Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
ボーンジョールノ~!マエストラーレ級、駆逐艦「リベッチオ」です。リベでいいよ~!提督さん、よろしくね! | Buongiorno~! I'm Libeccio, one of the the maestrale-class destroyers! You can call me Libe!
Nice to meet you admiral! |
Library Intro |
イタリア海軍の駆逐艦、マエストラーレ級3番艦リベッチオです!提督さん、よろしくね!え?タラント空襲・・・余裕です!船団ごえでも頑張りたかったけど、救助中はやめてほしいよ~ | I'm a destroyer from the Italian navy, and am the 3rd Maestrale-class destroyer "Libeccio!" Nice to meet you admiral! Eh? Battle of Taranto...that's easy!
I wanted to help my fleet a bit more, but I got hit at the end of my tail~ |
Secretary(1) |
Ciao~!提督さん、な~に? | Ciao~! What do you want admiral~? | ||
Secretary(2) |
リベの名前?南西の風って意味よ、知ってた? | My name? It means "wind of the southwest," did you know that? | ||
Secretary(3) |
ほらほらこっちよ~!鬼さんこっちら~!フフフ、提督さんおもしろい! | Hey! I'm over here! Catch me if you can oni-san~! Fufufu, you're so funny admiral! | ||
Secretary(idle) |
ローマさんか~・・・あああ~戦艦ってやっぱおっきいな~リベも一杯食べて大きくなろうっと。え?あなた、誰?清・・・霜・・・さん?え?友達に?ああうん・・・いいけど~? | Roma-san...Battleships are so big~ Libe needs to eat more to become like one of them. Eh? Who are you? Kiyo...shimo...san? Eh? You want to be friends? Oh, umm...sure~? | ||
Secretary(Married) |
提督さん、Ciao~!どうしたの~?疲れてるの~?仕っ方ないな~リベが肩揉んであげるね~んしょ~んしょ!どう?気持ちいい? | Admiral, Ciao~! What's wrong~? Are you tired~? Alrighty~ Let Libe rub your shoulders~hmph~hmph! Hows that? Did that feel good? | ||
Wedding |
Ciao~! 提督さん、どうしたの~?リベにご用事?え?この箱くれるの?箱じゃなくって、中身?ふわぁ~綺麗~!Grazie! | Ciao~! Admiral, what's wrong? Something for Libe? Eh? You're giving me this box? Not the box, but inside it? Fuwaa~It's beautiful~! Grazie! | ||
Show player's score |
提督さん、情報見たいの?ちょっと待ってぇ!えっと~えーとー | Admiral, do you want to see the news? Hold on a sec! Let's see~ where is it~ | ||
Joining a fleet |
さ~イタリア駆逐艦の魅力、教えてあげるね!リベッチオ、出撃です! | I'll show you the power of an Italian destroyer! Libeccio, deploying out! | ||
Equipment(1) |
Grazie~! | Grazie~! | Grazie = Thank You | |
Equipment(2) |
提督さん、ありがとう!不思議な装備ね~ | Thank you, admiral! This is some weird equipment~ | ||
Equipment(3) |
Ciao~Ciao~! | Ciao~Ciao~! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
いたただきま~す!Grazie! | Time to dig in! Thank you! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
ちょっと服が汚れちゃった~早く治そうっと~ | My clothes got a little dirty~ I better fix it~ | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
痛た~、お尻痛いし~シャワー浴びようっと・・・お風呂?なにそれ? | Ouch~ my butt hurts too~ I should go take a shower...A bath? What's that? | ||
Ship construction |
新しい仲間見たいよ?Ciao~! | Looks like someone new is here! Ciao~! | ||
Return from sortie |
ブラービー、艦隊戻ってきました! | Bravi, the fleet has returned! | ||
Start a sortie |
Ciao~! 皆~準備はいい?リベの艦隊、出撃です! | Ciao~! Are you ready everyone? Libe's fleet, deploying out! | ||
Battle start |
Attack |
敵艦、発見!リベ艦隊、攻撃耐性に一行です!準備準備~! 南西の風~やった!縁起がいいよ~勝てるよ! リベを先頭に、単縦陣になって!本気でいっくよ~! |
