Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
工作艦、明石です。 少々の損傷だったら、私が泊地でばっちり直してあげますね。お任せください! |
I'm Repair ship Akashi. If you take a little damage, I can fix you up in the base. Just leave it to me! | ||
Library Intro Play |
連合艦隊唯一の工作艦、明石です。 トラック泊地に進出し、前線で損傷した艦艇の修理を担当したわ。トラック泊地が壊滅するその日まで、前線の艦隊を陰で支えたのよ。 よろしくね。 |
I'm Akashi, the only dedicated repair ship in the combined fleet. I was in charge of repairing ships damaged in the front lines when I was stationed in the Truk Anchorage. I supported the fleet from behind right up until the destruction of the Anchorage. Pleased to meet you. | During the war Akashi operated out of the Japanese base in the Truk atoll where she repaired various types of battle-damaged Japanese warships, including the Shōkaku in October 1942 and the Yamato in December 1943.
In February 1944 the Americans made a raid on Truk (Operation Hailstone), sinking and damaging many ships. Akashi was damaged in these attacks and escaped to the Japanese atoll of Palau. On 30 March 1944, while anchored off Urukthapel in the Palau islands, Akashi was hit numerous times by bombs and rockets from American aircraft from Task Group 58, during Operation Desecrate One. She was sunk in shallow water with her bridge and cranes still remaining above the water | |
Secretary(1) Play |
明石の出番ですね。 | Looks like it's Akashi's turn. | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
提督の修理ですか?どこが壊れてます? | Admiral, you need repairs? Have you been damaged somewhere? | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
クレーンにあまり触ったら危ないですよ!・・・あんっ!そこはもっと危ないです! | It's dangerous, so don't touch my cranes... hey! That's even more dangerous! | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
うーんと・・・大丈夫!修理とか工作機械の手入れとか色々やることあるから!大丈夫です!・・・・だいじょうぶ・・・ | Right... don't worry! I'm busy with things such as repairs and procuring new machinery! So don't worry! ... really... | ||
Secretary(Married) Play |
・・・提督 提督自身も時々修理しないとダメですよ?私がメンテ・・・しておきますね | Admiral... you've gotta make sure you fix yourself up sometimes. Just leave the maintenance... to me, okay? | ||
Wedding Play |
提督何ですかその指輪私の艦内工場で少し加工します?もう・・・誰に上げるんですかぁ?えっ・・!?私・・!?嘘ぉ・・・!?はぁあ・・・大事にします!ありがとう! | Admiral, what is it? You want to process the ring in my factory? Geez... I wonder who the lucky person is? Ehh... for me?! No way...! I-I'll treasure it! Thank you! | ||
Show player's score Play |
提督 艦隊の運営状況を確認されますか? | Do you want to check the fleet's operational status, Admiral? | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
工作艦、明石 参ります! | Repair ship Akashi, now departing! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
これは・・・捗りますぅ! | Now...this is what I call progress! | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
もっともっと修理できそう!ありがとうございます! | Now I can repair even more! Thank you so much! | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
修理、しときます? | Should I repair this? | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
ありがとうございます!助かります! | Thank you! This really helps! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
私自身も・・・時々メンテがいりますね・・・ | I guess even I need maintenance once in a while... | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
ふぅ・・・人に背中流してもらうのも本当幸せですねぇ・・・ 助かるなぁ~ | Phew... what a blessing it is to have people washing my back. Thanks so much. | ||
Ship construction Play |
新造艦が完成したみたいです 楽しみですねぇ | It seems like a new ship has been completed. Looking forward to it. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊が無事帰投しました 疲れたぁ~ | The fleet has returned safely. Phew. | ||
Start a sortie Play |
聯合艦隊所属 明石 抜錨します! | Combined Fleet, Akashi, weighing anchor! | ||
Battle start Play |
私・・・戦いは・・・うぅ・・・今は・・・やるしかないか・・・ | Fighting isn't my... well... but I guess I'll just have to do it! | ||
Attack Play |
OR Fighting isn't my... well... but I guess I'll just have to do it! |
Night battle Play |
追撃戦って・・・ど、どうなのかなぁそれってばぁ! | A pursuit... w-what am I supposed to do about that?! | ||
