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Sandbox/Spring 2019 E-2

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Sandbox Rules

This sandbox is to be used to construct an event guide for the above mentioned event map. These guides are to all of the following requirements:

  • List of branching unlocking requirements (If there are multiple requirements, compositions for each path along with the below requirements will be needed to discuss the unlocking requirements in question)
  • A list of working compositions that work: (These must have possible alternatives for players who may or may not have all ships needed for a specific path)
  • The Path said composition will take (To explain what path the composition will take)
  • A summary or description of what kind of obstacles a composition will face.
  • A description of the boss node, what it consist and a descriptive guide on what the player should consider for a course of action to successfully win the battle.
  • (Optional) Tips to farm to take path to collect certain ships (This will also require a composition, path, and possible description.

Editors are to construct thier own version of thier guide and complete them in a timely fashion.

No other editors are to allowed to edit over other editor's work without the full consent of the editor and his approval to do so.

Several version will be constructed through this page and will be reviewed and approved by the staff/ collaboration committee before being moved for the Event Page Sandbox which it'll be reviewed and updated once more before it can be released.

Overall there will be 3 version of the guide that will be constructed which will include:

  • Preliminary Guide
  • Polished Guide
  • Finalized Guide

With each approval of each version the guide, the said guide will be updated to the main page and construction of the next version will begin.

All guides outside of the approved version will be removed and work will begin from the approved version to make it better for the next version until the finalized version is made.


(Insert 2nd Fleet Notes here)

Note that while Ten-Gou participants do have additional bonus damage in this map, they are not strictly necessary and do not affect routing.

TP Phase

Recommended Fleet: 1 CVL 1CL 4DD (Fast)

  • It's possible to use a CAV instead of a CVL, but it may be preferable to save them for EOs considering how few of them there are in the game at the moment. (Note: Written prior to release of EO maps.)
    • CAVs contribute TP points, while CVLs do not.
  • At least 1 DD capable of carrying Daihatsu will help to clear the TP gauge more quickly.
  • Suzutsuki with an AACI set-up is an ideal choice to help deal with the air raid node.
  • See Routing Rules for the number of Surface Radars required to pass the pre-boss check.
  • Both support expeditions are recommended. Your fleet will have limited combat capability as most DDs will likely be carrying Daihatsu and/or drums.
  • Both LBAS with 4 LBAA should be sent to the boss node.
    • BB Himes take additional postcap damage from LBAA.

Unlock Phase


  • Obtain AS on nodes B & C

This is fairly straightforward. Send both LBAS with 4 fighters to sweep nodes B and C, and send your fleet to each node with 4 fighters on your CVL. Depending on which air raid composition you face, as well as on the availability of good LBAS and carrier-based fighters, you may need more than 1 CVL or 1 CVL + 1 CAV to achieve AS. You should hear the debuff sound upon returning to port after clearing nodes B and C, and the map will automatically unlock the second start point after both conditions have been fulfilled.

HP Phase

Miscellaneous Important Notes:

  • The boss node is random between two possible compositions.
    • However, it will lock to the more difficult composition (2xCV Hime) during Last Dance.
  • The Air Raid nodes will also lock to the most(?) difficult composition during Last Dance.
  • The pre-boss node (T) is also locked to Line Ahead during Last Dance.
    • There is a Line Abreast variant of the composition that can also be encountered prior to Last Dance.

Two possible fleets may be used:

  1. Ten-Gou, with possible variants:
    • 1BB 1CL 4DD
    • 1BB 5DD
    • 1BB 4DD 1CVL
    • 1BB 4DD 1 Ise/Hyuuga? 4DD 1 Ise 1 Hyuuga? (Comment: Depends on whether Ise & Hyuuga are needed for E-4 & E-5, pending release of EOs)
  2. Heavy Fleet, with possible variants:
    • 1DD 4(F)BB(V) 1CVL
    • 1DD 3(F)BB(V) 2CVL
  3. See Routing Rules for the number of Surface Radars required to pass the pre-boss check.

Ten-Gou style fleets (preferably using actual Ten-Gou members for the damage bonuses) have a shorter route to the boss, but are vulnerable and will struggle to deal damage prior to the night battle phase.

  • They will also have to fight under AI conditions unless a CVL is used (which leads to additional node(s), depending on which route is used).
  • Note that fighting under AI (or AD) conditions means that the Abyssal fleet will be capable of using artillery spotting and CVCIs against your fleet.
  • AACI is effectively mandatory, ideally equipped on Suzutsuki.
  • Vanguard formation at the preboss (node T) is recommended.
  • Both support expeditions are recommended.
  • LBAS will help with clearing the preboss and/or boss nodes.
  • (Depending on the fleet used, AS may not be of much use at the boss node anyway, given the number of of DDs in the fleet that are incapable of artillery spotting.)
  • The optimal route for Ten-Gou comps is probably N-O1-O2-O3-P3-Q3-S-T-U (requires 5DD), or N-O1-O2-O3-P3-Q3-R-H-T-U (with ≤4DD and/or 1CVL).
    • 1BB 1CL 4DD will route N-O1-O2-P2-Q2-R-S-T-U.

