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Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Yo! Name's Maya, nice to meet you. |
よ!アタシ、摩耶ってんだ、よろしくな | |
Introduction Play |
Yo, Admiral! Working hard? Now Maya-sama will enjoy this thrill! |
よっ、提督!頑張ってっか~?今日もこの摩耶様とひと暴れと行こうぜぇ! | |
Library Play |
3rd of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Maya-sama! Kobe-built. I went hard in the Southern Ops and Solomon battles! Haah? Leyte? Nah, I'm not great with subs.[1] |
高雄型重巡洋艦3番艦の摩耶さまだ。生まれは神戸。南方作戦や激戦のソロモン海で暴れまくってやったぜ!ああん? レイテ? んだよ、潜水艦って奴は苦手だよ。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Need something? |
なんか用か? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Huh!? |
あん!? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Admiral, you're a bit annoying. |
提督、お前ちょっとウザイ | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Admiral~, if you feel confused just calm down. Maya-sama shall be your apprentice. ...Eh, you don't say? |
提督ー、お前もちったぁ落ち着けよ。この摩耶様を見習ってさ~。・・・えっ、お前が言うな!? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Hey! Admiral! Are you listening? |
おーい!提督ー!聞いてっかー? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Hey! ...Damn, he won't listen. The hell!? Sheesh... |
おーい!・・・ちっ、聞いちゃいねぇ。んだよぉ!ったく・・・ | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
You...can be kind sometimes...I guess. |
お前、優しいとこ……あるんだな。 | |
Wedding Play |
Thanks for always using my full power, man. This too... I |
あたしの力を存分に引き出してくれてありがとな。これでも…感謝してるんだ…ぞ。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Hey Admiral, it's a letter |
提督、手紙だぜ | |
Player's Score Play |
Admiral, data confirmation? Very well! |
提督、情報の確認かい?いいぜ! | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Yeah! Let's go! Setting sail! |
おう!行くぜ!抜錨だ | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Oh, here I go! Air defense cruiser Maya! Setting sail! |
おおっ、行くぜっ!防空巡洋艦摩耶!抜錨だっ!( | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Yeaaah! I'm fired up! Here I go! |
ようし、漲ってきたぜ。やるぞ! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Thanks, admiral. This'll be good! |
サンキュー提督。これならいける! | |
Equipment 3 [2] Play |
Awright! |
やったな! | |
Supply Play |
Yeaaah! I'm fired up! Here I go! |
ようし、漲ってきたぜ。やるぞ! | |
Supply Play |
Resupplying is important! Thank you! |
ん。補給は大事だぜ!サンキューな! | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Pulling me back, will the fleet be okay? |
あたし引っこめて、艦隊は大丈夫か? | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Using me until I'm like this... dammit! |
こんなになるまでこき使いやがって、クソが! | |
Construction Play |
I heard there's a newbie. Let's take care of her! |
新入りだってさ。かわいがってやるか! | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
Operation complete. |
作戦が終わったぜ | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
If you're afraid, just hide behind me. |
怖いならアタシの後ろに隠れてな | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm the air defense cruiser Maya-sama! Okay, let me handle this! Just hide behind me! |
防空重巡洋艦摩耶様だ!対空戦かい?よぉし任せろ!あたしの後に隠れてな! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Deeei! |
でぇーい! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Howzat! Have ya given up!? |
どーだ!参ったか! | |
Attack Play |
Maya-sama's attack, eat it! |
摩耶さまの攻撃、喰らえ! | |
Attack Play |
Hehee...realize the true power of the reborn Maya-sama! |
ふっふーん!生まれ変わった摩耶様の本当の力、思い知れぇ! | |
Night Battle Play |
Hey you, you've gone and made me mad, huh. |
お前、アタシを怒らせちまったな | |
Attack (Night Battle) Play |
You wanna get killed!? |
ぶっ殺されてぇか!? | |
MVP Play |
Isn't it obvious? I'm Maya-sama, you know? |
あったりまえだろ?あたしは摩耶さまだぜ? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Geh! |
げっ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
The hell!? |
んだよぉ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
The hell...!? Don't mess with me! |
んだよぉ・・・!舐めるなぁ! | |
Major Damage Play |
Don't joke with me! J...just wait and see! |
ふっざけるなぁ!み、見てろよな! | |
Sunk Play |
Sinking...huh... I had such a simple life... |
沈む…かぁ…チョロイい人生だったなぁ… |
Seasonal Quotes
Event | Japanese/English |
White Day 2015 Play |
Ohh...A return for the chocolate? I'm no good with sweet stuff. Maybe i will give it a try~ |
おぉ・・・、チョコのお返しかい?サンキュー提督、甘いもん苦手だけど、食ってみっかな~ |
Drop Locations
In-game tips
While most Heavy Cruisers work best for surface combat scenarios, Maya is unique in her specialization in AA combat. While she performs well for her regular and first remodel, and is necessary for various quests to earn Anti-Air fire directors, she does not reach her full potential until her second remodel. Because of her high AA and the ability to utilize 4 equipment slots, she can be equipped to function as a surface combat ship, a Surface / AA Hybrid, or a pure AA defense Ship.
Owing to both her high AA stat as well as her equipment diversity, she can be set up to perform a larger AACI Guaranteed Shootdown Bonus than any other ship in the game when equipped properly. Due to this factor, Maya is often commonly considered to be useful for AA-cut in support in combined fleet scenarios to help give your fleet the edge needed when trying to gain air control over the enemy's air units. Due to this, Maya's commonly considered to be a big help in maps where air control is needed when carriers can't go, or in later stage event maps where her AA-cut ins become a necessity to gaining superiority over the Enemy Fleet and where Anti-Air specialized DDs like the Akizuki-class don't need to apply.
- Torpedoed and sunk by the submarine USS Dace on October 23, 1944.
- Received her Kai Ni on March 13, 2015.
- She appeared in the first Kancolle Drama CD, also dubbed One Nao show, along with other characters in a mini skit.
- Most of her crew was rescued and transfered to battleship Musashi, but Musashi was sunk the following day.
- She shares the same seiyuu as the four Kongou sisters, referencing her history of being mistaken for a Kongou-class battleship; Takao-class cruisers were built with heavy designs similar to that of lighter battleships.
- Her 1st upgrade represents her historical refit in Yokosuka, while her 2nd upgrade represents how she was converted into an Anti-Air Cruiser at Rabaul after getting damaged by the USS Saratoga.
- She is required for quest A21 and B13.