Night attack Play |
あまり得意じゃないんだけど・・・! | It's not my forte, but here we go...! | ||
MVP Play |
え・・・ええっ!?わ、私!?どういうのそれって・・・嬉しいけどぉ・・・ | Eh...EEEEEH!? M-me!? How did that happen...? Well, can't say I'm not happy... | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ぐぅっ・・・いったたた・・・艦内工場は無事!? | Geh... ouch... is my factory fine? | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
やられた!工作機械への延焼を防いで! | I'm hit...don't let the fire spread to the work machines! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
わっ、わたし、狙われてる!?こんな状態じゃ、満足に修理できない! | I...I was targetted!? I can't do a good repair job in this state! | ||
Sunk Play |
海の底に沈むのか・・・またゆっくり寝るわね。おやすみなさい。 | Seems like I'm heading towards the sea floor... guess I can have another long sleep. Good night. |
Quotes (Kai)
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
工作艦、明石です 泊地での応急修理ならお任せください!第一線での艦娘をサポートしますね! | Repair Akashi, at your service! Leave the emergency maintenance at the base to me! I'll support the girls in the front lines! | ||
Library Intro Play |
連合艦隊唯一の工作艦、明石です。トラック泊地に進出し、前線で損傷した艦艇の修理を担当したわ。トラック泊地が壊滅するその日まで、前線の艦隊を陰で支えたのよ。よろしくね。 | I'm Akashi, the only dedicated repair ship in the combined fleet. I was in charge of repairing ships damaged in the front lines when I was stationed in the Truk Anchorage. I supported the fleet from behind right up until the destruction of the Anchorage. Pleased to meet you. | ||
Secretary(1) Play |
どうぞ、よろしくお願いたします! | Very pleased to meet you! | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
提督も・・・少し修理したほうがいいみたいですね | Admiral... I really think you ought to be repaired too. | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
クレーンにあまり触ったら危ないですよ? あぁっ!そこはもっと危ないです! | It's dangerous, so don't touch my cranes... hey! That's even more dangerous! | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
大丈夫です!・・・・だいじょうぶ・・・ |
Right... don't worry! I'm busy with things such as repairs and procuring new machinery! So don't worry! ... really... | ||
Secretary(Married) Play |
・・・提督 提督自身も時々修理しないとダメですよ?私がメンテ・・・しておきますね | Admiral... you've gotta make sure you fix yourself up sometimes. Just leave the maintenance... to me, okay? | ||
Wedding Play |
提督 何ですかその指輪? 私の艦内工場で少し加工します?もう・・・誰に上げるんですかぁ? えっ・・!? 私・・!? 嘘ぉ・・・!?はぁあ・・・大事にします! ありがとう! | Admiral, what is it? You want to process the ring in my factory? Geez... I wonder who the lucky person is? Ehh... for me?! No way...! I-I'll treasure it! Thank you! | ||
Show player's score Play |
提督 艦隊の運営状況を確認されますか? | Do you want to check the fleet's operational status, Admiral? | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
工作艦、明石 参ります! | Repair ship Akashi, now departing! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
これは・・・捗りますぅ! | Now...this is what I call progress! | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
もっともっと修理できそう!ありがとうございます! | Now I can repair even more! Thank you so much! | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
修理、しときます? | Should I repair this? | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
ありがとうございます!助かります! | Thank you! This really helps! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
私自身も・・・時々メンテがいりますね・・ | I guess even I need maintenance once in a while... | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
ふぅ・・・人に背中流してもらうのも本当幸せですねぇ・・・助かるなぁ~ | Phew... what a blessing it is to have people washing my back. Thanks so much. | ||
Ship construction Play |
新造艦が完成したみたいです 楽しみですねぇ | It seems like a new ship has been completed. Looking forwards to it. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊が無事帰投しました 疲れたぁ~ | The fleet has returned safely. Phew | ||
Start a sortie Play |
聯合艦隊所属 明石 抜錨します! | Combined Fleet, Akashi, weighing anchor! | ||
Battle start Play |
振りかかる火の粉は・・・払わないといけませんね! | You have to wipe off.. the sprinkle of sparks! | ||
Attack Play |
Never have I thought that I would be using my weapons to hit the enemy fleet!
