Development/Common Recipes

Input material can be adjusted by one unit at the top and bottom of the frame that says the number in the "▼" button "▲".

NOTE: These recipes are the minimum required resource costs, condensed down to the most recommended equipment for ease of navigation and use. If you would like to see recipes for other items, please see List of development recipes by item.

Naval & Land-Based Aircraft

☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

FighterDive BomberTorpedo BomberReconnaissance AircraftAircraft Development - Suggested Recipes
Resource Input Secretary Ship Type NPC Penguin.png
Equipment Minimum
HQ Level
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Naval Aircraft
20 60 10 100 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
16% 2% Prototype Reppuu Late ModelPrototype Reppuu Late Model
2% Shiden Kai 2Shiden Kai 2
2% Suisei Model 12ASuisei Model 12A
2% Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)
4% RyuuseiRyuusei
2% Ryuusei KaiRyuusei Kai
30 All FighterDive BomberTorpedo Bomber
110 12% +
4% SaiunSaiun
All FighterDive BomberTorpedo Bomber & Reconnaissance AircraftSaiunSaiun
30 130 10% +
2% Type 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft
All FighterDive BomberTorpedo BomberReconnaissance Aircraft

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
20 90 60 100 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
10% 2% Prototype Reppuu Late ModelPrototype Reppuu Late Model
2% Shiden Kai 2Shiden Kai 2
2% Suisei Model 12ASuisei Model 12A
2% Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)
4% RyuuseiRyuusei
2% Ryuusei KaiRyuusei Kai
6% Type 3 ShellType 3 Shell
30 Chance for Anti-Aircraft ShellType 3 ShellType 3 Shell

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
20 30 10 90 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
32% 2% Prototype Reppuu Late ModelPrototype Reppuu Late Model
2% Shiden Kai 2Shiden Kai 2
2% Suisei Model 12ASuisei Model 12A
2% Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)
30 Focus on Dive Bomber&Fighter

20 30 10 40 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
42% 2% Suisei Model 12ASuisei Model 12A
2% Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)
20 Focus on Dive Bomber

20 20 10 90 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
48% 2% Prototype Reppuu Late ModelPrototype Reppuu Late Model
2% Shiden Kai 2Shiden Kai 2
30 Focus on Fighter

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
10 10 20 20 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
58% 2% Type 0 Observation SeaplaneType 0 Observation Seaplane 10 Can be made along with Radars.
20 10 60%

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Land-based Attack AircraftLand-based Attack Aircraft

240 260 10 261 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
10% 2% Prototype Reppuu Late ModelPrototype Reppuu Late Model
2% Shiden Kai 2Shiden Kai 2
2% Suisei Model 12ASuisei Model 12A
2% Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)
4% RyuuseiRyuusei
2% Ryuusei KaiRyuusei Kai
8% Type 96 Land-based Attack AircraftType 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
30 Recipe for all FighterDive BomberTorpedo BomberReconnaissance Aircraft &
Land-based Attack Aircraft Type 96 Land-based Attack AircraftType 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
60 4% +
6% Type 3 ShellType 3 Shell
Chance for Anti-Aircraft ShellType 3 ShellType 3 Shell

Surface Combat Equipment

☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

Large Caliber Main GunAnti-Aircraft ShellArmor-Piercing ShellSurface Combat Equipment - Suggested Recipes
Resource Input Secretary Ship Type NPC Penguin.png
Equipment Minimum
HQ Level
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Surface Combat Equipment
10 251 250 10 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
24% 4% 46cm Triple Gun Mount46cm Triple Gun Mount
2% 20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount
2% Type 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
20 Recipe for: Large Caliber Main Gun46cm Triple Gun Mount46cm Triple Gun Mount
30 16% +
4% Type 3 ShellType 3 Shell
100 6% +
4% Improved Kanhon Type TurbineImproved Kanhon Type Turbine
4% Enhanced Kanhon Type BoilerEnhanced Kanhon Type Boiler
Have chance to produce Engine Improvement Engine

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
10 90 90 30 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
22% 2% 20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount
4% Type 3 ShellType 3 Shell
4% Type 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
10 No heavy artillery, focus on shells:
Anti-Aircraft ShellType 3 ShellType 3 Shell
Armor-Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell

10 30 90 10 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
28% 2% 20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount
4% Type 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
10 Focus on Armor-Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell

10 90 60 30 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
42% 2% 20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount
4% Type 3 ShellType 3 Shell
0 Focus on Anti-Aircraft ShellType 3 ShellType 3 Shell

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
10 40 30 20 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
42% 8% 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
2% 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher

