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Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm Ikazuchi! Not "Kaminari" alright! Please take care of that too.[1] |
雷よ!かみなりじゃないわ!そこのとこもよろしく頼むわねっ! | |
Library Play |
During the Battle of Surubaya I cooperated together with Inazuma to rescue survivors of sunken enemy ships.[2]
I think that just being strong isn't enough. Right Commander! |
沈没した敵艦隊の生存者の救助に当たったのよ。 ただ強いだけじゃ、だめだと思うの。ね、司令官! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
You look down, that's no good! |
元気ないわねーそんなんじゃ駄目よぉ! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Commander, you have me right! |
司令官、私がいるじゃない! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Definitely. It's fine to depend even more on me you know? |
そうそう。もーっと私に頼っていいのよ | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Ummm, don't you have anything to do? Hmmm... It's fine to depend even more on me you know? |
えっと、特にやることはないの?んー…もっと私に頼っていいのよ? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
You're fine Commander. After all, I'm here by your side! |
司令官、貴方は大丈夫。だって、私が傍にいるんだから! | |
Wedding Play |
Hey Commander? The fleet isn't complete without me right? Right~? Right~? |
ねぇ、司令官? 私無しじゃ、もう艦隊は成り立たないでしょ? ねっ? ねっ? | |
Player's Score Play |
A letter has arrived Commander. Can I read it? |
司令官に手紙が来たわ。見てもいい? | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Yes~! Here I go Commander~! |
はーい!司令官、行っきますよー! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Tadah! I got a power up! |
じゃーん!パワーアップしたわ![3] | |
Equipment 2 Play |
How is my appeal after the upgrade? ...Eh? You didn't notice? That's mean~! |
改良された私の魅力はどう?…へ?気付かなかったの?ひどーい! | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
This helps. |
助けるわ。 | |
Supply Play |
You can give me even more supplies you know? |
もっと補給してもいいのよ。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I'm going to get fixed up a bit. |
ちょっと直してきまーす。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Repairs will take quite a while. Sorry. |
修理、ちょっと時間かかるかも。ごめんねっ。 | |
Construction Play |
A new ship is ready. Let's send her to battle right away. |
新しい艦が出来たわ。早速実戦投入しましょう。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned to port. Thanks for your hard work! |
艦隊が帰投したわ。お疲れ様っ! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'll be sortieing for your sake Commander. |
雷、司令官のために出撃しちゃうねっ | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Fire~! |
ってー! | |
Attack Play |
Did you think an attack like that would hit me? |
そんな攻撃、当たんないわよ? | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Now is the time if you want to run you know? |
逃げるなら今のうちだよ? | |
Night Battle Play |
Fighting is definitely better than Tokyo Expresses.[5] |
鼠輸送任務より、やっぱ戦闘よねー。 | |
MVP Play |
I wonder if they thought they could rival the great me. Right Commander? Huh? Are you listening? |
この雷様に敵うとでも思ってんのかしら。ねぇ、司令官?…あれ?聞いてるー? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Ouch! Where did that come from!? |
あう!どこから!? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
That hurt! |
いったぁ~い! | |
Major Damage Play |
No matter what happens, I'll be fine! |
なによもう、雷は大丈夫なんだから! | |
Sunk Play |
Where are you... Commander...? I can't here your voice anymore... |
司令官…… どこ……?もう声が聞こえないわ…… |
- ↑ Her name is more commonly read as 'kaminari'; 'ikazuchi' being an outdated reading. She's telling you to remember how to say her name.
- ↑ After the Second Battle of the Java Sea, Ikazuchi and Inazuma rescued 442 survivors from the HMS Encounter, HMS Exeter and USS Pope.
- ↑ Shared with Supply before kai.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ The Tokyo Expresses were night time resupply missions using fast warships like destroyers to avoid allied air attacks.