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Event | Japanese/English |
Intro Play |
H-hello, I'm Abukuma, a light cruiser. |
こ、こんにちは、軽巡、阿武隈です。 | |
Library Play |
I'm Abukuma of Nagara-class light cruisers. Yes... to be honest, I don't like Kitakami. What's with her... but, I endured and fixed my beautiful bow! Ushio too, thanks. |
長良型軽巡洋艦の阿武隈です。はい…正直いって、 北上さんは苦手です。なに、あの人…でも、 艦首もきれいに直して頑張りました!潮ちゃんも…ありがとね…。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Abukuma's name, can you remember it? |
阿武隈の名前、覚えてくれました? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
My name, can you write it in kanji? |
あたしの名前、漢字で書けます? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Ow-owww! Please don't touch me too much!
My bangs are fragile you know! Admiral, you're a bit like Kitakami. [1] |
あたしの前髪崩れやすいんだから。 提督、ちょっと北上さんみたいです。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Hey! Wouldn't this make me feel that I was forgotten? |
もう! 忘れられちゃったかと思ったじゃない! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Admiral, please don't overdo it, okay? |
提督、あんまり無理はしないでくださいね? | |
Wedding Play |
Admiral~, thanks for waiting! I want to say couple of words of thanks to you… because you looked after me with such care, I got a bit more confident. Admiral, thank you. |
提督ー、お待ちしてました! 一言お礼を言いたくて…大事に育ててくれたおかげで、あたし、少し自信もてるようになったんです。提督、ありがとう。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Admiral! It's a written report! How's the result? |
提督!報告書よ。成績はどう? | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Huh, no way, me?! I-I can go but... |
えっ、やだ、私!? い、行けるけど | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Looking forward to it? I really am! |
あたしに期待してるの? そうなのね! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
I understand! My power will be needed, right? |
わかったわ! あたしの力が必要なのね | |
Equipment 3 [2] Play |
My stuffs are OK! |
あたし的にはOKです | |
Supply Play |
I'll fight perfectly with this. |
これでばっちり戦えます | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I love the bath~! Hu~hum~! |
お風呂は大好きー! ふふ~ん♪ | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Seems a bit long for a bath, don't you think? |
ちょっと長いお風呂になりそう…いいよね? | |
Construction Play |
Construction is complete. |
建造が終了しました | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned to the home port! |
艦隊が母港に帰還しました! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm waiting for this!
B-but it's not like I'm looking forward to it that much. |
待ってました! って、そんなに心待ちにしてたわけじゃないんだから | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Abukuma will meet your expectations!! |
阿武隈、ご期待に応えます! | |
Attack Play |
When it's time to act, I will do it! |
やる時はやるんだから! | |
Night Battle Play |
Well then, it's night battle, but I will not lose to some night battle idiot somewhere. [3] |
さぁて夜戦ね、どこかの夜戦バカには負けないんだから | |
Attack (Night Battle) Play |
I can say you're defenseless! |
がら空きなんですけど! | |
MVP Play |
Even someone like me can do it if I try!
Hey, Admiral, thank you so much. |
こんな私でもやれば出来る! ねっ、提督、本当にありがとう。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Yikes! No way! |
きゃっ!嘘でしょ!? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Stop it! My bow has barely recovered! [4] |
やめてよぉ~!艦首直したばかりなのにぃ~! | |
Major Damage Play |
Am I really just no good? But, I don't want to lose like this! |
やっぱあたしじゃムリ……? でもこのまま負けるなんてイヤ! | |
Sunk Play |
They got me... Hey, Ushio, are you there...? Can I leave the rest to you...?[5] |
やられた・・・ねぇ、潮ちゃん、傍にいる・・・? 後の事、頼んでいいかな・・・ |
- ↑ Refers to how she lost her bow (referred here as bangs) after colliding with Kitakami.
- ↑ Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Reference to Sendai. In another note, 4th ship of the Abukuma-class destroyer escort is also called Sendai.
- ↑ Maybe a reference to Abukuma's bow damage at Surigao that led to her eventual loss to B-24 bombers; the bow was temporarily repaired before the bombers found her. Or how she lost her bow(due to collision with Kitakami) and replaced by a different one even before the war started.