Heavy Fleets (using Ten-Gou members where possible for the damage bonuses) have a longer route to the boss that goes through more air raid nodes, but have better survivability and damage output at the boss node.

  • If the notion of committing so many heavies to an early map is disconcerting, wait for information on EOs to be released before committing to any one fleet for E2 P2.
  • Use of multiple 12cm 30 Tube Rocket Launcher Kai 2 on relevant ships will help with surviving air raid nodes.
  • Once again, AACI is effectively mandatory, ideally equipped on Suzutsuki.
  • Both support expeditions are recommended.
  • Line Ahead is more likely to help with clearing out the preboss node as quickly as possible. Vanguard may be viable, but your mileage may vary (especially since only 1 ship in the fleet is a DD).
  • Send both LBAS to the boss equipped for Air Parity (64th/54th/T1 M34 LBAA/T1 M34 LBAA + T21(Skilled)/T21(Skilled)/LBAA/LBAA), and have about 330 FP on your main fleet, if you want to achieve AS at the boss node.
    • Unlike the Ten-Gou comp, AS is much more helpful here as your BBs will be able to use artillery spotting to clear out the enemy fleet more quickly before the night battle phase.
    • For reference, 3xT21(Skilled+Max) + 1x T1 M34 LBAA has the same FP as (64th/54th/T1 M34 LBAA/T1 M34 LBAA).
    • Use an FP calculator to determine what you need to meet the sample FPs listed above with your available equipment.
    • Note that without 4 waves of LBAS at Air Parity (e.g. if you split LBAS to pre-boss and boss), you will need higher FP on your main fleet in order to achieve AS at the boss node. Make the calculations and plan accordingly.

Totaku's Proposal

Regarding the 2nd Fleet

In this operation you will be using the 2nd Fleet which are considered important of operation as they will all have special buffs on this map since it takes place in Okinawa. As such, most of the ships that have benifits are from the 2nd Fleet from April 1st, 1945 that were still alive during Operation Ten-Go and they are follows:

Both Node L and U

Yamato, Yahagi, Yukikaze, Hatsushimo, Asashimo, Suzutsuki, Isokaze, Hamakaze - 1.15x
Kasumi - 1.1x

Node L Only

Ryuuhou, Junyou, Sakawa, Hibiki, Ushio - 1.1x

Most fleets here are not entirely tied to Pearl Harbor except for Hamakaze, Isokaze, Hatsushimo, and Kasumi. So you decide to choose among members of Ten-Go for this operation, please consider the fact that these ships along with other key TCI ships Yukikaze may also become more vital for later EO operations.


In this map, your objective will be to provide reinforcement in the Nansei Island area by completing a transport operation to Node L before later engaging against a Carrier force in the western part of the waters. Overall you mission will consist of the following:

  • Transport Supplies to Nansei Islands (Node U)
  • Clear the air attack nodes from carriers attacks by gaining AS (Nodes B and C)
  • Eliminate the Aircraft Carrier Princess and her Carrier Task Force Fleet.

As noted in Ooyodo's chalkboard, CVs and CVB are not allowed in this operation.

Transport Supplies to Nansei Islands (Node U)

Recommended Fleet

1 CVL or CAV, 1 CL, 4 DD (Fast Fleet recommended)


A-C-F-I-J-K-L (if fleet is slow)

For this operations, it's recommended to have a fleet that can carry a mixture of Transport supplies, and some ships geared for combat while also maintaining enough surface radars (based from Casual to Hard 0/0/1/2)to achieve the LoS needed to reach the boss.

Your CVL should be armed as a fighter mule due to the dangers the air node presents to your fleet. In addition to this , the bringing and LBAS to provide air protection for your fleet along the trip is also recommended.

Most nodes following this are small surface ships like DDs and CLs along with some subs prior to reaching the boss, Vangaurd and line abreast accordingly to try surviving these fights.

To avoid hitting the sub node at Node I please bring a Fast CVL.

Once you reach the boss node you'll face against a Battleship Princess (which you may face up to 2 of them in harder difficulties) along with some other CLs and DDs Since the boss lacks in air power, you can consider using a full bombing LBAS unit for this node. Repeat until TP gauge has been depleted.

Once the TP gauge is depleted the a new boss gauge will appear but before you can use go further you'll need to complete to unlock the path to the new boss.

Recommended LBAS

Air Protection for Node C


4 Fighters/Land Base Fighters (Range 4 needed)

Along with a fighter mule CVL this combination is likely to survive the map in question with little difficulty.

Bombing the Battleships Princess at Node L

LBAS 1 and/or 2

4 Land Base Bombers (Range 7 needed)

As the boss has no air power, you can use this fleet to help clear out most of the enemies without trouble. If you are feel like taking a risk with Node C and going all out, you can use both LBAS on this node for an effective result.

Unlocking the Path: Clear the air attack nodes from carriers attacks by gaining AS (Nodes B and C)

Recommended Fleet




LBAS 1 and/or 2

4 Fighters/Land Base Fighters (Range 4 needed)

In this phase, simply arm your two CVL with fighters and use your Land Base to engage the air nodes on each node, use your 1-2 LABS with only fighters and have them target these nodes. The rest should come easily as you gain AS from these node and once done, the path to the new node will be open.

