Line 26:
Line 26:
|origin = 提督、一生懸命がんばります!
|origin = 提督、一生懸命がんばります!
|translation = I'll do my very best, Admiral!
|translation = I'll do my very best, Admiral!
|audio = Samidare-Secretary_1.ogg
|audio = Samidare-Secretary_2.ogg
Line 32:
Line 32:
|origin = お任せ下さいね。
|origin = お任せ下さいね。
|translation = Please leave it to me.
|translation = Please leave it to me.
|audio = Samidare-Secretary_2.ogg
|audio = Samidare-Secretary_1.ogg
Line 42:
Line 42:
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|kai = yes
|origin = 夜になると時々思うんです。比叡さんごめんなさいって。でも、よ~く思い出せなくって…。なんだっけかな~?…もう少しで…。
|origin = 夜になると時々思うんです。比叡さんごめんなさいって。でも、よ~く思い出せなくって…。なんだっけかな~?…もう少しで…。
|translation = When night falls, I sometimes remember. About apologising to Hiei-san. But, I can't quite remember... why? ...Just a little more...<ref>At the [ Naval Battle of Guadalcanal], she was part of Hiei's escort. But due to a complex formation, heavy fog and a squall; the fleet was scattered and Hiei was sunk.</ref>
|translation = When night falls, I sometimes remember. About apologising to Hiei-san. But, I can't quite remember... why? ...Just a little more...<ref>At the [ Naval Battle of Guadalcanal], she was part of Hiei's escort. But due to a complex formation, heavy fog and a squall; the fleet was scattered and Hiei was sunk.</ref>
Line 48:
Line 49:
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|kai = yes
|origin = 流石の提督も余り根を詰めるとドジっ子しちゃいますよ?ほらっ!休んで休んで!お茶いれてあげますね?待ってて!
|origin = 流石の提督も余り根を詰めるとドジっ子しちゃいますよ?ほらっ!休んで休んで!お茶いれてあげますね?待ってて!
|translation = Admiral, you'll become a klutz if you push yourself past your limits you know? See! Go get some rest! I'll get you some tea alright? Wait here!
|translation = Admiral, you'll become a klutz if you push yourself past your limits you know? See! Go get some rest! I'll get you some tea alright? Wait here!
Line 90:
Line 92:
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|kai = yes
|origin = やったぁ!補給!
|origin = やったぁ!補給!
|translation = Alright! Supplies!
|translation = Alright! Supplies!