Summer 2021 Event/E-3/Historical Ships

< Summer 2021 Event‎ | E-3
Revision as of 20:03, 6 September 2021 by Memetails (talk | contribs) (Updated ship bonuses)

DISCLAIMER: This information is based on user submitted data and is subject to revisions as more data is gathered. Any version of the ship receives the bonus regardless of remodel.

Ships Nodes I Nodes O Nodes Z2 Nodes Z3
Ship Banner Nelson.png - - 1.15x 1.15x 1.16x 1.57x
Ship Banner Warspite.png - -
Ship Banner Jervis.png - - 1.1x (?) 1.4x
Ship Banner Janus.png - -
Ship Banner Ark Royal.png - -
Ship Banner Italia.png - - 1.1x 1.05x 1.16x 1.4x
Ship Banner Washington.png - - 1.26x
Ship Banner Perth.png - - 1.1x
Ship Banner Zara.png Ship Banner Pola.png Ship Banner Libeccio.png 1.43x
Ship Banner Roma.png - - 1.4x
Ship Banner Conte di Cavour.png - - 1.26x
Ship Banner Duca degli Abruzzi.png Ship Banner Giuseppe Garibaldi.png - 1.28x
Ship Banner Aquila.png Ship Banner Grecale.png Ship Banner Maestrale.png
Ship Banner Scirocco.png Ship Banner Luigi Torelli.png -
Ship Banner Verniy.png - - 1.1x 1.28x
Ship Banner Sheffield.png - -
Ship Banner Bismarck.png - - 1.05x 1.21x 1.1x 1.18x
Ship Banner Prinz Eugen.png - -
Ship Banner Richelieu.png - -
Ship Banner Gotland.png - - 1.1x 1.1x 1.18x
Ship Banner Tashkent.png - - 1.34x
Ship Banner Gangut.png - -
Ship Banner Graf Zeppelin.png - - 1.21x
Ship Banner Houston.png - - 1.05x
Ship Banner Naganami.png - - 1.15x(?)
Ship Banner Kongou.png Ship Banner Hiei.png - 1.34x
All Non-Historical 1.05x
Non-Historical CAV 1.29x
Other Non-Historical 1.15x

Bonuses (Stacks with above) Multiplier [Total]
Debuff Bonuses
Ship Banner Bismarck.png Ship Banner Prinz Eugen.png - 1.1x [1.3x]
Ship Banner Conte di Cavour.png Ship Banner Washington.png - 1.1x [1.38x]
Ship Banner Verniy.png Ship Banner Duca degli Abruzzi.png Ship Banner Giuseppe Garibaldi.png 1.15x [1.47x]
Ship Banner Kongou.png Ship Banner Hiei.png Ship Banner Tashkent.png 1.15x [1.53x]
Ship Banner Janus.png Ship Banner Jervis.png - 1.15x [1.61x]
Ship Banner Zara.png Ship Banner Pola.png Ship Banner Libeccio.png 1.15x [1.64x]
Ship Banner Nelson.png Ship Banner Warspite.png - 1.2x or 1.25x [1.88x/1.95x] (?)
Non-Historicals 1.1x [1.26x]
Boss Debuff (Against Enemy FlagshipEuropean Armored Carrier Princess Debuffed Only) 1.15x(?)

Equipment Bonuses

Historical Aircraft Bonuses Map-wide Node I Node O ???
Group A
Re.2001 G Kai

Re.2001 CB Kai
1.05x ? ? ?
Installation DB
Ju 87C Kai
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX)
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)
Group B
Swordfish Mk.II (Skilled)
Swordfish Mk.III (Skilled)
Barracuda Mk.II
Barracuda Mk.III
1.1x ? ? ?
SM.79 bis
Do 217 E-5 + Hs293 Initial Model
Do 217 K-2 + Fritz-X
Group C

FR-1 Fireball
1.05x 1.1x 1.1x ?
Bf 109T Kai
Fw 190T Kai
Fw 190 A-5 Kai (Skilled)
1.14x 1.15x 1.14x
Re.2001 OR Kai
Re.2005 Kai
1.17x 1.2x 1.17x
Corsair Mk.II
Seafire Mk.III Kai
Fulmar (Reconnaissance Fighter/Skilled)
1.25x 1.3x 1.35x
Stacking multiple planes of the same group does not give higher bonus

The highest two C modifiers overwrite the other C planes
e.g. if you have C1, C2, C3 and C4 planes, you will only receive C3 + C4 bonuses [1.17 * 1.25]

C2, C3 and C4 bonuses overwrite A and B bonuses
e.g. if you have group A, B, C2 and C3 planes, you will only receive C2 * C3 bonus [1.14 * 1.17]

Possible Setups
A + B + C1 [1.05 * 1.1 * 1.05 = 1.21275]
C2 + C3 [1.14 * 1.17 = 1.3338]
C2 + C4 [1.14 * 1.25 = 1.425x]
C3 + C4 [1.25 * 1.17 = 1.4625]