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Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Hello~! I'm the Kagerou-class destroyer, Maikaze. I'm don't like gloomy atmospheres! |
こんにちはー!陽炎型駆逐艦舞風ですー。暗い雰囲気は苦手です! | |
Library Play |
I'm the Kagerou-class destroyer, Maikaze.
I danced through the battlefields from Midway to the Southern Operations.[1] I was really close friends with another Kagerou-class, Nowaki. She was really close to me when Truk Island was attacked.[2] |
ミッドウェーから南方作戦まで、戦場で舞い続けたの。同じ陽炎型の野分とは仲良しよ。 あのトラック島が襲撃された時も近くにいてくれたわ。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Good morning~! Wait, what time is it now? Oh well~! |
おはようございますー!って今何時?まぁいっかー! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Oh ho? Are you feeling down~? |
あれぇー?元気ないぞー? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Oh, you're in a good mood, Admiral. Shall we dance?[3] |
お、提督ノリがいいね、一緒に踊る? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Hey~, don't you want to dance with me, Admiral~? |
ねぇ~、踊らないの提督ぅ~? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Dance with me, Admiral~! |
提督ー、私と一緒に踊ろうよー! | |
Wedding Play |
There's something I need to tell you, Admiral... But truthfully, I can't help but be scared... So I distract myself by dancing... But you know, everything feels fine when you're by my side, Admiral... Don't ever leave me, alright? |
提督にだけ言うけど私…本当は、怖くて仕方ないの…だから、踊りで紛らわせているの…でもね、提督の側にいれば、何だか大丈夫…ずっと近くにいても、いいですか? | |
Player's Score Play |
You've got mail~ Just kidding~ |
郵便でーす なーんてねー | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Nice call, Admiral! |
ナイス判断、提督ぅ! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
I've become too strong~! |
あたしってば、強くなりすぎぃ! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Remodelled ships are big. Just kidding. |
改造した艦はでかいぞ。なんてね。 | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
I can do this! |
やるじゃない! | |
Supply Play |
I'm going to dance more~! |
また、踊れますね! | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Meals after dancing are delicious~ |
踊った後はご飯がおいしいの~ | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I danced too much... Give me a full body massage alright. |
踊りすぎた...全身マッサージよろしくね。 | |
Construction Play |
Construction is complete~ |
建造、終わりましたぁー | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
My elite fleet has returned to port~! |
我が精鋭艦隊が母港に戻りましたぁー! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Maikaze, heading out~! |
舞風、いっきまーす! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Come, let's dance brilliantly! |
さぁ、華麗に踊りましょう! | |
Attack Play |
Now, one~, two~[5] |
それっ、ワン・ツー | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Come, let's have a magnificent whirl![6] |
さあ華麗に舞うわよー! | |
Night Battle Play |
And now do a huge jump and turn! |
そこで大きくジャンプ&ターン! | |
MVP Play |
Admiral! ...Will you dance with me next time too? |
提督!・・・次もまた、舞風と一緒に踊ってくれますか? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Ah, I sprained my foot... |
あっ、足を挫いた… | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
No... I can't dance well like this. |
やだ…これじゃうまく踊れない。 | |
Major Damage Play |
If I dance like this, won't you see it? |
これじゃ踊ったら、見えちゃうじゃない。 | |
Sunk Play |
Where are you... Nowaki? Save me. No... anything but sinking! |
野分・・・どこ?助けてよぅ。嫌ぁ・・・沈むのだけは嫌ぁ! |
- ↑ Southern Operations were the IJN campaign to take South East Asia and Oceania.
- ↑ During Operation Hailstone, the convoy that was being escorted by Nowaki, Maikaze and Katori was attacked by the USS Minneapolis, New Orleans and New Jersey. Only Nowaki survived.
- ↑ Her name means 'whirlwind', translated literally it can be read as 'dancing wind'. She has a thing about dancing.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ She's timing dance steps.
- ↑ "舞う" also means "dance" but originally referred specifically to whirling dances.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Midnigt, the date has changed~! |
午前0時、日付が変わりましたー! | |
01:00 Play |
I'm just letting you know it's 1am. |
午前1時を、舞風がお知らせしますねー | |
02:00 Play |
2am huh~ Almost time to sleep right? |
午前2時かー。そろそろ寝ないと、ねぇ? | |
03:00 Play |
It's 3am. This is probably bad for my skin. |
午前3時です。お肌に悪いかも、ってー | |
04:00 Play |
4am, It's almost morning, Admiral~ |
午前4時、提督ー、そろそろほんと、朝になっちゃうからー | |
05:00 Play |
It's dawn. It's now 5am. |
夜明けです。午前5時になりましたー | |
06:00 Play |
It's morning! It's 6am! I'll go make breakfast, Admiral. |
朝です!午前6時です!提督、朝ご飯の用意しますね | |
07:00 Play |
I'm just letting you know that it's 7am! |
舞風が、午前7時をお知らせします! | |
08:00 Play |
It's now 8am~! Let's work hard everyday~! |
午前8時になりましたー!今日も一日、頑張りましょうー! | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. I want to dance soon. |
9時です。舞風は、そろそろ踊りたいなぁ | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10am. This is a nice wind~ |
午前10時です。いい風ねー | |
11:00 Play |
It's 11am! I think I'm going to be hungry soon... |
午前11時です!そろそろ、小腹がすいてきたー、かもー…… | |
12:00 Play |
It's now 12pm. What do you want for lunch? |
午後零時をお知らせします。ランチ、何にする? | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1pm. You've got to get moving after eating. Come on, one, two~! |
午後1時です。食べたら動かないと、ほら、ワン・ツー! | |
14:00 Play |
2pm! Let's give it our best~! |
午後2時!頑張って行きましょー! | |
15:00 Play |
Boing! I'm just letting you know it's 3pm. |
ポーン。舞風が、午後三時をお知らせします。 | |
16:00 Play |
It's 4pm. It's almost evening huh~ |
午後4時です。そろそろ夕方ですねー | |
17:00 Play |
It's now 5pm. It's almost sunset. |
午後5時になりました。そろそろ日没です | |
18:00 Play |
It's 6pm! What should we have for dinner? I think something like cutlets would be nice~![1] |
午後6時です!晩ご飯は何にしよっかー?舞風は、カツレツとかがいいなぁー! | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7pm! It's mealtime, Admiral! It's time to take a little break from work and KanColle! |
午後7時です!提督、ご飯タイムですよ!仕事も艦これも、ちょっとお休み! | |
20:00 Play |
Just letting you know it's 8pm! *siiigh*... |
午後8時をお知らせしますね!はぁ~…… | |
21:00 Play |
I'm just letting you know it's 9pm. It's almost time for night battles. |
舞風が、午後9時をお知らせします。そろそろ、夜戦の時間ね! | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10pm! It's time for a night dance. Shall go have a night battle? |
午後10時です!夜のダンスタイムですね。夜戦に行きます? | |
23:00 Play |
It's now 11pm. Are you fine without a break soon, Admiral? |
午後11時になりましたぁー。提督、そろそろ休まなくて大丈夫ー? |
Drop Locations
- 3-3 Random drop.
- 2013 November event map boss node drop.
- Popular for being one of the destroyers who scuttled Akagi during the Battle of Midway.
- Sunk in action, 17 February 1944.
- Her name means "whirlwind", but is literally read "dancing wind".