Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
おはようございます。航空機搭載給油艦 速吸です。みなさんのサポート、頑張ります | Good morning. I'm the aircraft carrying fleet oiler Hayasui. I'll do my best to support everyone. | ||
Library Intro |
随伴型の給油艦、速吸です。よろしくお願いします!様々な物資を補給できろ多用途給油艦でありながら、航空機の運用が可能な設計です。ミッドウエー海戦後の計画変更で流星の発信も可能となりました! | I'm Hayasui, an escort-type fleet oiler. A pleasure to meet you! I can supply various materials because I'm a multi purpose oiler, I'm also designed to carry aircraft. It's even possible that the Midway Operation could have been different if I was there to launch Ryuusei! | ||
Secretary(1) |
はい!速吸、参ります! | Yes! Hayasui is coming! | ||
Secretary(2) |
提督さん、補給任務ですか?頑張ります! | Admiral-san, is it a supply mission? I'll do my best! | ||
Secretary(3) |
提督さん、ターンテーブルは…その…いえ…問題ありません…大丈夫です。 | Admiral-san, that turntable... is... no... it's no problem... I'm fine. | ||
Secretary(idle) |
えとう…次の作戦とか行かなくても…あっ…まだいいんですか?すみません、何かやることがあれば…はい、速吸待機してます! | Ummm... Is it still not time to... ah... go on the next operation? Sorry, there is something you need to do first... yes, Hayasui will be on standby! | ||
Secretary(Married) |
提督さん、流星もいいですけど、水上機もいいですよね。瑞雲とか…あっ…違うです!最上さんとか日向さんとか…別に… | Admiral-san, even though Ryuusei is alright, seaplanes are all right too. Zuiun is... ah... different! Mogami-san and Hyuuga-san are... different... | ||
Wedding |
提督さん、お呼びでしょうか?ん!?この箱を速吸に?あけてもいいですか?わぁ…きれい!あぁ!これって…これって!? | Admiral-san, is this an invitation? Hm!? Is this box for me? Can I open it? Waa.. it's beautiful! Aaa! Is this... is this!? | ||
Show player's score |
提督さん、最新の情報ですね?はい、ご用意します! | Admiral-san, the latest information? Yes, it's available! | ||
Joining a fleet |
はい、連合艦隊直属給油艦速吸、抜錨します! | Yes, fleet oiler Hayasui leading the combined fleet, setting sail! | ||
Equipment(1) |
この機材は…あぁ…はい!速吸,運用可能です! | This equipment is... ah... yes! I'll make good use of it! | ||
Equipment(2) |
これなら…これなら艦隊の皆さんと一緒に戦えるかもしれません! | With this... with this I may be able to fight together with the rest of the fleet! | ||
Equipment(3) |
お茶ですか?はい! | Some tea? Yes! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
そうか!速吸自身の補給も入りますもんね!提督さん、いつもありがとう! | That's right! Hayasui also needs resupplying! Admiral-san, thank you for everything! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
すみません…儀装や補給設備が…はい!直します。 | I'm sorry... the ceremonial equipment and supply facilities are... Yes! I'll fix them up. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
やだ!?重油タンクに穴が?えっ!?弾薬庫や糧食かも?すみません、直します。 | Oh no!? A hole in the fuel tank? Eh!? Even the magazine and provisions? I'm sorry, I'll fix it. | ||
Ship construction |
新しい艦が就役したみたいです。楽しみですね。 | It seems that a new ship has been commissioned. I'm looking forward to it. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が戻ってきました!ああよかったみんな無事で… | The fleet has returned! Aah thank goodness everyone is safe... | ||
Start a sortie |
第一補給部隊、旗艦速吸、抜錨!艦隊出撃です! | First Resupply Unit, flagship Hayasui, setting sail! Fleet commence sortie! | ||
Battle start |
敵艦隊発見!?は、えっと…攻撃です。速吸航空隊、発艦始め! | Enemy fleet detected!? Ah, ummm... begin attack. Hayasui air wing, take off! | ||
Attack |
航空甲板、大丈夫?航空隊発艦! | Flight deck, all green? Air wing take off! | ||
Night battle |
