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Revision as of 15:58, 3 August 2016 by KyoriAsh (talk | contribs) (Updated template test)
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Shipquote Sample

Play Library 特型駆逐艦18番艦、綾波型の8番艦、曙よ。
Special-type destroyer number 18, 8th of the Ayanami-class, Akebono.
I'm not a sumo wrestler.[1] Remember that.
I participated in the first naval air battle, the Coral Sea!
But, I'm a bit uneasy around subs...
Play MVP 大勝利よ!私に十分感謝しなさい、このクソ提督♪
Major victory! Be thankful, you shitty Admiral♪
Play Wedding あたしをこんな所に呼び出すなんて、ずいぶんと偉くなったものね糞提督…っていうか、どうして告白してるの!?ドMなの!?
To call me out to such a place, you think you're so great, don't you, you shitty Admiral... I mean, what's with you confessing to me! Are you a masochist!?
Play Equipment(3)[note 1] ほんと冗談じゃないわ
This is no joke!
Play Sunk 海の底にはなにがあるのかな…
What lies at the bottom of the sea...?


  1. This scenario is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.


  1. Akebono is also the name of a famous 90s sumo wrestler.

Filterable Sortable Table (Colspan may caused bugged)

No. Name Class-#▼ Type▼ Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Aircraft Speed Range Fuel Ammo

Shipinfo, Shipinfo2 and EnemyShipInfo combined


No.31 睦月

Mutsuki Class Destroyer

Ship Card Mutsuki.png
Ship Card Mutsuki Damaged.png
HP HP 13 Firepower Firepower 6
Armor Armor 5 Torpedo Torpedo 18
Evasion Evasion 37 AA AA 7
Aircraft Aircraft 0 ASW ASW 16
Speed Speed Fast LOS LOS 4
Range Range Short Luck Luck 12
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
18:00 2
Stock Equipment
12cm Single Cannon
7.7mm Gun

Kaga Kai

No.007b 加賀改

Kaga Class Aircraft Carrier

Ship Card Kaga Kai.png
Ship Card Kaga Kai Damaged.png
HP HP 79 Firepower Firepower 6 (49)
Armor Armor 45 (79) Torpedo Torpedo 0
Evasion Evasion 39 (69) AA AA 42 (79)
Aircraft Aircraft 98 ASW ASW 0
Speed Speed High LOS LOS 61 (89)
Range Range Short Luck Luck 12
Fuel.pngFuel 80 Ammunition.pngAmmo 80
Build Time Slots
Lv30 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment SpaceSpace
Type 52 Zero Fighter 20
Suisei (Comet) 20
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 46
-Unequipped- 12

Destroyer I-Class

No.501 駆逐イ級

Abyssal Class Destroyer

HP HP 20 Firepower Firepower 5
Armor Armor 5 Torpedo Torpedo 15
Evasion Evasion 14 AA AA 6
Aircraft Aircraft 0 ASW ASW 25
Speed Speed Fast LOS LOS 3
Range Range Short Luck Luck 1
5inch Single Cannon

Kanmusu Tabber


No.020 北上

Kuma Class Light Cruiser

Health HP 25 Firepower Firepower 14 (39)
Armor Armor 10 (29) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 24 (79)
Evasion Evasion 36 (69) Anti-Air AA 13 (49)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 19 (59)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 8 (39)
Range Range Medium Luck Luck 15 (69)
FuelFuel 25 AmmunitionAmmo 25
Build Time Slots
01:00:00 2
Stock Equipment
14cm Naval Gun
61cm Quad Torpedo Mount

Voice Kanmusu Name Japanese Translation
Play Fubuki 司令官、今日は私たちにとって、特別の日ですね?ご一緒出って幸せです、はい!

Voice line template

Voice Kanmusu Name Japanese Translation
File:011-2ndAnniv.mp3 Fubuki 司令官、今日は私たちにとって、特別の日ですね?ご一緒出って幸せです、はい!

Proposal Kanmusu Infobox (Borrowed from Chinese Kancolle Wiki)

長門 (ながと)
Nagato Class No. 1 Battleship
HP Firepower Armor Torpedo Evasion AA
HP {{{火力}}}
{{{雷装}}} {{{回避}}}
搭载 Aircraft 对潜 ASW 速力 Speed 索敌 LOS 射程 Range Luck
{{{搭载}}} {{{对潜}}} {{{速力}}} {{{索敌}}}
{{{射程}}} {{{运}}}
建造时间 {{{建造时间}}}

