
Line 62: Line 62:  
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = Ciao!提督!サミさん!これですか?これはですね~アンカーの鎖と鎖を繋げているんです!ほら、こ~んなに長い!これならいざというときも安心です!お?サミさん、なんか凄い興味持ってません?
|origin = Ciao!提督!サミさん!これですか?これはですね~アンカーの鎖と鎖を繋げているんです!ほら、こ~んなに長い!これならいざというときも安心です!お?サミさん、なんか凄い興味持ってません?
|translation =  
|translation = Ciao! Admiral! Sammy-san! This? I connected the chain of an anchor with another chain! Look how long it is! This will definitely be helpful when the time comes! Oh? You look very interested in this Sammy-san.
|audio = Maestrale-Idle.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Idle.mp3
Line 79: Line 79:  
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin =  
|origin = 情報ね?待ってて~取ってくるね~。ええっと…あ!これだ!
|translation =  
|translation = The information? Hold on~ I'll go get it~. Hmmm...Ah! I found it!
|audio = Maestrale-PlayerScore.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-PlayerScore.mp3
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin =  
|origin = イ対巡旗艦マエストラーレでます!
|translation =  
|translation = I type flagship Maestrale, going out!
|audio = Maestrale-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-JoinFleet.mp3