Enemy vessels spotted! Libe's fleet is now positioning for attack! Let's get ready~! Southwest wind...alright! That's a sign of good luck~ we can win! Put me in the front, and form a line ahead formation! I'm gonna get serious~! |
Night battle |
夜ね~いいよ!夜戦でしょ?やってみる! | Looks like it's night time~ Night battle right? I'll give it my best! | ||
やった~!リベが一番だって~!フヒヒ~提督さん褒めてよ!うんうん、褒めて~! | Yay~! Libe was number one! Hehe~ praise me admiral! Yup yup, praise me more~! | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
ワアッ~!ワアアッ~!お尻はやめてよ~! | Ahh~! Ahhh~! Don't hurt my butt~! | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
な・・・なに?魚雷?救助中とかって、攻撃止めてよ~! | Wha...what? Torpedos? Stop attacking me when I'm helping out! | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
だ~から~!お尻は止めてってぇ~言ってるのに!もう~やだやだ~! | I sa~id! Stop aiming at my butt! I don't want this anymore~! | ||
Sunk |
リベ・・・ちゃんと助けたかったな・・・守りたかったな・・・お休み・・・なさい | Libe...wanted to help out more...I wanted to protect everyone...good...night |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
チャオー、提督さん。今日はリベが時刻を教えてあげるよ。大丈夫、任せて! | Chao, Admiral-san. Today Libe will be telling you the time. I'll be fine, leave it to me! | |
01:00 |
提督さん! マルヒト、マル…マル! どお? リベ、完璧でしょ? えっへん! | Admiral-san! 01, 0...0! How's that? Libe is perfect right? Ehen! | |
02:00 |
提督さーん、行っくよー! マルフターマルマル! ふふん♪ リベ、慣れてきたよー | Admiral-san, here we go~! 0200! Fufun♪ Libe is getting used to this~ | |
03:00 |
提督さん、マルサンーマルマル! ふー…リベ、もう時報完璧じゃない? 褒めてもいいよ? ほらほらー♪ | Admiral-san, 0300! Fu~... Libe's time is perfect right? Won't you compliment me? Hey hey~♪ | |
04:00 |
提督さん、マルヨンーマルマル! もうすぐ朝かー。ふぅ…リベ、ちょっと疲れてきちゃったぁ。やるけど! | Admiral-san, 0400! It's almost morning. Fuu... Libe is a little tired. I can still do it! | |
05:00 |
提督さん、マルゴーマルマル! 朝です、朝! 皆起こす? まだいい? 起こすの? まだ? まだかー | Admiral-san, 0500! It's morning! Should I wake everyone? Not yet? What about now? Still not yet? Not yet huh~ | |
06:00 |
提督さーん! マルロクーマルマル! 艦隊の皆、起こすね? ふぅ…総員、起こしーっ! お・こ・しーっ!! | Admiral-san! 0600! I'll wake the entire fleet ok? Fuu... All hands, wake up! Wake. Up!! | |
07:00 |
提督さん、マルナナーマルマル。リベ、ちょっとお腹が空いちゃった。あ、提督さんが朝作ってくれるの? グラッチェ! | Admiral-san, 0700. Libe is a little bit hungry. Ah, Admiral-san is making breakfast? Grazie! | |
08:00 |
むぐむぐ…提督さーん! マルハチ―…むぐむぐマルマル―! 提督さんの作ってくれた朝食、おいしいれしゅう♪ むぐむぐ、明日も作ってー!! | Nom nom... Admiral-san! 08... nom nom 00! The breakfast that Admiral-san made is really delicious♪ Nom nom, make it again tomorrow!! | |
09:00 |
提督さん、マルキューマルマル! さぁ、そろそろ艦隊を出していきましょう! 出撃? 遠征? それとも、演習? 演習なら勝たなきゃー! | Admiral-san, 0900! Ah, it's about time to take the fleet out! Sorties? Expeditions? Or perhaps exercises? If it's exercises, we have to win! | |
10:00 |
提督さん、ヒトマルーマルマル! あ、リットリオさんだ! え、今、イタリアって呼ばれてるの? イタリア? なんでなんで?? | Admiral-san, 1000! Ah, it's Littorio-san! Eh, you're called Italia now? Italia? Why?? | |
11:00 |
