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World 6/6-3

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World 6-3: K作戦 Operation K

Strategy Name K作戦 (Operation K)
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Item Depends
Strategy Content 飛行艇または水上偵察機を装備した水上機母艦・軽巡・駆逐艦による艦隊を同方面へ進出、航空偵察「K作戦」を実施せよ!
Sortie to this region with light cruisers, destroyers, and seaplane tenderd equipped with Flying boatsType 2 Large Flying Boat
PBY-5A Catalina
or recon seaplanes, and undertake the air reconnaissance "Operation K"!
6-3 Heavier fleet
Fleet 1AV, 1CL, 1DD, 3AV/CL/DD
Route A C E F H J
Other Notes
0 0 0
6-3 Light fleet
Fleet 1AV, 1CL, 4DD
Route A C E G H J
Other Notes
0 0 0

Stage Guide

6-3 Branching Rules


Regarding the map

Requires 4 Boss kills to deplete the HP gauge.

  • Once the map is cleared, you can no longer roll the Final Form at the boss node.
  • Only AVs, CLs, CTs, and DDs are allowed!
    • Specifically at least 1AV, 1CL, and 1DD. CLT cannot be used here.

Node notes

  • Node C is a normal submarine node
  • Node B can be a submarine node, but isn't always.
    • The only reason to head towards B is to have a fleet that cannot/don't want to face SS So-Class Elite at node C. But doing so requires an additional fight which is not preferable.
  • A CL Tsu-Class Elite can show up at node E.
  • Node G can be guaranteed with 4 DDs in the fleet.

Recommend Fleets

AVs and CLs able to carry a Midget SubmarineType A Kouhyouteki
Type C Kouhyouteki
Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)
are advised in every composition.

  • Because you can only deploy AV/CL/CT/DD, it is unlikely that your fleet win during daytime battle. You should expect the battle to last into nighttime.
  • Using Seaplane Bombers on your AV's biggest slots can help you achieve AS and Artillery Spotting.

  • 1AV, 1CL, 1DD, 3AV/CL/DD
  • 2AV, 3CL, 1DD
  • Route = A C E F H J
    • Has the highest damage output at the boss, especially since the boss fight almost always requires night battle.
    • Needs to fight an extra battle against a fleet led by a CA Ne-Class Elite

Air Reconnaissance Mechanic

On Nodes G and H, Seaplanes will be flown towards the "green X" (the recon route is shown on the map as green arrows).

  • Successful reconnaissance will reward additional resources upon getting a B+ rank on the boss.
    • Neither G or H have combat.
    • Animation will be shown for the Air Reconnaissance; if both Large Flying Boat Large Flying BoatsType 2 Large Flying Boat
      PBY-5A Catalina
      and other Seaplane Seaplanes (SPR and SPB) are brought, Flying Boat animation takes priority.
    • Success rate of the air reconnaissance depends on the LoS and Seaplanes count.
    • All reconnaissance rewards are forfeit if the fleet fails to win at the boss node J.

The formula for Air Reconnaissance is:

Air Reconnaissance Success Formula
[math]\displaystyle{ R = \sum_{\text{SPR ; SPB} } \text{LoS} \times \sqrt{\sqrt{\text{Plane}_\text{Count} } } + \sum_{\text{Flying Boats} } \text{LoS} \times \sqrt{\text{Plane}_\text{Count} } }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{LoS} }[/math] is the base LoS Line of Sight of the plane without fit bonuses.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Plane}_\text{Count} }[/math] is the remaining amount of planes in a slot.
  • The minimum "[math]\displaystyle{ R }[/math]" to achieve success is 12 for G and 16 for H.
  • For Great Success, the requirement is
[math]\displaystyle{ R_\text{GS} = R \times (1.6 + rand(0 ; 0.6)) }[/math]
  • This means that the minimum and maximum requirement for Great Success for H is 25.6 and 35.2.
Air recon success shown after boss node win

To sum up, the more LoS and Seaplanes used, the better, with Flying Boats counting for more than other seaplanes.

Rewards for Nodes G and H
Normal Success
Item Chance to Obtain
80Ammunition 5 % 30 %
60Ammunition 10 %
50Ammunition 15 %
50Bauxite 5 % 35 %
40Bauxite 10 %
30Bauxite 20 %
1 Development material 35 %
Great Success
Item Chance to Obtain
200Ammunition 5 % 30 %
150Ammunition 10%
100Ammunition 15%
150Bauxite 5% 30 %
100 Bauxite 10%
80 Bauxite 15%
4 Development material 5 % 40 %
3 Development material 10 %
2 Development material 25 %

Nodes And Enemy Encounters

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoFormAir
Choose your route
Pattern 1Choose your route
Pattern 1 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Formation 5: Line Abreast
Formation 4: Echelon
Pattern 2 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 3 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Formation 4: Echelon
Formation 5: Line Abreast
Pattern 4 Destroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 1 Submarine So-Class eliteSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Formation 4: Echelon
Formation 5: Line Abreast
Pattern 2 Submarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Formation 4: Echelon
Formation 5: Line Abreast
Pattern 3 Submarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Formation 4: Echelon
Formation 5: Line Abreast
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 2 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 2: Double Line
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 3 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Formation 2: Double Line
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 2 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 3 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 2 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Formation 2: Double Line
Pattern 3 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Formation 2: Double Line
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Battle Avoided
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 2 Destroyer PrincessBattleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 3 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 4 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 5 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 6 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Formation 1: Line Ahead

World 6/6-3/Drop list