Line 46:
Line 46:
|origin =Independence級航空母艦、Langleyだ。そうだ。CV-1ではない。その名を付いたCVL-27の方だ。小柄な体だが、
|origin =Independence級航空母艦、Langleyだ。そうだ。CV-1ではない。その名を付いたCVL-27の方だ。小柄な体だが、
|translation =I'm the Independence-class carrier Langley. Yes, not CV-1. As CVL-27 I inherited her name. I may be small, but I fought in the Pacific, at Yamato's final moments, then as part of Operation Magic Carpet, and even as part of the French Navy. Don't forget it!
|translation =I'm the Independence-class carrier Langley. Right, I'm not CV-1. As CVL-27, I've inherited her name. I may be small, but I fought in the Pacific, at Yamato's final moments, then as part of Operation Magic Carpet, and even as part of the French Navy. Don't forget it!
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin =そう、Independence級さ。少し小さくだって、反撃の主力の一刻よ!そこんとこよろしく!
|origin =そう、Independence級さ。少し小さくだって、反撃の主力の一刻よ!そこんとこよろしく!
|translation =Yeah, I'm an Independence-class. We're small but we hit back faster than you'd think! You can count on that!
|translation =Yeah, I'm an Independence-class. We're small, but we hit back faster than you'd think! You can count on that!
Line 65:
Line 65:
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 3|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 3|kai = true
|origin =そうさ、あの大和ともやり合ったんだ。なんだよ、嘘じゃないって。海戦のあと、魔法のじゅうたんやって、フランス海軍でも活躍したんだぜ。そうさ、マジだって。Don't you believe me!? ガチで!
|origin =そうさ、あの大和ともやり合ったんだ。なんだよ、嘘じゃないって。海戦のあと、魔法のじゅうたんやって、フランス海軍でも活躍したんだぜ。そうさ、マジだって。Don't you believe me!? ガチで!
|translation =Yeah, I fought with Yamato. What, I told you, it's true! After the war I helped with magic Carpet then served with the French Navy. Yeah, for real. Don't you believe me!? I'm legit!
|translation =Yeah, I fought with Yamato. What, I told you, it's true! After the war I helped with Magic Carpet then served with the French Navy. Yeah, for real. Don't you believe me!? I'm legit!
Line 75:
Line 75:
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =まぁ、少し一息入れるのもありだぜ。熱いcoffeeでも入れようか。気分がしゃっきりするぜ。
|origin =まぁ、少し一息入れるのもありだぜ。熱いcoffeeでも入れようか。気分がしゃっきりするぜ。
|translation =Well, it's good to take a breather once in a while. How about some fresh coffee? That'll freshen you up.
|translation =Well, it's good to take a breather once in a while. How about some fresh coffee? That'll wake you up.
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =ん?どうした、提督?次の作戦か?太平洋か?白井半島か?どこだ?うぇ?これをme? ほほ、提督、あんたなかなかに艦を見る目があるな。よし、分かった。I appreciate!
|origin =ん?どうした、提督?次の作戦か?太平洋か?白井半島か?どこだ?うぇ?これをme? ほほ、提督、あんたなかなかに艦を見る目があるな。よし、分かった。I appreciate!
|translation =Hm? What is it, Admiral? The next operation? Are we going to the Pacific? To Sinai? Where, where? Huh? This is for me? Hohoh, Admiral, you've got a good eye for ships. Alright, gotcha. I appreciate it!
|translation =Hm? What is it, Admiral? The next operation? Are we going to the Pacific? To Sinai? Where, where? Huh? This is for me? Hohoh, Admiral, you've got a good eye for ships. Alright, got it. I appreciate it!
Line 118:
Line 118:
|scenario = Docking Minor
|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin =かすり傷だけどな。
|origin =かすり傷だけどな。
|translation =I just got scraped a bit.
|translation =I just got some scrapes.
Line 153:
Line 153:
|scenario = Night Attack
|scenario = Night Attack
|origin =甘く見るな、逃がすかよ!
|origin =甘く見るな、逃がすかよ!
|translation =Don't look down on us! As if you can run!
|translation =Think you can get away? Don't take us lightly!
Line 162:
Line 162:
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
|origin =悪いけど負けないよ!追撃して、止めを刺すっ!
|origin =悪いけど負けないよ!追撃して、止めを刺すっ!
|translation =Sorry but we ain't losing here! Chase 'em down and finish them!
|translation =Sorry, but we ain't losing here! Chase 'em down and finish them!