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Seasonal/Early Summer Season Update

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Katori また……夏がやってきましたね。駆逐艦たちがはしゃいでる。提督も一泳ぎされます? Summer... has come once again. The destroyers look like they're having a lot of fun. Admiral, do you want to swim together?
Akashi 夏ですねえ……。私もおしゃれな水着欲しいなあ。……提督、買ってくれてもいいのよ? キラキラ(ひひ) Looks like it's summer...I want a new bikini... Admiral, you know you can buy one for me you know? *Sparkling eyes* hehe キラキラ is an onomatopoeia for sparkling
Zuikaku 翔鶴姉、見てみて! 今年のおニューの水着だよ♪ 買っちゃった! だってもうすぐ夏だよ、夏! 翔鶴姉も買いに行こうよ、ね? Shoukaku-nee, look look! This is the new bikini of the year♪ I bought it! I mean it's summer, SUMMER! Shoukaku-nee let's get you a new bikini too, ok?
Hyuuga この季節は嫌いではないな……。伊勢……伊勢? なんだ、寝てるのか? I don't dislike this season...Ise...Ise? Oh, still sleeping?
Nagato よし、夏だなッ! 艦隊、水着で浜辺に集合だッ! 演習……“びーちばれー”というのをやるぞッ! チーム分けはこの長門が考えておいたッ! Yes, It's summer! Fleet, let us meet at the beach with our bikinis! For our exercise...let's do a thing called "Beach Volleyball!" Let I, Nagato, divide the teams up!
Mutsu なぁに長門ったら……ビーチバレー? いいけど、貴女ルール知ってるの? ……(苦笑)あらあら、仕方ないわね……任せて Oh Nagato...Beach Volleyball? It's fine, but do you understand the rules? ...(smiles bitterly) Ara ara, I guess I'll have to...teach you
Littorio もうすぐ夏ですね……提督。新しい水着を試してみたいですね。ふふふ、楽しみです♪ Looks like it's almost summer...Admiral. I want to try out new bikinis. Fufufu, I can't wait♪
Roma 大分暑くなってきたけれど、もうすぐ夏か。……姉さん、水着新調したんだ……ふぅん It sure has gotten hot, it's almost summer...Nee-san, you put on your new bikini...hmm
[Suzuya (LUNCH BREAK PLS DONT EDIT THIS PAGE)]] ……ん~、ちょっち暑くなってきた、かな~? ん~、何か蒸し蒸しするぅ~。……熊野は平気? '