List of destroyers by upgraded maximum stats

Revision as of 09:48, 23 January 2015 by >Ckwng
  • Highest performing Destroyers:
    • Fubuki Kai2 at level 70, second highest AA, highest LOS, and solid stats. Remodel has rare equipment Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director. She's also a starter ship.
    • Shimakaze at level 20, overall best in class stats, but high resources consumption.
    • Yukikaze at level 20, highest luck in-game and overall best in class stats, almost guaranteed cut-in attacks in night battle.
    • Verniy (Hibiki 2nd Remodel) at level 70 for anti-sub stat and HP, overall good stats.
    • Yuudachi Kai2 at level 55, highest in class Firepower, overall best in class stats.
    • Shigure Kai2 at level 60, high in class Anti Air and overall good stats, second highest luck in-game, can cut-in often during night battles.
    • Ayanami Kai2 at level 70, second highest Firepower and overall good stats, except Anti Air, third highest Luck for a Destroyer, can cut-in often during night battles.
    • Hatsuharu Kai2 at level 65, high in class Anti Air and good torpedo stat.
    • Ushio Kai2 at level 60, high in class Anti Air and ASW.
    • Focus on Kagerou Class and Yuugumo Class if you need more high performing destroyers.
  • Yuugumo Class yields rare equipments after being remodeled: Yuugumo a Type 22 Surface RADAR, Makigumo and Naganami a Type 3 SONAR.
  • Mutsuki Class have low ammo consumption, consider using them in expeditions.
  • Z1 and (or) Z3 both start at 3 slots with unbuildable equipment and required to construct a unique battleship Bismarck in LSC, beside that, they have overall good at LOS, ASW, health and armor, but high resources consumption.
  • Akizuki has special ability to perform Anti-Air Cut-in without Anti-Aircraft Fire Director. She's also come with 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director.
  • Akizuki has highest AA of all ships in the game. Fubuki Kai2, Ushio Kai2, Hatsuharu Kai2, and Shigure Kai2 have the second, third, fourth, and fifth highest AA out of all destroyers.
  • All remodeled destroyers have 3 slots.
  • Since the Luck Stat is difficult to modernize, it is listed as Base(Max).
  • Green: Outstanding
  • Yellow: Great
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
10 Shimakaze 島風改 Shimakaze 20 59 99 59 59 39 12(59) 36 59 99 Fast 0 20 25
11 Fubuki 吹雪改 Fubuki 20 49 79 49 59 39 12(49) 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20 Luck decreases from 17 to 12 after remodeling
12 Shirayuki 白雪改
13 Hatsuyuki 初雪改
14 Miyuki 深雪改
15 Murakumo 叢雲改
16 Isonami 磯波改
226 Fubuki Kai-2
70 59 88 78 68 54 17(77) 31 50 92 0
17 Ayanami 綾波改 Ayanami 20 49 79 49 59 39


30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
18 Shikinami 敷波改
67 Oboro 朧改
68 Akebono 曙改
69 Sazanami 漣改
70 Ushio 潮改 20(79)
195 Ayanami Kai-2
70 70 87 52 63 49 40(77) 32 54 90 Ayanami 2nd Remodel.
207 Ushio Kai-2
60 50 80 74 72 48 32(80) 33 55 94 Ushio 2nd Remodel.
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
31 Mutsuki 睦月改 Mutsuki







12(59) 24 39


Fast 0 15 15
32 Kisaragi 如月改
33 Satsuki 皐月改
34 Fumizuki 文月改
35 Nagatsuki 長月改 20(79)
36 Kikuzuki 菊月改 12(59)
37 Mikazuki 三日月改
38 Mochizuki 望月改
164 Yayoi 弥生改
165 Uzuki 卯月改 25 34 49 63 14(59)
71 Akatsuki 暁改 Akatsuki










89 Fast 0 15


72 Hibiki 響改
73 Ikazuchi 雷改
74 Inazuma 電改
147 Верный (Verniy) 70 54 89 59 74 44 20(59) 37 54 25 Hibiki 2nd remodel
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
75 Hatsuharu 初春改 Hatsuharu 20 49 79 49 59 39 12(59) 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
76 Nenohi 子日改
77 Wakaba 若葉改
78 Hatsushimo 初霜改
204 Hatsuharu Kai-2
65 52 88 73 69 45 16(59) 31 51 90 Hatsuharu 2nd remodel
219 Hatsushimo Kai-2
70 50 84 79 90 67 53(100) 109 Hatsushimo 2nd remodel
79 Shiratsuyu 白露改 Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 49 59 39 12(59) 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
80 Shigure 時雨改
81 Murasame 村雨改
82 Yuudachi 夕立改
83 Samidare 五月雨改
84 Suzukaze 涼風改
205 Harusame 春雨改 30
144 Yuudachi Kai-2
55 73 93 59 69 49 20(59) 31 52 Yuudachi 2nd remodel. Outstanding firepower.
145 Shigure Kai-2
60 57 84 72 43 50(79) 93 Shigure 2nd remodel. Outstanding AA.
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
85 Asashio 朝潮改 Asashio 20 49 79 49 59 39


31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
86 Ooshio 大潮改
87 Michishio 満潮改
88 Arashio 荒潮改
89 Arare 霰改
90 Kasumi 霞改 20(79)
213 Asagumo 朝雲改 35 ? ? 12(59) ?
214 Yamagumo 山雲改 ? ? 11(58) 48 ?
91 Kagerou 陽炎改 Kagerou 20 49 79 49 59 39 12(59) 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
92 Shiranui 不知火改
93 Kuroshio 黒潮改
118 Hatsukaze 初風改 64
119 Maikaze 舞風改
132 Akigumo 秋雲改 30 44 59 15(59)
168 Urakaze 浦風改 35 48 49 69 13(59) 88
169 Tanikaze 谷風改 30 68 16(59)
170 Hamakaze 浜風改 60 64 17(59)
167 Isokaze 磯風改 45 64 18(59) 33 49
186 Tokitsukaze
30 49 12(59) 32
215 Nowaki 野分改 35 ? ? 13(59) ? Luck decreases from 14 to 13 after remodeling
5 Yukikaze 雪風改 20 59 89 59 59 39 60(99) 32 59 99
181 Amatsukaze
49 84 63 17(59) 34 61 94 20
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
133 Yuugumo 夕雲改 Yuugumo 30 50 80 50 67 42 12(59) 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
134 Makigumo 巻雲改
135 Naganami 長波改 14(59)
209 Hayashimo 早霜改 12(59)
210 Kiyoshimo 清霜改 13(59)
174 Z1
Leberecht Maass
Type 1934 30 45 70 45 69 42 12(49) 33 45 79 Fast 0 20 25
175 Z3 Max Schultz
179 Z1 zwei
Leberecht Maass
70 49 71 64 43 15(49) 35 53 84
180 Z3 zwei
Max Schultz
47 68
221 Akizuki 秋月改 Akizuki 40 57 54 116 72 49 12(69) 37 53 88 Fast 0 20 25 Doesn't need director for AA cut-in
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes

See Also

  • For a list of destroyers with their base stats and maximum stats, click here.
  • A Quicklist of Destroyers worth keeping [Akizuki not included due to not obtainable]