Combat/Artillery Spotting

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Artillery Spotting, commonly referred to as ArtySpot, Daytime CI, or simply Spotting, is a series of special attacks that allow ships with specific equipment setups to perform Cut-in attacks during the Day Battle. These attacks grant post-cap damage bonuses as well as increased shelling accuracy.

The Carrier-equivalent for Artillery Spotting is Aircraft Carrier Cut-in (CVCI). Mechanically, they share the same core mechanics, but have different trigger conditions.

Artillery Spotting

Artillery Spotting is a feature for ships that can launch   Seaplanes. Using special equipment setups, those ships may perform one of multiple special attacks. These attacks are often referred to as Cut-ins due to the way the equipment is displayed in the screen before the attacks are performed. Particular Cut-ins are often referred to by their acronym, such as APCI for Main AP Shell Cut-in, Sec CI for Secondary Gun Cut-in, etc.

Cut-ins may be activated during a ship's turn and will override its normal shelling attack. Do note that the specific equipment being shown during the Cut-ins have no influence on the damage output.

Trigger Conditions

The fleet attains Air Supremacy. Artillery Spotting and Aircraft Carrier Cut-ins can now be performed
  • The fleet must have attained Air Superiority (AS) or Air Supremacy (AS+) Air State.
  • The ship must be equipped with at least one  ReconSeaplane Recon or  BomberSeaplane Bomber on a slot with size higher than 0.
  • The ship must be equipped with at least one     Main Main Gun.
  • The ship must target another ship and attack it with Surface Shelling.
    • ASW shelling has no Artillery Spotting setups.
  • The ship must not be Heavily damaged (大破)

Setups and Attack Types

Musashi performing Main AP Shell Cut-in (APCI)

Different setups have different conditions, trigger rates, damage, and number of hits. Cut-ins are determined by the attack's prerequisites as well as the previously stated trigger conditions.

For a given Cut-in, any other equipment can be added on the remaining slots. Be wary that adding certain equipment may change the Cut-in that will be rolled. Meeting prerequisites for multiple Cut-ins grants each a chance to be activated: in this case, the Cut-ins will be rolled in order of priority from top to bottom.

For clarity purposes:

Zuiun (631 Air Group)
Zuiun (634 Air Group)
Zuiun Model 12
Zuiun Model 12 (634 Air Group)
Zuiun (634 Air Group/Skilled)
Zuiun Kai 2 (634 Air Group)
Zuiun Kai 2 (634 Air Group/Skilled)
Prototype Night Zuiun (Attack Equipment)

Attack Type Prerequisites Post-cap
Hits Notes
Main Zuiun Cut-in
(Zuiun CI)
    1.35 ? 1 Ise-class Kai Ni 
Main Suisei Cut-in
(Suisei CI)
    1.3 ? 1
Main AP Shell Cut-in
     1.5 1.2 1
Secondary AP Shell Cut-in
(Sec APCI)
     1.3 1.3 1
Secondary Radar Cut-in
(Radar CI)
     1.2 1.5 1
Secondary Cut-in
(Sec CI)
    1.1 1.3 1
Double Attack
    1.2 1.1 2
  • If all rolls fail or the ship meets no Cut-in requirements, then it'll perform a Single Attack: a default 1 hit, no damage modifier shelling attack.
  • If an Artillery Spotting attack is evaded, it will deal chip damage instead.
  • If valid set-ups for both Suisei-CI and Zuiun-CI are used, only the Zuiun-CI may trigger.

Aircraft Carrier Cut-In

Aircraft Carrier Cut-in, or CVCI for short, is a feature for ships that can launch    Carrier-based planes. Similar to Artillery Spotting, using special equipment setups, those ships may perform one of multiple special attacks.

CVCI may be activated during a ship's turn and will override its normal shelling attack.

Trigger Conditions

  • The fleet must have attained Air Superiority (AS) or Air Supremacy (AS+) Air State.
  • The carrier must fulfill one of the equipment setups.
  • The carrier must be shelling a surface ship.
    • Installations cannot be attacked by CVCI.

