson Touch update with the 16" brit guns

  • World 1 extra operation (1-7)
  • World 2 extra operations (2-6 & 2-7)
  • World 3 extra operations (3-6 & 3-7)
  • World 4 extra operations (4-6 & 4-7)
  • World 5 extra operations (5-6 & 5-7)
  • World 6 extra operations (6-6 & 6-7)
  • World 7 extra operations (7-6 & 7-7)
    • 7-4 compositions changing over time
    • 7-5 compositions changing over time
    • World 7 LBAS expansion

  • World 3 extra expeditions (C1 to C6)
  • World 4 extra expeditions (D4 to D6)
  • World 5 extra expeditions (E3 to E6)
  • World 7 expeditions (47 & 48)
  • World 7 extra expeditions (F1 to F6)
  • World 6 expeditions (49 to 56)
  • World 6 extra expeditions (G1 to G6)


  • Shinano (by Youki)
  • Last Mutsuki-class "Yūzuki" (at N°282 in the Gallery)
  • New Taiyou-class CVE "Chūyō" (at N°323 in the Gallery)
  • Several Matsu-class DDs (interview)
    • Kiri (from the anime)
  • Several Tachibana-class DDs (interview)
  • "Brand new type of ship" (from Mitaina magazine on KC’s 9th Anniversary), could be "Pocket BB", "Large Cuisers" (CB), "Battlecruiser" (CC/BC), "Monitors" (BM), "Transport Ships" (AP), "Pre-Dreadnought BB" (B)...
Equipment teases:
  • FBB Strasbourg, because of the Loire 130M 's painting been the exact one used on her only
  • CV Béarn, because of the F4U-7  being a French plane, and the fairy's cow is extremely similar to her insignia + French window
Voice line "teases":
  • USS Wichita from Tuscaloosa
  • USS Richard P. Leary (JMSDF Yuugure) from Heywood & Fletcher
  • USS Langley (CV-1) from Langley
Calendar teases:
  • I-202? (2023 calendar)
  • Shimane Maru ?? (2023 calendar)
  • 2 USN DD? (08/2024 calendar), probably Jenkins or Kidd from Zeco tweets
  • 1 new IJA? ship (09/2024 calendar)
API teases:
  • "Super Dreadnought" type (B / 超弩級戦艦)
  • "Transport Ships//Supply Ships" type (AP / 補給艦)

  • Harusame Kai 2 (04/2024 calendar)
  • Mikuma Kai 2 and kai 2 Toku (respectively at N°302 & N°307 in the Gallery)
  • Kirishima Kai 2 B (at N°394 in the Gallery)
  • Agano Kai 2 (at N°461 in the Gallery)
  • Sakawa Kai 2 (at N°464 in the Gallery)
Voice line "teases":
  • Heywood to JMSDF Ariake from Fletcher
  • Langley to La Fayette from herself + F4U-7 's painting being from her
Live Event teases:
  • -
Potential new remodels:


Excluding all the unobtainable equipment that should return at some point, several equipment were also forgotten:

  • Suisei D4Y3 Model 33 from the anime
  • N°321 never released (Zuiun//suisei ??)
  • N°337 the Reppuu Kai Ni (CarDiv 1/Skilled) , never given
  • N°448 never released
  • N°462 never released
  • Addition of the "Prototype Reppuu Initial Model"
  • 53cm Twin Torpedo Mount  upgradable to a new equipment
  • Renzan (2312 F3 title & dev tweet)
API type teases:
  • VT fuse (VT信管),
  • Jet-powered Fighter Aircraft,
  • Jet-powered Attack Aircraft,
  • Jet-powered Recon Aircraft.


Missing IJN Ships

The missing ships from the IJN (& some IJA) that could be added in the future:

(157 left)

  • Etorofu-class
    • Oki, Matsure, Iki, Wakamiya, Amakusa, Manju, Kanju, Kasado
  • Type C
    • (All x56)

(90 left)

  • Matsu-class
    • Kuwa, Kiri, Sugi, Maki, Momi, Kashi, Kaya, Nara, Sakura, Yanagi, Tsubaki, Hinoki, Kaede, Keyaki

(93 left)

  • Katori-class: Kashii
  • Ping Hai (Yasoshima), Ning Hai (Ioshima)
  • Ibuki (or CA/V)
  • Chūyō, Kaiyō, Shimane Maru
  • Shinano

  • Notoro, Kamikawa Maru
  • Chigusa Maru (IJA CVE?), Notoro, Ondo, Sunosaki, Ashizuri, Kazahaya, Hario, Muroto, Teiyō Maru, Ōse
  • Nigitsu Maru, Mayasan Maru, Tamatsu Maru,
  • Komahashi
  • Kamikawa Maru-class (Kamikawa Maru, Kiyokawa Maru, Kimikawa Maru, Kunikawa Maru, Hirokawa Maru)
  • Hayase, Hitonose
AP (Food Supply Ships)
  • Mamiya, Irako, Nosaki, Kinesaki, Kurasaki