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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
|origin =HMS Sheffield、良いは出来てる。Admiral、今日もよろしく。君となら、やれる。
|origin =HMS Sheffield、用意は出来てる。Admiral、今日もよろしく。君となら、やれる。
|translation =HMS Sheffield, ready and waiting. Admiral, I'll be in your care today too.
|translation =HMS Sheffield, ready and waiting. Admiral, I'll be in your care today too.
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =Town級軽巡洋艦、HMS Sheffield。軽巡と言っても、実際は重巡クラスの規模と火力を持つ、重武装艦です。北極海での対ソ援助物資遠郵送船団の護衛、Bismarckの追撃戦など、数々の戦いに参加しました。バレンツ海の戦いでは、ドイツ艦隊を撃破、船団護衛に成功してます。
|origin =Town級軽巡洋艦、HMS Sheffield。軽巡と言っても、実際は重巡クラスの規模と火力を持つ重武装艦です。北極海での対ソ援助物資輸送船団の護衛、Bismarckの追撃戦など数々の戦いに参加しました。バレンツ海の戦いでは独艦隊を撃破、船団護衛に成功しています。
|translation =I'm the Town-class light cruiser, HMS Sheffield. I'm classed as a light cruiser but I'm as big and heavily armed as a heavy cruiser.<ref>Due to limits on heavy cruisers imposed by the London Naval Treaty, the Town-class were armed with lots of 6" guns to make up the difference.</ref> I participated in many battles from escorting convoys of supplies to the Soviet Union in the Arctic to the pursuit of Bismarck. At the Battle of the Barents Sea, we defeated the German fleet and succeeded in our escort mission.
|translation =I'm the Town-class light cruiser, HMS Sheffield. I'm classed as a light cruiser but I'm as big and heavily armed as a heavy cruiser.<ref>Due to limits on heavy cruisers imposed by the London Naval Treaty, the Town-class were armed with lots of 6" guns to make up the difference.</ref> I participated in many battles from escorting convoys of supplies to the Soviet Union in the Arctic to the pursuit of Bismarck. At the Battle of the Barents Sea, we defeated the German fleet and succeeded in our escort mission.
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|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =What are you up to?何してるの?えぇ?寒中おぶの構造がきになる?あぁ、そうか。ここの船は作りが違うなら。
|origin =What are you up to?何してんの?えぇ?艦中央部の構造が気になる?あぁ、そうか。ここの船とは作りが違うから。
|translation =What are you up to? What are you doing? Eh? You're interested in cold weather proofing? Ah, I see. The ships here do it differently.
|translation =What are you up to? What are you doing? Eh? You're interested in cold weather proofing? Ah, I see. The ships here do it differently.
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =Ark、おつかれ。Admiral?あぁ、忙しいようだ。あの国出身の艦がいるのは、本当に驚いた。Arkよ、Old Ladyが平気なのか?なれた?そういうものか。
|origin =Ark、おつかれ。Admiral?あぁ、忙しいようだ。あの国出身の艦がいるのは、本当に驚いた。Arkよ、Old Ladyは平気なのか?なれた?そういうものか。
|translation =Ark, good work. Admiral? Ah, he's busy. I was really surprised when I saw the ship from that country here. Ark, is the Old Lady fine with this? You get used to it? So I see.
|translation =Ark, good work. Admiral? Ah, he's busy. I was really surprised when I saw the ship from that country here. Ark, is the Old Lady fine with this? You get used to it? So I see.
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =はい、Earl Grey。君、好きだったよね?そう。一息入れて、肩の力を抜いて。戦いはまた続く。君は倒れてもらっては、すこし、困るの。
|origin =はい、Earl Grey。君、好きだったよね?そう。一息入れて、肩の力を抜いて。戦いはまた続く。君に倒れてもらっては、少し、困るの。
|translation =Here, some Earl Grey. You like it, right? I see. Take a break and relax. The war is still ongoing. If you should fall, it would be kinda troublesome.
|translation =Here, some Earl Grey. You like it, right? I see. Take a break and relax. The war is still ongoing. If you should fall, it would be kinda troublesome.
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|scenario = Battle Start
|scenario = Battle Start
|origin =見つけた。逃さない。戦闘良い!
|origin =見つけた。逃さない。戦闘用意!
|translation =Found them. They're not getting away. Battle stations!
|translation =Found them. They're not getting away. Battle stations!
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|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|origin =あまく見ないで。
|origin =甘く見ないで。
|translation =Don't lose focus.
|translation =Don't lose focus.