Line 19:
Line 19:
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =South Dakota-class, USS battleship South Dakotaだ。高速空母機動部隊の護衛、南方ソロモンで水上艦隊に殴り合いなど、前線で活躍戦艦だ。Black Princeなどと呼ぼれたな〜。何?疫病神だっと?しらんな。
|origin =South Dakota-class, USS battleship South Dakotaだ。高速空母機動部隊の護衛、南方ソロモンで水上艦隊に殴り合いなど、前線で活躍した戦艦だ。Black Princeなどとも呼ばれた〜。何?疫病神だっと?しらんな。
|translation =I'm the South Dakota-class USS battleship, South Dakota. From being an escort for high-speed carrier task forces to getting into a surface brawl in the Southern Solomons<ref>Referring to the [ Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal] where she engaged in a night-time brawl with [[Kirishima]] alongside Washington.</ref>, I'm a battleship that served admirably on the front lines. I was also together with Black Prince and the others<ref>Referring to the [ HMS Black Prince] that fought alongside her in the closing days of the war in attacks on the Japanese Home Islands.</ref>. What? Who are you calling a "Jinx"?<ref>Likely referring to the unfortunate number of accidents she encountered. See [[South Dakota#Trivia|trivia]] for details.</ref> I wouldn't know anything about that.
|translation =I'm the South Dakota-class USS battleship, South Dakota. From being an escort for high-speed carrier task forces to getting into surface brawls in the Southern Solomons<ref>Referring to the [ Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal] where she engaged in a night-time brawl with [[Kirishima]] alongside Washington.</ref>, I'm a battleship that served admirably on the front lines. I was also called the Black Prince. What? Who are you calling a "Jinx"?<ref>Likely referring to the unfortunate number of accidents she encountered. See [[South Dakota#Trivia|trivia]] for details.</ref> I wouldn't know anything about that.
Line 34:
Line 34:
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =何だ?何が気になる?あぁ、電気回路か?…うるさいな。電源の大事さは誰よりをしてる。次はうまくやる…あぁ、あいつな?うまくやるよ。
|origin =何だ?何が気になる?あぁ、電気回路か?…うるさいな。電源の大事さは誰よりも知ってる。次はうまくやる…あぁ、あいつな?うまくやるよ。
|translation =What? What do want to know? Ah, about my electrical systems? ...Shaddup, I know better than anyone else how important electrics are. I'll do better next time... Ah, her? We'll get them next time.
|translation =What? What are you worried about? Ah, about my electrical systems? ...Shaddup, I know better than anyone else how important electrical power is. I'll do better next time... Ah, her? We'll get them time.
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =おぉ、霧島、元気そうだな。結構なことだ。今度は一緒に戦えるな。小憎らしいheavy cruiserも揃っているな。昨日は敵は今日の…あぁ、そうだ、日本語でなんと言ったかな…そう!友達!それだ。頼むぞ。
|origin =おぉ、霧島、元気そうだな。結構なことだ。今度は一緒に戦えるな。小憎らしいheavy cruiserも揃っているな。昨日の敵は今日の…あぁ、そうだ、日本語でなんと言ったかな…そう!友達!それだ。頼むぞ。
|translation =Oh, Kirishima, you're looking well. That's great. I'll be fighting by your side this time. Including that pesky heavy cruiser.<ref>Likely referring to either [[Takao]] or [[Atago]] that was responsible for leaving her "deaf, dumb and blind" at Guadalcanal.</ref> Yesterday's enemy is today's... Ah, yeah, what was that term in Japanese? ...Yes! Friend! That's it. I'm counting on you.
|translation =Oh, Kirishima, you're looking well. That's great. I'll be fighting by your side this time. All those pesky heavy cruiers are here too.<ref>Likely referring to [[Takao]] and [[Atago]] that was responsible for leaving her "deaf, dumb and blind" at Guadalcanal.</ref> Yesterday's enemy is today's... Ah, yeah, what was that term in Japanese? ...Yes! Friend! That's it. I'm counting on you.
Line 49:
Line 49:
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =提督、どうした?あぁ、霧島とことか…?いや、あいつはいいやつだ。なんだか妙に気が合うんだ。なぜだろうな。あぁ、提督、お前もだ。不思議だな。
|origin =提督、どうした?あぁ、霧島のことか…?いや、あいつはいいやつだ。なんだか妙に気が合うんだ。なぜだろうな。あぁ、提督、お前もだ。不思議だな。
|translation =Admiral, what's the matter? Ah, is it about Kirishima...? No, she's a good girl. She just gives me a strange feeling. Ah, you do too, Admiral. It's so strange.
|translation =Admiral, what's the matter? Ah, is it about Kirishima...? No, she's a good girl. We get along strangely well. Ah, you do too, Admiral. It's so strange.
Line 90:
Line 90:
|scenario = Docking Major
|scenario = Docking Major
|origin =電源、電気回路、入念に確認を頼むぞ。洒落にならん。
|origin =電源、電気回路、入念に確認を頼むぞ。洒落にならん。
|translation =Please check my power and electrical network carefully. Don't cut corners.
|translation =Please check my power and circuitry carefully. Don't cut corners.
Line 134:
Line 134:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = MVP
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = MVP
|origin =うん、battle starか?もらっておこう。Washingtonめ、どうだ?あぁ、霧島、これを見てくれ!
|origin =うん、battle starか?もらっておこう。Washingtonめ、どうだ?あぁ、霧島、これを見てくれ!
|translation =Yep, a battle star? I accept. Well Washington, what do you think? Ah, Kirishima, check this out!
|translation =Hmm, a battle star? I accept. Well Washington, what do you think? Ah, Kirishima, check this out!