- ↑ At her sinking, Destroyer Ushio managed to rescue more than half of Abukuma's crew.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Isn't it 0000! Admiral, you idiot! |
深夜0時じゃない!提督のばかぁ! | |
01:00 Play |
It's 0100 already? My skin is getting chapped... I'll go sleep first~ |
1時よぉ?お肌が荒れちゃう・・・先に寝ま~す | |
02:00 Play |
0200...? Eh? Admiral~? |
2時ぃ・・・?ん?提督ー? | |
03:00 Play |
A late night 3am snack is not necessary |
深夜の3時のおやつは要らないわ | |
04:00 Play |
4 in the morning!? You've got to be kidding |
朝の4時ぃ~!? もう、冗談でしょー | |
05:00 Play |
Admiral, it's 0500. It's not bad by now |
提督ぅ~、5じですー。そろそろまずくない~? | |
06:00 Play |
It's 0600. I'll go do my hair |
もう6時かぁ。髪作ってくるね | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7am. Hey, how's my bangs? |
朝7時かぁ。ねえねえ、あたしの前髪どうかなぁ? | |
08:00 Play |
Admiral, shall we also go together today? |
今日も提督と一緒にいていいかな? | |
09:00 Play |
0900. What should we do today? |
9時です。今日はどうします? | |
10:00 Play |
1000. Time for real life? |
10時です。そろそろリアルする? | |
11:00 Play |
1100. A bit more to lunch! |
11時です。もうちょっとがんばったらランチしよ! | |
12:00 Play |
It is 1200. Hey, I want to eat delicious food. |
12時になったよ。ねえ、美味しいもの食べたいなぁ | |
13:00 Play |
1pm. We're entering the afternoon! |
午後1時です。午後の部突入~! | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2pm are you not sleepy? Ah? Only me? |
午後2時ってら(な)んかれ(ね)むくない? ふぁ?私だけ? | |
15:00 Play |
1500. Are you going to take an afternoon nap? What about a snack? |
3時よ。お昼寝する?おやつにする? | |
16:00 Play |
It is now 1600. The fatigue is slowly settling in |
4時になりましたね。そろそろ疲れてきたなぁ | |
17:00 Play |
1700! I'll go fix my hair~ |
5時です!髪なおしてきますー | |
18:00 Play |
1800! I'm hungry! |
6時です!おなかすきました! | |
19:00 Play |
1900! Study, work! And then Kancolle! |
7時です!勉強、仕事!そして艦これ! | |
20:00 Play |
Evening 8pm call! Admiral, how are you doo-ing-? |
夜の8時をお知らせします!提督ぅー、調子はどーおー? | |
21:00 Play |
It is now 9 at night, soon it will be time for a night battle |
夜の9時になりました、そろそろ夜戦のお時間です | |
22:00 Play |
2200! Let's take a short break |
10時です!ちょっと一息入れましょうよ | |
23:00 Play |
It is now 2300. A very critical time! [1] |
11時になりました。いよいよ正念場ね! |
- ↑ The closest relation is that Abukuma was sunk around 11am. (and she says "11:00" as opposed to specifically "2300")
Drop Locations
Required by Quest A30.
Abukuma is depicted to have long dark blond hair that is tied to the sides of her head forming a unique bun shape that has a loop coming from the top while the remains ends on the bottom form side tails. She has blue colored eye and wears a a tale collared colored, white sailor uniform with black buttons going down the front, a tale skirt, and black long boots much like Kinu and Yura from the Nagara-Class wear. The rigging she wares is a basic ship components along with some basic 14cm Naval Guns and on her arm are also the same guns that are attached to her forearms like a brace.
At around the time she reaches Kai Ni, her entire uniform changes drastically with Abukuma now wearing a grey collared, beige sailor uniform with a red ribbon along with a black jacket that is worn open, and a grey skirt with rusty red trimming in the end of it. She also now wears black fingerless gloves on her hands and black spats underneath her skirt along with the black boots she still wears from her previous former upgrade.
Her rigging is more complex in this form as she now dual wields two 12.7cm Twin High-Angle Mount (Late Model)s with a radar, some AA guns and part of a hull strapped to her left arm. She also has a boiler that is attached on her belt that comes up from behind her and is also armed with two Quad Torpedo launchers on mid section of her boots.
Abukuma is commonly depicted as being a rather shy and timid girl who's desperately tries her hardest to prove that she can be worthy of working for her admiral. When she's not on duty she tends to act more cheerful in her personality.
By the time she reaches Kai Ni, her personality takes a shift as she becomes more confident in herself and begins to at least try to prove that she can lead more efficiently in battle.
In-Game Tips
While Abukuma is rather average for a light cruiser in combat, her shining moment comes once she reaches Kai Ni. Once she is provided a blue-print and has reached level 75 she can become a unique light cruiser that has the ability to use Type A Ko-hyoteki and Daihatsu. Because of this Abukuma is considered to be a very valuable light cruiser for use in both combat and expedition situations.
Since she is a light cruiser that can use Daihatsu she can used to help gain extra resources while not partaking in sorties. At the same time, in sorties, Abukuma can be useful for situations involving Amphibious beach landings with Daihatsu and being able to launch preemptive torpedo strikes against abyssal units. While her torpedo strength isn't nearly as strong as Kitakami, Ooi, or Kiso, the main advantage she has over them is her accessibility.
Thanks to the fact that Torpedo Cruisers can be restricted from certain maps and especially in various event maps, light cruisers such as Abukuma are mainly here to aid in backing up and bring the necessary strength of some form of preemptive torpedo strike against the enemy where torpedo cruisers aren't allowed to. Some regular map examples which Abukuma can be useful in to help give an advantage in are 3-5 and 6-3
- Named after Abukuma River.
- On October 1930, Abukuma collided with light cruiser Kitakami. Abukuma lost her bow while Kitakami sustained only light damage above the waterline. She was later fitted from the old spoon-shaped bow to a new double-curved one.
- She was escorted by Ushio en route to repairs when she sunk. Ushio then rescued more than half of her crew.
- Her name exist in Abukuma-class Destroyers Escort in JSMDF naming from the World War II along the ship names from Ooyodo,Sendai-class and Tone-class cruisers.
- Sunk 26 October 1944: bombed by USAAF B-24 Liberator bombers off Negros Island, Mindanao Sea 09°20′N 122°32′E.
- She is required for quest A30.