
Shooting Order & Targeting

Shooting Order



First Shelling

Flag Ship Priority

Second Shelling


Tiens voilà la sauce et pour l'ordre c'est ici

Flagship Protection

Flagship Protection is when a non-flagship protects the flagship from being targeted by receiving the attack instead. When activated, a "curved shield" animation plays in front of the flagship's banner.

  • Activation rate is determined solely by the selected formation. If activated, a ship with HP above Minor Damage (小破) is randomly selected to be the protector.
    • If no ships are above Minor Damage, flagship protection cannot activate.
    • Having more ships above Minor Damage does not increase the rate.
  • It may activate on any type of attack, including shelling, torpedo, ASW, airstrike, and support.
  • Submarines do not protect surface ships and surface ships do not protect submarines.
  • Installations cannot perform protection, and cannot receive protection if they are flagship.
  • In Combined Fleets, the escort flagship does not receive flagship protection.


Only certain ships meeting certain conditions can attack SS(V).

Ship Conditions Day Battle Night Battle
Stats Equipment
Taiyou-class Kai Ni 

Kaga Kai Ni Go 
Not more than
moderately damaged (中破)
  with 1+ [1][2] Prioritize SS Nigth Air Attack will prioritize surface target[3]
Nigth Shelling prioritize SS
Gambier Bay Mk.II  Prioritize SS (with a special night air attack)
All other CVL Do not attack SS
Mogami-class Kou Kai Ni 
Prioritize surface target[4]
BBV, CAV, AV, LHA None  Bomber,  ,  ,   with 1+ [2] Prioritize SS
Fusou-class Kai Ni 
Same as other BBV with also  
Hayasui Kai 
Yamashio Maru Kai 
Equiped with  [2]
Not equiped with   Prioritize SS
All other ships At least 1 base   ASW None
No base   ASW Do not attack SS
  1. A 0  attack plane paired with a Rotorcraft   or a Liaison Aircraft   do work
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 If all relevant aircraft are in zero plane slots, the ship cannot attack SS.
  3. In absence of surface target will do a night shelling against SS
  4. Can still attack SS
  • As Abyssals also follow those conditions, SS/V can be used as "Submarine Tanks" on some maps to deviate attacks from the fleet to the submarine.


Installations are immune to certain types of attacks:


Submarines can only attack installations during the shelling if equipped with   Special Amphibious Tanks.

  • They will only target installations during the shelling phases.
  • They will be able to attack installations at night regardless of equipment.
  • Their low firepower makes them poor anti-installation ships.

Carriers are unable to perform CVCI on installations, even if equipped with anti-installation dive bombers.

Special Attacks behave like normal against installation.


Both Opening Torpedo Salvos and Closing Torpedo Salvos cannot target installations.

  • Opening and closing torpedoes will fail to trigger if only installation targets remain.


Searchlight Behavior

How searchlight actually works: Okay, assuming a night battle fleet with 6 ships. If the searchlight was activated, the game will attempt to roll the target to check whether that target is the girl carrying the searchlight (SL). If this attempt failed to roll that girl, it will repeat the roll again up to two or three attempts total, depends on the type of the searchlight. The process will stop once it rolled the girl carrying the SL OR once it failed all the attempts and accept the target rolled in the last attempt as the girl to be aimed at.

Normal SL

  • For this type, the game will roll only twice at most.
  • So what is the rate of the girl carrying SL will get aimed? Lets take a look of all the scenarios:
    • Scenario 1. Attempt 1: The game will roll her immediately, thats 1/6 chance = 16.66%
    • Scenario 2. Attempt 2: The game will fail the first attempt (Rolled 5 other ships instead of that girl, so 5/6 = 83.33%), but will successfully roll her on the second attempt (1/6 = 16.66%), that means this scenario has 83.33% x 16.66% = 13.88% chance of happening
    • Scenario 3. All attempts failed: The game will fail both attempts, meaning 5/6 x 5/6 = 69.44% chance that she will NOT get aimed at
  • We can see above to draw the following conclusion:
    • The girl carrying SL has 16.66% + 13.88% = 30.54% chance of getting aimed at
    • 69.44% that she will NOT get aimed at

