Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
駆逐艦島風です。スピードなら誰にも負けません。速きこと、島風の如し、です! | I'm Destroyer Shimakaze. When it comes to speed I'm the best there is, swift like the island breeze! | Shimakaze = Island breeze | |
Library Intro Play |
40ノット以上の快速なんだから。 でも、量産には向かなくって、私一隻しか建造されなかったの。 |
I am Shimakaze, the Shimakaze-class ship that was developed as the pinnacle of destroyers, fast and armed with heavy torpedos. After all, I can go faster than 40 knots. However, we were not suited for mass production so I was the only one built. | ||
Secretary(1) Play |
なんですかぁ提督ぅ!/ 提督、おはようございます! | What is it, Admiral! /(Kai) - Good Morning, Admiral! | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
おーぅ! | Oh! | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
かけっこしたいんですか? 負けませんよ | Want to race? I won't lose. | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
んぁ?・・・ん、今、連装砲ちゃんとお話したの。ふぅ・・・だって退屈なんだもん! | Hmm… Ah! I'm just talking with Rensouhou-chan now… sigh…'cause I'm bored! | ||
Secretary(Married) Play |
えっ?提督、走り疲れたの?おっそーい!…でも、頑張ったね! | Eh? Admiral, you're tired from running? How slo~w!... But, do your best! | ||
Wedding Play |
提督、私の走り見てくれた?ね、早いでしょ?早いでしょ?フフフン | Admiral, wanna look at my running? Heh, it's fast, yeah? Yeah? *smug* | ||
Show player's score Play |
提督宛てに連絡がきてるみたいよ | Seems like there are communications addressed to you, Admiral. | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
島風、出撃しまーす! | Shimakaze, deploying! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
もっともっと速くなってもいいの? | Can I just keep getting faster and faster? | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
これ以上速くなっても知らないから | Don't blame me if I get even faster. | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
おっそーい! | So slow! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
補給遅い!! | The resupply is slow !! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
タービン周りも整備したーい! | I want my engines maintained too! | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
連装砲ちゃんも修理してあげなきゃ | Rensouhou-chan needs to be fixed, too. | ||
Ship construction Play |
また私より遅い船が出来たみたい | It looks like another ship slower than me has been completed. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊がやっと帰投したよ。遅いよねえ? | The fleet finally came back. Slow, huh? | ||
Start a sortie Play |
or 編成選択時と同じ |
Let's go, Rensouhou-chan. | ||
Battle start Play |
私には誰も追いつけないよー | There's nobody that can keep up with me, you know! | ||
Attack Play |
or 私には誰も追いつけないよ! or 五連装酸素魚雷!いっちゃってぇー! |
Shimakaze, engaging in shelling.
or There's nobody that can keep up with me, you know! or Quint Oxygen Torpedoes! Fire! |
The real-life Shimakaze was equipped with three 61cm Quint (Oxygen) Torpedo mounts | |
Night battle Play |
だからー島風からは逃げられないって | I told you there's no escape from Shimakaze! | Kai(custom): だから、島風には誰も追いつけないって! | |
Night attack Play |
えへへ、あなたって遅いのね! | Ehehe, you're too slow! | ||
MVP Play |
私が一番?やっぱり?そうよね!だって速いもん! | I'm the best? Really? I knew it! I'm fast, after all! | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ひゃっ!? | Augh! | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
Stop it already... | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
Argh, for me to get hit...
Sunk Play |
速いだけじゃ…だめなのね… | I guess fast isn't all.... | Shimakaze's speed (40+ knots) proved insufficient against the 350+ knots attack aircraft could achieve. |
Drop Locations
- Artist: Shizuma Yoshinori (しずまよしのり)
- Shimakaze has long blonde hair. She is typically seen wearing an outfit with a sailor collar & striped thighhighs. She is often accompanied by Rensouhou-chan, familiar-like turrets which originated from Shimakaze's three twin 12.7 cm/50 naval gun turrets.
- Her headband gives her the appearance of a rabbit, playing off her prodigious speed and energy.
- Her name means "island wind."
- Highest fuel and ammo consumption among Destroyers, consuming 20 fuel and 25 ammo at full refuel.
- She was a unique ship with no sister ships. In media, she is often shown as depressed by this.
- However, Amatsukaze used prototype steam boilers and turbines which were later used in Shimakaze's construction.
- Sunk in the Battle of Ormoc Bay near Cebu, Philippines, 11 November 1944.
- She was not actually the world's fastest destroyer at the time; that honor goes to the French destroyer Terrible. Terrible had a top speed of 45 knots as opposed to Shimakaze's 40.9 knots. However if one considers offshore speed, Shimakaze would be the fastest destroyer at that time.
- Fans have given her the nickname "Zekamashi", her name "spelled" backwards as it would be on an old Japanese life preserver. This is because traditionally, Japanese was written in vertical columns from right to left. If you tried to write on something thin like a life preserver, there would only be space for one character per line, so you would end up writing backwards by modern, left-to-right standards.
Historical Note
Shimakaze was planned and built as the experimental prototype of a new class of heavy destroyers, designated "Type C." Sixteen other units were ordered but later cancelled due to more pressing wartime needs. Though never repeated, she was a successful design, combining large size (some 25 feet longer than yuugumo-class), firepower (six 5" guns in new Type D turrets), and heavy torpedo armament (three quintuple sets of 24" tubes, the most powerful such broadside ever mounted on a Japanese destroyer) with a 40-knot top speed. The latter was thanks to new high-pressure, high-temperature boilers able to generate nearly 80,000 shaft horsepower and would have propelled all future Japanese destroyer designs, had circumstances permitted their construction.