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Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
1st ship of the Yuugumo-class, Yuugumo, reporting for duty. Admiral, it's fine to spoil me you know? |
夕雲型一番艦、夕雲、着任しました。提督、甘えてくれても、いいんですよ? | |
Library Play |
I'm the first ship of the last mass-produced fleet destroyer class.[1] I was born in Maizuru.
My first battle was the crushing defeat at Midway. It's fine, I don't mind it. I did Tokyo Express runs to that island and fought hard in Operation Ke, at the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands and the Kiska Withdrawal Operation.[2] Whew. |
惨敗のミッドウェー海戦が初陣よ。いいじゃない、別に。 あの島への鼠輸送やケ号作戦、南太平洋海戦、キスカ撤退作戦などで奮戦したわ。ふう。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Here so soon, Admiral. |
提督、もういらしてたんですか。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Let's work hard together, Admiral. |
提督、一緒に頑張りましょうね。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Yes yes, what is it? I'm fine with you or Makigumo, Admiral; I really love skinship.[3] |
はいはいなんですかぁ?提督といい、巻雲さんといい、スキンシップ大好きですね。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Admiral? Are you tired? I'm worried about you. |
提督?お疲れなの?夕雲は心配だわ。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Isn't it better if you get some rest, Admiral? |
提督ー、少しお休みしたほうが良くないですか? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Isn't it better if you got some rest, Admiral? Eh, you're fine? Really? Then at least drink this. It's my special combat ration drink. It'll perk you right up you know? Come on, gulp it down! |
提督ー、少しお休みしたほうが良くないですか? え、大丈夫? そぉお? じゃあ、せめてこれを飲んで。夕雲特製戦闘糧食ドリンクです。元気が出ますよ? ほら、グっと! | |
Wedding Play |
Ah, your hat is crooked again, Admiral. You're the commander of a large fleet now so please look the part alright. I can't be here to take care of you all the... E-eh? It's fine for me to always take care of you? Humph, Fi~ ne~ th~ en~♡ |
あ、提督ー、また帽子が曲がってるわ。今やこんな大艦隊の司令官なんだから、ちゃんとしてくださいね。いつでも私が面倒見れるわけじゃ…って、えぇ? いつまでも面倒見ていいの? ふぅん、イ・イ・ケ・ド♡ | |
Player's Score Play |
It's a report from the Naval General Staff. Please have a look. |
軍令部からの報告です。ご覧になってくださいね。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Destroyer Yuugumo, setting out at full force! |
駆逐艦夕雲、本気で行くわ! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
My thanks, I'll gladly put this to use. |
ありがたく、使わせて頂きますね。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
I'm being remodelled. No peeking. |
夕雲は改装中。覗かないでね。 | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
I accept. |
いただくわ。 | |
Supply Play |
I'm satisfied. |
満たされました。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I like... taking baths you know? |
お風呂は…、好きよ? | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I'm sorry, I think I need to take a long bath. I've accumulated quite a bit of fatigue. |
ごめんなさい、長いお風呂かも。ちょっと、疲れが溜まってしまって。 | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been launched. |
新しい艦が進水するわね。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned from the operation. |
艦隊が作戦から戻ってきたわ。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
The main force of the main forces, Yuugumo-class, heading out![5] |
主力オブ主力の夕雲型、出ます! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Ufufu, here they come. |
うっふふ、やってきたわね。 | |
Attack Play |
Begin combat. |
砲雷撃戦、開始よ。 | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
I did say this would be interesting. |
面白いように当たるわね。 | |
Night Battle Play |
This is how you have a night battle, Makigumo-san. |
巻雲さぁん、夜戦っていうのはこうするのよ。 | |
MVP Play |
Choosing me was a good decision right, Admiral? |
提督、私を選んで良かったでしょ? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kyaah! I won't be stopped... by something like this! |
きゃぁ!この程度……、まだやれるわ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Well... I don't really... have any armour... |
まぁ…、装甲なんて、無いからね… | |
Major Damage Play |
Kyaah! Now you've done it... I... I'll pay you back twofold! |
きゃあぁあ!やってくれたわねぇ…、ば…倍返しなんだから! | |
Sunk Play |
Oh...I'm sinking huh... Thanks for... everything... Admiral... See... you... |
あら…私も沈むのね…。提督…、これまで…ありがとう…。ま、た…ね… |
- ↑ The subsequent Akizuki and Shimakaze-classes were not intended for mass production.
- ↑ 'That island' refers to Kolombangara where she ran Tokyo Express transport runs (aka 'Nezumi Yuusou'). The Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands is known as the Battle of the South Pacific in Japan.
- ↑ Skinship (スキンシップ) means a very close physical relationship.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ They were the last class to see serious combat.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
It's midnight. I'm sleepy. |
深夜零時です。夕雲は眠いわ。 | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1am... *yawn*... Oh, excuse me. |
午前1時です…。ふぁ~あ……。あら、失礼。 | |
02:00 Play |
It's now 2am. Not sleeping is no good. |
午前2時になりますよぉ。寝なきゃダメよ。 | |
03:00 Play |
It's 3am. I can't leave you alone, Admiral... |
午前3時です。提督には付き合いきれませんわ…… | |
04:00 Play |
It's 4am. A visitor at this time? |
午前4時よ。こんな時間に来客? | |
05:00 Play |
5am. I was wondering who it was. Makigumo-san. You came to find me since I wasn't around huh. |
午前5時。誰かと思ったら巻雲さぁん。私が居なくて探しに来たのね。 | |
06:00 Play |
6am. see, Makigumo-san... I was up all night... planning operations with the Admiral. |
午前6時。巻雲さん、こ…これはね、提督と夜通し、さ…作戦を立てていたのよ。 | |
07:00 Play |
7am. Now then, I'll be heading back to my room with Makigumo-san, Admiral. |
午前7時。では提督、巻雲さんとお部屋に戻りますね。 | |
08:00 Play |
8am... Whew, I'm here again. It was really hard to convince Makigumo-san to agree to this. |
午前8時。……ふぅ、再び夕雲よ。巻雲さんを説き伏せて納得させるの大変だったわ。 | |
09:00 Play |
9am. Shall we check the rankings, Admiral? Let's put up a funny comment too. |
午前9時。提督、ランキングチェックします?おもしろいコメントいれましょうよ。 | |
10:00 Play |
10am. How about changing the name of the first fleet? |
午前10時。第一艦隊のネーミング、変えてみたらどう? | |
11:00 Play |
11am. It was an interesting fleet name but the admins picked it up you know? What a pain. |
午前11時。おもしろい艦隊名だと何気に運営にチェックされるらしいわよ?迷惑ね。 | |
12:00 Play |
It's 12 noon. It's fine to treat me to something you know? |
お昼の12時よ。夕雲にご馳走してくれてもいいのよ? | |
13:00 Play |
1pm. Mmm~ I get sleepy after eating huh. Wait a minute, I didn't sleep at all last night! |
午後1時。ん~食べたら眠くなるわね。って昨日、夕雲寝てないじゃない! | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2pm. You really aren't sleepy? I heard an afternoon nap is good for invigorating your brain. |
午後2時です。ほんと眠くなぁい?お昼の睡眠は脳の活性化にいいと聞くけど。 | |
15:00 Play |
3pm. Have the rankings refreshed, Admiral? Let's take a look. |
午後3時。提督、ランキング更新されたかな?見てみましょ。 | |
16:00 Play |
4pm. The sun has started to sink a little. |
午後4時、少し日が傾いてきたわね。 | |
17:00 Play |
5pm huh. I wonder who the best shipgirl today was? Jeez, of course it's me. |
午後5時かぁ。今日一番活躍した艦娘は誰かしら?んもう、当然夕雲よね。 | |
18:00 Play |
6pm. I'm looking forward to dinner with just the two of us, Admiral. |
午後6時。提督と二人きりのディナー、楽しみね。 | |
19:00 Play |
7pm. Shall I make today's dinner!? |
午後7時。今日のディナーは夕雲が作ってあげましょうか! | |
20:00 Play |
8pm. Is it delicious, Admiral? Well? |
午後8時。提督、美味しい?美味しい? | |
21:00 Play |
It's 9pm. Ah, Makigumo-san is peeking through the gap. Sorry Admiral, I'll be back soon. |
午後9時です。あ、巻雲さんが隙間から見てる。提督ごめんなさい、すぐ戻るわね | |
22:00 Play |
10pm. Isn't it time to go take a bath? |
午後10時。そろそろお風呂に入らなくていいの? | |
23:00 Play |
11pm huh. Let's go to bed early today, Admiral. |
午後11時かぁ。提督、今日は、早く寝ましょ。 |
Drop Locations
Seiyuu: Taketatsu Ayana
Artist: Fujikawa (藤川)
- 4-2, 5-4, and 2-5 Boss Node drop.
- Sunk in action, 7 October 1943.
- Her name means "evening cloud".