OR You have to wipe off.. the sprinkle of sparks! |
Night battle Play |
追撃戦って・・・ど、どうなのかなぁそれってばぁ! | A pursuit... w-what am I supposed to do about that?! | ||
Night attack Play |
あまり得意じゃないんだけど・・・! | It's not my forte, but here we go...! | ||
MVP Play |
いつもお世話になっているので・・・これぐらいはお返ししないと!でも、本業は修理です! | I've been under your debt, so take this as a token of my appreciation! My real job is repairs though! | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ぐぅっ・・・いったたた・・・艦内工場は無事!? | Geh... ouch... is my factory fine? | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
やられた・・・工作機械への延焼を防いで! | I'm hit...don't let the fire spread to the work machines! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
わ・・・私・・・狙われてる!?こんな状態じゃ・・・満足に修理できない・・ | I...I was targetted!? I can't do a good repair job in this state! | ||
Sunk Play |
海の底に沈むのか・・・またゆっくり寝るわね。おやすみなさい。 | Seems like I'm heading towards the sea floor... guess I can have another long sleep. Good night. |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 Play |
深夜0時・・・そろそろお休みされます? | 0000, Midnight... Shouldn't you be resting soon? | |
01:00 Play |
マルヒトマルマルです さすがに眠くありません? え?私?私は大丈夫です! | 0100. Aren't you sleepy after all? Eh? Me? I'm fine! | |
02:00 Play |
マルフタマルマルです なんかトラックを思い出しますねぇ 頑張ったなぁ | 0200. I've somehow remembered my time at Truk... I sure worked hard. | |
03:00 Play |
マルサンマルマルです パラオは・・・なんでだろう?あまり覚えてないんです | 0300. About Palau… I wonder why? I don't really remember much of it. | After escaping Truk, she was stationed at Palau for a mere five weeks prior to her sinking. |
04:00 Play |
マルヨンマルマルですね そろそろ朝ですよ? 提督?今晩は寝なくていいの? | 0400. It's morning soon, yeah? Admiral? You sure you're fine with not sleeping tonight? | |
05:00 Play |
マルゴーマルマルです 空が次第に明るくなってきましたね!新しい一日です! | 0500. The sky is gradually getting brighter! It's a brand new day! | |
06:00 Play |
マルロクマルマルです 提督?朝食は何にします?間宮さんほどじゃないですけど意外と私のも美味しいですよ? | 0600. Admiral? What will you have for breakfast? It's not anywhere near Mamiya's level, but my cooking is unexpectedly good, you know? | |
07:00 Play |
マルナナマルマルです 朝ですねぇ ねぼすけさん達を起こしてきましょうか? | 0700. It's morning, huh. Should we go and wake the sleepy heads up? | |
08:00 Play |
マルハチマルマルですねぇ さぁ!修理修理っとぉ! | 0800, huh. Now! Time to get the repairs on! | |
09:00 Play |
マルキュウマルマルです どの艦から修理します? ・・・えっ!?まさか・・・出撃ぃ!? | 0900. Which ship would you like me to repair? …Eh!? It can't be… a sortie!? | |
10:00 Play |
ヒトマルマルマルです ・・・提督?私・・・戦闘はちょっと・・・あ・・いえ・・兵装を積んでも・・・ | 1000. …Admiral? For me, battles are a bit… ah… no… even if you load me with all theses weapons… | |
11:00 Play |
ヒトヒトマルマルです 提督も無茶されますねぇ 工作機械が壊れたら大変です! | 1100. You're too reckless admiral. It'll be hell if the work machines broke down! | |
12:00 Play |
ヒトフタマルマルですね お昼です!お昼は明石カレー!いっちゃいますか!? | 1200. It's afternoon! It's Akashi curry time! What do you say?! | |