提督さん、ヒトヒトーマルマル! 空襲? うん、怖いけど、怖くないよ。リベは、どっちかって言うと、潜水艦が嫌。嫌なものは嫌っ! | Admiral-san, 1100! An air raid? Yeah, I'm scared but not that scared. If Libe was to say so, submarines are unpleasant. I hate unpleasant things! | She was sunk on 9 November 1941 by the British submarine Upholder. |
12:00 |
提督さーん! ヒトフターマルマル! お昼は、どうするの? お、マミーヤ?! いいよー行く行く! わぁーい! | Admiral-san! 1200! What will we do for lunch? Oh, Mamiya's?! That's great, let's go! Waai! | |
13:00 |
むぐむぐ。提督さん、ヒトサンーマルマル! ふひひ♪ マミーヤ、美味しいですねー♪ むぐむぐ、むぐむぐ、毎日マミーヤでもいいよ? うんうん♪ | Nom nom. Admiral-san, 1300! Fuhihi♪ Mamiya's is delicious♪ Nom nom, nom nom, can we come to Mamiya's every day? Yeah yeah♪ | |
14:00 |
提督さん、ヒトヨンーマルマル! ふぅ、少しお昼食べ過ぎちゃった。 運動しよう、運動! 出撃しないとねー。行こう、いこーう! | Admiral-san, 1400! Fuu, I might have eaten too much for lunch. Let's do some exercise, exercise! Not sorties ok~. Let's go! | |
15:00 |
提督さん、ヒトゴーマルマ…あ、キヨシー?! なに? あ、元気だよ-! 戦艦? うん、戦艦は強いよねー。うん、戦艦は強いよー! | Admiral-san, 150... ah, Kiyoshi?! What? Ah, I'm fine! Battleships? Yeah, battleships are strong huh. Battleships are really strong! | |
16:00 |
提督さん、ヒトロクーマルマル! え、強い戦艦? それはー、リットリオさんやローマさんじゃない? 他で? う~ん、誰だろ~? | Admiral-san, 1600! Eh, strong battleships? That would be Littorio-san and Roma-san right? Others? Umm, I wonder~? | |
17:00 |
提督さーん! ヒトナナーマルマル! 強い戦艦、強い戦艦ね? あー…そうだ、ウォースパイト! アレは強かったよ~。なんか覚えてる | Admiral-san! 1700! A strong battleship huh? Ah... I got it, Warspite! She's really strong. I seem to recall something | HMS Warspite scored a long range hit against RM Giulio Cesare |
18:00 |
提督さん、ヒトハチーマルマル! もー、夜だぁ。暗くなってきたよぉ。夜はどうするのかな? 違うよ、ご飯のこと! | Admiral-san, 1800! It's night now. It's getting dark. What should we do at night? No, I'm not talking about dinner! | |
19:00 |
むぐむぐ。提督さん、ヒトキュー…マルマル。 ふん、夜もマミーヤで、むぐむぐ…リベ、嬉しいなぁ♪ むぐむぐ、明日も明後日もマミーヤでいいよ♪ | Nom nom. Admiral-san, 19...00. Fuu, eating at Mamiya's at night too, nom nom... Libe is happy♪ Nom nom, it would be great if we could eat at Mamiya's everyday♪ | |
20:00 |
提督さん、フタマルーマルマル! すっかり夜ねぇ、くらーい。夜戦? う~ん、どうなんだろう? 日本の皆は、夜戦好きだよねー | Admiral-san, 2000! It's totally night now, so dark. Night battles? Hmmm, I don't know? Japanese people really like night battles huh~ | |
21:00 |
提督さーん、フタヒト―マルマル―。なんかリベ、もう眠くなってきたぁ。提督さん、眠くないの? そう? 大人なんだねぇ | Admiral-san, 21―00―. Somehow, Libe is feeling a bit sleepy. Admiral-san, aren't you sleepy? Really? So grown up. | |
22:00 |
フタフターマルマル! 提督さん、なんか大変! 日本の軽巡が騒いでるよ? なんか五月蝿いよ?! なんだろー? あ、いいの? そうなの?? | 2200! Admiral-san, something is wrong! The Japanese light cruisers are making a fuss? Isn't it a bit noisy?! What is that? Oh, it's OK? Really?? | |
23:00 |
提督さーん、フタサン―マルマル―。今日も一日疲れたね―? 明日もリベと頑張ろ! | Admiral-san, 23―00―. Was today tiring? Tomorrow Libe will do her best too! |
Seasonal Quotes
Drop Locations
- Reward for clearing E-5 of the Summer 2015 Event.
See Also
- View Libeccio CG
- Wikipedia page on the Maestrale-class (She doesn't have an individual page)