
Quest Fleet & Reward Guide A guide on:

  • What fleet to use for Sortie Quests,
  • What reward(s) to choose in choice quests.

General choosing rules

Some very broad guidelines on what reward to choose for any given quest. This put an absolute priority on Quest exclusive rewards, with then useful and rare equipment, followed by "valuable" items such as "shop items" (e.g. RE), as well are rare items like ProtoPult, the rest being ordered in rarity/usefulness.

This is not an absolute solution to every choice, with quantities, improvements, and relative usefulness affecting a lot such ordering.

Rank Reward
1 Any "Quest Exclusive" limited equipment
2 Furniture
3 Limited / expensive "Akashi only" equipment
4 Rare stock equipment
Construction Corps
Reinforcement Expansion
Prototype Flight Deck Catapult
Remodel Blueprint
Skilled Crew Member
Action Report
Furniture Fairy
New Model Armament Material
New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
New Model Aerial Armament Material
Improvement Material
Underway Replenishment
Emergency Repair Material
Food Supply Ship Mamiya
Food Supply Ship Irako
New Model Rocket Development Material
11 Expensive craftable/stock equipment
Instant Repair Material
Development Material
Instant Construction Material
15 Any cheap craftable equipment

Gallery completion guide

A guide not to have the best gears nor the best fleet, but just to complete your "kancodex" (Gallery) of equipment. Here are listed all obtainable equipment and how to obtain them in the current state of the game.

Quest trap advices

Some quests will ask to choose between several rewards, and sometimes the choice can lock unique equipment. This list gives reward picking advice in order to maximize the Gallery completion (assuming the following equipment are not already possessed):

Quest Good choice Notes
B88 PBY-5A Catalina 
B106 NOAP Skilled 
B124 Type 0 Passive Sonar 
B129 Prototype Nanzan  According the Prototype 46cm  is chosen in B130
B130 Prototype 46cm  According the Prototype Nanzan  is choosed in B129
B141 Type D Kouhyouteki 
B143 Prototype Toukai  According the Raiden  is chosen in F81
B146 Fairey Seafox Kai 
B150 Lightweight ASW Torpedo 
B153 Prototype Shuusui 
B158 Canned Saury  In the case all future Saury events are missed
B165 Type 1 Hayabusa Mod III Kai bomber 
B170 FR-1 Fireball 
B175 Type 3 Fighter Hien  Also unlocks the Hien Mod D  & Hien 244th 
B181 10cm Twin HA CD  If not taken from B182 nor B183
B182 10cm Twin HA CD 
B183 51cm Triple  According the 10cm Twin HA CD  is chosen in B181 or B182
B185 GFCS Mk.37  Also unlocks the 5" + GFCS 
B190 T42 Air Radar K2 
B194 SSLO 
B195 SJ Radar 
B196 Shiun  If not taken from D29
D29 Shiun  If not taken from B195
D39 Do 17 Z-2  Also unlocks the Do 217 + Missile 
F80 Reppuu Model 11  According the Type 3 Fighter Hien  is chosen in B175
F81 Raiden  According the Prototype Toukai  is chosen in B143