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The Arsenal (工廠) menu is a main menu function where ship girls and equipment are constructed and dismantled.

Menu Functions

Arsenal Menu as shown

The following functions appear in the Arsenal menu:

  • Construction - Allows to construct ships.
    • Large Ship Construction - (LSC) An option found withing construction window. Allows to use more resources to build "larger ships". The button is greyed out until the "Prepare Large Ship Construction" quest line is completed (G4 and F10).
    • Instant Construction - Allows to spend Instant construction Material "Instant Construction Materials" (blow torches/flamethrowers) to instantly complete constructions.
  • Dismantle - Allows to scrap ships.
  • Development - Allows to construct equipment.
  • Scrap - Allows to scrap equipment.


Large Ship Construction Menu

Clicking on the Select (選択) button will open up the construction menu.

  • Please see Construction for more details on the various recipes and requirements.
  • Only 2 construction slots are available initially. 2 more can be opened by using a   Dock Opening Key.
  • Instant construction materials   can be used to complete the construction instantly.
    • They can be used either before validating the construction or at any point after starting it.
  • Once a ship is constructed, clicking on it will reward it.

Constructions are either "normal constructions" or "Large Ship Constructions" (LSC):

Normal LSC
  30-999 1500-7000
  cost 1 1 / 20 / 100
  usable 1 10

For LSC, using more DevMats   will slightly increase the chances of building "interesting" ships, see here.


Dismantle Menu

Clicking the Dismantle (解体) button will bring up the dismantling menu. Here ships to dismantle (scrap) can be selected.

  • By clicking the checkboxes on the left, multiple ships can be selected at once for dismantling.
    • The selection does not persist when changing pages.
    • Locked ships or ships with locked equipment cannot be selected.
  • Clicking on the toggle at the top right allows to choose whether to dismantle the ship with or without equipment:
    • Dismantle (解体) includes the equipment.
    • Storage (保管) will store the equipment first.
  • Scraping ships earn a sizable amount of resources, each cheap giving different resources in different quantities depending on their type, class, and remodel.
    • Scraping equipped ships in "Dismantle (解体)" mode will also give the equipment resources.


Development Menu

Clicking on the Development (開発) button will bring up the development menu. Please see Development for more details on various recipes and buildable equipment.

  • Recipes range from 10 to 300 fuel   / ammo   / steel   / bauxite  .
  • Each successful development costs 1 development material  .
    • The development material cost will be refunded on failed developments.
    • By clicking the slider below it is possible to do three developments at once.


Clicking the Scrap (廃棄) button will bring up the scrapping menu. Here equipment to scrap can be selected.

  • By clicking the checkboxes on the left, multiple equipment can be selected for dismantling.
    • The selection does not persist when changing pages.
    • Locked equipment cannot be selected.

See Also