10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount

No.3 10cm連装高角砲
GreenGunDP.png Small Caliber Main Gun
Effects: Firepower+2 AA+7 RangeShort
Scrap value: Ammo 1 Steel 3 (Buildable)

Equipment Card 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount.png

Equipment Character 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount.png

Equipment Item 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount.png

Equipment Full 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount.png

Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship


画期的な長砲身半自動装填砲を動力砲塔に備えた「長10cm」と呼ばれた新型の防空用高角砲で、 「秋月」型駆逐艦に搭載されました。

This is the main gun of the anti-air destroyers.
It is a groundbreaking new model anti-air high-angle gun with a long barrel, semi-automatic loading and a powered turret. It was equipped on the Akizuki-class destroyers.
Its complex design made it difficult to mass-produce, but it was a key part of the fleet's defence against the air superiority of enemy aircraft.


Not to be confused with 10cm Twin High-angle Carriage Mount.

Updates History

Fit Bonuses

10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Equipment Bonuses
Ship Extra Requirement                 Note
Hatsuzuki Kai Ni  - +2 +2 +1 +2
Other Akizuki-class 
- +1 +2 +1
Fujinami Kai Ni  - +1 +1 +1

Akashi's Improvement Arsenal

Type Name Resource Day 2nd Ship Note
              Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount 0 0 0 80 70 4/5 2/3 1x  Fy
Fubuki Kai Ni 
Upgrades to 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director .
6 5/6 4/5 1x 
10 8/12 6/10 1x 


One of Japan's relatively successful anti-air weapons, being equipped on carrier Taihou, light cruiser Oyodo and Akizuki-class destroyers (the illustration shows the turret-mounted variant seen on Akizuki-class; Oyodo and Taihou were equipped with carriage-mounted ones). Both muzzle velocity and operating speed were increased significantly compared to traditional destroyer guns, making it more effective toward enemy aircraft. In reality its anti-surface ability was not as high due to accuracy and ammunition mass but in-game it has the same firepower stat as the twin 12.7cm. Although the gun proved effective, Japanese Navy's anti-air ability still lagged behind as the anti-air fire control device was outdated. 

It is easily accessible in-game as most destroyers carry it as stock equipment upon remodel; Chief Developer Mr. Tanaka once regretted that this weapon "was deployed rather too early, even before the Akizuki-class appeared in-game" in an interview.

See Also

10 cm/65 Type 98 naval gun