T96 Big SL

  • For this type, the game will roll only thrice at most.
  • So what is the rate of the girl carrying SL will get aimed? Lets take a look of all the scenarios:
    • Scenario 1. Attempt 1: The game will roll her immediately, thats 1/6 chance = 16.66%
    • Scenario 2. Attempt 2: The game will fail the first attempt (Rolled 5 other ships instead of that girl, so 5/6 = 83.33%), but will successfully roll her on the second attempt (1/6 = 16.66%), that means this scenario has 83.33% x 16.66% = 13.88% chance of happening
    • Scenario 3. Attempt 3: The game will fail the first two attempts (Rolled 5 other ships instead of that girl twice, so 5/6 x 5/6 = 69.44%), but will successfully roll her on the third attempt (1/6 = 16.66%), that means this scenario has 69.44% x 16.66% = 11.56% chance of happening
    • Scenario 4. All attempts failed: The game will fail all attempts, meaning 5/6 x 5/6 x 5/6 = 57.87% chance that she will NOT get aimed at
  • We can see above to draw the following conclusion:
    • The girl carrying SL has 16.66% + 13.88% + 11.56% = 42.1% chance of getting aimed at
    • 57.87% that she will NOT get aimed at

Effect of the SL on the girl

  • Whoever carried it will get -80% evasion (0.2x modifier stacked on her effective evasion). If the said SL is +max, the chance of her getting HIT increases (More likely to take damage)
    • On the same note, +max searchlight doesn't change the rate of getting AIMED at, it's still the same as base one.
  • If the fleet contains 2 girls or more carrying the SL and T96 SL, the T96 SL will take priority. If they carry the same type of SL, the higher-order girl will take priority, as in ship 1 being the highest order, followed by 2, 3 and so on....
  • Notice one important thing in the above point: All the girls carrying the SL will get -80% evasion regardless of her searchlight being activated or not
    • On the same note, the game will also treat whoever carrying the SL as the SL target, thus increasing the chance of hitting the SL girls as mentioned above (The process will stop as long as the game rolled the girl carrying SL, even if that girl's searchlight never activated before)
  • Despite the increased getting hit rate, it's still recommended to max the SL because it offers +3 firepower. It's also suggested that improved SL reduces enemy CI even further while increasing our side CI so it's great to put some investment on this equipment

Flagship protection shielding the girl holding the SL

So far, all the cases mentioned above assumed all the ships have equal getting aimed rate, meaning the flagship position wasn't considered. If we consider the flagship protection too, we can have a more interesting result where the girl carrying the SL in flagship will be shielded by the other ships in the fleet, thus reducing the chance of getting aimed at.

  • Line Ahead has 45% FS protection, the rate of triggering the shield are 13.74% (Normal) and 18.94% (Big SL)
  • Diamond has 75% FS protection, the rate of triggering the shield are 22.90% (Normal) and 31.57% (Big SL)
  • Double Line, Echelon and Line Abreast has 60% FS protection, the rate of triggering the shield are 18.32% (Normal) and 25.26% (Big SL)

(CF4 and CF2 in combined fleet might be equivalent to Line Ahead and Double Line respectively, but no data proved this yet, take this claim with a grain of salt)

In practical use, especially during event, it's ill-advised to put searchlight on FS due to the potential of triggering this shield where the other girls could have stood alone and shot the enemies instead of taking bullets for the flagship and wasting a shot.

Data source: [1]

Vanguard Formation


Amagiri Kai Ni/D 
has the ability to prioritize focusing on attacking PT-Imp with significantly increased accuracy if any are present.

  • Ships placed in the composition slots above and below her will gain a noticeable accuracy boost and will prioritize attacking PT-Imp if any are present.
Anti-PT boat
Unlike most standard Abyssals, "PT boats" (PT Imp Pack  & Schnellboot Imp Pack ) are "very small and fast".
  • All ship types suffer a severe   accuracy and   firepower penalty against PT boats.
  • Attacking them with larger guns is not very effective, smaller guns being recommended instead.
  • Support Expeditions are not affect by any of the following[1].
Attack formula against PT boats
The Attack formula against PT boats:[2][3]
Jet Assault & Airstrike
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} \times \text{Rand} [0.5 ; 0.8] }[/math]

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} \times \text{Rand} [0.4 ; 0.7] }[/math]

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= ( 0.3 \times \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} + \sqrt{\text{Atk}_\text{post-cap}} + 10 ) \times \prod^{All Equipment}{\text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAtk}} }[/math]

Opening & Closing Torpedo Salvos
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= 0.3 \times \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} + \sqrt{\text{Atk}_\text{post-cap}} + 10 }[/math]

Night Battle
  • Night Battle data are unclear yet.