夜戦…ん…やるしかないです!主砲砲戦よい、突入します! | Night battle... hmmm... can't be helped! Begin the gun battle, charge in! | ||
Night attack |
速吸航空隊、頼みます! | Hayasui air wing, I'm counting on you! | ||
えぇー、速吸の航空隊が大戦果を挙げたんですか?素直に嬉しいです。嬉しい! | Eeh, Hayasui's air wing had great achievements? I'm honestly happy. Really happy! | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
ひゃっ…ひゃぁ!重油タンクは…平気? | Hiyaa... hiyaa! Is the heavy oil tank... alright? | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
いー痛い…!ああ…大事な補給物資が…もう! | Owww...! Aah... the important resupply materials are... ugh! | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
被弾しました。私、防御力ないので、少しピンチです。 | I'm hit. I don't have much defence so I'm in a bit of a pinch. | ||
Sunk |
あっ…あれ…?体が傾いて…えぇー?速吸…沈んでいるの…?やだぁ… | Hu...huh...? My body is listing... eh? Hayasui... is sinking...? No... |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
提督さん、日付が変わりました。本日はこの速吸が、時刻をお知らせしますね。はい、任せて下さい! | Admiral-san, the date has changed. I, Hayasui, will give you the time notification today. Yes, please leave it to me! | |
01:00 |
提督さん、マルヒトマルマルです。はい! まだまだ速吸、大丈夫です! ほら! | Admiral-san, it's 0100. Yes! Hayasui is still alright! Look! | |
02:00 |
提督さん、マルフタ…マルマルです。や、やだ、眠くなってなんかいません! はい! | Admiral-san, it's 02...00. N, no, I'm not sleepy at all! Yes! | |
03:00 |
マルサン…マル…マル…あ、あれ? はっ?! お、起きてますって。全然大丈夫だもん! | 03...0...0... ah, that? Huh?! I, I'm totally awake. Everything is fine! | |
04:00 |
マル、ヨン…マル…ふぅぅ…むにゃむにゃ…も、もう積み込めないですぅ…はぁ…むにゃむにゃ… | 0,4...0... fuuu... mumble mumble... I, I can't carry any more... haaa... mumble mumble. | |
05:00 |
ふぇ…ふぅ……はっ?! や、やだ提督さん、どうして起こしてくれないんです?! やだぁ… | Fueeh... fuuu... huh?! Oh, oh no Admiral-san, why didn't you wake me up?! Oh no... | |
06:00 |
マルロクマルマルです。提督さん…はい、すみません。朝食の準備、始めますね | It's 0600. Yes, please excuse me... Admiral-san. I'll begin the breakfast preparations right away. | |
07:00 |
マルナナマルマル。そして、朝食の準備が出来ました。さぁ、召し上がれ! 麦飯にジャガイモのお味噌汁、魚の干物と、あと… | 0700. And so, breakfast is ready. Barley rice, potato miso soup, dried fish, and... | |
08:00 |
提督さん、マルハチマルマルです。あ、はい。間宮さんほどじゃありませんけど、糧食庫も完備ですので、お料理、得意なんです♪ | Admiral-san, it's 0800. Ah, yes. I'm not as good as Mamiya-san but my provision storage is always fully stocked and I'm really good at cooking too♪ | |
09:00 |
提督さん、マルキュウマルマルです。さぁ、今日も頑張ってまいりましょう! | Admiral-san, it's 0900. Come on, let's continue working hard today! | |
10:00 |
提督さん、ヒトマルマルマルです。まず、遠征艦隊の状況確認ですね。えーっと… | Admiral-san, it's 1000. First off, let's check the status of the expedition fleet. Errr... | |
11:00 |
提督さん、ヒトヒトマルマルです。遠征はこれでよし。次は、演習でしょうか? はい! | Admiral-san, it's 1100. The expedition is all ok. Next is, exercises? Yes! | |
12:00 |
提督さん、ヒトフタマルマル、正午です! お昼お持ちしますね? 待ってて | Admiral-san, it's 1200, it's noon! Shall you have lunch? I've been looking forward to it. | |
13:00 |
ヒトサンマルマルです。提督さん、速吸のオムライス、いかがでしたか? にひひ♪ ちょっと贅沢しちゃった | 1300. Admiral-san, what did you think of Hayasui's omelette rice? Nihihi♪ I may have made it a bit overboard | |
14:00 |
提督さん、ヒトヨンマルマルです。さぁ、午後も頑張ってまいりましょう! | Admiral-san, it's 1400. Come on, let's work hard this afternoon! | |
15:00 |
ヒトゴーマルマルです。提督さん、ちょっとお茶とお菓子とかどうですか? 速吸、ご用意しますね? 待ってて | 1500. Admiral, would you like some tea and snacks? Shall Hayasui go prepare some? Please wait a while | |
16:00 |
