Line 177:
Line 177:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin =1 o'clock。夜が長いわ。
|origin =1 o'clock。夜は長いわ。
|translation =1 o'clock. The night is long.
|translation =1 o'clock. The night is long.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =2 o'clock。紅茶でを入れる。
|origin =2 o'clock。紅茶でも入れる。
|translation =2 o'clock. I'll make some tea.
|translation =2 o'clock. I'll make some tea.
Line 207:
Line 207:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =7 o'clock。さあ、Sheffield特製のEnglish breakfastをどぞ。焼きたてのパンに、たっぷりの バターとマーマレード 、どぞ。 マーマレードもあたしが作ったの。どう?
|origin =7 o'clock。さあ、Sheffield特製のEnglish breakfastをどうぞ。焼きたてのパンに、たっぷりのバターとマーマレード 、どうぞ。 マーマレードもあたしが作ったの。どう?
|translation =7 o'clock. Here, have some of my special English breakfast. Here's some freshly made bread with plenty of butter and marmalade. I made the marmalade myself, too. How is it?
|translation =7 o'clock. Here, have some of my special English breakfast. Here's some freshly made bread with plenty of butter and marmalade. I made the marmalade myself, too. How is it?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin =8 o'clock。さあ、朝食を済ませたし、艦隊集結ね。仕事にかかりましょう。
|origin =8 o'clock。さあ、朝食も済ませたし、艦隊集結ね。仕事にかかりましょう。
|translation =8 o'clock. Now that we're done with breakfast, it's time to gather the fleet. Let's get to work.
|translation =8 o'clock. Now that we're done with breakfast, it's time to gather the fleet. Let's get to work.
Line 222:
Line 222:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin =10 o'clock。えぇ?Ark、なに?…えぇ?Swordfish?…あぁ、まあ、水上機なら…いやいや、そんなには詰めないって…いや、本当に…
|origin =10 o'clock。えぇ?Ark、なに?…えぇ?Swordfish?…あぁ、まあ、水上機型なら…いやいや、そんなには詰めないって…いや、本当に…
|translation =10 o'clock. Eh? Ark, what did you say? ...Eh? Swordfish? ...Ah, well, I can carry the seaplane version... No no, I can't carry those... No, really...
|translation =10 o'clock. Eh? Ark, what did you say? ...Eh? Swordfish? ...Ah, well, I can carry the seaplane version... No no, I can't carry those... No, really...
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin =11 o'clock。まあ、たしかに、Swordfishはいい機体だけどね。大西洋戦線なら無敵よ。
|origin =11 o'clock。まあ、たしかに、Swordfishはいい機体だけどね。大西洋戦線なら無敵よ。うん。
|translation =11 o'clock. Well, the Swordfish certainly are fine machines. They were unrivaled in the Atlantic.
|translation =11 o'clock. Well, the Swordfish certainly are fine machines. They were unrivaled in the Atlantic.