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} }[/math] the post cap attack power defined here,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAtk} }[/math] the bonuses given by equipment, described below.
Accuracy formula against PT boats
The Accuracy formula against PT boats:[5][6][7][8]
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Hit Rate}_\text{vs.PT} \text{%} = \Big\lfloor ( 0.3 \times \text{Accuracy}_\text{Atk} + \sqrt{\text{Accuracy}_\text{Atk}} + 15 ) \times 1.2 \times \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} \times \Big( \prod^{All Equipment}{\text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc}} \Big) \times \text{Mod}_\text{Night} \Big\rfloor - \text{EVA}_\text{PT} + 1 }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Acc}_\text{Atk} }[/math] the standard accuracy described here
    • PT boats are "DDs" in the game, so the [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{formation} }[/math] for vanguard is 1.1 during shelling, and 1.2 during the torpedo phase.
    • Historical accuracy bonuses during Events are included in the Standard Accuracy Term, i.e. it is affected by the [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{PT} }[/math] modifier.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{EVA}_\text{PT} }[/math] the PT estimated evasion   described bellow,
PT boats stats
Type Luck   Eva   [math]\displaystyle{ \text{EVA}_\text{PT} }[/math]
Line Ahead  Echelon  Line Abreast 
PT Imp Pack  ? ? 81? 87? ?
PT Imp Pack II  60 220 80 87 85
PT Imp Pack III  60 250 82 89 88
PT Imp Pack IV  ? ? ? 84? ?
Schnellboot Imp Pack  ? ? ? ? ?
Schnellboot Imp Pack II  ? ? ? ? ?
Schnellboot Imp Pack Elite  ? ? ? ? ?

The main Accuracy modifiers are
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Amagiri} }[/math] being include in [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Acc}_\text{Atk} }[/math]:
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} }[/math] the bonus given by ship types, described below,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc} }[/math] the bonuses given by equipment, described below,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Night} }[/math] being 0.7 during night battle, 1 during day battle.

Amagiri Kai Ni/D 
has the ability to prioritize focusing on attacking PT imps with significantly increased accuracy if any are present.

  • DD placed in the composition slots above and below her will gain a noticeable accuracy boost and will prioritize attacking PT boats if any are present.
  • The PT boat targeting rate is 100% for all affected ships [9].

During Events, some special bonuses may be added, with "historical" ships and equipment gaining some accuracy bonuses[10].

Ship Type [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} }[/math]
DD & DE 1.0
CL, CLT, & CT 0.82
All other types 0.7
Equipment [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc} }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAtk} }[/math]
1st equipped 2nd equipped 1st equipped 2nd equipped
  Small Small Caliber Main Guns[11] 1.3 1.15 1.5 2.11.5×1.4
  Sec Secondary Guns[12] 1.55 1 1.3
  Anti-Aircraft Guns 1.45 1.35 1.2 1.441.2×1.2
  Skilled Lookouts 
1.75 1 1.1
 Armed Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class)  1.45 1.3 1.2 1.1
Armed Daihatsu  1.45 1.3 1.2 1.1
  Ka-Tsu Tanks 
1 1.3 1 1.1
 Bomber  Seaplane Bombers & Seaplane Fighters 1.5 1 1.2
    Dive Bombers & Jets 
1.375 1.2 1.4 1.821.4×1.3
All other equipment 1 1
  • It is recommended to use anti-PT setups on DDs only, such setups compromising overall combat effectiveness.
  • Having a Reinforcement Expansion is important because it can save a ship slot by containing a machine gun or skilled lookouts.
  • Combining equipment is recommended to see significant boosts to accuracy.
  • The   Ka-Tsu Tanks 
    bonus does not stack with the   Armed Boats 
  • Using other setups improving accuracy is also advisable: