Revision as of 06:41, 3 May 2015 by Papperation (talk | contribs)
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
陽炎型駆逐艦十番艦。 時津風……出るよ。 |
Kagerou-class Destroyer tenth ship. Tokitsukaze ...has arrived! | ||
Library Intro Play |
陽炎型十番艦の時津風だよ。 雪風、初風、天津風とで第十六駆逐隊を編成、仲良く色々と頑張ったんだよ。二水戦にもいたんだよ、ほんとほんと。でも、制海権の無い海は…ちょっと嫌かなーって。 |
10th Kagerou-class Destroyer, Tokitsukaze.
I worked hard in the 16th Destroyer Division with my friends Yukikaze, Hatsukaze, and Amatsukaze. I was also in the 2nd Torpedo Squadron you know, really, really. But... an uncontrolled sea seems... kinda unpleasant. |
The previous translation is wrong. Tokitsukaze was NOT in two Destroyer Divisions, she was in 2nd Torpedo Squadron which the 16th Destroyer Division was a part of. | |
Secretary(1) Play |
この風、どうかなぁ? | This wind, how is it? | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
んー?なになに?何したいの? | Nn? What, what? What is it? | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
なあにい雪風、やめてよぅ。ん?…あれ…司令、何してんのさ。叩くよ。 | What is it, Yukikaze, stop it. Eh? ...Huh... Commander, what are you doing? I'll hit you. | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
しれー、しれぇー!、しれぇーってばー!ねー!、おーい、きこえてないのー?ぅおーい! | Commander, Commander! Commaaandeer! Hey! Hey, can't you hear me? Hey! | ||
Secretary(Married) Play |
しれぇー雪風見なかったー?んー、そうっじゃあ司令で良いや、へいっ へーいっ! | Commander, have you seen Yukikaze? Hmm, is that so. Then, you're fine as well! Hey~ Hey~ | ||
Wedding Play |
しれぇーどうしたの?初風探してるの?違う?天津風?それも違う?じゃ誰?えっ?ああ、あたしぃ?な、なんでぇー?えっと、えーっとぉ…ありがとう♪ | Commander, what's the matter? Are you looking for Hatsukaze? Wrong? Amatsukaze? That's wrong too? Then who? Huh? Ah, me? W-why? Err, err... Thanks♪ | ||
Show player's score Play |
しれー、成績見るの?時津風も見る見る! | Commander, looking at scores? Tokitsukaze also wanna look, wanna look! | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
いい?雪風、先に行くよ! | Ready? Yukikaze, I'm going ahead! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
ふぁい!有り難いな! | Fuai! Thanks! | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
ふふん、嬉しい嬉しい! | Fufun, I'm happy, happy! | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
ほうほう、ふむふむ! | Hm hm, fumu fumu! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
嬉しい嬉しい、ありがとう。 | I'm glad, I'm glad, thanks. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
はぁ。ちょっと汚れを落としたいな。 | Haa. I want to clean up a bit. | Paraphrasing to remove literal translation awkwardness. | |
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
お風呂に浸かるよー。ごめーん。 | Going to soak in the bath. Sorry-. | ||
Ship construction Play |
司令、新しい船が出来たって。 | Commander, they said a new ship is done. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
はーぁ、疲れた疲れたー。艦隊戻りまーす。 | Haaa, tired, tired~. The fleet has returned. | ||
Start a sortie Play |
いい?雪風、先に行くよ! | Ready? Yukikaze, I'm going ahead! | ||
Battle start Play |
さーあ、始めちゃいますか! | Well, let's start then! | ||
Attack Play |
Striking, begin!
Well, let's start then! |
Night battle Play |
第十六駆逐隊、突撃します! | 16th Destroyer Division, charge! | ||
Night attack Play |
さぁ、叩くよ! | Now, hit! | ||
MVP Play |
ほうほう、時津風が一番かぁ。いいかもね、いいかも! | Hou hou, so Tokitsukaze is number one, huh. That's good, pretty good! | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
避けれなかったぁ痛ったったぁ | I couldn't dodge. Ouch-ch | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
やだぁーもうー | Oh no, ugh. | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
無理な作戦は嫌だー、すごく嫌ー | I ha-te unreasonable operations, I really ha-te them. | ||
Sunk Play |
雪風、初風、天津風…ま、た…ね… | Yukikaze, Hatsukaze, Amatsukaze... See, you... again... |
Hourlies (As Kai)
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
しれー、午前零時ですよー!あのー……しれー? 何してんのー? | Commander, it's 00:00! Um... commander? What are you doing? | |
01:00 |
まるひとまるまる。しれー、真夜中に何してんのー?わたしにも見せてよ! | 01:00. Commander, what are you doing in midnight? Let me see it too! | |
02:00 |
まるふたまるまる。しれー、わたしに隠し事とかよくない。よくないなぁ~! | 02:00. Commander, keeping secrets from me is not good. Not goooood! | |
03:00 |
まるさんまるまる。しれーと格闘戦すると疲れるー……。最後まで隠し通すなんて……。 | 03:00. Fighting with commander is really tiring... To think he's hiding it until the end... | |
04:00 |
まるよんまるまる。まぁいいや。後で雪風たちと一緒に、しれーが寝たら探ろーっと。 | 04:00. Whatever. I'll look for it with Yukikaze and the others later, when Commander is asleep. | |
05:00 |
まるごーまるまる。しれー、朝です!すっかりすっかり朝! | 05:00. Commander, it's morning! Totally, totally morning! | |
06:00 |
まるろくまるまる。しれー、朝ご飯作って―!……え、できない?うそ、んなバカな。 | 06:00. Commander, make breakfast please! ...eeh, you can't? Liar, you can't be. | |
07:00 |
まるななまるまる。じゃあ仕方ないです。間宮さんとこ行きましょ、しれー! | 07:00. Well, it can't be helped. Let's go together to Mamiya's place, commander! | |
08:00 |
まるはちまるまる。間宮は朝食、おいしーよねー。わたし?無理無理。よゆーで。 | 08:00. Mamiya's breakfast delicious. Me? Impossible, totally. | |
09:00 |
まるきゅーまるまる。さーそろそろ雪風たちを呼んで出撃しますかー!出撃、出撃♪ | 09:00. Now then, I should probably call Yukikaze and others for sortie! Sortie, sortie♪ | |
10:00 |
ひとまるまるまる。天津風の吹き流し、気になるよねー。……え、ならない?……そう。 | 10:00. Amatsukaze's windsock, doesn't it make you curious~?, it doesn't? ...I see. | |
11:00 |
ひとひとまるまる。しれー、お昼は何にするー?どこに行くー?カレーもいいかなー。 | 11:00. Commander, what are you gonna eat for lunch? Where are you going? Curry is good too. | |
12:00 |
ひっとふったまっるまっる。ふふー♪しっれーとお昼のカレー♪いいねいいねー、満足満足ー♪ | 12:00. Fufu♪ Afternoon curry with Commander♪ Rice nice, satisfied satisfied♪ | |
13:00 |
ひとさんまるまる。おなか一杯になるとさー、ボーっとしたくならなーい?なるよねー。 | 13:00. When your stomach is full, don't you just want to laze around? You do become like that huh~. | |
14:00 |
ひとよんまるまる。しれー、雪風見なかったー?すぐいなくなるんだよなー。 | 14:00. Commander, did you see Yukikaze? She disappeared really fast. | |
15:00 |
ひとごーまるまる。しれー、おやつの時間だよー。おっやつー♪何食べる?わたしはねー……。 | 15:00. Commander, it's time for a snack. Snack♪ What do you want to eat? I want... | |
16:00 |
ひっとろっくまるまる。初風と天津風ってさー、変わってるよねー。ねー?わたしは、フツーじゃん? | 16:00. Hatsukaze and Amatsukaze have changed. Right? I'm still normal, right? | |
17:00 |
ひとななまるまる。しれー、夕焼け夕焼け! いいよねーこの時間。割と好き。 | 17:00. Commander, sunset sunset! Isn't it nice, this time of day. I'm pretty fond of it. | |
18:00 |
ひとはちまるまる。わーい、夕食の時間だー!しれー、何食べに行くー?ねー♪ | 18:00. Commander, time for dinner! Commander, what do you want to go eat? Hey♪ | |
19:00 |
ひときゅーまるまる。え?しれーが作るってー?大丈夫かなー……。手伝おうかー? | 19:00. Eh? Commander is making dinner? I wonder if it's alright... Do you need help? | |
20:00 |
ふたまるまるまる。あ、しれーがつくった夕食、おいしーじゃん!明日も作ってー! | 20:00. The Commander's handmade dinner, delicious! Cook again tomorrow! | |
21:00 |
ふたひとまるまる。ちょっと雪風んとこいってくるー!や、別に用事無いけど。 | 21:00. I'm going to Yukikaze's place for a while. Nah, I don't really have anything I need to do there. | |
22:00 |
しれー、ふたふたまるまるだよー。もうすっかり夜だねー。もう寝ちゃおっか―……。 | Commander, it's 22:00. It's totally night. Time to sleep... | |
23:00 |
ふたさんまるまる……。大丈夫!時報任務中だからね!ねましぇん!タブンね! | 23:00... I'm fine! Since I'm on time announcement duty! I'm not gonna sleep! Maybe! |
Drop Locations
- Member of the 16th Destroyer Division along with Yukikaze, Amatsukaze and Hatsukaze.
- Her name means "timely wind."