Action Report

Revision as of 22:35, 2 December 2021 by Jigaraphale (talk | contribs) (dark mode)
Action Report.png


Action Reports are items primarily used for remodeling ship girls or upgrading equipment. They can be obtained through quests or events. There are currently enough Action Reports from one-time quests to obtain all ship girl remodels that require it.

How to Obtain


One-Time: B111, B114, B115, B117, B119, B120, B123, B125, B128, B129, B131, B133, B135, B144, B154, B155, B156, B157, B161, B167, C15, C17, C21

Repeatable: Bq6, By8



One-Time Quests

ID Prereq. Quest Name (Original)
Quest Name (Translated)
Description Rewards Note
F64 「遊撃部隊」艦隊司令部の創設
Organize of the Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
Striking Force Mission: We are aiming to develop the "Strike Force Fleet Command Facility". Equip the "Fleet Command Facility" on the first slot of the secretary ship; scrap any 3 radars; prepare 10 development materials, 2000 steel and 2 Action Reports!
  • Equip a Fleet Command Facility onto the Secretary ship and scrap 3 Radars, and have 10 Development Materials, 2000 steel and 2 Action Reports
0 300 0 0 Striking Force Fleet Command Facility x1 Required items will be consumed upon completion of quest and Fleet Command Facility will become the Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
One time only.

Ship Girl Remodels

Some remodels may require more than just Action Reports. Please refer to the Remodel page or individual ship girl pages for more details.

Ship Type Name
Battleship (F/BB) Kongou Kai Ni C · Hiei Kai Ni C · Musashi Kai Ni
Aviation Battleship (BBV) Ise Kai Ni · Hyuuga Kai Ni
Carrier (CV/B) Akagi Kai Ni  · Kaga Kai Ni
Aviation Cruiser (CAV) Mogami Kai Ni
Light Cruiser (CL) Yuubari Kai Ni · Noshiro Kai Ni · Yahagi Kai Ni
Destroyer (DD) Shiratsuyu Kai Ni · Murasame Kai Ni · Umikaze Kai Ni · Yamakaze Kai Ni · Yuugumo Kai Ni · Makigumo Kai Ni · Kazagumo Kai Ni · Naganami Kai Ni · Takanami Kai Ni · Asashimo Kai Ni · Okinami Kai Ni

Equipment Upgrades

Some of these upgrades may require more than just Action Reports. All of them also require additional fodder equipment. Please refer to Akashi-List for the exact requirements.

Equipment Type Name
Main Gun Small Caliber 12.7cm Twin Mount Type-D Kai 2
Large Caliber 41cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 2 · 41cm Triple Gun Mount Kai 2 · 51cm Twin Gun Mount
Anti-Air Gun 12cm 30 Tube Rocket Launcher Kai 2
Midget Submarine Type C Kouhyouteki
Depth Charge Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai (Concentrated Deployment)
Shell Type 1 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell Kai

See Also

Help:Resource Farming