提督さん、ヒトロクマルマルです。え、風早、ですか? うぅん、しばらく会ってないです。確かトラックとかって…元気かな… | Admiral-san, it's 1600. Eh, Kazahaya? Ummm, I haven't seen her around in a while. If I recall she's in Truk... I hope she's doing well... | Kazahaya is the name ship of Hayasui's class |
17:00 |
提督さん、ヒトナナマルマルです。夕日、綺麗ですね? …いつまでも見ていたい | Admiral-san, it's 1700. Isn't the sunset beautiful? ...I want to look at it forever. | |
18:00 |
提督さん、ヒトハチマルマルです。お夕食はどうしましょう? 何がいいですか? 速吸、ご用意しますね! | Admiral-san, it's 1800. Would you like to have dinner? What would you like? Hayasui will prepare it! | |
19:00 |
ヒトキュウマルマル。はい、頑張って洋風ディナーをご用意です。メインはビーフステーキ! はい、ビフテキです! 特別です! | 1900. Yes, I can prepare a western-style dinner with some effort. The main will be steak! Yes, steak! It'll be special! | |
20:00 |
提督、フタマルマルマルです。食後の珈琲をどうぞ。お夕食、お口にあいました? 本当? 良かった~! えへへ♪ | Admiral, it's 2000. Please have an after dinner coffee. Your dinner was to your taste? Really? I'm glad~! Ehehe♪ | |
21:00 |
提督さん、フタヒトマルマルです。三水戦さんの方が、少し騒がしいですね。なんでしょうか? え、ほっといていい? あ、はい | Admiral, it's 2100. The 3rd torpedo squadron is being really noisy. What should we do? Eh, leave them alone? Ah, yes. | |
22:00 |
提督さん、フタフタマルマルです。え、大鷹さん、ですか? あ、はい。いつかまた、ここで会えると思っています。きっと | Admiral-san, it's 2200. Eh, Taiyou-san? Ah, yes. I hope to meet her one day too. I really do. | She participated in two convoys with the escort carrier Taiyou |
23:00 |
フタサンマルマルです! 提督さん、今日も1日お疲れ様でした! 明日も頑張りましょう、はい! | It's 2300! Admiral-san, thanks for another day of hard work! Let's do our best tomorrow too, yes! |
Seasonal Quotes
Drop Locations
Seiyuu: Nomizu Iori
Artist: コニシ
- Reward for clearing E-4 of the Summer 2015 Event.
- Hayasui Kai has some very unique aspect when it comes to combat performance:
- If she is not equipped with torpedo bombers, she uses the regular formula [Firepower + Effective Bonus (Shelling) + 5] for shelling damage.
- She uses the regular cannon attack effect in this state. She is also capable of performing daytime special attacks in this state, but restriction on armaments limits her damage output.
- On the other hand, if she is equipped with at least 1 torpedo bomber, her shelling damage formula changes to the carrier formula ( {[Firepower + Torpedo + Effective Bonus (Shelling) + (Dive Bomb × 1.3)] × 1.5} + 55).
- Equipping her with 3 torpedo bombers easily allows her to reach daytime damage cap in this case (making her a transport ship that could potentially one-shot Yamato-class Battleships in Exercise). But since her slots are small, don't give her high-expertise torpedo bombers in exercise in this case.
- Since the escort fleet (second fleet) of a Combined Fleet doesn't participate in the aerial combat phase, by putting her in the escort fleet, you could utilize her high output without risking any of her planes.
- On the other hand, her damage output at night battle is currently unknown in this state, and her armor is paper-thin, making her extremely high-risk, high-return.
- She launches planes for her attack effect in this state, regardless of any cannons equipped. She is not capable of performing daytime special attacks in this state, however. In addition, in this state, she loses the ability to attack at moderate damage or worse, so this is another weakness.