Line 172:
Line 172:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin =提督、今日の秘書艦はこのHelenaに担当します。さっ、いろいろと片付けていきますよ。
|origin =提督、今日の秘書艦はこのHelenaが担当します。さっ、いろいろと片付けていきますよ。
|translation =Admiral, I, Helena, will be serving as your secretary ship. Now then, I'll be getting all this organized.
|translation =Admiral, I, Helena, will be serving as your secretary ship. Now then, I'll be getting all this organized.
Line 182:
Line 182:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =It's 2 o'clock now. これはまた…South Dakotaか?んっ、彼女はもう!これも却…えっ?提督、いいんですか?そう!
|origin =It's 2 o'clock now. これはまた…South Dakotaか?んっ、彼女はもう!これも却…えっ?提督、いいんですか?そう?
|translation =It's 2 o'clock now. Not another one... South Dakota? Ugh, that girl! That's another rej- eh? Are you sure, Admiral? Fine!
|translation =It's 2 o'clock now. Not another one... South Dakota? Ugh, that girl! That's another rej- eh? Are you sure, Admiral? Fine!
Line 192:
Line 192:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 04:00
|scenario = 04:00
|origin =It's 4 o'clock now. 書類仕事してたら、もうこの時間。提督、もうすぐ朝ですね。Coffeeで一息入れましょう。飲むでしょう?
|origin =It's 4 o'clock now. 書類仕事してたら、もうこんな時間。提督、もうすぐ朝ですね。Coffeeで一息入れましょう。飲むでしょう?
|translation =It's 4 o'clock now. It got this late just dealing with documents. It's almost morning, Admiral. How about we take a coffee break? You do drink coffee, right?
|translation =It's 4 o'clock now. It got this late just dealing with documents. It's almost morning, Admiral. How about we take a coffee break? You do drink coffee, right?
Line 207:
Line 207:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =It's 7 o'clock now. Helenaのmorning plateをどうぞ。卵料理はscrambled baconでいいわね? Ketchupはあそこよ。
|origin =It's 7 o'clock now. Helenaのmorning plateをどうぞ。卵料理はscrambled baconでいいわね? Ketchupはそこよ。
|translation =It's 7 o'clock now. Please enjoy my Helena morning plate. Do you mind scrambled eggs with bacon? The ketchup is over there.
|translation =It's 7 o'clock now. Please enjoy my Helena morning plate. Do you mind scrambled eggs with bacon? The ketchup is over there.
Line 228:
Line 228:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin =It's 11 o'clock now. Radarの調子は…うん、いいみたいね、艦の良好。これを使いこなして、生き延びないと、本当にね。
|origin =It's 11 o'clock now. Radarの調子は…うん、いいみたいね、感度良好。これを使いこなして、生き延びないと、本当にね。
|translation =It's 11 o'clock now. The radar's condition is... hm, looks good - the ship. I need to master it to survive, seriously.
|translation =It's 11 o'clock now. The radar's condition is... hm, looks good - the ship. I need to master it to survive, seriously.
Line 238:
Line 238:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13:00
|origin =It's 1 o'clock now. はい、熱いcoffee。Milkとsugarもたっぷり入れておいたわ. これで元気ですって。
|origin =It's 1 o'clock now. はい、熱いcoffee。Milkとsugarもたっぷり入れておいたわ. これで元気出しって。
|translation =It's 1 o'clock now. Here, hot coffee. I've added plenty of milk and sugar. This will pick you right up.
|translation =It's 1 o'clock now. Here, hot coffee. I've added plenty of milk and sugar. This will pick you right up.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin =It's 2 o'cl- はっ、うん、Wasp, また後はね。本当、潜水艦には気を付けてよ。ってほら、そんないかん!Be careful!
|origin =It's 2 o'cl- はっ、うん、Wasp, また会ったはね。本当、潜水艦には気を付けてよ。ってほら、ソナーに感!Be careful!
|translation =It's 2 o'cl- hah, yeah. We'll talk later, Wasp. Seriously, you need to watch out for submarines. Oh, see, don't do that! Be careful!
|translation =It's 2 o'cl- hah, yeah. We'll talk later, Wasp. Seriously, you need to watch out for submarines. Oh, see, don't do that! Be careful!
Line 253:
Line 253:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16:00
|origin =It's 4 o'clock now. あら、衣笠、久しぶりね。あの時酷かったわね?あなたは (?) だったわ。流石ね。今はfriend fleet, 護衛だわ。一緒に頑張りましょう!
|origin =It's 4 o'clock now. あら、衣笠、久しぶりね。あの時が酷かったわね?あなたはクールだったわ。流石ね。今はfriend fleet, 光栄だわ。一緒に頑張りましょう!
|translation =It's 4 o'clock now. Oh my, Kinugasa, it's been a long time. Those were rough times, huh<ref>''Kinugasa'' and ''Helena'' were at Cape Esperance; both did serious damage without hurting the other.</ref>? As expected. Now we're friend fleets, escorting. Let's do our best together!
|translation =It's 4 o'clock now. Oh my, Kinugasa, it's been a long time. Those were rough times, huh<ref>''Kinugasa'' and ''Helena'' were at Cape Esperance; both did serious damage without hurting the other.</ref>? As expected. Now we're friend fleets, escorting. Let's do our best together!
Line 263:
Line 263:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin =It's 6 o'clock now. Dinnerはどうしようか?Helenaの特製の、steak plateでいい?焼き方は…medium? Ok!
|origin =It's 6 o'clock now. Dinnerはどうしようか?Helena特製の、steak plateでいい?焼き方は…medium? Ok!
|translation =It's 6 o'clock now. What should we do for dinner? What about my special steak plate? You want it done... medium? Ok!
|translation =It's 6 o'clock now. What should we do for dinner? What about my special steak plate? You want it done... medium? Ok!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =It's 7 o'clock now. さっ、Helena特製のbeef steak plate召し上がられ!飲み物はbeer? うん。Ok!
|origin =It's 7 o'clock now. さっ、Helena特製のbeef steak plate召し上がれ!飲み物はbeer? うん。Ok!
|translation =It's 7 o'clock now. Now, please enjoy my special beef steak plate! What would you like to drink, beer? Yeah, ok!
|translation =It's 7 o'clock now. Now, please enjoy my special beef steak plate! What would you like to drink, beer? Yeah, ok!