Another version

Haruna card.jpg 榛名 (はるな)
|023.png Kongou Class No. 3 Battleship
Icon HP.pngHP Icon Gun.pngFirepower Icon Armor.pngArmor Icon Torpedo.pngTorpedo Icon Evasion.pngEvasion Icon AA.pngAA
63 63 (89) 52 (69) 0 30 (59) 18 (48)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft Icon ASW.png ASW Icon Speed.png Speed Icon LOS.png LOS Icon Range.png Range Icon Luck.png Luck
9 0 Fast 13 (39) Long 15 (69)
Build Time {{{建造时间}}}
Stock Equipment Slot
[[{{{装备1}}}]] -
封锁 -
封锁 -
封锁 -

Testing timer overlay

0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds
NPC Fairy Tutorial A 1.png

google+ test



<choose> <option>Star</option> <option>Moon</option> <option>Sun</option> </choose>[1]

The first paragraph (Explanation1 )

The second paragraph (Explaination 2)


Inside Wiki

Suggestions? User Blogs Top 10 Polls Recent Activity

External Links

Official Website Japanese wiki (atwiki) English Forum
Play Game Japanese wiki (wikiwiki) Reddit
Official Twitter Japanese Calculator Sortie Database
Official Artists and CVs info Air Superiority Calculator


World A

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Node # Encountered vessels Form Air
Day Battle
1 Light Cruiser He-Class FlagshipDestroyer Ro-Class FlagshipDestroyer Ro-Class FlagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class EliteDestroyer I-Class EliteDestroyer I-Class Elite Formation 1: Line Ahead
2 Light Cruiser He-Class FlagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class FlagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class FlagshipDestroyer Ro-Class FlagshipDestroyer I-Class EliteDestroyer I-Class Elite Formation 1: Line Ahead

World B

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Node Pattern Encountered vessels Form  Air 

Day Battle

Pattern 1 Light Cruiser He-Class FlagshipDestroyer Ro-Class FlagshipDestroyer Ro-Class FlagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class EliteDestroyer I-Class EliteDestroyer I-Class Elite Formation 1: Line Ahead
Pattern 2 Light Cruiser He-Class FlagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class FlagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class FlagshipDestroyer Ro-Class FlagshipDestroyer I-Class EliteDestroyer I-Class Elite Formation 1: Line Ahead


Slider test

Episodes layout example

Episode #

English Japanese Romaji Script Storyboard Episode Director Animation Director Airdate


Figure Page Organization Test

Scale Figures


Kongou Half Damage Ver.

こんごう ちゅうはver.

Detailed Info Page

¥13,704 (Before Tax)

Released 2015/01

Buy at:
CD Japan

Kahotan's Blog
Scale Figures (Mark II)


Kongou Damaged Ver.
こんごう ちゅうはver.
From the popular social game Kantai Collection -KanColle- comes a 1/8th scale figure of the Super Dreadnought Battleship, Kongo! She has been sculpted in her damaged version that is reached after falling below half health. The damaged appearance shows off her captivating body beneath the -precious equipment- she received from the admiral - and the damaged look of her outfit itself has also been very intricately sculpted for fans to enjoy!
Scale: 1/8th Scale

Price (As written on manufacturer's site): ¥13,704 (Before Tax)
Release Date: 2015/01
Specifications: Painted 1/8th scale PVC figure with stand included. Approximately 120mm in height.
Sculptor: YOSHI

new section

this section is supposed to be eaten by the figure section

Messing around with Signature Code

Kancolle Wiki Gensui HimeTalk 15:49, February 27, 2015 (UTC)

Including hourly rates in exp tableWiki.png

# Name Time HQ Ship Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Rewards
1 練習航海 00:15 10 10 30
2 長距離練習航海 00:30 20 15 100 30 Item Icon Instant Repair Material.pngx1
3 警備任務 00:20 30 30 30 30 40
4 対潜警戒任務 00:50 30 40 60 Item Icon Instant Repair Material.pngx1 Item Icon Furniture Box (Small).pngx1
5 海上護衛任務 01:30 40 40 200 200 20 20
6 防空射撃演習 00:40 30 50 80 Item Icon Furniture Box (Small).pngx1
7 観艦式予行 01:00 60 120 50 30 Item Icon Instant Construction Material.pngx1
8 観艦式 03:00 120 140 50 100 50 50 Item Icon Instant Construction Material.pngx2 Item Icon Development Material.pngx1

