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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
* High firepower, HP and armour.
* Low torpedo and ASW.
===Fit Bonuses===
Priority: '''High'''
:A four slot light cruiser from Italy, similar to [[Ooyodo]], who brings lots of flexibility to the fleet.
:This turns her into an hard-hitting attacker against enemy installations when fitted with two [[WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)]].
:She has also a solid Firepower stat, making her a reliable daytime combatant with [[Artillery Spotting]].
:Furthermore, she has great HP and Armor stat for a CL, making her able to withstand more attacks than other ships of the same category.
====Recommended Roles====
* Surface combat
* Anti-installation
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
cssedit, Moderators


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