Daihatsu Landing Craft

No.68 大発動艇
LandingCraft.png Landing Craft
Effects: Provides bonuses against installations
Affects various resources mechanics
Scrap value: Fuel 1 Ammo 1 Bauxite 1 (Buildable)
Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



Daihatsu-class landing craft, or "Daihatsu" for short. In modern times, it's called a "landing craft" and used for landing troops and materiel. Daihatsu could be operated from amphibious assault ships and the like. It was known as the "Truck of the Sea".


  • Increases expedition resources gain by 5% for each equipped Landing Craft, up to 20%. Increase is multiplicative with bonus from Great Success.
    • When modifying a Daihatsu through Akashi's Improvement Arsenal you can improve the resource gain .05% per star, upon reaching it's max you can gain .5% per daihatsu. In addition, this modification to your daihatsu can increase expedition gain past the natural 20% cap that you can get using 4 daihatsu.
  • Beginning with the event of Fall 2015, Transport Operation maps were introduced. Daihatsu have a use in event waters where they can be used to help aid in depleting points from the TP gauge to complete an event map. For details see Transport Operation#Equipment TP Value
  • Equipping these with a combination of a WG42 will add bonus damage against enemy installations where amphibious warfare mechanics apply (I.E 6-4)

How To Obtain

Buildable with an Army secretary ship (Akitsu Maru , Shinshuu Maru , maybe Souya ?).

Stock equipment of Abukuma Kai Ni , Akitsu Maru , Arare Kai Ni , Arashio Kai Ni , Kinu Kai Ni , Ooshio Kai Ni , Shinshuu Maru Kai , Shinshuu Maru 

From quests: Bq12 (x2, choice), By7 (x2, choice), B62, B73, B103 (choice), B104 (choice), B109 (choice), B111 (choice), B113 (choice), B116 (choice), B124 (choice), B126 (choice), B140 (x2, choice), B163 (choice), B171 (x2, choice), B173 (x3, choice), C13 (choice), C38 (choice), D31 (x2, choice), D33 (choice), D34 (choice), F90 (choice)

From limited-time quests: 20WiB1 (choice), 7thAnvLB1 (choice), SB13 (choice), SB24 (choice), SB31 (x2, choice), SB48 (x2, choice)

Event reward for:

Ranking reward for:

  • Jan 2014: 1-3, 21-100
  • Feb 2014: 1-3, 4-20, 21-100, 101-500
  • Mar 2014: 1-3
  • Jun 2014: 1-5, 6-20

Updates History

Akashi's Improvement Arsenal

Type Name Resource Day 2nd Ship Note
              Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  Daihatsu Landing Craft 0 50 30 30 10 1/2 1/2 1x  Ak
Akitsu Maru
Abukuma Kai Ni
Satsuki Kai Ni
Upgrades to Daihatsu-class Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tanks & Marines).
6 1/4 2/3 1x 
10 4/8 3/7 3x 
0 {{{Fuel:2}}} {{{Ammo:2}}} {{{Steel:2}}} {{{Baux:2}}} 1/2 1/2 1x  Ki
Kinu Kai Ni
Tatsuta Kai Ni
Upgrades to Toku Daihatsu-class Landing Craft
6 1/4 2/3 1x 
10 8/16 6/12 4x 
  Daihatsu Landing Craft 0 50 30 30 10 1/2 1/2 1x  X Sh Sh Sh Sh X X Shinshuu Maru Upgrades to Armed Daihatsu.
6 1/4 2/3 1x 
10 6/9 3/6 1x 

See Also

Daihatsu-class Landing Craft