Testing sortable stat table

No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition
126 I-168 伊168改
Nicknamed Imuya
Kaidai 6a 50 11 69 0 0 29 10 (49) 15 18 49 Slow 0 10 20
127 I-58 伊58改
Nicknamed Goya
Type B3 (SSV) 50 12 84 0 0 39 50 (79) 18 19 49 Slow 2 (1,1) 10 25
123 I-19 伊19改
Nicknamed Iku
Type B1 (SSV) 50 12 89 0 0 39 13 (59) 18 19 49 Slow 2 (1,1) 10 25
128 I-8 伊8改
Nicknamed Hachi
Type J3 (SSV) 50 14 84 0 0 39 25 (69) 19 19 49 Slow 2 (1,1) 10 25
155 I-401 伊401改
Nicknamed Shioi
Sen Toku (SSV) 35 19 80 0 0 45 20 (59) 24 24 44 Slow 6 (3,3) 25 30
163 Maruyu まるゆ改 Type 3 S.T.V. 20 5 19 0 0 4 7 (77) 7 11 13 Slow 0 10 10
231 U-511 U-511改
Nicknamed Yuu
Type IXC 35 12 64 0 0 29 34 (67) 13 20 59 Slow 0 10 20
236 Ro-500 呂500 Type IXC 55 13 69 0 0 34 44 (77) 13 21 68 Slow 0 10 20

Testing wikitable sortable stat table

No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition
126 I-168 伊168改
Nicknamed Imuya
Kaidai 6a 50 11 69 0 0 29 10 (49) 15 18 49 Slow 0 10 20
127 I-58 伊58改
Nicknamed Goya
Type B3 (SSV) 50 12 84 0 0 39 50 (79) 18 19 49 Slow 2 (1,1) 10 25
123 I-19 伊19改
Nicknamed Iku
Type B1 (SSV) 50 12 89 0 0 39 13 (59) 18 19 49 Slow 2 (1,1) 10 25
128 I-8 伊8改
Nicknamed Hachi
Type J3 (SSV) 50 14 84 0 0 39 25 (69) 19 19 49 Slow 2 (1,1) 10 25
155 I-401 伊401改
Nicknamed Shioi
Sen Toku (SSV) 35 19 80 0 0 45 20 (59) 24 24 44 Slow 6 (3,3) 25 30
163 Maruyu まるゆ改 Type 3 S.T.V. 20 5 19 0 0 4 7 (77) 7 11 13 Slow 0 10 10
231 U-511 U-511改
Nicknamed Yuu
Type IXC 35 12 64 0 0 29 34 (67) 13 20 59 Slow 0 10 20
236 Ro-500 呂500 Type IXC 55 13 69 0 0 34 44 (77) 13 21 68 Slow 0 10 20

Collapsing templates

Simple collapsible table
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Remi's Play Area


Script error: No such module "RemiSandbox".

Patches's "Why does this S*%#! not F*&^%$#ing work!" Area

Equipment Card 12cm Single Gun Mount.png
Equipment Character 12cm Single Gun Mount.png
Equipment Item 12cm Single Gun Mount.png

Template Test


Experimental Armaments Arsenal

(Please watch your step.)




Unified Installation Template

  • Sandbox is a plane-using installation-type enemy. This changes some of Sandbox's behaviors:
  • Sandbox's damage indicator text is different from others:
  • Slightly damaged(小破) → Confused(混乱)
  • Moderately damaged(中破) → Damaged(損害)
  • Heavily damaged(大破) → Broken(損壊)
  • Sunken(撃沈) → Destroyed(破壊)
  • With regards to attacking, Sandbox:
  • Enables 2nd round of daytime shelling.
  • Cannot attack during daytime shelling at Damaged or worse.
  • Cannot attack during daytime shelling if all of Sandbox's carried planes are shot down.
  • Uses the carrier formula for shelling damage. (Daytime: [Firepower + Torpedo + (Dive Bomb × 1.3)] × 1.5 + 55; Nighttime: Firepower + Torpedo)
  • Attacks at night if not Broken or Destroyed.
  • Prioritizes attacking submarines during daytime shelling. (Attacks surface ships at night)
  • With regards to defending, Sandbox:
  • Cannot be the target of torpedo attacks, with the exception of torpedo bombers;
  • Treats torpedo value as 0 for all other incoming attacks for damage calculation (again, excluding torpedo bombers during aerial combat);
  • Is not subject to cut-in attacks involving torpedoes (Mixed cut-in and Torpedo cut-in fail to function);
  • Cannot be the target of shelling phase attacks from carriers carrying at least 1 dive bomber, but can be chosen as shelling target if all dive bombers equipped on that carrier were shot down or if only torpedo bombers were equipped on that carrier in the first place.
  • Takes increased damage from ships equipped with Type 3 Shells and WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).
  • Takes increased damage and has lower evasion rate during daytime shelling from battleships equipped with both large caliber guns Large Caliber Main Gunand AP shellsArmor-Piercing Shell.
  • Not subject to covering from escort ships.