Line 162:
Line 162:
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =戦場で…沈むのか……あぁ、それもいい…静かだ…な…
|origin =戦場で…沈むのか……あぁ、それもいい…静かだ…な…
|translation =So I'm sinking... on this battlefield...... Ah, that's fine too... It's so... peaceful...
|translation =So I'm sinking... on the battlefield...... Ah, that's fine too... It's so... peaceful...
Line 178:
Line 178:
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin =It's 1 o'clock. 当直か…それはそれで悪くないな。
|origin =It's 1 o'clock. 当直か…それはそれで悪くないな。
|translation =It's 1 o'clock. Being on watch... doesn't actually feel too bad.
|translation =It's 1 o'clock. Being on duty... doesn't actually feel too bad.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =2 o'clock. ウシミツtimeっと言ったか…さて、なにかやることはないか?
|origin =2 o'clock. ウシミツtimeっと言ったか…さて、なにかやることはないか?
|translation =2 o'clock. So this is what they call "ushimitsu time"... Now, is there anything else to do?<ref>"Ushimitsu" is the "hour of the ox". It refers to the time between 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
|translation =2 o'clock. So this is what they call the "ushimitsu hour"... Now, is there anything else to do?<ref>"Ushimitsu" is the "hour of the ox". It refers to the time between 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin =3 o'clock. 提督、流石に少し眠いか?Coffeeを入れよ。特製だ。まってろ。
|origin =3 o'clock. 提督、流石に少し眠いか?Coffeeを入れよう。特製だ。まってろ。
|translation =3 o'clock. Admiral, aren't you even a bit sleepy? I'll make some coffee. It's a special blend. Wait a minute.
|translation =3 o'clock. Admiral, aren't you even a bit sleepy? I'll make some coffee. It's a special blend. Wait a minute.
Line 247:
Line 247:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =3 o'clock. あなたが、あの、大和か!?会えてが光栄だ!あぁ、よろしく頼む。
|origin =3 o'clock. あなたが、あの、大和か!?会えて光栄だ!あぁ、よろしく頼む。
|translation =3 o'clock. So you're the great Yamato!? It's an honour to meet you! Ah, it's my pleasure.
|translation =3 o'clock. So you're the great Yamato!? It's an honour to meet you! Ah, it's my pleasure.
Line 253:
Line 253:
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16:00
|origin =4 o'clock. あぁ、そうだ。高速空母機動部隊護衛として、対空戦にも活躍したさ。あぁ、そうだ!空母守るのは、私の大事な使命の一つだからな!
|origin =4 o'clock. あぁ、そうだ。高速空母機動部隊護衛として、対空戦にも活躍したさ。あぁ、そうだ!空母守るのは、私の大事な使命の一つだからな!
|translation =4 o'clock. Yeah, that's right. I served with distinction in anti-air combat while part of the high-speed carrier task force's escort. Yep, that's right! Protecting the carriers is one of my most important duties.
|translation =4 o'clock. Yeah, that's right. I served with distinction in anti-air roles and as part of the high-speed carrier task force's escort. Yep, that's right! Protecting the carriers is one of my most important duties.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =5 o'clock. あぁ、夕日は…しみるな…
|origin =5 o'clock. あぁ、夕日は…しみるな…
|translation =5 o'clock. Yeah, the sunset... really gets to you...<ref>As in really makes an impression.</ref>
|translation =5 o'clock. Yeah, the sunset... really gets to you...
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 267:
Line 267:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =7 o'clock. ふぁ、Hornet、お前料理うまいな。いつかあいつらにも食わしてもやりてな。
|origin =7 o'clock. ふぁ、Hornet、お前料理うまいな。いつかあいつらにも食わしてやりてえ。
|translation =7 o'clock. Whoa, Hornet, your cooking is real good. I wanna let the others try it some day.
|translation =7 o'clock. Whoa, Hornet, your cooking is real good. I wanna let the others try it some day.
Line 277:
Line 277:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21:00
|origin =9 o'clock. なんか、小さいのがうるさいな。あれ?あいつ、昔蹴散らしいたやつらに似てるな…似てるな…
|origin =9 o'clock. なんか、小さいのがうるさいな。あれ?あいつ、昔蹴散らしたやつらに似てる…似てるな…
|translation =9 o'clock. Those little ones are kind of noisy now. Huh? She looks like the one that got away back then... She really does...<ref>Likely referring to [[Shikinami]] that turned to open the range after being fired on by South Dakota at the Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.</ref>
|translation =9 o'clock. Those little ones are kind of noisy now. Huh? She looks like the one that got away back then... She really does...<ref>Likely referring to [[Shikinami]] that turned to open the range after being fired on by South Dakota at the Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =10 o'clock. ちょっち艤装の調子が、Prometheusにやつを見てもらうか…えぇ、明石?おぉ!
|origin =10 o'clock. ちょっち艤装の調子が、Prometheusのやつに見てもらうが…?えぇ、明石?おぉ!
|translation =10 o'clock. I should have Prometheus give my rigging a quick once over... Eh, Akashi? Oooh!<ref>Referring to the repair ship [ Prometheus] that gave her some quick repairs after Guadalcanal.</ref>
|translation =10 o'clock. I should have Prometheus give my rigging a quick once over...? Eh, Akashi? Oooh!<ref>Referring to the repair ship [ Prometheus] that gave her some quick repairs after Guadalcanal.</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin =11 o'clock. 今日もあと少しで終わり。提督、おつかれ。また明日で頑張れいこう。Good night!
|origin =11 o'clock. 今日もあと少しで終わり。提督、おつかれ。また明日も頑張っていこう。Good night!
|translation =11 o'clock. The day will be over soon. Admiral, good work. Let's work hard tomorrow too. Good night!
|translation =11 o'clock. The day will be over soon. Admiral, good work. Let's work hard tomorrow too. Good night!