13:00 Play |
ヒトサンマルマルです 艦内工場の点検をしておきますね!結構あるんですよ~ | 1300. I'll be doing the inspection of ship interior factory! There's quite a lot of it~ | |
14:00 Play |
ヒトヨンマルマルです そろそろ午後の修理に本格的に取り組みますね? | 1400. It's about time I dive fully into the afternoon repairs, okay? | |
15:00 Play |
ヒトゴーマルマルです 提督?ちょっと小腹が空きませんか?ねぇ? | 1500. Admiral? Don't you feel a little hungry now? Hmm? | |
16:00 Play |
ヒトロクマルマルです 間宮最中美味しいですねぇ!私も艦内で作りたいなぁ・・・ | 1600. Mamiya Monaka is really tasty, isn't it! I would like to make some in the ship too... | Monaka = a Japanese sweet made of azuki bean jam filling sandwiched between two thin crisp wafers made from mochi. |
17:00 Play |
ヒトナナマルマルです そろそろ日が暮れてきました ふぅっ・・・疲れましたねぇ | 1700. The sun will be setting soon. Oof… It's been tiring, yeah. | |
18:00 Play |
ヒトハチマルマルです 夕食は外食にします? 大和ホテルとかぁ・・・って冗談ですって | 1800. Do you want to eat out for dinner? Like the Yamato hotel, perhaps… just a joke, really. | (Yamato-hotel dinner, wow.) |
19:00 Play |
ヒトキュウマルマルです 簡単なものですみません ご夕食ご用意しました! | 1900. I'm sorry it's only something simple, but dinner is ready! | |
20:00 Play |
フタマルマルマルです 食べたら少し眠くなりますよねぇ・・・ふわぁああ・・・・あっ・・・いけない! | 2000 I guess a full stomach really makes you sleepy, huh… Yaaawnn… Ah-- I shouldn't! | |
21:00 Play |
フタヒトマルマルですね 後3時間で今日もおしまいです お疲れ様です | 2100, huh. The day will be ending in three more hours. Thanks for the good work. | |
22:00 Play |
フタフタマルマル 泊地の夜は静かですよねぇ・・・いつもこうだといいのですが・・・ | 2200 Nights at the anchorage sure is quiet, huh… It'll be nice if it stays like this… | |
23:00 Play |
フタサンマルマルです 提督?本日も一日大変お疲れ様でした! | 2300 Admiral? Thank you for your hard work for today! |
Seasonal Quotes
Event | Japanese | English | Note |
White Day 2015 Play |
提督?チョコのお返しはー?そろそろ?大淀と楽しみに待ってるね!ねー! | Admiral, are there any return gifts? It's almost done? Ooyodo & I were looking forward to this y'know! Right?! | Right is directed to Ooyodo, who is probably disinterested in White Day. |
Drop Locations
Akashi's Improvement Arsenal (改修工廠)
When set as the secretary, Akashi enables the improvement of certain equipment in the game. Refer to Akashi's Improvement Arsenal for more information.
Anchorage Repair (泊地修理)
When Akashi is set as the flagship (of any fleet), she can repair ships subject to the following:
- She must remain as the flagship for at least 20 minutes before any repair is done.
- The timer starts counting when Akashi is set as flagship, but...
- Changing the spot of any ship in the fleet will reset the timer, so effectively the timer doesn't start until the fleet is properly composed.
- Sending the fleet to sortie will not reset the repair timer...
- But sending her fleet to expedition will reset the repair timer.
- The timer starts counting when Akashi is set as flagship, but...
