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Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm Urakaze, cheers![1] |
うち、浦風じゃ、よろしくね! | |
Introduction Play |
I'm one of the remodeled Kagerou class now. Admiral, you listening? Okay <dunno probably Hiroshima dialect words>, Cheers for today too. |
うち、改陽炎型になったんよ。提督、聞いてるけ?うん、えいんよ、今日もよろしくじゃ。 | |
Library Play |
I was born in Osaka but assign'd to Kure.
I tromped all ova' from Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal. Ma las' moments was escortin' Kongou-nee thru da Taiwan Straits.[2] Ah wel', that'd be right... |
真珠湾からガダルカナルまで駆けまわったんじゃ。最期は金剛姉さんを護衛して台湾海峡… まぁ、もうどうにもならんなぁ… | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Yer lookin' ripper today, Admiral. |
提督さん、今日も元気じゃね。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Secretary 2 Play |
Did ya need somethin'? |
うちに、何か用。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Secretary 3 Play |
Oy, where'd ya think yer touchin'? |
こら、どこ触っとるんじゃ。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Hmmm... Can I go out soon? |
ぅん…そろそろ出かけたいとこじゃな? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Admiral! Ya can't push yerself! |
提督さん!無理は禁物やで! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Admiral, wanna go fer a stroll together? *inquisitive mini-Bongo noises* How bout it? |
提督、一緒にを散歩どうじゃ?んん?どうじゃ? | |
Wedding Play |
I jus' can't leave ya to be after watchin' ya work da whol' day... Admiral! Don't push yerself! |
一日中頑張っとる提督を見てると、なんだかほっとけなくて…なっ!あまり、無理せんでね! | |
Player's Score Play |
Admiral? Ya better read it quick. |
提督さん?早く読んだ方がええよ。 | |
Player's Score Play |
You want yer score? Leave it to me this time...*struggling Mini-Bongo noises*.....<no idea>...*still struggling*....there...*satisfied Mini-Bongo noises* |
情報系?うちに任せて時。。。んん。。。どう。。。くい。。。んん。。。じゃ。。。んん! | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
I'll handle this! |
うちに任しとき! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
If I'm strong, then I can protect all of ya! |
うちが強ければ、みんなを護れるけえね | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Do I look a bit good? |
ちっと、かっこよくなったかな。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
These are pretty good supplies ain't they? We got nothin' to worry 'bout now right? |
!いい回収じゃけ、ええ、安パイじゃね? | |
Equipment 3[3] Play |
What a beaut♪ |
素敵じゃねぇ♪ | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
Leave it ta me♪ |
まかしとき♪ | |
Supply Play |
Resupplies are important. |
補給は大切じゃな。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
'ya saved me~ |
助かるわ~ | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Whew~ I'm utterly knackered. |
いや~、ぶち疲れたわ。 | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has joined up. |
新しい艦が入ってきたのう。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
A fleet has just finished an operation. |
作戦終了した艦隊があるよ。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Right then~♪ I'm sortiein'! |
さーて♪ 浦風、出撃じゃ! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Time to have a go at them! |
砲雷撃戦、開始じゃ! | |
Starting a Battle (Kai D Line 15) Play |
Taking action to reduce submarine threat from the battlefield, hmph! |
対潜警戒は減等戦闘、ふう! | |
Attack Play |
Cunt![5] |
おどりゃぁ。 | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Have at 'em~! |
そこ退けやー! | |
Night Battle Play |
Yer in da way! |
邪魔じゃけえ! | |
MVP Play |
Don't ya worry 'bout a thin'. Dis fleet'll be right as long as I'm here! |
心配いらんよ。ウチがついておるからこの艦隊は大丈夫じゃて! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
No~! I messed up a little...! |
いやぁっ!ちっと失敗…! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Owowow! |
いったったぁ! | |
Major Damage Play |
Ma turrets're damaged and I'm all buggered up... |
砲塔へしゃげとるし、ボロボロになってしもうた… | |
Sunk Play |
It's best not ta worry 'bout me and get outta here right quick... alright... |
うちに構わず、早くここから離脱したほうが…ええ… |
- ↑ She speaks in a Hiroshima dialect. Liberties have been taken with translation to try and reflect this.
- ↑ She was torpedoed by the USS Sealion.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Odorya (おどりゃぁ) is a word in Hiroshima dialect that is the rudest 2nd person pronoun. Generally used on someone you're fighting.
Drop Locations
Seiyuu: Komatsu Mana
Artist: Parsley (パセリ)
- Sunk by USS Sealion 65 miles (120 km) north-northwest of Keelung, Formosa at 26°09′N 121°23′E on 21 November 1944.
- Her name means "sea breeze" or "sea wind".