Anti-submarine Warfare

☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

SONARDepth ChargesAnti-submarine Warfare - Suggested Recipes
Resource Input Secretary Ship Type NPC Penguin.png
Equipment Minimum
HQ Level
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Anti-submarine Warfare
10 10 10 11 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
80% 4% Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire DirectorType 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
8% Type 93 Passive SonarType 93 Passive Sonar
10 Good for daily quests, with 80% chance to return your Development material (92% chance with Heavy/Aviation flagship)
20 58% +
2% Type 3 Active SonarType 3 Active Sonar
20 SONAR Sonar focus

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
10 30 10 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
64% 8% Type 94 Depth Charge ProjectorType 94 Depth Charge Projector
2% Type 3 Depth Charge ProjectorType 3 Depth Charge Projector
4% Type 95 Depth ChargeType 95 Depth Charge
20 Depth Charges Depth Charge Focus

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
10 30 10 31 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
34% 4% Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire DirectorType 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
8% Type 93 Passive SonarType 93 Passive Sonar
2% Type 3 Active SonarType 3 Active Sonar
8% Type 94 Depth Charge ProjectorType 94 Depth Charge Projector
2% Type 3 Depth Charge ProjectorType 3 Depth Charge Projector
4% Type 95 Depth ChargeType 95 Depth Charge
20 Main SONARDepth Charges ASW recipe
Maestrale-classSecretary: Maestrale-class
Ship Banner Maestrale.png
Ship Banner Grecale.png
Ship Banner Libeccio.png
Ship Banner Scirocco.png
34% +
2% Ro.43 Reconnaissance SeaplaneRo.43 Reconnaissance Seaplane
30 Lower Ro.43 craft chance than Italian CA/BB, but can be made at same time as ASW gear.


☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

RADARRadar Development - Suggested Recipes
Resource Input Secretary Ship Type NPC Penguin.png
Equipment Minimum
HQ Level
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Radar
10 10 250 250 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
38% 2% Type 13 Air RadarType 13 Air Radar
2% Type 22 Surface RadarType 22 Surface Radar
2% Type 33 Surface RadarType 33 Surface Radar
2% Type 21 Air RadarType 21 Air Radar
2% Type 32 Surface RadarType 32 Surface Radar
2% Type 42 Air RadarType 42 Air Radar
8% 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
2% Type 0 Observation SeaplaneType 0 Observation Seaplane
40 Chance to obtain:
High-Angle Gun10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
SeaplaneType 0 Observation SeaplaneType 0 Observation Seaplane

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
10 30 250 250 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
12% 2% Type 13 Air RadarType 13 Air Radar
2% Type 33 Surface RadarType 33 Surface Radar
2% Type 21 Air RadarType 21 Air Radar
2% Type 32 Surface RadarType 32 Surface Radar
2% Type 42 Air RadarType 42 Air Radar
4% Type 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
4% Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)
40 Can't build RADARType 22 Surface RadarType 22 Surface Radar

Chance to obtain:
Armor-Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
ArmorAnti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)
300 10% +
2% Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)
Chance for ArmorAnti-torpedo Bulge (Large)Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)


☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

Engine ImprovementEngine Development - Suggested Recipes
Resource Input Secretary Ship Type NPC Penguin.png
Equipment Minimum
HQ Level
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Engine
100 10 200 100 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
60% 6% Improved Kanhon Type TurbineImproved Kanhon Type Turbine
4% Enhanced Kanhon Type BoilerEnhanced Kanhon Type Boiler
8% 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
10 Engine Improvement Only
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
62% 4% Improved Kanhon Type TurbineImproved Kanhon Type Turbine
2% Enhanced Kanhon Type BoilerEnhanced Kanhon Type Boiler
2% 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
4% Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)
20 Lower rate of Engine Improvement.
Chance for Armor(Medium)
Generally not worth using over Aviation.
300 56% +
2% Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)
Chance for Armor(Large)

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
100 251 250 10 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
16% 4% Improved Kanhon Type TurbineImproved Kanhon Type Turbine
4% Enhanced Kanhon Type BoilerEnhanced Kanhon Type Boiler
4% 46cm Triple Gun Mount46cm Triple Gun Mount
2% Type 91 Armor Piercing ShellType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
20 More expensive, but can yield
Large Caliber Main Gun46cm Triple Gun Mount46cm Triple Gun Mount


☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

Drum CanisterDrum Development - Suggested Recipes
Resource Input Secretary Ship Type NPC Penguin.png
Equipment Minimum
HQ Level
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Drum
10 10 10 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
76% 4% Drum Canister (Transport Use)Drum Canister (Transport Use) 0 Good for daily quests, with 76% chance to return your Development material
10 20 30 30% +
6% 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
4% 15.2cm Twin Gun Mount15.2cm Twin Gun Mount
20 Chance for
Large Caliber Main Gun15.2cm Twin Gun Mount15.2cm Twin Gun Mount

See Also