- Akashi, by default, can repair herself and the ship in position #2 in her fleet. For each Ship Repair Facility (艦艇修理施設) she has equipped, an additional ship can be repaired at the same time. By obtaining 4 Ship Repairing Facilities (via obtaining multiple Akashi drops), Akashi Kai is capable of repairing ships in all slots if she is equipped with 4 facilities.
- Eligible repair target(s) (which may include herself) must not sustain damage greater than minor damage (小破), and must not be in the dry docks, in order to be repaired.
- Eligible targets do not pass down - for example, if Akashi does not have any Ship Repair Facility equipped, and ship in the 2nd slot is in the dry docks, the ship in the 3rd slot with only minor sustained damage still would not be repaired.
- Eligible targets are determined when the repair is carried out, so Akashi only (in theory) need to have the repair facilities equipped when the timer is greater than 20 minutes. This is a good thing to know since changing equipment does not reset the repair timer.
- Akashi cannot repair any ships if she suffered moderate or heavy damage. She also does not repair any ship while she's in the dry docks.
- Akashi does not automatically start repairing other ships when she comes out of the dry docks. You must return to the main screen to reset her timer.
- She will continue to perform repairs while the player is offline, just like the dry docks.
- Her repair is not affected by fatigue.
- Her repair will function when she is flagship of not just the 1st fleet but also the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fleets.
HP Repair Rule
- When the repair timer is at 20 minutes or more, returning to the main screen will reset the timer and repair all eligible targets.
- HP healed is dependent on the amount of time (in minutes, rounded down) on the timer as well as the normal rate to repair 1 HP to the eligible target, calculated separately for each target.
- For example, if you interrupt the timer at 20 minutes exactly while repairing a Lv104 DD (requires 11 minutes to repair 1 HP), then the DD will only heal 1 HP, whereas if you interrupt the timer at 22 minutes the DD will heal 2 HP.
- However, she will always repair each eligible target at least 1 HP every time repairs are performed, even for ships that normally take longer than 20 minutes to repair a single HP in dry docks. In this case, the ship will be repaired faster by Akashi if the player keeps resetting the timer every 20 minutes.
- Ships that are repaired faster by Akashi are BB/BBV/CV/AR from Lv93, CA/CAV/FBB/CVL/AS from Lv131.
- The time to fully repair a ship using anchorage repair is roughly the same as the dry docks.
- Specifically, using the dry docks adds 30 seconds to the total repair time; anchorage repair rounds the repair time up to the next full minute. However, repairs via dry docks can be cut short by up to 1 minute, so unless the ship takes more than 20 minutes to repair 1 HP, dry docks repair would normally always be faster.
- The total repair cost required by Akashi to repair a ship is the same as the cost for dock repair unless interrupted. The repair cost for anchorage repair is usually greater than the dock repair cost.
- When a ship is repaired by Akashi, the cost of the repair follows the normal rule (see here for details of calculation), but is rounded up (instead of down), unless the ship is healed to full by that repair.
- If you cannot afford to repair the ship in the dry docks due to insufficient resources, Akashi will not repair the ship, even if other conditions are fulfilled and you have sufficient resource to heal any HP.
- The only specialized repair ship operated by the IJN (the other two were cancelled).
- Escaped Operation Hailstone on Truk in February 20, 1944, fled to Palau.
- Sunk while anchored in Palau on March 30, 1944 during Operation Desecrate One.
- Salvaged and scrapped in 1954.
- Akashi had 17 different factories within her body. Factories included furnace and anvils amongst other things - a mobile manufacturing complex.
- Out of the 779 crew in her, 443 were mechanics, which was not limited to military personnel.
- Had 2 chimneys. The front chimney was used to exhale smoke from the factories - the one you see around her right arm.
- Had power generation capabilities that rivalled the Yamato (4800kw) in order to power her machines.
- Had German machinery loaded, allowing her to have unparalleled reparation abilities compared to standard onshore factories. Her ability to repair ships efficiently was what made her a priority target by the Americans.
- She is required for quest A45.