Setups and Attack Types

Zuihou performing Fighter-Bomber-Attacker Cut-in (FBA)

Different setups have different conditions, trigger rates, damage, and number of hits. Cut-ins are determined by the attack's prerequisites as well as the previous state trigger conditions.

For a given Cut-in, any other equipment can be added to the remaining slots. Be wary that adding certain equipment may change the Cut-in that will be rolled. Meeting prerequisites for multiple Cut-ins grants each a chance to be activated: in this case, the Cut-ins will be rolled in order of priority from top to bottom.

  •   is used to indicate a Torpedo Bomber. In the game, is referred to as Attacker.
  •   is used to indicate a Dive Bomber. In the game, is referred to as Bomber.
  •   is used to indicate a Fighter.
Attack Type Prerequisites Post-cap
    1.25 1.2~1.3? 1
    1.2 1.2~1.3? 1
   1.15 1.2~1.3? 1
  • If all rolls fail or the ship meets no Cut-in requirements, then it'll perform a Single Attack: a default 1 hit, no damage modifier shelling attack.
  • If a CVCI attack is evaded, it will deal chip damage instead.

Note: The Critical Damage modifier granted by Aircraft Proficiency works differently when performing a CVCI.

Trigger Rates

Artillery Spotting and Aircraft Carrier Cut-Ins share the same trigger rate formula. The chance of successfully rolling and triggering a cut-in is mainly affected by the Air State and the "raw LoS", as well as some other factors like the type of CI, the ship's luck, and the Recons/Bombers currently in the fleet.

Trigger Rates
Trigger rate

The chance for a ship to roll a cut-in and perform it is given by:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger %}_\text{Cut-in} = \dfrac{\text{Base}_\text{ship}}{\text{Base}_\text{attack}} \times 100 }[/math]
Base ship
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Base}_\text{ship} = \left \lfloor 10 + \lfloor \sqrt{\text{Luck}} \rfloor + \text{Mod}_\text{AS1} + \text{Mod}_\text{Flag} + \left \lfloor \left( \text{LoS}_\text{Fleet} + \text{Mod}_\text{AS2} \times \text{LoS}_\text{Ship} \right) \right \rfloor \times \text{Mod}_\text{AS3} \right \rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{ASx} }[/math] the Air State modifiers:
Mod AS AS+
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{AS1} }[/math] 0 10
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{AS2} }[/math] 1.2 1.6
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{AS3} }[/math] 0.6 0.7
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Flag} }[/math] being 15 if the ship is the flagship, 0 otherwise,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{LoS}_\text{Ship} }[/math] the Sum of the equipment's displayed base LoS values (excluding Visible Bonuses) on the attacking ship,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{LoS}_\text{Fleet} = \left \lfloor \sqrt{\text{Total}_\text{LoS}} + \frac{\text{Total}_\text{LoS}}{10} \right \rfloor }[/math]
    • Where [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Total}_\text{LoS} = \sum^{\text{All ships}}\text{Base}_\text{LoS} + \sum^{\text{All Recons/Bombers}}\text{Equip}_\text{LoS} \times \lfloor\sqrt{\text{Count}_\text{Plane}}\rfloor }[/math]
      • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Base}_\text{LoS} }[/math] being the ships' base LoS value without any equipment,
      • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Equip}_\text{LoS} }[/math] being the displayed base LoS value of Recons/Bombers (excluding Visible Bonuses) currently in the fleet.
      • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Count}_\text{Plane} }[/math] being the count of each individual Recons/Bombers currently in the fleet.
Base attack

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Base}_\text{attack} }[/math] is the "Value" used by each type of Cut-in:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Base}_\text{attack} }[/math] Value % per Base Value
Artillery Spotting
Main Zuiun Cut-in 120 0.83%
Main Suisei Cut-in 130 0.77%
Main AP Shell Cut-in 150 0.66%
Secondary AP Shell Cut-in 140 0.71%
Secondary Radar Cut-in 130 0.77%
Secondary Cut-in 120 0.83%
Double Attack 130 0.77%
Aircraft Carrier Cut-ins
Fighter-Bomber-Attacker 125 0.86%
Bomber-Bomber-Attacker 135 0.80%
Bomber-Attacker 150 0.66%

See Also