Game Updates/2023/June 14th

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Rainy Season Update

  New Remodel
    Shigure Kai San has been introduced.
    • It is a "remodel balanced between surface combat, ASW, and AA".
    • It cost 2  , 2  , and 3  .


  Akashi arsenal updates

  Quests Updates
  • New permanent quests:
    •   C76   The Most Elite! Improved Shigure Exercises, Commence! - 最精鋭!改装「時雨」演習開始!
    •   B192   Improved Shiratsuyu-class Destroyer "Shigure Kai San", Sortie! - 改装白露型精鋭駆逐艦「時雨改三」出撃す!
  • New Seasonal quest:
    •   2306 C1   [Rainy Season] Torpedo Squadron, Exercises in the Rain! - 【梅雨限定任務】水雷戦隊、雨中演習!
    •   2306 B1   [Rainy Season] Protect the marine transportation route in the rainy season! - 【梅雨限定任務】梅雨の海上輸送航路を護れ!
    •   2306 B2   [Rainy Season Extra Operation] Heavy Cruiser Rainy Operation! - 【梅雨拡張任務】雨の重巡作戦!
    •   2306 B3   [Rainy Season Monthly Quest] Southern Solomons Area Operation - 【梅雨限定月間任務】南方ソロモン方面漸減作戦
New Item
  •   Teru Teru Bouzu
    • Can be obtained with new limited quests
    • It cannot be used by itself, but should be converted into "something good" at the end of the rainy season.

🌢Limited drop

🐞Bug fix
  • The damage display bug for the Night Zuiun CI in pvp is fixed


  Furniture update
  • New furniture:
    • Stained glass rainy season table - ステンドグラス梅雨座卓
    • Hydrangea tea party table - 紫陽花のお茶会テーブル
    • Water lily shelf and reading chair - 睡蓮の飾り棚と読書椅子
    • Shigure's mikan window - 時雨の蜜柑窓
    • Shigure's private shelf - 時雨の私物棚
    • Shigure's large casement window - 時雨の大型外開き窓
  • Updated CG for Rainy Season:
    • Large fresh flower arrangement
    • Hot spring cypress bath
    • Hot spring rock bath
    • Submarine window
    • General-purpose circular desk for coastal defense ships
    • Naval base counter bar

♫ BGM update
  • Sound of rain in naval base - 「雨音の鎮守府」
  • Rain, Sake and Shipgirls - 「雨とお酒と艦娘」
  • Rain, Sake and Shipgirls (second night) - 「雨とお酒と艦娘(第二夜)」
  • Shigure of Sasebo - 「佐世保の時雨」

☂ Seasonal update Rainy Season 2023 🌧