Eliminate the Aircraft Carrier Princess and her Carrier Task Force Fleet.

Once you enter this part of the operation, you will be facing a large series of attacks from submarines, along with a large amount of air stirkes that you'll need to pass and then finally facing a tough surface fleet before fighting the Aircraft Carrier Princess. You will need to bring a considerable amount of AA defenses, along with combat, and LoS (with a flagship that has a Surface Radar as part of the LoS requirement) Because of the difficulty this map presents there are only several ways people can consider playing this map, all which present thier own risks. Below are the comps which have been commonly used by players:

Recommended Fleet

1 BB, 5 DD' (Yamato + 3-5 Ten-Go DDs recommended)




  • Will allow you to go through the least amount of air attack nodes (Only 2)
  • Will conserve more resources compared to other comps


  • Will leave you vulnerable to air nodes and boss as you face themAir Incapability
  • Leaves you with a relatively weak fleet to engage the boss
  • Will be bucket intensive

This comp ensure you a relatively safer path away from most air node but in return you are bound to have to hope you can dodge the bombing attacks as both air strikes and boss fleet will have AS+ and contact on thier side over the course of the attack. Arming your DDs fleet with HA guns is recommended along 2 members that can AACI. You will need to fully entrust in a support fleet both in-route and at boss node to ensure your chances at survival.

BB, CVL, CL, 3 DD (Yamato + Yahagi + 3 Ten-Go DDs recommended)




  • Will be able to bring some air power to for both air nodes and boss
  • Will provide some additional combat strength from with most Ten-Go members


  • Will have to fight through 3 Air Attack Nodes
  • Will be bucket intensive
  • Can leave you one member short to fight at boss since CVL will need to be a fighter mule

This comp is more of a middle of the road composition which will give you some air power, but in return you'll need to have go through more air battles, so having 2 AACI members ready along with Yahagi and Yamato being more combat ready can help. Also if you have an expansion slot on your CVL and have a Rocket Launcher Kai 2 consider equipping it to her to negate any damage she might receive during the air attack nodes. This comp can also be decent for handling the boss node if you bring enough air power to support it from both your LBAS. Like the previous comp, in-route and boss support is recommended.

4 (F)BB(V) / 2 CVL




  • Allow you to use the strongest fleet you can possibly use to fight through and defend yourself along the way to the boss
  • Will be able to fight the boss node more efficiently
  • Will have considerable air power to fight against the air nodes and the boss
  • Can use Rocket Launcher Kai 2 on BBV and CVL to negate possible damaged received


  • Will have to fight through 4 Air Attack Nodes
  • Will force you to lock away 3 other Battleships that may be relevant/useful to later operations (Normal and Hard Mode difficulty only)

This come can indeed be probably one of the more easier ways to successfully clear the map, but it will present a possible issue in later event maps as Nagato, Mutsu, Ise, Hyuuga, Fusou and Yamashiro are all relevant to Pearl Harbor if possible, you can consider using foreign battleships if you have any. But keep in mind that some of them such as Gangut will have importance in later maps as well. Locking your BBs here can mean the difference between running a fleet for EO or being forced to possibly reduce the difficulty. Like the previous comp, in-route and boss support is recommended.

If you are uncertain, avoid using this composition until more information is updated regarding this comp once EO maps are released.

Offensive Assault against the Carrier Princess (Pre-kill and Final Kill) LBAS 1 - 2

2 Land Bases Fighters/ Carrier Fighters, 2 Land Base Bombers (Range 7 needed)

You will need considerable a means to protect your land base bombers to a degree, but due to the amount of air power + Tsu-class (especially flagship on hard) there will always be a chance your bombers will be shot down and loose rank. Because of this, you need to be ready to deal with this factor and accpet that you'll need to retrain your planes.

For final kill, it's especially recommended to have your bombers at top rank to ensure the best chances at taking out the boss fleet. Otherwise overall, can be effective at providing some air power and wiping out the boss's fleet to a degree.

Air Defensive against the Air Stikes LBAS 1

4 Fighters (Range 3-5 depending on where needed needed)

This comp is mainly a defensive measure meant to protect your fleet along the way if you feel you need a defensive measure. It'll be useful only under certain comps so please carefully consider only if you really need to find a way to access a safe way through the air attack nodes.

The boss node will consist of Aircraft Carrier Princess (with a possibility of a 2nd one on Hard) and some CVL, CLs and DDs. Air power will be intense on this node and may not be easy to gain AS. Overall though if you use both LBAS at the boss node, your goal will be to shut down as many of the enemy units as you can over day battle so you can pave way for Yamato and her Ten-go members (if you bring them) to take out the Aircraft Carrier Princess. Outside of this though, chance of survival will depend on if your LBAS manages to take down as many of thier core enemy units as they can and also how much damage your support fleet delivers on the enemy fleet. The rest will ride on if you fleet manage to live through without most of them getting heavily damaged.

No matter what comp you use, there will be difficulty completing this map, keep trying until you succeed and once the boss is successfully killed on her last bit of HP the map is considered complete.